Kerry Warns of Israeli ‘Apartheid’

And Roudy, I am a very effective debater because I have the facts and your position is indefensible without the use of propaganda and falsehoods.
Still linking to propaganda sites, I see. Who do you think your fooling?
Propaganda sites? Ha ha ha, ho ho ho, hee hee hee! Are you denying that the Mufti of Jerusalem, Yasser Arafat's uncle and mentor, was a Nazi, who not only met with Hitler and his henchmen and created a Muslim Nazi army that fought for the Nazis, but also caused the death of hundreds of thousands of Jews?

You are nothing but a fool and an ineffective propagandist.

He was an ally of the Germans, as were Italy, Romania, Hungary and others, all provided troops and assisted the Nazi and probably killed Jews along with many more millions of non-Jews. However, it is no surprise that the Palestinians would help and ally themselves with the enemies of the nation that had plans to create a what was effectively a European colony Palestine rather than grant the Palestinian Christians and Muslims as was promised.
He was more than just an "ally" his ideology carried on the Arab nationalistic movements such as the Baathists. He also caused the death of 400,000 Jews, personally sending a letter to Hitler and Himmler to send them to the gas chambers. The Palestinian national movement is rooted in Nazism and pure evil. In fact, one can say that the Mufti planted the first seeds of today's IslamoNazism.

Huffington Post Monitor: Haj Amin Al Husseini Page

"Husseini is still regarded by many as 'the George Washington' of the Palestinian people, and if the Palestinians were to get a state of their own, he would be honored in the way our founding father is.,"
-Dalin and Rothman, Icon of Evil, p. 105

"The Arabs were Germany's natural friends...They were therefore prepared to cooperate with Germany with all their hearts and stood ready to participate in a war, not only negatively in the commission of acts of sabotage and the instigation of revolutions, but also positively by the formation of the Arab Legion. In this struggle, the Arabs were striving for the independence and the unity of Palestine, Syria and Iraq..."
-Haj Amin Al Husseini writing in his diary.

"Hajj Amin Al Husseini represented the Palestinian Arab national consensus, had the backing of the Palestinian political parties who functioned in Palestine, and was recognized in some form by Arab governments as the voice of the Palestinian people."
-Edward Said.
"He was their hero, despite-more likely, because-his active role in the genocide against the Jewish people which he openly supported and assisted. According to Husseini's biographer, 'large parts of the Arab world shared [Husseini's] sympathy with Nazi Germany during the second World War...Haj Amin's popularity among the Palestinian Arabs and within the Arab states actually increased more than ever during his period with the Nazis."
-Elpeleg, The Grand Mufti, pp. 179-180.

"In recruiting the Bosnian Waffen-SS, Husseini played an important role in Hitler's extermination of Europe's Jews. It was not, however, his only contribution....[They quote one of Eichmann's deputies as saying] 'The Mufti was one of the initiators of the systematic extermination of European Jewry and had been a collaborator and adviser of Eichmann and Himmler in the execution of the plan.'"
-Dalin and Rothman.

"The war started by the Palestinians against the Jews in 1947 and the wars started by the Arab states in 1948 against the new state of Israel were both genocidal wars. Their goal was not merely the ethnic cleansing of Jews from the area but their total annihilation. The leaders said so, and the actions of their subordinates reflected this genocidal goal. They were aided in their efforts by Nazi soldiers-former SS and Gestapo members-who had been given asylum from war crime prosecution in Egypt and who had been recruited bv the Grand Mufti to complete Hitler's work. They were joined by the deserters from the British Army who openly expressed anti-Semitism and worked together with the Nazi ideological allies to complete Hitler's work.
The Palestinian warriors attacked primarily Jewish civilians. When Jews surrendered they were massacred, their bodies mutilated, and the women were often raped. Children were murdered along with the elderly. Had the Palestinians and Arabs won the war, which they came close to doing in the early phases, there would have been no Jewish refugee problem, the Jews would have been murdered."
-Dershowitz, referencing Dalin and Rothman.

