Kellyanne Conway Owns NBC Chuck Todd

Baghdad Betty has branded herself and the trump administration as liars and con artist extraordinaire and that brand will not go away. They are stuck with it. Only the most extreme trumpidors are still defending them.
"Baghdad Betty"

Kellyanne is a graduate of the Baghdad Bob School of Delusional Science.
Baghdad Betty has branded herself and the trump administration as liars and con artist extraordinaire and that brand will not go away. They are stuck with it. Only the most extreme trumpidors are still defending them.

That's ridiculous, Camp! Disputing the number of people who attended an event doesn't make you a con artist nor a simply means you don't agree with the propaganda that news outlets like CNN and MSNBC is putting out and that you're more than willing to put forth your own take on things! I'm sorry if conservatives fighting back against the likes of Chuck Todd "offends" you but you better get used to it because I don't think it's going to change while Trump is in office.

There's nothing to dispute.


Yeah, that's really compelling. One picture taken at the top of the event, the other taken as people are arriving. And dipshits like you believe it. The actual time of the event picture shows something different.

The photo you posted is from a different angle.

Secondly, the aerial image I posted of Trump's inauguration was taken while he was speaking and was at, or about, maximum crowd size.

Thirdly, the image from Trump's inauguration, as thin as the crowd was, only went as far back as that white structure. That's only about half way to the Washington monument. That white structure wasn't there during Obama’s inauguration and his crowd filled the mall all the way back to the Washington monument.

Fourthly, no one's been able to produce an aerial shot showing the mall filled to capacity because it never did fill up more than the aerial image I posted.

Fifth, you're dealing with alternative facts.

Sixth, Trump, through his press secretary, lied again.

Seventh, keep re-reading this post until reality sets in.

Even from a different angle it's impossible that your photo and the photo taken from behind Trump were taken at the same time because it's obvious there are a lot more people in the shot from behind Trump. The empty space all down the left side of your photo isn't there in the photo from behind Trump.
Baghdad Betty has branded herself and the trump administration as liars and con artist extraordinaire and that brand will not go away. They are stuck with it. Only the most extreme trumpidors are still defending them.
"Baghdad Betty"

Kellyanne is a graduate of the Baghdad Bob School of Delusional Science.

Actually, she's from the school of


Facts are facts? Really? Who determines what is fact and what isn't? The fact police? Was it a "fact" that the Martin Luther King Jr. bust was removed from the Oval Office by Donald Trump? That "fact" was reported by someone in the liberal media in an attempt (I assume) to paint Trump as a racist who hates blacks. So is the Trump Administration wrong in rebutting that "fact"?
you get that's not even sophomoric, but is grade school immaturity, right?!?! "Well, he said something that wasn't true, so I get to, too!!!" Really?!?! That is honestly the level of your ethical reasoning?!?! That is honestly the level of the ethical reasoning of the Trump Administration?!?! Because, believe me, if it is, then Spicer being...let us be polite, and say, less than honest...during his first Press Room Briefing is going to be the least of our problems over the next four years.

I noted that you ignored the second part of my assertion...that the liberal media has been setting the "narrative" for the Trump Administration even before he was sworn in! What's laughable is that Spicer spoke for nearly an hour and a half on a myriad of topics and yet all that was reported by "news" outlets like CNN and MSNBC is his comments on the crowd size on the National Mall! Which of course makes Kelly Anne Conway's comment to Chuck Todd spot on when she asked him why as a journalist was he not covering more important issues that the Trump Administration is dealing with? A question to which Todd's stuttering response was to simply keep repeating his question about crowd size.
I ignored it, because you want to do the same thing that the Trump administration seems to be doing - equating "narrative" with "fact". They are not the same thing. I have no problem with the Trump administration trying to fashion their administration's narrative as they wish. I have a problem with them trying to do so with demonstrably untrue "alternative facts". We cannot even begin to address the issue of forming a narrative, until we can come to an understanding of what a "fact" is, which has, apparently, become a rather fluid concept in the minds of modern Conservatives.

Once failed to answer my question. Who determines what is "fact"? Chuck Todd? You've reached a conclusion that it should be the main stream media that gets to decide what is fact and what isn't...but they've demonstrated such an obvious bias in the past that it begs the question...why would anyone trust THEM to be fair?
Sorry. Holding someone to be accountable for what they say, and do, is not being "biased". As to your question, facts determine themselves. When someone says that the audience at the Trump inauguration was record, either it is a fact, as demonstrated by the verifiable numbers, or it isn't. MSNBC does not get to determine that, and neither does the Trump administration. The numbers are what they are. MSNBC reporting that the numbers do not support Spicer's claim is not "determining" what the facts are; it is simply reporting what the facts are, and reporting that Spicer's claim was not supported by those facts.

Kelly Anne Conway made an excellent point when she asked why Chuck Todd wasn't covering substantive news instead of obsessing about crowd size. Todd's "answer" to that was to ask his original question ONCE AGAIN! The truth of the matter is that for many in the liberal media...they begin with the "narrative" and then seek out the "facts" that support that narrative while they ignore what doesn't support the narrative!

