Keeping guns from criminals - liberals, what is your plan?

Being called a "potty mouth" by someone who can't discuss guns without talking about clits and penises is classic. That actually made sense to you too, didn't it?
Well, I don't think my metaphor was derrogative of the human anatomy, nor, in fact, was it insulting to the "conservative body politic." The clitoris is a precious part of the body. We liberals strongly condemn the African conservatives who remove it surgically as a way of controlling their daughters. You have never discussed the clitoris with a mature woman; you would be amazed to find that they don't think it dirty or disgusting.

You, on the other hand show the scars of your traumatic experiences in the anal phase. Your uncontrollable anger towards anyone who doesn't share your tin phallus worship associates immediately to your guilty disgust with the act of bowel elimination. You are a poor, confused little puppy despite all that compensatory fire power. You obviously can't control your insecurity, why should I believe you can control your gun?

Whoa, calm down. It's an Internet discussion, no reason to lose it like that. Let me know when your homicidal rant is under control.

You're like a clitoris, you think ridiculous shit then stroke yourself until you cum all over the place

I know I guess I'm not a very good "criminal in waiting" since I've owned guns since I was 16 and haven't committed a crime or killed anyone
Kudos for the silliest post in this thread so far. Criminals in waiting don't kill people because they are waiting to kill people. It's tautological, so the fact that you haven't killed anyone (yet) shows that IF you are, in fact, a criminal in waiting, you are a good one because you are still waiting. Congratulaions!

Of course, most pistol kissing gun nuts aren't criminals and never kill anyone. The intense rejection of the idea that you are a criminal or a criminal in waiting comes from within your inner conflict and really has nothing to do with liberal plans (the OP topic) to prevent criminal gun violence. The compulsion to declaim good citizenship is part of the "nut" in gun nut.

Your ludicrous logic about criminals in waiting harmonizes nicely with your absurd bit of scatological gynocology ("You're like a clitoris, you think ridiculous shit then stroke yourself until you cum all over the place"). When you grow up, you may find out some interesting facts: a clitoris doesn't think, when females masturbate, the clitoris doesn't stroke itself and it is boys, not girls that "cum all over the place."

You cannot separate guns from cum or shit. This is a deep psychological derangement that goes to the heart of the danger of having guns available in a society that has folks like you running around in it. Gun nuts are one of the best pieces of evidence for gun control. Thanks.

OK So they are either criminals in waiting or they aren't criminals at all make up your mind.

And if having guns available is dangerous then how come the vast majority of LEGAL gun owners never commit crimes or kill anyone?

You people like attribute the behavior of an extreme minority ( most of them already criminals and not merely waiting to be criminals) to every gun owner.

And who are exactly folks like me?

Do you mean men who are law abiding responsible contributing members of their community that just happen to own guns?
Because that's the kind of folks most of us are

And don't forget, cops should be the only ones with guns. Not sure why the aura of evil guns emanate don't affect cops, but it's not like fish knew what he was talking about before either ...
As usual, you now remain wrong, fishfart:

What I MEANT to say is what I did say. And, your brain is far too minuscule to grasp anything sufficiently to pass judgment on these or any other important matters.

The Second Amendment still exists. The SCOTUS has even (fairly) recently reaffirmed that fact.

That a pinhead fishfucker like you may not like those facts really doesn't manage to change them.
The flatulent burst of childish name calling and personal criticism is unaccompanied by any evidence or analysis about anything. Like so many Internet trolls this poor laddie has nothing to offer but the spectacle of a poor chap consumed by his emotional demons. I feel sorry for him.

His worship of firearms coupled with his uncontrolled rage and inability to connect through verbal or written comminication is more than just pathetic; it is a common trait among our spree shooters, the Second Amendment enthusiasts who shoot up children in elementary schools, strangers is malls and movie theaters and a dozen other venues, including churches, distinctly American bursts of madness which splatter fair Columbia with human gore.

Not every gun nut is a mass murderer but most mass murderers are assuredly gun nuts. Remember that the next time you come across one of these incoherent spouts of hate and rage.

Hey fishfart:

While you are busy doing the very thing you pretend to be above (which makes you an imbecile hypocrite which everyone sees quite clearly, you scum-sucking twat), let's get down to it, shall we, fuckhead?