"It is also fair to say that Husseini's pro-Nazi sympathies and support were widespread among his Palestinian followers, many of whom regarded him as a hero even after the war and the disclosure of his role in Nazi atrocities."
-Dershowitz referencing Dalin and Rothman.
A defender of Palestinian terrorist animals...speaking of an "indefensible position". Of course denial is a river in Egypt. ha ha ha.
Still linking to propaganda sites, I see. Who do you think your fooling?

I know there have been a list of web sites and books referenced before about the mufti. Perhaps a search and you can find them. Do your own search on for sites about him. If your security setting are on high you might be blocking some of the sites due to content.

Does it surprise you that the religious leader of a people that were seeking independence from Britain and who were trying to stop Britain's plan to give their land to Europeans and to displace his people from Palestine would court the enemy of Britain?

The Irish prime minister De Valera signed the condolences book at the German Embassy after Hitler's death, as Britain was Ireland's occupier and enemy.

The Romanian, Hungarians and other central Europeans joined the Germans against the Soviet Union because the Soviet Union had always threatened them.

It's normal to ally oneself to the "enemy of my enemy".

there was more than enough land, no one need to be displaced (unless for infrastructure). There still a lot of land yet to be developed. The only displacement was buying of land. Tenet farmers and renters of homes or apartments would have to leave while development and improvements are made. Of course the rents would be much higher.
Palestinians were filled with conspiracies and lies about the jews and they still have not been able to dispel that nonsense. Even in europe and the US, you have to make improvements to your property to increase value and not threaten the property nearby. You could not have kept a family farm in the middle of mayfair because it has been in your family for centuries.
The same in Israel. If you don't keep up with the property around you, if you don't pay taxes, if you violate building codes, if your property endangers others in the neighborhood, etc. There are reasons you can be removed from your property, but palestinians left in masses because they were told the giant storm of the arab armies are coming to blast the Israelis into the ocean. Didn't quite live up to the hype.
Even to day people are told to leave and get our the way of a storm or to seek shelter. When they come back every thing might be gone. Even if they had stayed, everything including their lives might be gone. It is gamble. Palestinians bet on the arabs and lost. Gamblers don't get their money returned because they get upset about loosing. You take the risk and loose, the winner keeps the pot. If you bet your home and loose, you don't get to keep living there. If you bet your wedding ring, you have to explain it to your spouse when you get home. That's where you loose again and end up in the dog house.
Don't be silly aris.

Zionist invasion was always about competing, not moving in cooperatively.
Now I agree it was a flaw in the British to not refuse it at the start, but once begun Zionist organisers, together with the US and Nazi Germany made it an unstoppable tide of people coming to conquer the Palestinians and take the land.

And yes, there is lots of land. But the water, aris, THE WATER!
Israel keeps it all for itself. You cannot expand agriculture when your neighbour is stealing all your water!
Propaganda sites? Ha ha ha, ho ho ho, hee hee hee! Are you denying that the Mufti of Jerusalem, Yasser Arafat's uncle and mentor, was a Nazi, who not only met with Hitler and his henchmen and created a Muslim Nazi army that fought for the Nazis, but also caused the death of hundreds of thousands of Jews?

You are nothing but a fool and an ineffective propagandist.

He was an ally of the Germans, as were Italy, Romania, Hungary and others, all provided troops and assisted the Nazi and probably killed Jews along with many more millions of non-Jews. However, it is no surprise that the Palestinians would help and ally themselves with the enemies of the nation that had plans to create a what was effectively a European colony Palestine rather than grant the Palestinian Christians and Muslims as was promised.
He was more than just an "ally" his ideology carried on the Arab nationalistic movements such as the Baathists. He also caused the death of 400,000 Jews, personally sending a letter to Hitler and Himmler to send them to the gas chambers. The Palestinian national movement is rooted in Nazism and pure evil. In fact, one can say that the Mufti planted the first seeds of today's IslamoNazism.