No, she didn't make an excellent point, because MSNBC did not make crowd size an issue. They made Spicer lying about something as trivial as crowd size an issue - which it is. If Trump did not want the press talking about something as trivial as crowd size, then he shouldn't have sent his press secretary to the press to tell an unprovoked lie about crowd size. It's just. That. Simple.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Spicer spoke for almost an hour and a half. How much of that time was spent discussing crowd size?
So? It's okay if he lies, just so long as he said other stuff too? The day that Obama said "If you like your doctor, you will keep your doctor," he spoke for over 45 minutes. Sooo...since that was just one line in a 45 minute speech, that made that one statement irrelevant, right?

Yet the lead story with the main stream media dealt with little else?
Yup. Today, Trump had an entire interview, in which he said a lot of different things, but among the things he said, was "I think waterboarding works". Guess what the one thing he said that mattered was? Yesterday, Trump said, and did a lot of things, but one of the things he said was that 3 million undocumented immigrants (illegal aliens, whatever you want to call them) voted. Guess what statement Trump made yesterday consumed the news cycle? I don't care if the president, or his press secretary, says 100 true, or even mostly true things, if. He. Lies - even once - that is all that the press is going to remember that he said. If you want everyone to be consumed, and impressed with all of the not lies that Trump, and his Press Secretary imparts, then it's really easy - Don't. Fucking. Lie. Not even once. Because I promise you, the only thing that will get covered, and the only thing anyone is going to hear about is going to be the lie.

The point is the media picks which liars they want to expose based on their left leaning bias. Here is a good piece that talks to this "controversy".

"Then, finally, when the more Trump-unfriendly press did get a shot at Spicer, they made the entire crowd-size debacle into a firefight over media relations. “Before I get to a policy question, just a question about the nature of your job,” said Jon Karl of ABC News. “Is it your intention to always tell the truth from that podium, and will you pledge never to knowingly say something that is not factual?”

This is the way Team Trump wants to portray the media: as completely obsessed with their own mistreatment at Trump’s hands rather than with mistreatment of the truth and, by extension, of the American people. By dividing the media from the American people, Team Trump conquers.

The media have been complicit in their own demise for years. For nearly a decade, they swallowed lie after lie from the Obama administration. Why? Didn’t they have an obligation to ask Jay Carney the same question Karl asked Spicer, particularly after Carney was trotted out day after day to claim that Americans could keep their doctors under Obamacare? Why didn’t the media take personal umbrage when Barack Obama fibbed about Benghazi or about the IRS? Why did they seem wildly untroubled when Obama national-security adviser Ben Rhodes peddled absolute fiction about the Iran nuclear deal — and then bragged about it? Because they agreed with Obama. So they weren’t affronted. After all, Obama wasn’t really lying to them — he was merely lying to the American people! And was that so bad? The American people didn’t know enough to understand the complexities of Obamacare or the foreign-policy rationale behind the Iran deal or the details of the Benghazi attack. If Obama fibbed, the media glossed over those fibs — they weren’t upset on behalf of Americans, because they weren’t upset in general."

Read more at: Media & Trump Administration -- Press Secretaries Lie to the Public, Not Just Journalists | National Review
That's ridiculous, Camp! Disputing the number of people who attended an event doesn't make you a con artist nor a simply means you don't agree with the propaganda that news outlets like CNN and MSNBC is putting out and that you're more than willing to put forth your own take on things! I'm sorry if conservatives fighting back against the likes of Chuck Todd "offends" you but you better get used to it because I don't think it's going to change while Trump is in office.

There's nothing to dispute.


Yeah, that's really compelling. One picture taken at the top of the event, the other taken as people are arriving. And dipshits like you believe it. The actual time of the event picture shows something different.

The photo you posted is from a different angle.

Secondly, the aerial image I posted of Trump's inauguration was taken while he was speaking and was at, or about, maximum crowd size.

Thirdly, the image from Trump's inauguration, as thin as the crowd was, only went as far back as that white structure. That's only about half way to the Washington monument. That white structure wasn't there during Obama’s inauguration and his crowd filled the mall all the way back to the Washington monument.

Fourthly, no one's been able to produce an aerial shot showing the mall filled to capacity because it never did fill up more than the aerial image I posted.

Fifth, you're dealing with alternative facts.

Sixth, Trump, through his press secretary, lied again.

Seventh, keep re-reading this post until reality sets in.

And yours is from a different time. Duh. You can see all the way to that back in the picture I posted and the space is FILLED with people. The picture you posted was from before the inauguration began and silly people, like you, believe it because you so want to.

Mine is from when Trump was speaking. You're, being from a different angle, hides the gaps the aerial view reveals. That's why you don't post a shot from the aerial view -- because at no time was the mall full. And you ignored the part about how Trump's crowd goes only as far back as that white structure whereas Obama's crowd extends all the way back to the Washington monument.

I told you, you should keep re-reading my post until reality sets in. Pity you also ignored my advice.

Uuhhhhh, no it ain't. See that white spot in the middle of your picture? That's where the POTUS group stands. In your picture it is EMPTY. Kind of like your head.
Baghdad Betty has branded herself and the trump administration as liars and con artist extraordinaire and that brand will not go away. They are stuck with it. Only the most extreme trumpidors are still defending them.

That's ridiculous, Camp! Disputing the number of people who attended an event doesn't make you a con artist nor a simply means you don't agree with the propaganda that news outlets like CNN and MSNBC is putting out and that you're more than willing to put forth your own take on things! I'm sorry if conservatives fighting back against the likes of Chuck Todd "offends" you but you better get used to it because I don't think it's going to change while Trump is in office.

