Kentucky Marriage Clerk is a Non-issue

Why so many threads about this? She will be fined or jailed or whatever, and her post will be vacated soon. And she'll be off to some cushy gig with some religious hate group. Or maybe land some speaker fees from backwards conservative organizations. Who cares?

She's inconvenienced a few couples, but they will get their way in the end. Maybe they will sue the state to recoup some damages.

Gay marriage is settled. It's over. It's history. About damn time. Now let's move on already! Don't give this thrice-divorced old bag any more attention!
That's your advice to Rosa Parks, eh? It's the law, stay on the back of the bus. You homofascist bigots are so closeminded.
I recommend you do a boycott of all government agencies just like the Montgomery bus boycott. I'm sure you can affect change that way.
You sound just like a 1960's southern racist. I'm sure they had the same advice for MLK.
That's your advice to Rosa Parks, eh? It's the law, stay on the back of the bus. You homofascist bigots are so closeminded.
She was tired, and went to jail, and she, unlike Kim, was right. That **** for Christ, old news, already.
She was expected to sit in the back by law just as homofascists force all to comply with their bigoted mandates through legal marriage. Those who oppose the homo marriage agenda are today's Rosa Parks's.
No, they are the bus drivers...
No, the bus drivers are those who grant homo marriage licenses. I have said before...RWrs suck at correct analogies. :lol:
How would you know since you can't comprehend applicable analogies?
Why so many threads about this? She will be fined or jailed or whatever, and her post will be vacated soon. And she'll be off to some cushy gig with some religious hate group. Or maybe land some speaker fees from backwards conservative organizations. Who cares?

She's inconvenienced a few couples, but they will get their way in the end. Maybe they will sue the state to recoup some damages.

Gay marriage is settled. It's over. It's history. About damn time. Now let's move on already! Don't give this thrice-divorced old bag any more attention!
That's your advice to Rosa Parks, eh? It's the law, stay on the back of the bus. You homofascist bigots are so closeminded.
She was tired, and went to jail, and she, unlike Kim, was right. That **** for Christ, old news, already.
She was expected to sit in the back by law just as homofascists force all to comply with their bigoted mandates through legal marriage. Those who oppose the homo marriage agenda are today's Rosa Parks's.
No. If today a white person stood up on the bus and demanded a black person move to the back of the bus... THAT'S the best comparison to Kim Davis, the thrice-divorced current symbol of Christianity to the homophobes.
No, today the homo agenda is making those bigoted demands and homophobe is their term equivalent of ni99er.
Oh...I bet you are tickled pink to have been able to wiggle the N word into your post. So clever.
No, the bus drivers are those who grant homo marriage licenses.
There is no such thing, now...
There are no people who grant homo marriage licenses?
There are only, as for some time now, marriage licenses...
Only recently granted to homos. You're dishonest.
Only recently granted to many, which changes nothing...
That's your advice to Rosa Parks, eh? It's the law, stay on the back of the bus. You homofascist bigots are so closeminded.
She was tired, and went to jail, and she, unlike Kim, was right. That **** for Christ, old news, already.
She was expected to sit in the back by law just as homofascists force all to comply with their bigoted mandates through legal marriage. Those who oppose the homo marriage agenda are today's Rosa Parks's.
No. If today a white person stood up on the bus and demanded a black person move to the back of the bus... THAT'S the best comparison to Kim Davis, the thrice-divorced current symbol of Christianity to the homophobes.
No, today the homo agenda is making those bigoted demands and homophobe is their term equivalent of ni99er.
Oh...I bet you are tickled pink to have been able to wiggle the N word into your post. So clever.
You sound rebuttal hurt.
The right has to distract there base and rile up the bigots.
But it only works if the left reacts. If they can't get a rise out of us, they'll get bored and move on to some other nonsense.
Can't help but react, it's to Damn funny.
Yeah. I guess the only alternative to laughing about their hate is to cry...

So let's laugh!

No, the bus drivers are those who grant homo marriage licenses.
There is no such thing, now...
There are no people who grant homo marriage licenses?
There are only, as for some time now, marriage licenses...
Only recently granted to homos. You're dishonest.
Only recently granted to many, which changes nothing...
It changes everything. Procreation is no longer criteria. Now anything goes and humans can be denied their birth parents by legal decree. That's fascism. That's homonazi law.
I would put you on ignore but you amuse the living hell out of me so....keep going this shit is HILARIOUS.The fact it pisses you off THIS MUCH thrills me.
Amusing a Hitler-youth isn't difficult. And you don't piss me off, I pity your whitey ass, which is more than you deserve. Like Davis, you are unworthy of the thoughts of decent people...
Well glad I give you reason to live....:D No one needs or wants your pity....I despise you so....feeling ain't mutual.
Did we travel back in time? Is it June 1st again? Are people really stomping their feet and crying about queer marriage again? lol.
It changes everything. Procreation is no longer criteria.
Marriage is not about children. And if disobeying the law ruins her life, so be it. She made her own bed...
Marriage is totally about children. It's just that those who legislated it didn't expect that part to have to be explained. Like the inventor of the glove didn't expect he'd have to provide directions.

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