Huffington Post Monitor: Haj Amin Al Husseini Page

"Husseini is still regarded by many as 'the George Washington' of the Palestinian people, and if the Palestinians were to get a state of their own, he would be honored in the way our founding father is.,"
-Dalin and Rothman, Icon of Evil, p. 105

"The Arabs were Germany's natural friends...They were therefore prepared to cooperate with Germany with all their hearts and stood ready to participate in a war, not only negatively in the commission of acts of sabotage and the instigation of revolutions, but also positively by the formation of the Arab Legion. In this struggle, the Arabs were striving for the independence and the unity of Palestine, Syria and Iraq..."
-Haj Amin Al Husseini writing in his diary.

"Hajj Amin Al Husseini represented the Palestinian Arab national consensus, had the backing of the Palestinian political parties who functioned in Palestine, and was recognized in some form by Arab governments as the voice of the Palestinian people."
-Edward Said.
"He was their hero, despite-more likely, because-his active role in the genocide against the Jewish people which he openly supported and assisted. According to Husseini's biographer, 'large parts of the Arab world shared [Husseini's] sympathy with Nazi Germany during the second World War...Haj Amin's popularity among the Palestinian Arabs and within the Arab states actually increased more than ever during his period with the Nazis."
-Elpeleg, The Grand Mufti, pp. 179-180.

"In recruiting the Bosnian Waffen-SS, Husseini played an important role in Hitler's extermination of Europe's Jews. It was not, however, his only contribution....[They quote one of Eichmann's deputies as saying] 'The Mufti was one of the initiators of the systematic extermination of European Jewry and had been a collaborator and adviser of Eichmann and Himmler in the execution of the plan.'"
-Dalin and Rothman.

"The war started by the Palestinians against the Jews in 1947 and the wars started by the Arab states in 1948 against the new state of Israel were both genocidal wars. Their goal was not merely the ethnic cleansing of Jews from the area but their total annihilation. The leaders said so, and the actions of their subordinates reflected this genocidal goal. They were aided in their efforts by Nazi soldiers-former SS and Gestapo members-who had been given asylum from war crime prosecution in Egypt and who had been recruited bv the Grand Mufti to complete Hitler's work. They were joined by the deserters from the British Army who openly expressed anti-Semitism and worked together with the Nazi ideological allies to complete Hitler's work.
The Palestinian warriors attacked primarily Jewish civilians. When Jews surrendered they were massacred, their bodies mutilated, and the women were often raped. Children were murdered along with the elderly. Had the Palestinians and Arabs won the war, which they came close to doing in the early phases, there would have been no Jewish refugee problem, the Jews would have been murdered."
-Dershowitz, referencing Dalin and Rothman.

"It is also fair to say that Husseini's pro-Nazi sympathies and support were widespread among his Palestinian followers, many of whom regarded him as a hero even after the war and the disclosure of his role in Nazi atrocities."
-Dershowitz referencing Dalin and Rothman.

What is the point you are trying to make posting propaganda? Dershowitz FFS.
He was an ally of the Germans, as were Italy, Romania, Hungary and others, all provided troops and assisted the Nazi and probably killed Jews along with many more millions of non-Jews. However, it is no surprise that the Palestinians would help and ally themselves with the enemies of the nation that had plans to create a what was effectively a European colony Palestine rather than grant the Palestinian Christians and Muslims as was promised.
He was more than just an "ally" his ideology carried on the Arab nationalistic movements such as the Baathists. He also caused the death of 400,000 Jews, personally sending a letter to Hitler and Himmler to send them to the gas chambers. The Palestinian national movement is rooted in Nazism and pure evil. In fact, one can say that the Mufti planted the first seeds of today's IslamoNazism.

Huffington Post Monitor: Haj Amin Al Husseini Page

"Husseini is still regarded by many as 'the George Washington' of the Palestinian people, and if the Palestinians were to get a state of their own, he would be honored in the way our founding father is.,"
-Dalin and Rothman, Icon of Evil, p. 105

"The Arabs were Germany's natural friends...They were therefore prepared to cooperate with Germany with all their hearts and stood ready to participate in a war, not only negatively in the commission of acts of sabotage and the instigation of revolutions, but also positively by the formation of the Arab Legion. In this struggle, the Arabs were striving for the independence and the unity of Palestine, Syria and Iraq..."
-Haj Amin Al Husseini writing in his diary.