There's nothing to dispute.


Yeah, that's really compelling. One picture taken at the top of the event, the other taken as people are arriving. And dipshits like you believe it. The actual time of the event picture shows something different.

The photo you posted is from a different angle.

Secondly, the aerial image I posted of Trump's inauguration was taken while he was speaking and was at, or about, maximum crowd size.

Thirdly, the image from Trump's inauguration, as thin as the crowd was, only went as far back as that white structure. That's only about half way to the Washington monument. That white structure wasn't there during Obama’s inauguration and his crowd filled the mall all the way back to the Washington monument.

Fourthly, no one's been able to produce an aerial shot showing the mall filled to capacity because it never did fill up more than the aerial image I posted.

Fifth, you're dealing with alternative facts.

Sixth, Trump, through his press secretary, lied again.

Seventh, keep re-reading this post until reality sets in.

Even from a different angle it's impossible that your photo and the photo taken from behind Trump were taken at the same time because it's obvious there are a lot more people in the shot from behind Trump. The empty space all down the left side of your photo isn't there in the photo from behind Trump.
No, it is not obvious and it doesn't become obvious because you lie and say it is. It's from a completely different angle and even makes it look as though the crowd went all the way back to the Washington monument even though we know for a fact, it didn't.

And again, if he filled the mall, there would be photographic evidence of such from the aerial view which was a camera that was shooting the entire time.

And in case it missed your notice, there is no such footage.

Because it never happened.

That's why you nuts keep referring to the ground level shot because it hides the gaps. Meanwhile, I posted a photo from high above which was taken during Trump's speech, when the crowd would have been near, or even at, its highest count.

There's nothing to dispute.


Yeah, that's really compelling. One picture taken at the top of the event, the other taken as people are arriving. And dipshits like you believe it. The actual time of the event picture shows something different.

The photo you posted is from a different angle.

Secondly, the aerial image I posted of Trump's inauguration was taken while he was speaking and was at, or about, maximum crowd size.

Thirdly, the image from Trump's inauguration, as thin as the crowd was, only went as far back as that white structure. That's only about half way to the Washington monument. That white structure wasn't there during Obama’s inauguration and his crowd filled the mall all the way back to the Washington monument.

Fourthly, no one's been able to produce an aerial shot showing the mall filled to capacity because it never did fill up more than the aerial image I posted.

Fifth, you're dealing with alternative facts.

Sixth, Trump, through his press secretary, lied again.

Seventh, keep re-reading this post until reality sets in.

And yours is from a different time. Duh. You can see all the way to that back in the picture I posted and the space is FILLED with people. The picture you posted was from before the inauguration began and silly people, like you, believe it because you so want to.

Mine is from when Trump was speaking. You're, being from a different angle, hides the gaps the aerial view reveals. That's why you don't post a shot from the aerial view -- because at no time was the mall full. And you ignored the part about how Trump's crowd goes only as far back as that white structure whereas Obama's crowd extends all the way back to the Washington monument.

I told you, you should keep re-reading my post until reality sets in. Pity you also ignored my advice.

Uuhhhhh, no it ain't. See that white spot in the middle of your picture? That's where the POTUS group stands. In your picture it is EMPTY. Kind of like your head.

You're fucking nuts. :cuckoo:

Two things ...

First, that white spot is in front of where Trump was standing. Trump was standing on a blue platform


Second, in the image I posted, you can see Trump on the large monitors along the mall. He was speaking when that picture was taken.


Yeah, that's really compelling. One picture taken at the top of the event, the other taken as people are arriving. And dipshits like you believe it. The actual time of the event picture shows something different.

The photo you posted is from a different angle.

Secondly, the aerial image I posted of Trump's inauguration was taken while he was speaking and was at, or about, maximum crowd size.

Thirdly, the image from Trump's inauguration, as thin as the crowd was, only went as far back as that white structure. That's only about half way to the Washington monument. That white structure wasn't there during Obama’s inauguration and his crowd filled the mall all the way back to the Washington monument.

Fourthly, no one's been able to produce an aerial shot showing the mall filled to capacity because it never did fill up more than the aerial image I posted.

Fifth, you're dealing with alternative facts.

Sixth, Trump, through his press secretary, lied again.

Seventh, keep re-reading this post until reality sets in.

And yours is from a different time. Duh. You can see all the way to that back in the picture I posted and the space is FILLED with people. The picture you posted was from before the inauguration began and silly people, like you, believe it because you so want to.

Mine is from when Trump was speaking. You're, being from a different angle, hides the gaps the aerial view reveals. That's why you don't post a shot from the aerial view -- because at no time was the mall full. And you ignored the part about how Trump's crowd goes only as far back as that white structure whereas Obama's crowd extends all the way back to the Washington monument.

I told you, you should keep re-reading my post until reality sets in. Pity you also ignored my advice.

Uuhhhhh, no it ain't. See that white spot in the middle of your picture? That's where the POTUS group stands. In your picture it is EMPTY. Kind of like your head.

You're fucking nuts. :cuckoo:

Two things ...

First, that white spot is in front of where Trump was standing. Trump was standing on a blue platform


Second, in the image I posted, you can see Trump on the large monitors along the mall. He was speaking when that picture was taken.



