Kellyanne Conway on Fox news said part of the redactions are

There's more bad news Republicans
Iowa’s longest-serving republican legislator, state Rep. Andy McKean, ditched the GOP on Tuesday as he offered a searing renunciation of president tRump, saying he could no longer support tRump as the party’s standard-bearer because of its “unacceptable behavior” and “reckless spending."

McKean revealed he would join the Democratic Party, a decision he described as “very difficult” after spending nearly a half-century as a registered republican and 26 years in the legislature. But ultimately, he said, “I feel as a republican that I need to be able to support the standard-bearer of our party.”

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‘If this is the new normal, I want no part of it’: Citing Trump, Iowa’s longest-serving Republican leaves party
McKean, who has been a registered Republican for nearly a half century, joins a small cohort of state lawmakers across the country who have fled the GOP.

What do you think Trump is gonna tweet about this guy?

No doubt it will be something that makes you loons poop your panties.
There's more bad news Republicans
Iowa’s longest-serving republican legislator, state Rep. Andy McKean, ditched the GOP on Tuesday as he offered a searing renunciation of president tRump, saying he could no longer support tRump as the party’s standard-bearer because of its “unacceptable behavior” and “reckless spending."

McKean revealed he would join the Democratic Party, a decision he described as “very difficult” after spending nearly a half-century as a registered republican and 26 years in the legislature. But ultimately, he said, “I feel as a republican that I need to be able to support the standard-bearer of our party.”

About this website


‘If this is the new normal, I want no part of it’: Citing Trump, Iowa’s longest-serving Republican leaves party
McKean, who has been a registered Republican for nearly a half century, joins a small cohort of state lawmakers across the country who have fled the GOP.

What do you think Trump is gonna tweet about this guy?

No doubt it will be something that makes you loons poop your panties.

Nope, no pants filling here. However, based on Trump's history, we already know that when someone goes against him or makes him look bad, Trump has to get into a twitter war with them.
There's more bad news Republicans
Iowa’s longest-serving republican legislator, state Rep. Andy McKean, ditched the GOP on Tuesday as he offered a searing renunciation of president tRump, saying he could no longer support tRump as the party’s standard-bearer because of its “unacceptable behavior” and “reckless spending."

McKean revealed he would join the Democratic Party, a decision he described as “very difficult” after spending nearly a half-century as a registered republican and 26 years in the legislature. But ultimately, he said, “I feel as a republican that I need to be able to support the standard-bearer of our party.”

About this website


‘If this is the new normal, I want no part of it’: Citing Trump, Iowa’s longest-serving Republican leaves party
McKean, who has been a registered Republican for nearly a half century, joins a small cohort of state lawmakers across the country who have fled the GOP.

What do you think Trump is gonna tweet about this guy?

No doubt it will be something that makes you loons poop your panties.

Nope, no pants filling here. However, based on Trump's history, we already know that when someone goes against him or makes him look bad, Trump has to get into a twitter war with them.

Oops, sorry, was I too late?
There's more bad news Republicans
Iowa’s longest-serving republican legislator, state Rep. Andy McKean, ditched the GOP on Tuesday as he offered a searing renunciation of president tRump, saying he could no longer support tRump as the party’s standard-bearer because of its “unacceptable behavior” and “reckless spending."

McKean revealed he would join the Democratic Party, a decision he described as “very difficult” after spending nearly a half-century as a registered republican and 26 years in the legislature. But ultimately, he said, “I feel as a republican that I need to be able to support the standard-bearer of our party.”

About this website


‘If this is the new normal, I want no part of it’: Citing Trump, Iowa’s longest-serving Republican leaves party
McKean, who has been a registered Republican for nearly a half century, joins a small cohort of state lawmakers across the country who have fled the GOP.

What do you think Trump is gonna tweet about this guy?

No doubt it will be something that makes you loons poop your panties.