"Hajj Amin Al Husseini represented the Palestinian Arab national consensus, had the backing of the Palestinian political parties who functioned in Palestine, and was recognized in some form by Arab governments as the voice of the Palestinian people."
-Edward Said.
"He was their hero, despite-more likely, because-his active role in the genocide against the Jewish people which he openly supported and assisted. According to Husseini's biographer, 'large parts of the Arab world shared [Husseini's] sympathy with Nazi Germany during the second World War...Haj Amin's popularity among the Palestinian Arabs and within the Arab states actually increased more than ever during his period with the Nazis."
-Elpeleg, The Grand Mufti, pp. 179-180.

"In recruiting the Bosnian Waffen-SS, Husseini played an important role in Hitler's extermination of Europe's Jews. It was not, however, his only contribution....[They quote one of Eichmann's deputies as saying] 'The Mufti was one of the initiators of the systematic extermination of European Jewry and had been a collaborator and adviser of Eichmann and Himmler in the execution of the plan.'"
-Dalin and Rothman.

"The war started by the Palestinians against the Jews in 1947 and the wars started by the Arab states in 1948 against the new state of Israel were both genocidal wars. Their goal was not merely the ethnic cleansing of Jews from the area but their total annihilation. The leaders said so, and the actions of their subordinates reflected this genocidal goal. They were aided in their efforts by Nazi soldiers-former SS and Gestapo members-who had been given asylum from war crime prosecution in Egypt and who had been recruited bv the Grand Mufti to complete Hitler's work. They were joined by the deserters from the British Army who openly expressed anti-Semitism and worked together with the Nazi ideological allies to complete Hitler's work.
The Palestinian warriors attacked primarily Jewish civilians. When Jews surrendered they were massacred, their bodies mutilated, and the women were often raped. Children were murdered along with the elderly. Had the Palestinians and Arabs won the war, which they came close to doing in the early phases, there would have been no Jewish refugee problem, the Jews would have been murdered."
-Dershowitz, referencing Dalin and Rothman.

"It is also fair to say that Husseini's pro-Nazi sympathies and support were widespread among his Palestinian followers, many of whom regarded him as a hero even after the war and the disclosure of his role in Nazi atrocities."
-Dershowitz referencing Dalin and Rothman.

What is the point you are trying to make posting propaganda? Dershowitz FFS.
You always call the truth "propaganda". Ha ha ha. Get over it. You're a nobody posting nothing.
The convert MOHOMOD Latici's hero:

[ame=]The Islamist-Nazi Link: The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem - YouTube[/ame]
He was more than just an "ally" his ideology carried on the Arab nationalistic movements such as the Baathists. He also caused the death of 400,000 Jews, personally sending a letter to Hitler and Himmler to send them to the gas chambers. The Palestinian national movement is rooted in Nazism and pure evil. In fact, one can say that the Mufti planted the first seeds of today's IslamoNazism.

Huffington Post Monitor: Haj Amin Al Husseini Page

"Husseini is still regarded by many as 'the George Washington' of the Palestinian people, and if the Palestinians were to get a state of their own, he would be honored in the way our founding father is.,"
-Dalin and Rothman, Icon of Evil, p. 105

"The Arabs were Germany's natural friends...They were therefore prepared to cooperate with Germany with all their hearts and stood ready to participate in a war, not only negatively in the commission of acts of sabotage and the instigation of revolutions, but also positively by the formation of the Arab Legion. In this struggle, the Arabs were striving for the independence and the unity of Palestine, Syria and Iraq..."
-Haj Amin Al Husseini writing in his diary.