I guess you missed this thread.... Typical 'tard. Dance away little 'tard, dance away...

"However, the pictures in the article show the crowd size for Obama when he was speaking during his 2009 inauguration with the crowd from Trump’s inauguration approximately 3 hours before Trump"

CNN Quietly Releases Updated Pic Showing Trump’s Inaugural Crowd Size Greater than Obama’s 2009 Inau
The photo you posted is from a different angle.

Secondly, the aerial image I posted of Trump's inauguration was taken while he was speaking and was at, or about, maximum crowd size.

Thirdly, the image from Trump's inauguration, as thin as the crowd was, only went as far back as that white structure. That's only about half way to the Washington monument. That white structure wasn't there during Obama’s inauguration and his crowd filled the mall all the way back to the Washington monument.

Fourthly, no one's been able to produce an aerial shot showing the mall filled to capacity because it never did fill up more than the aerial image I posted.

Fifth, you're dealing with alternative facts.

Sixth, Trump, through his press secretary, lied again.

Seventh, keep re-reading this post until reality sets in.

And yours is from a different time. Duh. You can see all the way to that back in the picture I posted and the space is FILLED with people. The picture you posted was from before the inauguration began and silly people, like you, believe it because you so want to.

Mine is from when Trump was speaking. You're, being from a different angle, hides the gaps the aerial view reveals. That's why you don't post a shot from the aerial view -- because at no time was the mall full. And you ignored the part about how Trump's crowd goes only as far back as that white structure whereas Obama's crowd extends all the way back to the Washington monument.

I told you, you should keep re-reading my post until reality sets in. Pity you also ignored my advice.

Uuhhhhh, no it ain't. See that white spot in the middle of your picture? That's where the POTUS group stands. In your picture it is EMPTY. Kind of like your head.

You're fucking nuts. :cuckoo:

Two things ...

First, that white spot is in front of where Trump was standing. Trump was standing on a blue platform


Second, in the image I posted, you can see Trump on the large monitors along the mall. He was speaking when that picture was taken.



I guess you missed this thread.... Typical 'tard. Dance away little 'tard, dance away...

"However, the pictures in the article show the crowd size for Obama when he was speaking during his 2009 inauguration with the crowd from Trump’s inauguration approximately 3 hours before Trump"

CNN Quietly Releases Updated Pic Showing Trump’s Inaugural Crowd Size Greater than Obama’s 2009 Inau
What kind of moronic deflection is that?? :ack-1:

There's nothing in that thread either to help your idiocy.

Idiocy, might I add, that you actually claimed Trump was standing on that "white spot" WHEN YOU POSTED the picture of him standing on the blue platform well in front of that "white spot."


Meanwhile, I posted a photo of Trump's inauguration crowd while he was speaking; which clearly shows how thin the crowd was on the mall.
And yours is from a different time. Duh. You can see all the way to that back in the picture I posted and the space is FILLED with people. The picture you posted was from before the inauguration began and silly people, like you, believe it because you so want to.

Mine is from when Trump was speaking. You're, being from a different angle, hides the gaps the aerial view reveals. That's why you don't post a shot from the aerial view -- because at no time was the mall full. And you ignored the part about how Trump's crowd goes only as far back as that white structure whereas Obama's crowd extends all the way back to the Washington monument.

I told you, you should keep re-reading my post until reality sets in. Pity you also ignored my advice.

Uuhhhhh, no it ain't. See that white spot in the middle of your picture? That's where the POTUS group stands. In your picture it is EMPTY. Kind of like your head.

You're fucking nuts. :cuckoo:

Two things ...

First, that white spot is in front of where Trump was standing. Trump was standing on a blue platform


Second, in the image I posted, you can see Trump on the large monitors along the mall. He was speaking when that picture was taken.



I guess you missed this thread.... Typical 'tard. Dance away little 'tard, dance away...

"However, the pictures in the article show the crowd size for Obama when he was speaking during his 2009 inauguration with the crowd from Trump’s inauguration approximately 3 hours before Trump"

CNN Quietly Releases Updated Pic Showing Trump’s Inaugural Crowd Size Greater than Obama’s 2009 Inau
What kind of moronic deflection is that?? :ack-1:

There's nothing in that thread either to help your idiocy.

Idiocy, might I add, that you actually claimed Trump was standing on that "white spot" WHEN YOU POSTED the picture of him standing on the blue platform well in front of that "white spot."


Meanwhile, I posted a photo of Trump's inauguration crowd while he was speaking; which clearly shows how thin the crowd was on the mall.

It's the clinton news network admitting they lied doofus. They finally posted a picture of the actual inauguration and the area is filled. You are full of poo. Nothing new there.

Mine is from when Trump was speaking. You're, being from a different angle, hides the gaps the aerial view reveals. That's why you don't post a shot from the aerial view -- because at no time was the mall full. And you ignored the part about how Trump's crowd goes only as far back as that white structure whereas Obama's crowd extends all the way back to the Washington monument.

I told you, you should keep re-reading my post until reality sets in. Pity you also ignored my advice.

Uuhhhhh, no it ain't. See that white spot in the middle of your picture? That's where the POTUS group stands. In your picture it is EMPTY. Kind of like your head.

You're fucking nuts. :cuckoo:

Two things ...