YOU are the moron who suggested confiscation of guns. I pointed out to you, you mental pygmy, that that isn't possible as long as we have a Second Amendment.

Since then, you have offered not one fucking thing to support your idiotic notion.

Now, it is true that I have engaged in name calling. Not my fault you are a fish fuckface. Deal with it, bitch.

But what is not true is that you have the foggiest notion of the implications of the stupidity you are "suggesting."
This is a sick little puppy. The idea of his gun collection would be alarming if he didn't live in some god forsaken shit hole thousands of miles from my well-guarded estate. There are hundred of these guys running around loose in God's Country. Cause for alarm.


You remain wrong. No surprise.
I can see how hard you must have struggled to come up with this post. The creative effort needed to turn "Fishlore" into "Fishfucker" has left you all sweaty and panting. The body of your argument is a testament to your rich background of knowledge, sharp analysis and deft argument. It may be the wisest thing you have ever put on the board. You keep thinking, it's what you are good at.

And yet, fishfucker, you can't even handle that. Your posts remain a void. No intelligence. No actual "argument." No coherence. A lot of your baseless self-congratulation, but no actual substance.

Have yourself a good cry. But your pissant whining aside, you still have nothing meritorious to offer.

Try again when you are willing to acknowledge that the Second Amendment is the thing that blocks you from your idiotic proposal and that schmucks like you have yet to even coherently begin a process of seeking to repeal the Second Amendment.

Your fail may not yet be complete. But your self-exposure as an assclown remains endless. Keep posting! :thup:
You certainly do try to make people insult you with ridiculous crap like that. I'm glad you've decided to go without insults, LOL. Yeah, read your posts. The only ones who equate sex with guns are liberals. It's as sick as Mertex who can't think of a single use of a projectile flying through the air except to kill a person. You need psychiatric help if you equate guns with sex just like she does for her obsession with killing. Guns are for killing as a LAST resort, and they aren't for sex at all. Get a room
Of course I never expected that a gun nut would grasp the metaphor of the handgun as clitoris of the conservative body politic. You have to read books, especially the kind with no pictures, to understand that sort of remark. "Ridiculous crap" is the sort of response one expects from those fellows who are reflexively angered by what they don't understand.

You go ahead and masturbate over your fucked analogies like that gun owners think of their guns in any way regarding sex all you want. I've been a gun owner and around gun owners all my life and you are full - of - shit no matter how many liberal blogs you want to read with your hand down your pants. I know you're flat out wrong because I live it.

My posts have been pretty low key with insults, but you're a fucking idiot that you're obsessed with this bull shit. We're taking about gun rights, the only one equating guns with sex is you and your vacuous liberal fuck buddies.

You're going there because you're losing on content. So you're doing what you whined about, just being insulting
Another semi-literate foaming in potty-mouthed rage at English prose above his comprehension level. Instant recourse in a blend of sexual and scatological attack is a trope of the low education, rural white resentment that is providing fuel for the kamikaze dive of the Republican Party.

This raging gunslinger knows he is "right" because he "has lived" the gun culture. Of course he hasn't the writing skills to explain any of that sweeping pontification, he just proclaims it with vulgar hostility. Poor guy.

His lack of skill extends also to reading comprehension above the elementary school level. The catalyst for his fecal rage is the metaphor "The handgun seems to be the clitoris of the conservative body politic." In his tantrum he confuses a metaphor with direct comparison. By his uneducated logic, someone who referred to bread as the staff of life would seem to be advocating a diet of sticks. Pathetic.

Being called a "potty mouth" by someone who can't discuss guns without talking about clits and penises is classic. That actually made sense to you too, didn't it?
Well, I don't think my metaphor was derrogative of the human anatomy, nor, in fact, was it insulting to the "conservative body politic." The clitoris is a precious part of the body. We liberals strongly condemn the African conservatives who remove it surgically as a way of controlling their daughters. You have never discussed the clitoris with a mature woman; you would be amazed to find that they don't think it dirty or disgusting.

You, on the other hand show the scars of your traumatic experiences in the anal phase. Your uncontrollable anger towards anyone who doesn't share your tin phallus worship associates immediately to your guilty disgust with the act of bowel elimination. You are a poor, confused little puppy despite all that compensatory fire power. You obviously can't control your insecurity, why should I believe you can control your gun?