"Hajj Amin Al Husseini represented the Palestinian Arab national consensus, had the backing of the Palestinian political parties who functioned in Palestine, and was recognized in some form by Arab governments as the voice of the Palestinian people."
-Edward Said.
"He was their hero, despite-more likely, because-his active role in the genocide against the Jewish people which he openly supported and assisted. According to Husseini's biographer, 'large parts of the Arab world shared [Husseini's] sympathy with Nazi Germany during the second World War...Haj Amin's popularity among the Palestinian Arabs and within the Arab states actually increased more than ever during his period with the Nazis."
-Elpeleg, The Grand Mufti, pp. 179-180.

"In recruiting the Bosnian Waffen-SS, Husseini played an important role in Hitler's extermination of Europe's Jews. It was not, however, his only contribution....[They quote one of Eichmann's deputies as saying] 'The Mufti was one of the initiators of the systematic extermination of European Jewry and had been a collaborator and adviser of Eichmann and Himmler in the execution of the plan.'"
-Dalin and Rothman.

"The war started by the Palestinians against the Jews in 1947 and the wars started by the Arab states in 1948 against the new state of Israel were both genocidal wars. Their goal was not merely the ethnic cleansing of Jews from the area but their total annihilation. The leaders said so, and the actions of their subordinates reflected this genocidal goal. They were aided in their efforts by Nazi soldiers-former SS and Gestapo members-who had been given asylum from war crime prosecution in Egypt and who had been recruited bv the Grand Mufti to complete Hitler's work. They were joined by the deserters from the British Army who openly expressed anti-Semitism and worked together with the Nazi ideological allies to complete Hitler's work.
The Palestinian warriors attacked primarily Jewish civilians. When Jews surrendered they were massacred, their bodies mutilated, and the women were often raped. Children were murdered along with the elderly. Had the Palestinians and Arabs won the war, which they came close to doing in the early phases, there would have been no Jewish refugee problem, the Jews would have been murdered."
-Dershowitz, referencing Dalin and Rothman.

"It is also fair to say that Husseini's pro-Nazi sympathies and support were widespread among his Palestinian followers, many of whom regarded him as a hero even after the war and the disclosure of his role in Nazi atrocities."
-Dershowitz referencing Dalin and Rothman.

What is the point you are trying to make posting propaganda? Dershowitz FFS.
You always call the truth "propaganda". Ha ha ha. Get over it. You're a nobody posting nothing.

I think that observers can recognize who the "nothing" is. And, you haven't availed yourself to neutral source information since I'v been here. All you post are links to propaganda sites and propagandists like Dershwitz. Get a life.
By the way your buddy XXXX is gone, maybe if you keep up your abusive posting you'll be gone too. So go for it.
What is the point you are trying to make posting propaganda? Dershowitz FFS.
You always call the truth "propaganda". Ha ha ha. Get over it. You're a nobody posting nothing.

I think that observers can recognize who the "nothing" is. And, you haven't availed yourself to neutral source information since I'v been here. All you post are links to propaganda sites and propagandists like Dershwitz. Get a life.
I think that you're a fulla shit IslamoNazi worshipper who doesn't know when to pick and choose his battles.

Haj Amin al-Husseini - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Holocaust

Al-Husseini and the Holocaust

In post-war historiography Husseini was often seen as an architect of the Holocaust, a thesis revived recently by Schwanitz and Rubin.[158] Documents, such as the testimony of Fritz Grobba,[159] confirm that an associate of al-Husseini's, together with three associates of former Iraqi Prime Minister certainly did visit the Sachsenhausen concentration camp as part of a German secret police "training course" in July 1942. At the time, the Sachsenhausen camp housed large numbers of Jews, but was only transformed into a death camp in the following year.[160] Their tour through the camp presented it as a re-educational institution, and they were shown the high quality of objects made by inmates, and happy Russian prisoners who, reformed to fight Bolshevism, were paraded, singing, in sprightly new uniforms. They left the camp very favourably impressed by its programme of educational indocrination.[161]