First, that white spot is in front of where Trump was standing. Trump was standing on a blue platform


Second, in the image I posted, you can see Trump on the large monitors along the mall. He was speaking when that picture was taken.



I guess you missed this thread.... Typical 'tard. Dance away little 'tard, dance away...

"However, the pictures in the article show the crowd size for Obama when he was speaking during his 2009 inauguration with the crowd from Trump’s inauguration approximately 3 hours before Trump"

CNN Quietly Releases Updated Pic Showing Trump’s Inaugural Crowd Size Greater than Obama’s 2009 Inau
What kind of moronic deflection is that?? :ack-1:

There's nothing in that thread either to help your idiocy.

Idiocy, might I add, that you actually claimed Trump was standing on that "white spot" WHEN YOU POSTED the picture of him standing on the blue platform well in front of that "white spot."


Meanwhile, I posted a photo of Trump's inauguration crowd while he was speaking; which clearly shows how thin the crowd was on the mall.

It's the clinton news network admitting they lied doofus. They finally posted a picture of the actual inauguration and the area is filled. You are full of poo. Nothing new there.

You're really determined to deflect, ain'tcha.

a) that has nothing to do with the sad reality that you just claimed the photo I posted wasn't from when Trump was speaking because of a "white spot" you claimed he was standing on; when the reality is that "white spot" was actually part of a media structure in front of where Trump was speaking, while standing on a blue platform. Funniest part of that bullshit of yours is that YOU POSTED the picture which proves you're either lying or ignorant.

b) I posted a photo that was taken while he was speaking which shows how empty the mall was. You have failed miserably to prove otherwise.

c) nothing in that other thread refutes either a or b.
That's ridiculous, Camp! Disputing the number of people who attended an event doesn't make you a con artist nor a simply means you don't agree with the propaganda that news outlets like CNN and MSNBC is putting out and that you're more than willing to put forth your own take on things! I'm sorry if conservatives fighting back against the likes of Chuck Todd "offends" you but you better get used to it because I don't think it's going to change while Trump is in office.

There's nothing to dispute.


Yeah, that's really compelling. One picture taken at the top of the event, the other taken as people are arriving. And dipshits like you believe it. The actual time of the event picture shows something different.

The photo you posted is from a different angle.

Secondly, the aerial image I posted of Trump's inauguration was taken while he was speaking and was at, or about, maximum crowd size.

Thirdly, the image from Trump's inauguration, as thin as the crowd was, only went as far back as that white structure. That's only about half way to the Washington monument. That white structure wasn't there during Obama’s inauguration and his crowd filled the mall all the way back to the Washington monument.

Fourthly, no one's been able to produce an aerial shot showing the mall filled to capacity because it never did fill up more than the aerial image I posted.

Fifth, you're dealing with alternative facts.

Sixth, Trump, through his press secretary, lied again.

Seventh, keep re-reading this post until reality sets in.

Even from a different angle it's impossible that your photo and the photo taken from behind Trump were taken at the same time because it's obvious there are a lot more people in the shot from behind Trump. The empty space all down the left side of your photo isn't there in the photo from behind Trump.
No, it is not obvious and it doesn't become obvious because you lie and say it is. It's from a completely different angle and even makes it look as though the crowd went all the way back to the Washington monument even though we know for a fact, it didn't.

And again, if he filled the mall, there would be photographic evidence of such from the aerial view which was a camera that was shooting the entire time.

And in case it missed your notice, there is no such footage.

Because it never happened.

That's why you nuts keep referring to the ground level shot because it hides the gaps. Meanwhile, I posted a photo from high above which was taken during Trump's speech, when the crowd would have been near, or even at, its highest count.

The picture you posted was the one taken at about noon time...the picture showing Trump's speech was taken at a later time. It's obvious that more people had arrived at that point. Since there was a concerted effort put forth by certain liberal losers to disrupt the event that isn't hard to understand why that might have occurred.

There's nothing to dispute.


Yeah, that's really compelling. One picture taken at the top of the event, the other taken as people are arriving. And dipshits like you believe it. The actual time of the event picture shows something different.

The photo you posted is from a different angle.

Secondly, the aerial image I posted of Trump's inauguration was taken while he was speaking and was at, or about, maximum crowd size.

Thirdly, the image from Trump's inauguration, as thin as the crowd was, only went as far back as that white structure. That's only about half way to the Washington monument. That white structure wasn't there during Obama’s inauguration and his crowd filled the mall all the way back to the Washington monument.

Fourthly, no one's been able to produce an aerial shot showing the mall filled to capacity because it never did fill up more than the aerial image I posted.

Fifth, you're dealing with alternative facts.

Sixth, Trump, through his press secretary, lied again.

Seventh, keep re-reading this post until reality sets in.

Even from a different angle it's impossible that your photo and the photo taken from behind Trump were taken at the same time because it's obvious there are a lot more people in the shot from behind Trump. The empty space all down the left side of your photo isn't there in the photo from behind Trump.
No, it is not obvious and it doesn't become obvious because you lie and say it is. It's from a completely different angle and even makes it look as though the crowd went all the way back to the Washington monument even though we know for a fact, it didn't.

And again, if he filled the mall, there would be photographic evidence of such from the aerial view which was a camera that was shooting the entire time.

And in case it missed your notice, there is no such footage.