^ clearly a college sophomore. Likely at a community college with a poor academic rating.
Many words; says nothing.

Fewer words; says even less.
The number of words and the number of syllables in those words is irrelevant. I can convey a thought in a few words, leaving even you with my opinion or my answer to your question.
You on the other hand, shit out a bunch of fancy sounding words and convey nothing other than confirmation that you lack the cognitive ability to have a conversation.
As you see, I am NOT intimidated by your vocabulary. I, however continue to be amused by your lack of substance and unwarranted narcissism.
There ya go, son My vocabulary and my literary skills are at least equal to yours and I actually said something.
You are dismissed.
Then they say, let's pass a law, that will get rid of guns!

No one is trying to "get rid" of guns.....are all conservatives that dumb that they interpret liberals as wanting to "get rid" of guns when all we want is better gun control to reduce gun violence....."common sense, gun safety laws"?

So where should guns be allowed?

I'm guessing you think everywhere. I certainly don't think they should be allowed in

malls - up to the owner of the mall

churches - up to the church

Yes, I agree. That was just my opinion, you asked where they should be allowed, remember?

schools - we shouldn't have government schools, and in private schools it should be up to the school. But inside the building is one thing and on public ground is another. The people in Columbine, Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech, the Oregon community college and other dead defenseless victims might not agree with you

Not every American family can afford private schools for their kids, so I don't agree that we shouldn't have public schools. That's just a conservative mentality that doesn't realize there are plenty of "Republican" families in that same situation, but I guess they don't care about them. And, better security would have prevented some of those incidents. Someone in the school other than law enforcement might have added to the confusion and killings.

bars - should be up to the owner of the bar
Yeah, because we know that people drinking alcohol are able to maintain decorum, and having a gun would just make everyone in the bar safer......bwahahaha!

and other public places except by law enforcement officials - LOL, you say "public" places, then mostly listed private property
The law can designate that private places not be allowed to have guns. But certainly public places where crowds gather should not allow them.

but I defer to the experts on this matter those that are invested in keeping the public safe - The people in Columbine, Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech, the Oregon community college and other dead defenseless victims might not agree with you.
That's your opinion, which you are entitled to, but you have no proof that they wouldn't. Most of the victim's families want more gun control.

And you don't "defer" to anyone but politicians, liberal ones who want to remove our rights. You "defer" to people who agree with you[/QUOTE]
Just because you may only listen to ones that side with your opinion does not mean that others do too. Gun experts are not necessarily politicians, so enough of your ad hominem.....stick to what you do know.
Then they say, let's pass a law, that will get rid of guns!

No one is trying to "get rid" of guns.....are all conservatives that dumb that they interpret liberals as wanting to "get rid" of guns when all we want is better gun control to reduce gun violence....."common sense, gun safety laws"?

So where should guns be allowed?

I'm guessing you think everywhere. I certainly don't think they should be allowed in

malls - up to the owner of the mall

churches - up to the church

Yes, I agree. That was just my opinion, you asked where they should be allowed, remember?

schools - we shouldn't have government schools, and in private schools it should be up to the school. But inside the building is one thing and on public ground is another. The people in Columbine, Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech, the Oregon community college and other dead defenseless victims might not agree with you

Not every American family can afford private schools for their kids, so I don't agree that we shouldn't have public schools. That's just a conservative mentality that doesn't realize there are plenty of "Republican" families in that same situation, but I guess they don't care about them. And, better security would have prevented some of those incidents. Someone in the school other than law enforcement might have added to the confusion and killings.

bars - should be up to the owner of the bar
Yeah, because we know that people drinking alcohol are able to maintain decorum, and having a gun would just make everyone in the bar safer......bwahahaha!

and other public places except by law enforcement officials - LOL, you say "public" places, then mostly listed private property
The law can designate that private places not be allowed to have guns. But certainly public places where crowds gather should not allow them.

but I defer to the experts on this matter those that are invested in keeping the public safe - The people in Columbine, Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech, the Oregon community college and other dead defenseless victims might not agree with you.
That's your opinion, which you are entitled to, but you have no proof that they wouldn't. Most of the victim's families want more gun control.