Nope, no pants filling here. However, based on Trump's history, we already know that when someone goes against him or makes him look bad, Trump has to get into a twitter war with them.
Correct, because he is a malignant narcissist. To him, any perceived slight is as bad as any other.
Cool story, Tramp lied about repeal and replacing the ACA and Mexico paying for a wall. How do ewe feel about that?
/---/ No he didn't lie. Trump did make those promises but he needed the support of Congress to make them happen. If you weren't in a drunken stupor for the last two years, you'd have seen the democRATs and RINOs work against the president. But then again you may have been sober and cheering the obstructionist on.

Hey dupe, the fat, Orange idiot never had a plan. Be it beautiful n cheap or ugly and expensive, stupid and the GOP had/have nothing. Oh and Mexico laughed at him and told him to get fucked. Which rock did ewe just climb out from under?:21::21::21::21::21::420::abgg2q.jpg::backpedal::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

Trump has done a remarkable job. More accomplished in 2 years than by the last two presidents combined, both disastrous. He did all that while fighting off a coup attempt by people who just couldn't accept Clinton lost the election, including Clinton herself.

Lol, he has done nothing but blowhard and golf. Oh and cut taxes for himself and his uber wealthy buddies, MAGA!

Yet, he will crush Clinton one last time in 2020.

And ewe know Clinton is running again?:bigbed:
Hillary isn't going to run again, and I doubt she is asked to support any candidates in 2020, because currently, she is politically radioactive.

And yes............she should just gracefully bow out of the limelight.
/---/ No he didn't lie. Trump did make those promises but he needed the support of Congress to make them happen. If you weren't in a drunken stupor for the last two years, you'd have seen the democRATs and RINOs work against the president. But then again you may have been sober and cheering the obstructionist on.

Hey dupe, the fat, Orange idiot never had a plan. Be it beautiful n cheap or ugly and expensive, stupid and the GOP had/have nothing. Oh and Mexico laughed at him and told him to get fucked. Which rock did ewe just climb out from under?:21::21::21::21::21::420::abgg2q.jpg::backpedal::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

Trump has done a remarkable job. More accomplished in 2 years than by the last two presidents combined, both disastrous. He did all that while fighting off a coup attempt by people who just couldn't accept Clinton lost the election, including Clinton herself.

Lol, he has done nothing but blowhard and golf. Oh and cut taxes for himself and his uber wealthy buddies, MAGA!

Yet, he will crush Clinton one last time in 2020.

And ewe know Clinton is running again?:bigbed:

Of course, the group of candidates that have announced so far have zero chance at winning. Clinton gets a pass to the finals. She cant turn that down.
about Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky. How does she know!

Poor Kellyanne , Laura Ingraham, Bosie, Drudge, and Breibart have been at it since 1995 talking about Hillary Clinton. Obsessed with her.

She must be so very jealous, never made it big, just a loudmouth nobody.

I suspect the redactions are where Starr gave the report to Congress, and let them go at it and the Republicans sure did. Delivered the report to Congress not to the AG.

Clinton was impeached due to sexual stuff with a consenting adult,

what tramp has done and continues to do is 10,000 times worst than B. Clinton and much worst than Watergate.
Clinton lied under oath, doesn't matter about what. He broke the law and paid the price for it.
/---/ No he didn't lie. Trump did make those promises but he needed the support of Congress to make them happen. If you weren't in a drunken stupor for the last two years, you'd have seen the democRATs and RINOs work against the president. But then again you may have been sober and cheering the obstructionist on.

Hey dupe, the fat, Orange idiot never had a plan. Be it beautiful n cheap or ugly and expensive, stupid and the GOP had/have nothing. Oh and Mexico laughed at him and told him to get fucked. Which rock did ewe just climb out from under?:21::21::21::21::21::420::abgg2q.jpg::backpedal::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

Trump has done a remarkable job. More accomplished in 2 years than by the last two presidents combined, both disastrous. He did all that while fighting off a coup attempt by people who just couldn't accept Clinton lost the election, including Clinton herself.

Lol, he has done nothing but blowhard and golf. Oh and cut taxes for himself and his uber wealthy buddies, MAGA!

Yet, he will crush Clinton one last time in 2020.