Because it never happened.

That's why you nuts keep referring to the ground level shot because it hides the gaps. Meanwhile, I posted a photo from high above which was taken during Trump's speech, when the crowd would have been near, or even at, its highest count.

The picture you posted was the one taken at about noon time...the picture showing Trump's speech was taken at a later time. It's obvious that more people had arrived at that point. Since there was a concerted effort put forth by certain liberal losers to disrupt the event that isn't hard to understand why that might have occurred.
Let's see your evidence of the exact time each photo was taken....

Let's see your evidence that the crowd grew immensely from when he first started speaking to just minutes later...

And lastly, let's see the aerial view of a packed mall....

Otherwise, you're just blowing smoke as usual.
Yeah, that's really compelling. One picture taken at the top of the event, the other taken as people are arriving. And dipshits like you believe it. The actual time of the event picture shows something different.

The photo you posted is from a different angle.

Secondly, the aerial image I posted of Trump's inauguration was taken while he was speaking and was at, or about, maximum crowd size.

Thirdly, the image from Trump's inauguration, as thin as the crowd was, only went as far back as that white structure. That's only about half way to the Washington monument. That white structure wasn't there during Obama’s inauguration and his crowd filled the mall all the way back to the Washington monument.

Fourthly, no one's been able to produce an aerial shot showing the mall filled to capacity because it never did fill up more than the aerial image I posted.

Fifth, you're dealing with alternative facts.

Sixth, Trump, through his press secretary, lied again.

Seventh, keep re-reading this post until reality sets in.

Even from a different angle it's impossible that your photo and the photo taken from behind Trump were taken at the same time because it's obvious there are a lot more people in the shot from behind Trump. The empty space all down the left side of your photo isn't there in the photo from behind Trump.
No, it is not obvious and it doesn't become obvious because you lie and say it is. It's from a completely different angle and even makes it look as though the crowd went all the way back to the Washington monument even though we know for a fact, it didn't.

And again, if he filled the mall, there would be photographic evidence of such from the aerial view which was a camera that was shooting the entire time.

And in case it missed your notice, there is no such footage.

Because it never happened.

That's why you nuts keep referring to the ground level shot because it hides the gaps. Meanwhile, I posted a photo from high above which was taken during Trump's speech, when the crowd would have been near, or even at, its highest count.

The picture you posted was the one taken at about noon time...the picture showing Trump's speech was taken at a later time. It's obvious that more people had arrived at that point. Since there was a concerted effort put forth by certain liberal losers to disrupt the event that isn't hard to understand why that might have occurred.
Let's see your evidence of the exact time each photo was taken....

Let's see your evidence that the crowd grew immensely from when he first started speaking to just minutes later...

And lastly, let's see the aerial view of a packed mall....

Otherwise, you're just blowing smoke as usual.

Since your photo doesn't show Trump on stage yet...and the second photo taken from behind him obviously DOES...then it doesn't take a genius to figure out that the second photo was taken AFTER the first!

Show me an aerial view of the mall while Trump is speaking that shows those open spaces! All you've shown so far is one taken before Trump spoke.
The photo you posted is from a different angle.

Secondly, the aerial image I posted of Trump's inauguration was taken while he was speaking and was at, or about, maximum crowd size.

Thirdly, the image from Trump's inauguration, as thin as the crowd was, only went as far back as that white structure. That's only about half way to the Washington monument. That white structure wasn't there during Obama’s inauguration and his crowd filled the mall all the way back to the Washington monument.

Fourthly, no one's been able to produce an aerial shot showing the mall filled to capacity because it never did fill up more than the aerial image I posted.

Fifth, you're dealing with alternative facts.

Sixth, Trump, through his press secretary, lied again.

Seventh, keep re-reading this post until reality sets in.

Even from a different angle it's impossible that your photo and the photo taken from behind Trump were taken at the same time because it's obvious there are a lot more people in the shot from behind Trump. The empty space all down the left side of your photo isn't there in the photo from behind Trump.
No, it is not obvious and it doesn't become obvious because you lie and say it is. It's from a completely different angle and even makes it look as though the crowd went all the way back to the Washington monument even though we know for a fact, it didn't.

And again, if he filled the mall, there would be photographic evidence of such from the aerial view which was a camera that was shooting the entire time.

And in case it missed your notice, there is no such footage.

Because it never happened.

That's why you nuts keep referring to the ground level shot because it hides the gaps. Meanwhile, I posted a photo from high above which was taken during Trump's speech, when the crowd would have been near, or even at, its highest count.

The picture you posted was the one taken at about noon time...the picture showing Trump's speech was taken at a later time. It's obvious that more people had arrived at that point. Since there was a concerted effort put forth by certain liberal losers to disrupt the event that isn't hard to understand why that might have occurred.
Let's see your evidence of the exact time each photo was taken....

Let's see your evidence that the crowd grew immensely from when he first started speaking to just minutes later...

And lastly, let's see the aerial view of a packed mall....

Otherwise, you're just blowing smoke as usual.

Since your photo doesn't show Trump on stage yet...and the second photo taken from behind him obviously DOES...then it doesn't take a genius to figure out that the second photo was taken AFTER the first!

Show me an aerial view of the mall while Trump is speaking that shows those open spaces! All you've shown so far is one taken before Trump spoke.

