Kerry's Promises-How Many Weeks Left?


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
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One thing GW did in the first election, several promises that he just kept hammering. One of which was, 'No more nation building.' Well 9/11 changed that one, but other than a few isolationists, most seemed to be able to live with that. He promised tax cuts. He promised NCLB. That was pretty much it.

Let us not forget Carl Jung's words:

The man who promises everything is sure to fulfil nothing, and everyone who promises too much is in danger of using evil means in order to carry out his promises, and is already on the road to perdition.
And what Shakespeare said about expectations in All's Well that Ends Well:
Oft expectation fails, and most oft there Where most it promises; and oft it hits Where hope is coldest and despair most fits.
Kathianne said:
One thing GW did in the first election, several promises that he just kept hammering. One of which was, 'No more nation building.' Well 9/11 changed that one, but other than a few isolationists, most seemed to be able to live with that. He promised tax cuts. He promised NCLB. That was pretty much it.

I suer hope you are not trying to say Bush only made three promises and has fufilled 2/3rds of them. Because first of all 2/3rds is hardly what I would call success and second he promised much more than just 3 things.

Here is a good place to start with GW bush broken promises...

Hobbit said:
Bah! That's a site that claims CNN is conservative. Go find something reputable.

So you refute their claim about CNN, but you have nothing to say about the claims about Bushs promises? Even I did not agree with all the things they say about Bush...

But most of the stuff there is pretty good.

T- get your head outta the sand. It is blocking your breathing passages. You are nuts. Most of that can be easily "debunked" and what can't be debunked, is mostly the cause of 9-11 and the WoT.

What were the deficits in WWII?
freeandfun1 said:
T- get your head outta the sand. It is blocking your breathing passages. You are nuts. Most of that can be easily "debunked" and what can't be debunked, is mostly the cause of 9-11 and the WoT.

What were the deficits in WWII?

Wow you convinced me. Bush never breaks promises. He is completly trustworthy! :)
tpahl said:
Wow you convinced me. Bush never breaks promises. He is completly trustworthy! :)

You are just being childish. You act as if once you make a decision, come hell or high water, you can't change it. EVEN IF IT IS IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE NATION.

Bush made some TUFF decisions and for that, I respect him. He has said that if he does not get re-elected, so be it. He will put the nation first and if morons like you can't see that, then TOOOOOOO bad! :funnyface
freeandfun1 said:
You are just being childish. You act as if once you make a decision, come hell or high water, you can't change it. EVEN IF IT IS IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE NATION.

Bush made some TUFF decisions and for that, I respect him. He has said that if he does not get re-elected, so be it. He will put the nation first and if morons like you can't see that, then TOOOOOOO bad! :funnyface

I am not being childish and I do not appreciate being called a moron. I have been polite to you and would appreciate the same courtesy in return.

You may respect Bush and may excuse all his broken promises on 9/11. Others do not. For example how has 9/11 effected his spending on education, the increase in health insurance premiums for the poor he promised to reduce? Why did 9/11 make it imperative that the federal government continue to not comply with their own enviromental regulations that Bush promised he would make the federal government follow? Did the terrorrists make Bush freeze the pell grant at $4050 instead of the $5100 Bush promised in 2000? What is the terrorists links to the budget bills that Bush has yet to veto once depsite claiming to he will attack pork barrel spending? He can not attack pork and terrorists at the same time? Are the terrorists twisting bushs arm to spend Social Security trust fund despite Bush promising in 2000 not to do it?

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