And ewe know Clinton is running again?:bigbed:
/——/ because she can’t help herself. It’s her turn again
He broke the law and paid the price for it.
Haha, yeah,won re-election...
Lol, I didn't have a whole lot against Bill. The republicans kept him in line. The best thing is Hillary isn't president. Oh, and after what you just stated. You have no credibility if you criticize Trump for his misdeeds.
That doesn't make any sense. I stated a fact. What are ya smokin'?
Oh my then you liberals were saying a blow wasn't sex. It doesn't matter what he does with his sex life is nobody's business. Now you claim it does
Hey dupe, the fat, Orange idiot never had a plan. Be it beautiful n cheap or ugly and expensive, stupid and the GOP had/have nothing. Oh and Mexico laughed at him and told him to get fucked. Which rock did ewe just climb out from under?:21::21::21::21::21::420::abgg2q.jpg::backpedal::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

Trump has done a remarkable job. More accomplished in 2 years than by the last two presidents combined, both disastrous. He did all that while fighting off a coup attempt by people who just couldn't accept Clinton lost the election, including Clinton herself.

Lol, he has done nothing but blowhard and golf. Oh and cut taxes for himself and his uber wealthy buddies, MAGA!

Yet, he will crush Clinton one last time in 2020.

And ewe know Clinton is running again?:bigbed:

Of course, the group of candidates that have announced so far have zero chance at winning. Clinton gets a pass to the finals. She cant turn that down.

Wanna bet?
Hey dupe, the fat, Orange idiot never had a plan. Be it beautiful n cheap or ugly and expensive, stupid and the GOP had/have nothing. Oh and Mexico laughed at him and told him to get fucked. Which rock did ewe just climb out from under?:21::21::21::21::21::420::abgg2q.jpg::backpedal::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

Trump has done a remarkable job. More accomplished in 2 years than by the last two presidents combined, both disastrous. He did all that while fighting off a coup attempt by people who just couldn't accept Clinton lost the election, including Clinton herself.

Lol, he has done nothing but blowhard and golf. Oh and cut taxes for himself and his uber wealthy buddies, MAGA!

Yet, he will crush Clinton one last time in 2020.

And ewe know Clinton is running again?:bigbed:
/——/ because she can’t help herself. It’s her turn again
View attachment 257711

Wanna bet?
about Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky. How does she know!

Poor Kellyanne , Laura Ingraham, Bosie, Drudge, and Breibart have been at it since 1995 talking about Hillary Clinton. Obsessed with her.

She must be so very jealous, never made it big, just a loudmouth nobody.
Monica is much better looking than she is.
/——/ JFK had the best taste in girlfriends
View attachment 257614
This is what I didn't understand about Bill Clinton. Here you are, the most powerful man on Earth, and you fool around with dogs?

I would have had Kim Bassinger bent over my desk!

He was scr
Mueller kept to his edict. He didn't move his investigation all over the map the way Ken Starr did. Mueller stuck to Russian interference in our election.

And then Trump kept trying to obstruct him. Trump doesn't want the American people to know he would not have been elected without Putin's help.

But let's ask him about his sex life. Under oath. See what shakes out. That's what a Republican would do.

1. Star was under a different law, which is why he had such latitude, but you already knew that, lol.

2. Barr asked Mueller 3 times IF the reason he came to no conclusion on Trump collusion was because of the DOJ rules of no indictment for a sitting President; Muellers reply all 3 times was...…….NO!

3. The EXACT theory of why Trump was not exonerated for Obstruction, was used by Andrew Wiseman in the case he was overturned 9 to 0 in the Supreme Court. If you don't believe me, read it for yourself. But then again, a PROSECUTOR does NOT exonerate, he either brings charges, or walks away, but you knew that too. That is why Barr said succinctly, that even UNDER THE THEORY used by the special counsel, Trump did NOT meet the requirements for obstruction, although that theory had already been proven unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. (you really should read the decision that all 9 justices agreed with, and WHY this proves that volume 2 is a faulty political manifesto in the Mueller report)

Look, Leftists are in trouble, and even much of the media is beginning to admit it. Not enough of them, but when you consider that ALL of them just 3 months ago insisted that Trump was in trouble, it proves the point. If they want their credibility, they have to put up truth, and quite a few of them are now having to tell it, even if it pains them.