There is no burden on me to show you anything. You're the one making claims you can't prove. If you could have proven it with an aerial view showing a full mall, you would have.

Even worse, now you're lying, claiming my photo was taken before his speech.... Lying con tool, you can see he's standing alone with the blue steps behind him, which only appeared like that while he was giving his speech.

That you have to lie proves you're wrong. You're just not man enough to admit it. :mm:
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Uuhhhhh, no it ain't. See that white spot in the middle of your picture? That's where the POTUS group stands. In your picture it is EMPTY. Kind of like your head.

You're fucking nuts. :cuckoo:

Two things ...

First, that white spot is in front of where Trump was standing. Trump was standing on a blue platform


Second, in the image I posted, you can see Trump on the large monitors along the mall. He was speaking when that picture was taken.



I guess you missed this thread.... Typical 'tard. Dance away little 'tard, dance away...

"However, the pictures in the article show the crowd size for Obama when he was speaking during his 2009 inauguration with the crowd from Trump’s inauguration approximately 3 hours before Trump"

CNN Quietly Releases Updated Pic Showing Trump’s Inaugural Crowd Size Greater than Obama’s 2009 Inau
What kind of moronic deflection is that?? :ack-1:

There's nothing in that thread either to help your idiocy.

Idiocy, might I add, that you actually claimed Trump was standing on that "white spot" WHEN YOU POSTED the picture of him standing on the blue platform well in front of that "white spot."


Meanwhile, I posted a photo of Trump's inauguration crowd while he was speaking; which clearly shows how thin the crowd was on the mall.

It's the clinton news network admitting they lied doofus. They finally posted a picture of the actual inauguration and the area is filled. You are full of poo. Nothing new there.

You're really determined to deflect, ain'tcha.

a) that has nothing to do with the sad reality that you just claimed the photo I posted wasn't from when Trump was speaking because of a "white spot" you claimed he was standing on; when the reality is that "white spot" was actually part of a media structure in front of where Trump was speaking, while standing on a blue platform. Funniest part of that bullshit of yours is that YOU POSTED the picture which proves you're either lying or ignorant.

b) I posted a photo that was taken while he was speaking which shows how empty the mall was. You have failed miserably to prove otherwise.

c) nothing in that other thread refutes either a or b.

Which even cnn has admitted was taken BEFORE the crowd arrived. At least an hour before, so the only person trying to deflect is you and your infantile bullshit. Hy thee back to the school yard junior. This is a site for adults, not grade school twerps.
The non-media left keeps showing a supposed time lapse that shows "the extent of the crowd" I find it interesting that the aerial view blurs before the folks start leaving - and what I find interesting is that if you look at the tiny screens it doesn't appear to be Trump speaking on either frame before nor after the blur. My general impression is that they very well could have cut out video from his speech.

That said, I don't give enough of a shit about this non-issue to bother looking into it more than I already have, frankly I just don't have time I'm willing to waste on this crap.

I do find it curious that even despite all the hoopla about this, you cannot find a single aerial view photo /except/ the one CNN put out before the speech started. That's rather convenient isn't it? No one else finds that a bit odd? Do I trust the media's telling the truth here? Hell no - and that has nothing at all to do with Trump. The media is complete shit and I've been saying that for well over two decades now. I also note that many people have come forward saying that they waited in line to get through security for 4-5 hours and ultimately didn't get through in time to see the speech. (They're pissed off about it, even saying that it was done on purpose, but I think they just planned poorly - everyone on the planet should have known the security was going to be insane for this thing.)

You're fucking nuts. :cuckoo:

Two things ...

First, that white spot is in front of where Trump was standing. Trump was standing on a blue platform


Second, in the image I posted, you can see Trump on the large monitors along the mall. He was speaking when that picture was taken.



I guess you missed this thread.... Typical 'tard. Dance away little 'tard, dance away...

"However, the pictures in the article show the crowd size for Obama when he was speaking during his 2009 inauguration with the crowd from Trump’s inauguration approximately 3 hours before Trump"

CNN Quietly Releases Updated Pic Showing Trump’s Inaugural Crowd Size Greater than Obama’s 2009 Inau
What kind of moronic deflection is that?? :ack-1:

There's nothing in that thread either to help your idiocy.

Idiocy, might I add, that you actually claimed Trump was standing on that "white spot" WHEN YOU POSTED the picture of him standing on the blue platform well in front of that "white spot."


Meanwhile, I posted a photo of Trump's inauguration crowd while he was speaking; which clearly shows how thin the crowd was on the mall.

It's the clinton news network admitting they lied doofus. They finally posted a picture of the actual inauguration and the area is filled. You are full of poo. Nothing new there.

You're really determined to deflect, ain'tcha.

a) that has nothing to do with the sad reality that you just claimed the photo I posted wasn't from when Trump was speaking because of a "white spot" you claimed he was standing on; when the reality is that "white spot" was actually part of a media structure in front of where Trump was speaking, while standing on a blue platform. Funniest part of that bullshit of yours is that YOU POSTED the picture which proves you're either lying or ignorant.

b) I posted a photo that was taken while he was speaking which shows how empty the mall was. You have failed miserably to prove otherwise.

c) nothing in that other thread refutes either a or b.