Various sources have repeatedly alleged that he visited other concentration camps, and also the death camps of Auschwitz, Majdanek, Treblinka and Mauthausen, and though, according to Höpp,[162] there is little conclusive documentary evidence to substantiate these other visits, Schwanitz and Rubin apparently conclude that it almost certain he visited the gas-chambers at Auschwitz.[163] Although some historians have questioned al-Husseini's knowledge of the Holocaust while it was in progress, Wolfgang G. Schwanitz notes that in his memoirs Husseini recalled that Heinrich Himmler, in the summer of 1943, while confiding some German war secrets, inveighed against Jewish "war guilt", and revealed the on-going extermination (in Arabic, abadna) of the Jews.

Gilbert Achcar, referring to this meeting with Himmler, observes:

The Mufti was well aware that the European Jews were being wiped out; he never claimed the contrary. Nor, unlike some of his present-day admirers, did he play the ignoble, perverse, and stupid game of Holocaust denial…. His armour-propre would not allow him to justify himself to the Jews….gloating that the Jews had paid a much higher price than the Germans… he cites… : ”Their losses in the Second World War represent more than thirty percent of the total number of their people …. Statements like this, from a man who was well placed to know what the Nazis had done … constitute a powerful argument against Holocaust deniers. Husseini reports that Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler … told him in summer 1943 that the Germans had ‘already exterminated more than three million’ Jews: “I was astonished by this figure, as I had known nothing about the matter until then.” …. Thus. in 1943, Husseini knew about the genocide….[165]

The memoir then continues:-

Himmler asked me on the occasion:"How you you propose to settle the Jewish question in your country?' I replied:'All we want from them is that they return to their countries of origin." He (Himmler) replied:' We shall never authorize their return to Germany.'Laurens 2002, p. 469.

By Husseini's admission therefore he was informed of the Nazi genocide of the Jews certainly by the summer of 1943. Wolfgang G. Schwanitz doubts the sincerity of his surprise since, he argues, Husseini had publicly declared that Muslims should follow the example Germans set for a "definitive solution to the Jewish problem".

Subsequently, the Mufti declared in November, 1943:

It is the duty of Muhammadans in general and Arabs in particular to … drive all Jews from Arab and Muhammadan countries….Germany is also struggling against the common foe who oppressed Arabs and Muhammadans in their different countries. It has very clearly recognized the Jews for what they are and resolved to find a definitive solution [endgültige Lösung] for the Jewish danger that will eliminate the scourge that Jews represent in the world. ….[167]

At the Nuremberg trials, one of Adolf Eichmann's deputies, Dieter Wisliceny, stated that al-Husseini had actively encouraged the extermination of European Jews, and that he had had an elaborate meeting with Eichmann at his office, during which Eichmann gave him an intensive look at the current state of the "Solution of the Jewish Question in Europe" by the Third Reich. These allegations are controversial.[168] A single affidavit by Rudolf Kastner reported that Wisliceny told him that he had overheard Husseini say he had visited Auschwitz incognito in Eichmann's company.[169] Eichmann denied this at his trial in Jerusalem in 1961. He had been invited to Palestine in 1937 by a representative of the Haganah, Feival Polkes,[170] for office business, apparently concerning the Ha'avara Agreement for Jewish immigration into Palestine from Germany, at a time when he was not even a commissioned officer. As for contacting the Arab rebels in Palestine, or their leader the Mufti, Eichmann was turned back by the British authorities at the Egyptian border.[171] Eichmann stated that he had only been introduced to al-Husseini during an official reception, along with all other department heads. The Jerusalem court accepted Wisliceny's testimony about a key conversation between Eichmann and the mufti,[172] and found as proven that al-Husseini had aimed to implement the Final Solution.[173] Hannah Arendt, who was present at the trial, concluded in her book Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil the evidence for an Eichmann- al-Husseini connection was based on rumour and unfounded.[174][175]

Rafael Medoff concludes that 'actually there is no evidence that the Mufti's presence was a factor at all; the Wisliceny hearsay is not merely uncorroborated, but conflicts with everything else that is known about the origins of the Final Solution.'[176] Bernard Lewis also called Wisliceny's testimony into doubt: 'There is no independent documentary confirmation of Wisliceny's statements, and it seems unlikely that the Nazis needed any such additional encouragement from the outside.'