Also, those who actually are looking into the near future, KNOW pretty much what is coming. They know a boomerang is going to hit the Left, like nothing that we have ever witnessed before. You see, the media was accurate when it was reporting in lat 16, and early 17 on what they found out was going on. They were happy reporting it, because they were convinced TRUMP COLLUDED and had a CONSPIRACY.

How do they know they were telling a lot of the truth? Because the articles are still there, and have NOT been RETRACTED! But what did they say? The Guardian and CNN reported that the UK was feeding the Obama Administration information. They reported that Trump Tower had been under surveillance. They reported that Carter Paige had a FISA, and surprisingly, the only 2 ways to acquire a FISA on Paige was----------------->swearing in front of the FISA courts that the Steele dossier was true, or showing that they had evidence from a foreign source that he was involved in a conspiracy! (now you know why the Steele dossier was so prominent in the FISA, 4 times)

The LEFTS argument is that the Carter Paige FISA was issued AFTER he left the Trump campaign, so NO, BIG, DEAL! How many times have you heard this on news networks, or read that statement on THIS forum? 20? 30? 50? More?

Here is what they didn't investigate, so didn't tell you, or maybe LIED by omission----------->If a FISA warrant is issued on someone, it is RETROACTIVE...….meaning...……...the 2 hop rule encompasses everyone they had contact with over the last couple of years; meaning the whole Trump campaign was then able to be surveilled! (wonder why they didn't want to tell you that, lol)

Now listen, and listen clearly------------------>the WHOLE Trump campaign was under surveillance from at the very least, July 31, and it was probably earlier, but that has yet to be proven. DJT, DJT Junior, ALL of them! AND, they were under surveillance by at the very least, the FBI, but probably the DNI, and CIA, up until Admiral Rodgers blew the whistle 2 weeks after Trump became the President elect! ALL under Obama I might add-) (they are still trying to discover exactly when they started looking into this, and they think it was much earlier. Time will tell)

And yet, with ALL this surveillance, and all this clandestine snooping around, NO COLLUSION, and even under a faulty legal theory, NO OBSTRUCTION!

And why are the Democrats still pushing?

ANSWER----------------->And this part is just my OPINION, so do not take it as fact, but it is logical, so take it with a grain of salt------------->Political BLACKMAIL! We will NOT try and impeach you, IF you stop nosing around into how this actually happened! We leave you alone, you leave us alone, and let the American people decide in 2020.

This is Donald Trump, and I doubt, that is going to happen! He knows what skeletons he has, and he KNOWS already how this happened. Were it GW, or HW, I think a deal would be cut; but not Trump! He already knows who is in deep doo, and who/whom he can tie to this in the DNC, and if it is enough of them, he will try and take that check to the bank and cash it.

By what we see in the ALL of the press, I would say he has made his decision, and now we are going to see the REAL underbelly of politics, and it isn't going to be pretty!
Trump has done a remarkable job. More accomplished in 2 years than by the last two presidents combined, both disastrous. He did all that while fighting off a coup attempt by people who just couldn't accept Clinton lost the election, including Clinton herself.

Lol, he has done nothing but blowhard and golf. Oh and cut taxes for himself and his uber wealthy buddies, MAGA!

Yet, he will crush Clinton one last time in 2020.

And ewe know Clinton is running again?:bigbed:
/——/ because she can’t help herself. It’s her turn again
View attachment 257711

Wanna bet?
/—-/ I’ll bet her hubris wants her to.
Lol, he has done nothing but blowhard and golf. Oh and cut taxes for himself and his uber wealthy buddies, MAGA!

Yet, he will crush Clinton one last time in 2020.

And ewe know Clinton is running again?:bigbed:
/——/ because she can’t help herself. It’s her turn again
View attachment 257711

Wanna bet?
/—-/ I’ll bet her hubris wants her to.

So your not going to bet.
Yet, he will crush Clinton one last time in 2020.

And ewe know Clinton is running again?:bigbed:
/——/ because she can’t help herself. It’s her turn again
View attachment 257711

Wanna bet?
/—-/ I’ll bet her hubris wants her to.

So your not going to bet.
/—-/ Not a gambling man

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