Which even cnn has admitted was taken BEFORE the crowd arrived. At least an hour before, so the only person trying to deflect is you and your infantile bullshit. Hy thee back to the school yard junior. This is a site for adults, not grade school twerps.

Spits the idiot who actually posted a picture of Trump standing on blue carpeting; and then in a failed attempt to discredit the photo I posted which proved the mall was not full while he was speaking, lied and claimed that photo was not while Trump was speaking because you couldn't see him standing on a white spot in the picture.

Even worse for you, when that lie blows up in your face, you deflect to a different picture being discussed on a different thread.

:spinner: :spinner: :spinner:
Yeah, that's really compelling. One picture taken at the top of the event, the other taken as people are arriving. And dipshits like you believe it. The actual time of the event picture shows something different.

The photo you posted is from a different angle.

Secondly, the aerial image I posted of Trump's inauguration was taken while he was speaking and was at, or about, maximum crowd size.

Thirdly, the image from Trump's inauguration, as thin as the crowd was, only went as far back as that white structure. That's only about half way to the Washington monument. That white structure wasn't there during Obama’s inauguration and his crowd filled the mall all the way back to the Washington monument.

Fourthly, no one's been able to produce an aerial shot showing the mall filled to capacity because it never did fill up more than the aerial image I posted.

Fifth, you're dealing with alternative facts.

Sixth, Trump, through his press secretary, lied again.

Seventh, keep re-reading this post until reality sets in.

Even from a different angle it's impossible that your photo and the photo taken from behind Trump were taken at the same time because it's obvious there are a lot more people in the shot from behind Trump. The empty space all down the left side of your photo isn't there in the photo from behind Trump.
No, it is not obvious and it doesn't become obvious because you lie and say it is. It's from a completely different angle and even makes it look as though the crowd went all the way back to the Washington monument even though we know for a fact, it didn't.

And again, if he filled the mall, there would be photographic evidence of such from the aerial view which was a camera that was shooting the entire time.

And in case it missed your notice, there is no such footage.

Because it never happened.

That's why you nuts keep referring to the ground level shot because it hides the gaps. Meanwhile, I posted a photo from high above which was taken during Trump's speech, when the crowd would have been near, or even at, its highest count.

The picture you posted was the one taken at about noon time...the picture showing Trump's speech was taken at a later time. It's obvious that more people had arrived at that point. Since there was a concerted effort put forth by certain liberal losers to disrupt the event that isn't hard to understand why that might have occurred.
Let's see your evidence of the exact time each photo was taken....

Let's see your evidence that the crowd grew immensely from when he first started speaking to just minutes later...

And lastly, let's see the aerial view of a packed mall....

Otherwise, you're just blowing smoke as usual.
I point out ... Oldstyle failed to produce any of the evidence I challenged him to show.

The photo you posted is from a different angle.

Secondly, the aerial image I posted of Trump's inauguration was taken while he was speaking and was at, or about, maximum crowd size.

Thirdly, the image from Trump's inauguration, as thin as the crowd was, only went as far back as that white structure. That's only about half way to the Washington monument. That white structure wasn't there during Obama’s inauguration and his crowd filled the mall all the way back to the Washington monument.

Fourthly, no one's been able to produce an aerial shot showing the mall filled to capacity because it never did fill up more than the aerial image I posted.

Fifth, you're dealing with alternative facts.

Sixth, Trump, through his press secretary, lied again.

Seventh, keep re-reading this post until reality sets in.

Even from a different angle it's impossible that your photo and the photo taken from behind Trump were taken at the same time because it's obvious there are a lot more people in the shot from behind Trump. The empty space all down the left side of your photo isn't there in the photo from behind Trump.
No, it is not obvious and it doesn't become obvious because you lie and say it is. It's from a completely different angle and even makes it look as though the crowd went all the way back to the Washington monument even though we know for a fact, it didn't.

And again, if he filled the mall, there would be photographic evidence of such from the aerial view which was a camera that was shooting the entire time.

And in case it missed your notice, there is no such footage.

Because it never happened.

That's why you nuts keep referring to the ground level shot because it hides the gaps. Meanwhile, I posted a photo from high above which was taken during Trump's speech, when the crowd would have been near, or even at, its highest count.

The picture you posted was the one taken at about noon time...the picture showing Trump's speech was taken at a later time. It's obvious that more people had arrived at that point. Since there was a concerted effort put forth by certain liberal losers to disrupt the event that isn't hard to understand why that might have occurred.
Let's see your evidence of the exact time each photo was taken....

Let's see your evidence that the crowd grew immensely from when he first started speaking to just minutes later...

And lastly, let's see the aerial view of a packed mall....

Otherwise, you're just blowing smoke as usual.
I point out ... Oldstyle failed to produce any of the evidence I challenged him to show.


I can't "produce" something that doesn't seem to exist! What I can do is look at the photos we DO seem to have and very quickly come to the conclusion that CNN was comparing two crowds that peaked at totally different times and claiming that turnout for Trump was sparse. Quite frankly the second picture...taken from behind Trump...should not look like it does if it were taken at the same time as the first, CNN picture! It's obvious that the crowd has filled in substantially from before.

You challenge me to produce evidence that first CNN photo was the "peak" crowd for Trump? I challenge you to produce evidence that it was! Show me an aerial view of the mall taken at the same time as the photo of Trump taken from behind that "proves" that the mall hadn't filled in!

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