Keep this antivaxxer in your Thoughts

I had the virus in december 2020 all that happened was I passed out a couple times. Of course one of those times I fell and shattered my ankle. I was 63 have asthma and diabettes. No vaccine at the time.

Same here: Unvaccinated, never wore a mask except where it was required, 71 years old, smoke a pack of the long black Marlboros a day, and on two inhalers for COPD. I've gone to probably over a thousand garage sales, estate sales, yard sales, auctions, and gun shows over the last two years, and never wore a mask.

I had COVID back in September of 2020. It was like a mild three-day case of the Flu, and then it was gone. I tested positive for antibodies after that. I've only had one Flu shot in my life, and can't remember the last time I ever had the Flu. My wife got COVID two months ago and it was gone in a week. She never got the jab either, never gets Flu shots, and never gets the Flu either. A good strong immune system, vitamins, and Zinc helps.
Now show a vaxxed person in the exact same situation. There are plenty. There is no difference, that vaxxed person could die too.
Very small number of vaxxed dying. If not show us. The numbers say you’re like 80% more likely to die.

Yes, even some vaccinated people die of COVID. But very small number.

You assholes wont even wear masks. Fuck getting vaccinated. Just put on a fucking mask.
Her husband had AIDS?
You know what’s funny? There is a new vaccine that makes herpies flare ups go away. No more monthly painful embarrassing cold sores.

I wonder how many of you anti vaxers with herpies will not get the shot.

And you’ll have to get a booster in 6 months.

Bet you’ll all get vaccinated.

I know you don’t have herpies or empathy so you’ll miss the point
I hope not. Nowadays you can't even visit your local bathhouse with the fellas without somebody tweeting about it.
i was saying i guarantee this lady died of something else,that the hospital is lying about it being from know as well as i do the hospitals recieve thousands to rule a gunshot wound to the head a covid death and the like.
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