And you don't "defer" to anyone but politicians, liberal ones who want to remove our rights. You "defer" to people who agree with you
Just because you may only listen to ones that side with your opinion does not mean that others do too. Gun experts are not necessarily politicians, so enough of your ad hominem.....stick to what you do know.[/QUOTE]

LOL, self awareness of your own hypocrisy just isn't part of your world, is it?
Just honest citizens

That's the problem.....many consider themselves honest citizens and they're just criminals waiting to happen.

So you're a criminal waiting to happen?

Nice try, but I'm not the one here defending "guns" and I don't even own one.

So only people who own guns are "criminals in waiting" now?

Wow according to you then I've been a criminal in waiting since I was 16 and I'm still waiting to become a criminal.

I suppose I'll be waiting for a very long time perhaps I'll die without becoming a criminal
Just honest citizens

That's the problem.....many consider themselves honest citizens and they're just criminals waiting to happen.

So you're a criminal waiting to happen?

Nice try, but I'm not the one here defending "guns" and I don't even own one.

So only people who own guns are "criminals in waiting" now?

Wow according to you then I've been a criminal in waiting since I was 16 and I'm still waiting to become a criminal.

I suppose I'll be waiting for a very long time perhaps I'll die without becoming a criminal

Guns are evil, and she only wants government to have them ...
No one is trying to "get rid" of guns.....are all conservatives that dumb that they interpret liberals as wanting to "get rid" of guns when all we want is better gun control to reduce gun violence....."common sense, gun safety laws"?

So where should guns be allowed?

I'm guessing you think everywhere. I certainly don't think they should be allowed in

malls - up to the owner of the mall

churches - up to the church

Yes, I agree. That was just my opinion, you asked where they should be allowed, remember?

schools - we shouldn't have government schools, and in private schools it should be up to the school. But inside the building is one thing and on public ground is another. The people in Columbine, Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech, the Oregon community college and other dead defenseless victims might not agree with you

Not every American family can afford private schools for their kids, so I don't agree that we shouldn't have public schools. That's just a conservative mentality that doesn't realize there are plenty of "Republican" families in that same situation, but I guess they don't care about them. And, better security would have prevented some of those incidents. Someone in the school other than law enforcement might have added to the confusion and killings.

bars - should be up to the owner of the bar
Yeah, because we know that people drinking alcohol are able to maintain decorum, and having a gun would just make everyone in the bar safer......bwahahaha!

and other public places except by law enforcement officials - LOL, you say "public" places, then mostly listed private property
The law can designate that private places not be allowed to have guns. But certainly public places where crowds gather should not allow them.

but I defer to the experts on this matter those that are invested in keeping the public safe - The people in Columbine, Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech, the Oregon community college and other dead defenseless victims might not agree with you.
That's your opinion, which you are entitled to, but you have no proof that they wouldn't. Most of the victim's families want more gun control.

And you don't "defer" to anyone but politicians, liberal ones who want to remove our rights. You "defer" to people who agree with you
Just because you may only listen to ones that side with your opinion does not mean that others do too. Gun experts are not necessarily politicians, so enough of your ad hominem.....stick to what you do know.

LOL, self awareness of your own hypocrisy just isn't part of your world, is it?[/QUOTE]

You don't know me at all to make a comment that I don't defer to anyone but politicians.....only a person with a very narrow mind and who does that themselves would assign that attitude to someone they don't know. My calling you out on it is not hypocrisy. I would never say that about anyone I don't know just because they are on opposite side of an issue. But, if you have nothing to offer, I guess name-calling and insults are your only recourse. You're no different than most conservatives here.....they immediately go to name calling because most of them are just too shallow.
LOL, self awareness of your own hypocrisy just isn't part of your world, is it?

You don't know me at all to make a comment that I don't defer to anyone but politicians.....only a person with a very narrow mind and who does that themselves would assign that attitude to someone they don't know. My calling you out on it is not hypocrisy. I would never say that about anyone I don't know just because they are on opposite side of an issue. But, if you have nothing to offer, I guess name-calling and insults are your only recourse. You're no different than most conservatives here.....they immediately go to name calling because most of them are just too shallow.

