Kentucky Marriage Clerk is a Non-issue

I love watching the frothing at the mouth of the bigoted left in here as this woman refuses to bend to their will.

In a few days those couples will have licenses! And that fugly clerk will either be out of a job or up to her ears in fines! :rofl:
You act like NO ONE knows this dumb ass...but guess what....SHE AIN'T GONNA BE THE ONE ISSUING THEM ANY LICENSES! :) So she still wins. It really pisses these bigoted left wingers off they can't FORCE this woman to accept their disgusting "lifestyle" that's what this is all about. If it was ONLY about getting a license and that was SO important they would have gone to a neighboring county and done so already. So in the end she still wins. :) Fine her. And it will be paid by freedom loving religious rights supporters from around the country just like the bakers in Oregon and the florist in Washington's fines were :D
Yes...she still wins in the unemployment line. But that's ok, there's always welfare and food stamps for her.
Uh oh... this dumb woman better pay attention to her bible!!!

The Bible did have a few good ideas. :thup:
Why should this woman expect protection from the courts as she defied the law? What legal standing does she have? God instructs her not to do her job? If she's taking direct instructions from the voice of God might I suggest that every criminal could then claim the same and skip away free?

Perhaps the voices she's hearing are nothing but the manifestations of lunacy and she should retire post haste.

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