Ken Cuccinelli Says Black Lives Matter Insults White People

Former Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, president of Senate Conservatives Fund, participated in a a panel Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” along with former South Carolina State Representative Bakari Sellers and addressed the resentment aimed at the saying “black lives matter.”

Although Democratic primary candidate former Gov. Martin O’Malley (D-MD) was booed and forced to apologize after he said in front of a group of “black lives matter” protesters that “all lives matter,” Sellers wanted everyone to know that an implicit “too” goes after the saying “black lives matter” and he explained that African-Americans saying “black lives matter” is them saying, “Stop killing us. We’re saying, ‘My life matters'” because he is “the only person at the table whose next interaction may cause them to be a hashtag.”

Ken Cuccinelli Says Black Lives Matter Insults White People

Correct me if I'm wrong, but if black lives matter then why do so many blacks kill other blacks? Just more divisive rhetoric that emanates from the top on down. Stop killing each other at such high rates and stop aborting babies as a form of birth control.
And, yes, that's the first time I've heard the phrase "insulting to white people". Someone in politics or the televised media needs to say those words.

Also, getting killed by the police is so embarrassing. And rather rude when you think about it. How can they be so thoughtless?
Again... Most of those deaths were because as Chris Rock has advised:
Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!
Step 1... OBEY THE LAW..
Step 2... When you see flashing lights stop immediately.
Step 3... When officer approaches your car "be polite".
among the more common sense suggestions!!!

The police are not htere to kick anyone's ass. I dont' want to live in a world where the cops kick my ass because I wasn't "polite" to them. I'm not sure why you do.

Isn't "polite" kind of subjective? What if the cop thinks you are being a bit snarky, is it okay for him to beat the snot out of you then?

You see, here's part of the problem. when the police stop being the guys who stop murders and robberies and just become the guys who collect funds for their municipalities by writing up tickets for moving and parking violations, are they really serving a public service?

Are we really still "Free" when they do that?

And of course ALL COPS in ALL CITIES will KICK ALL BLACKS Asses because they are "not polite"!
Geez once again exaggeration blown out of proportion, hyperbole... IDIOT!

Watch the entire video for more then just the POLITENESS you dumb f...k!!
NOT ONE cop I've ever ever met would want to go through all the harassment, the investigations,etc. that beating up ALL those that were IMPOLITE as you so
stupidly EXAGGERATED!!!
Geez get a reality CHECK dummy!
It's more embarrassing to black people because they don't realize that if a black is going to get murdered it will most likely be by another black person

No, what's embarrassing is that clueless white people don't understand why black people might get upset when the police murder their children for traffic violations and shoplifting beefs.

Let's compare.

Dylan Roof shoots 9 black people in a church. The police not only take him into custody, but they ask the poor dear if he's hungry and stop at Burger King to buy him lunch because the poor things was looking a little peckish. Then they made darned sure that no one took a pot shot at him on his way to the jail.

Sandra Bland changes lanes with signalling, for which she is threatened with a taser, thrown to the ground, dislocating her shoulder, and put in jail unattended where she commits "suicide" (no, really) under mysterious circumstances.

Yeah, black people see these kinds of disparities, and they are upset about them for some reason.

But they don't get upset at the real problem which is blacks murdering other blacks

Any honest black parent would tell their kids to be more afraid of other black people than white cops.

You love statistics don't you well look it up or do you only quote stats you can twist?
But they don't get upset at the real problem which is blacks murdering other blacks

Any honest black parent would tell their kids to be more afraid of other black people than white cops.

You love statistics don't you well look it up or do you only quote stats you can twist?

Here's the thing. When blacks kill other blacks, they are arrested, prosecuted, and imprisoned for it.

When police officers kill blacks, there is a whole system that goes into overdrive to protect them no matter how blatant the evidence of misconduct is. And usually, we aren't talking about things involving weapons. We are talking about Michael Brown being shot 8 times for swiping cigarettes. Or Eric Garner getting choked to death for selling them. Or Sandra Bland being thrown in jail for refusing to put one out.

Smoking can kill you, apparently.
And of course ALL COPS in ALL CITIES will KICK ALL BLACKS Asses because they are "not polite"!
Geez once again exaggeration blown out of proportion, hyperbole... IDIOT!

Watch the entire video for more then just the POLITENESS you dumb f...k!!
NOT ONE cop I've ever ever met would want to go through all the harassment, the investigations,etc. that beating up ALL those that were IMPOLITE as you so
stupidly EXAGGERATED!!!
Geez get a reality CHECK dummy!

I am getting a reality check. There are some people who plain old shouldn't be cops. People who are by their nature bullies and giving them a badge and a gun was a terrible idea.

And then we act all surprised when they kill someone- usually a minority - over something so petty it boggles the mind.
But they don't get upset at the real problem which is blacks murdering other blacks

Any honest black parent would tell their kids to be more afraid of other black people than white cops.

You love statistics don't you well look it up or do you only quote stats you can twist?

Here's the thing. When blacks kill other blacks, they are arrested, prosecuted, and imprisoned for it.

