Kayleigh McEnany: "Biden could gaffe his way into World War 3"...President Macron lashes out At Biden For Ruining Peace Talks

PUtin is a psychopath---he would rather see Ukraine nuked than admit defeat.....If Us troops go to ukraine---ww3 will have officially started.


What was Trump's plan, mouth breather?

Please omit his bullshit if possible.
Wait. What? You clowns have been trying to make excuses for your Vegetable Messiah's clusterfuck in Afghanistan by claiming "He was only following Trump's plan".

Now you have no clue there was a Trump plan?

Seriously, sit down and STFU Clown. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :itsok:
Biden's foreign trip was a complete disaster.

Biden called for regime change in Russia, said U.S. troops were being sent to Ukraine, and suggested he would use chemical weapons against Putin.

His staff had to correct him each time.

it’s been a nightmare. Gonna take some time to repair all the damage xiden and the dembots have done with our european allies. it’s almost like the dembots are purposely doing this stuff to empower putin
Most of the withdrawals happened under Trump. Do you think they were lying about disabling the equipment they had to leave behind when Trump abandoned those 5 bases and withdrew ten thousand + troops you never hear about?

That dog could perceive more with her nose than most can with all their senses. Especially bags of potato chips.
As you know, President Trump, like any highly successful businessman, laid out a methodical, step by step plan. That's why the end date had been extended several times. If the Taliban failed to take a prescribed step Trump held back until they complied.

President Biden came in thinking neither Obama or Trump got us out so come heck or high water, HE would get us out by Jimminy. He didn't give a tinker dam how many American or Afghan lives it cost. After all, he is MACHO MAN!

Now he has us barreling towards a nuclear war.

It's not often that I'm kind of glad now that I'm an old curmudgeon! When it happens, I won't miss much!
Another Saul Biden dude.

0 killed in combat. 13 killed in a terrorist attack. Sure wish Trump had enforced that condition on the Taliban were they agreed to stop other Islamic extremists from operating in Afghanistan before he took most of our troops out and gave up those 5 bases.

But you know the Generals assured President Biden that with just 20 or 25 thousand fresh bodies they could turn things arround......

Xiden was in charge and let the taliban do whatever the hell they wanted. Hell, they HELPED you tali an hunt down and murder the Afghans who helped us.

Going through life, blind and stupid, is not serving you well, son.
All the Dem's dire warnings about Trump, are coming true under Biden and Dem rule. :oops:
100% correct! That's another reason Democrats and their far-left wing are becoming more and more vicious in their attacks.

With both Biden and Putin's mental acquity declining daily, I fear things will get far worse.

Just on this one trip, Biden have Putin enough quotes to rally the Russian citizens for months.

A week ago I couldn't see how things could be worse. Boy, was I wrong!
Um, Your Vegetable Messiah is the one that "skedaddled", Dumbass. And he didn't follow any part of the plan Trump signed, so you can stop with that lie right now.

What part of the Trumpyberra's Surrender Agreement was left? It was all implemented within 135 days of the signing. Furthermore, the agreement called for a condition base withdrawal down to 8600 troops. With further reductions as the Taliban met more conditions. The only condition they ever met was the truce and yet the Don kept withdrawing more and more troops till the 13,000 to 14,000 troops he started with were whittled down to 2500 by Jan 15th 2021 with one week left in office. There was no plan to get the final 2500 troops out forwarded to the incoming administration.
As you know, President Trump, like any highly successful businessman, laid out a methodical, step by step plan.
Baloney. In Nov. 2020 after the Networks announced his loss to Biden he ordered the complete withdraw from Afghanistan.

John McEntee, one of Donald Trump's most-favored aides, handed retired Army Col. Douglas Macgregor a piece of paper with a few notes scribbled on it. He explained: "This is what the president wants you to do."

1. Get us out of Afghanistan.

2. Get us out of Iraq and Syria.

3. Complete the withdrawal from Germany.

4. Get us out of Africa.

It was Nov. 9, 2020 — days after Trump lost his re-election bid, 10 weeks before the end of his presidency and just moments after Macgregor was offered a post as senior adviser to acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller.

As head of the powerful Presidential Personnel Office, McEntee had Trump's ear. Even so, Macgregor was astonished. He told McEntee he doubted they could do all of these things before Jan. 20.

In Macgregor's opinion, Miller probably couldn't act on his own authority to execute a total withdrawal of U.S. military forces from Afghanistan because he was serving in an acting capacity. If this was for real, Macgregor told McEntee, then it was going to need an order from the president.

The one-page memo was delivered by courier to Christopher Miller's office two days later, on the afternoon of Nov. 11. The order arrived seemingly out of nowhere, and its instructions, signed by Trump, were stunning: All U.S. military forces were to be withdrawn from Somalia by Dec. 31, 2020. All U.S. forces were to be withdrawn from Afghanistan by Jan. 15, 2021.

What the fuck is this? Miller wondered.
What part of the Trumpyberra's Surrender Agreement was left? It was all implemented within 135 days of the signing. Furthermore, the agreement called for a condition base withdrawal down to 8600 troops. With further reductions as the Taliban met more conditions. The only condition they ever met was the truce and yet the Don kept withdrawing more and more troops till the 13,000 to 14,000 troops he started with were whittled down to 2500 by Jan 15th 2021 with one week left in office. There was no plan to get the final 2500 troops out forwarded to the incoming administration.
Glad you finally admit your Vegetable Messiah followed nothing in Trump’s plan and the Afghanistan clusterfuck is 100% on Surrender Joe.
Glad you finally admit your Vegetable Messiah followed nothing in Trump’s plan and the Afghanistan clusterfuck is 100% on Surrender Joe.

Not true. Biden continued to use the only thing that was left of the Trump "Skedaddle" Accords. The truce was the only thing left. Trump had complied with every condition, including abandoning 5 military bases and 85% reduction in our troops strength. Even though the Taliban didn't comply with any condition except one. Unless of course you think Biden should have reinvaded to force the Taliban to comply with what they agree to under Trump. Is that what you wanted Biden to do?
Not true. Biden continued to use the only thing that was left of the Trump "Skedaddle" Accords. The truce was the only thing left. Trump had complied with every condition, including abandoning 5 military bases and 85% reduction in our troops strength. Even though the Taliban didn't comply with any condition except one. Unless of course you think Biden should have reinvaded to force the Taliban to comply with what they agree to under Trump. Is that what you wanted Biden to do?
You still triggering of on this crap?
What part of the Trumpyberra's Surrender Agreement was left? It was all implemented within 135 days of the signing. Furthermore, the agreement called for a condition base withdrawal down to 8600 troops. With further reductions as the Taliban met more conditions. The only condition they ever met was the truce and yet the Don kept withdrawing more and more troops till the 13,000 to 14,000 troops he started with were whittled down to 2500 by Jan 15th 2021 with one week left in office. There was no plan to get the final 2500 troops out forwarded to the incoming administration.

Well, after your hero, the turnip removed them all, none.


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