With all the shit you say about guns and gun owners? Self awareness of your own hypocrisy just isn't part of your world, is it?
Many words; says nothing.

Fewer words; says even less.
The number of words and the number of syllables in those words is irrelevant. I can convey a thought in a few words, leaving even you with my opinion or my answer to your question.
You on the other hand, shit out a bunch of fancy sounding words and convey nothing other than confirmation that you lack the cognitive ability to have a conversation.
As you see, I am NOT intimidated by your vocabulary. I, however continue to be amused by your lack of substance and unwarranted narcissism.
There ya go, son My vocabulary and my literary skills are at least equal to yours and I actually said something.
You are dismissed.
From Alabama? Seriously, Dude? ROTFL
LOL, self awareness of your own hypocrisy just isn't part of your world, is it?

You don't know me at all to make a comment that I don't defer to anyone but politicians.....only a person with a very narrow mind and who does that themselves would assign that attitude to someone they don't know. My calling you out on it is not hypocrisy. I would never say that about anyone I don't know just because they are on opposite side of an issue. But, if you have nothing to offer, I guess name-calling and insults are your only recourse. You're no different than most conservatives here.....they immediately go to name calling because most of them are just too shallow.

With all the shit you say about guns and gun owners? Self awareness of your own hypocrisy just isn't part of your world, is it?

What exactly have I said about gun owners? Go
LOL, self awareness of your own hypocrisy just isn't part of your world, is it?

You don't know me at all to make a comment that I don't defer to anyone but politicians.....only a person with a very narrow mind and who does that themselves would assign that attitude to someone they don't know. My calling you out on it is not hypocrisy. I would never say that about anyone I don't know just because they are on opposite side of an issue. But, if you have nothing to offer, I guess name-calling and insults are your only recourse. You're no different than most conservatives here.....they immediately go to name calling because most of them are just too shallow.

With all the shit you say about guns and gun owners? Self awareness of your own hypocrisy just isn't part of your world, is it?

What exactly have I said about gun owners? Go

Please, we're gun nuts who are just an unintended insult away from going on a shooting rampage. Your portrayal is ridiculous. You're worried about us, not criminals with guns
Just honest citizens

That's the problem.....many consider themselves honest citizens and they're just criminals waiting to happen.

So you're a criminal waiting to happen?

Nice try, but I'm not the one here defending "guns" and I don't even own one.

So only people who own guns are "criminals in waiting" now?

Wow according to you then I've been a criminal in waiting since I was 16 and I'm still waiting to become a criminal.

I suppose I'll be waiting for a very long time perhaps I'll die without becoming a criminal

Yes, I'm a criminal in waiting now for 38 years and counting. Just waiting for the right moment, then bam! Literally. I'm thinking the next waitress who brings me cold soup ...
LOL, self awareness of your own hypocrisy just isn't part of your world, is it?

You don't know me at all to make a comment that I don't defer to anyone but politicians.....only a person with a very narrow mind and who does that themselves would assign that attitude to someone they don't know. My calling you out on it is not hypocrisy. I would never say that about anyone I don't know just because they are on opposite side of an issue. But, if you have nothing to offer, I guess name-calling and insults are your only recourse. You're no different than most conservatives here.....they immediately go to name calling because most of them are just too shallow.

With all the shit you say about guns and gun owners? Self awareness of your own hypocrisy just isn't part of your world, is it?

What exactly have I said about gun owners? Go

You don't remember this?

"That's the problem.....many consider themselves honest citizens and they're just criminals waiting to happen."
Just honest citizens

That's the problem.....many consider themselves honest citizens and they're just criminals waiting to happen.

So you're a criminal waiting to happen?

Nice try, but I'm not the one here defending "guns" and I don't even own one.

So only people who own guns are "criminals in waiting" now?

Wow according to you then I've been a criminal in waiting since I was 16 and I'm still waiting to become a criminal.

I suppose I'll be waiting for a very long time perhaps I'll die without becoming a criminal

Yes, I'm a criminal in waiting now for 38 years and counting. Just waiting for the right moment, then bam! Literally. I'm thinking the next waitress who brings me cold soup ...
55 years and counting. I stay away from Bernie Sanders events.

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