November 1943 al-Husseini greeting Bosnian Waffen-SS volunteers with a Nazi salute.[200] At right is SS General Karl-Gustav Sauberzweig.

Haj Amin el-Husseini reviewing SS 13th Division soldiers from a car
Himmler had a romantic vision of Islam as a faith ‘fostering fearless soldiers’, and this probably played a significant role[201][202] in his decision to raise three Muslim divisions under German leadership in the Balkans from Bosnian Muslims and Albanians:[203][204] the 13th Handschar,[205] the 21st Skanderberg, and the 23rd Kama (Shepherd's dagger). Riven by interethnic conflict, the region's Jewish, Croat, Roma, Serb and Muslim communities suffered huge losses of life,[206][207] Bosnian Muslims losing around 85,000 from a genocidal Četnik ethnic cleansing operations alone.[208] The Muslims had three options: to join the Croatian Ustaše, or the Serbian partisans, or to create local defense units. Following a tradition of service in the old Bosnian regiments of the former Austro-Hungarian army, they chose an alliance with Germany, which promised them autonomy. Husseini, having been petitioned by the Bosnian Muslim leaders, was well informed of their plight.[209] Dissatisfied with low enlistenment, Himmler asked the mufti to intervene.[210] Husseini negotiated, made several requests, mostly ignored by the SS, and conducted several visits to the area.[211] His speeches and charismatic authority proved instrumental in improving enlistment notably.[212] In one speech he declared that:

Those lands suffering under the British and Bolshevist yoke impatiently await the moment when the Axis (powers) will emerge victorious. We must dedicate ourselves to unceasing struggle against Britain -that dungeon of peoples - and to the complete destruction of the British Empire.We must dedicate ourselves to unceasing struggle against Bolshevist Russia because communism is incompatible with Islam.'

One SS officer reporting on impressions from the mufti's Sarajevo speech said Husseini was reserved about fighting Bolshevism, his main enemies being Jewish settlers in Palestine and the English.[213] During a visit in July 1943 the Mufti said: "The active cooperation of the world's 400 million Muslims with their loyal friends, the German, can be of decisive influence upon the outcome of the war. You, my Bosnian Muslims, are the first Islamic division [and] serve as an example of the active collaboration....My enemy's enemy is my friend." [214] Himmler in addressing the unit on another occasion declared "Germany [and] the Reich have been friends of Islam for the past two centuries, owing not to expediency but to friendly conviction. We have the same goals."[215]

In an agreement signed by Husseini and Himmler on May 19, 1943, it was specified that no synthesis of Islam and Nationalism was to take place.[216][217] Husseini asked that Muslim divisional operations to be restricted to the defense of the Moslem heartland of Bosnia and Herzegovina; that partisans be amnestied if they laid down their arms; that the civilian population not be subject to vexations by troops;that assistance be offered to innocents injured by operations; and that harsh measures like deportations, confiscations of goods, or executions be governed in accordance with the rule of law.[218] The Handschar earned a repute for brutality in ridding north-eastern Bosnia of Serbs and partisans: many local Muslims, observing the violence, were driven to go over to the communist partisans.[219][220] Once redeployed outside Bosnia, and as the fortunes of war turned, mass defections and desertions took place, and Volksdeutsche were drafted to replace the losses.[221] The mufti blamed the mass desertions on German support for the Četniks.[222] Many Bosnians in these divisions who survived the war sought asylum in Western and Arab countries, and of those settling in the Middle East, many fought in Palestine against the new state of Israel.[223] In 1942, al-Husseini helped organize Arab students and North African emigres in Germany into the "Arabisches Freiheitkorps," an Arab Legion in the German Army that hunted down Allied parachutists in the Balkans and fought on the Russian front.

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