When police officers kill blacks, there is a whole system that goes into overdrive to protect them no matter how blatant the evidence of misconduct is. And usually, we aren't talking about things involving weapons. We are talking about Michael Brown being shot 8 times for swiping cigarettes. Or Eric Garner getting choked to death for selling them. Or Sandra Bland being thrown in jail for refusing to put one out.

Smoking can kill you, apparently.

Regardless blacks kill more blacks by far than white cops.

Simple irrefutable fact that you want to ignore

But you don't get why he asked her to put it out do you?
Nobody has ever denied that "White lives matter"

That is why we have a slogan of "Black lives matter" When a white is murdered it is front page news. Black deaths get pushed to the rear or ignored completely. Our society does not care about blacks killed by police, does not care about the number of blacks in prison and does not care about black deaths in general

That is why "Black Lives Matter" has been an issue
Regardless blacks kill more blacks by far than white cops.

Simple irrefutable fact that you want to ignore

But you don't get why he asked her to put it out do you?

I could care less why he asked her to put it out. He had no business doing that.

He had no business threatening her with a Taser, nd he had no business arresting her.

He also had no business lying to his superiors about why he made the arrest to start with.
Maybe more blacks should pay attention to Chris Rock's video...
Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!
Step 1... OBEY THE LAW..
Step 2... When you see flashing lights stop immediately.
Step 3... When officer approaches your car "be polite".
among the more common sense suggestions!!!

In short, listen to these guys

How to Flex Your Rights During Police Encounters
As usual Joey, your opinion is entirely lacking truth.

Cops kill far more whites than they do you post is nothing but foolishness.

We can't even get accurate figures on how many people the police kill.

Here s the Data That Shows Cops Kill Black People at a Higher Rate Than White People Mother Jones

The CDC's cause-of-death data, based on death certificates collected at the state level, also reveals a profound racial disparity among the victims of police shootings.Between 1968 and 2011, black people were between two to eight times more likely to die at the hands of law enforcement than whites. Annually, over those 40 years, a black person was on average 4.2 times as likely to get shot and killed by a cop than a white person. The disparity dropped to 2-to-1 between 2003 and 2009, lower than the 4-to-1 disparity shown in the BJS data over those same years. The CDC's database of emergency room records also shows similarracial disparities among those injured by police.

Again... Most of those deaths were because as Chris Rock has advised:
Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!
Step 1... OBEY THE LAW..
Step 2... When you see flashing lights stop immediately.
Step 3... When officer approaches your car "be polite".
among the more common sense suggestions!!!

So I guess if unruly children were being routinely killed by teachers in school your reaction would be to defend the teachers and admonish children to behave better?
Here is what the "black lives matter" crowd wants:
Calculating Reparations 1.5 Million for Each Slave Descendant in the U.S Black Agenda Report
70 years (1790 to 1860 period only)
2 million slaves (average number in the period used)
365 days per year (OK, maybe I should exclude one day off per week?)
10 hours of work per day (again a minimum)
$7.25 per hour
= $ 3.7 trillion
Next, I apply the 2% interest rate (compounded annually). This gives a multiplicative factor of (1.02)^140 = 16, for the 140 years from 1860 to 2000. Further compounding could be applied to bring us to the present. (Again, this is a minimum estimate.)
Compounding to 2000, therefore, gives:$ 3.7 trillion
X(1.02)^140 (or 16, if you prefer)
=$ 59.2 trillion That's what "black lives Matter" crowd really want. It's only fair... BUT..

Hold it
Where on their website does it talk about reparations?
I missed that when looking over their agenda
Apparently black lives dont matter to blacks.
They are no different than muslims,they refuse to denounce or report the actions of their own people.
Unlike white people who dont give a rats ass what color you are,you break the law and we help and support the police in any way we matter what damn color the criminal may be.
If the slogan was "Black Lives Matter More" or "Only Black Lives Matter" or "White Lives Don't Matter"......some of you hypersensitive nutters might have a point.

And believe that telling black people that their lives matter is isolating them to the point where they believe that their lives don't matter.

That's special. Very special.
Apparently black lives dont matter to blacks.
Just remember that generations of blacks have been conditioned to believe they must be treated differently, by those who claim to "care".

Anyone, any color, would believe that if it had been happening so long that it had become inter-generational.

They've been victimized en masse for a second time in this nation's history, and it's tragic.

So I guess if unruly children were being routinely killed by teachers in school your reaction would be to defend the teachers and admonish children to behave better?
He's not USMB's King of the Straw Man Argument for nuthin', folks!




So black adults being killed by the cops for smarting off is okay, but children being killed for doing the same thing isn't?

I see....
If the slogan was "Black Lives Matter More" or "Only Black Lives Matter" or "White Lives Don't Matter"......some of you hypersensitive nutters might have a point.

And believe that telling black people that their lives matter is isolating them to the point where they believe that their lives don't matter.

That's special. Very special.

The meaning is 'black lives matter TOO'.

That's what the whitewingers object to.

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