Kathleen Willey is my hero......................

I read her book and yes.

On March 15, 1998, Kathleen Willey, former White House volunteer, accused Bill Clinton of groping her when she went to his office on November 29, 1993. When Clinton was asked about the accusation, he responded that he only give Willey a hug to console her because she was grieving over her husband's suicide. His explanation was apparently accepted by the press because there was no followup; however, there is just one little problem with Clinton's explanation: at the very moment Willey was in Clinton's office, no one – including Willey - knew of her husband's death and his body was not found until the next day. Bill lied, and that is an indisputable fact, yet, today many people still believe his story and the press doesn't give a damn.

Instead of anyone in the press getting a Pulitzer Prize they should all get the pulletzer prize for being too chicken to tell the truth.
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what's a woman to do over a touchy feely flirtatious husband?

was hillary supposed to believe some woman she doesn't know over the man she loves, as far as accusations?

this woman characterizes as if hillary has set out to "ruin" anyone yet her sleazy book will rake in millions in an attempt to ruin hillary..?
"On March 15, 1998, Kathleen Willey, former White House volunteer, accused Bill Clinton of groping her when she went to his office on November 29, 1993. When Clinton was asked about the accusation, he responded that he only give Willey a hug to console her because she was grieving over her husband's suicide."

^ five years later bill answered a broader question which you are now conveniently misapplying to a different question.
what's a woman to do over a touchy feely flirtatious husband?

was hillary supposed to believe some woman she doesn't know over the man she loves, as far as accusations?

this woman characterizes as if hillary has set out to "ruin" anyone yet her sleazy book will rake in millions in an attempt to ruin hillary..?

If she believed her hubby she is to stupid to be president. Let me repeat: When Clinton was asked about the accusation, he responded that he only give Willey a hug to console her because she was grieving over her husband's suicide..... however, there is just one little problem with Bill's explanation: at the very moment Willey was in Clinton's office, no one – including Willey - knew of her husband's death and his body was not found until the next day.

Do you get it now?
you're actually claiming that he didn't hug her and console her after her husband died?
what's a woman to do over a touchy feely flirtatious husband?

was hillary supposed to believe some woman she doesn't know over the man she loves, as far as accusations?

this woman characterizes as if hillary has set out to "ruin" anyone yet her sleazy book will rake in millions in an attempt to ruin hillary..?

Willful ignorance is the worse kind. The hildabeast took on the roll of attack dog on her pervert husbands behalf, you might excuse her for disbelieving one, but 7, I don't think so. The bitch was going to let no one stand in the way of her rise to power, no matter how many bodies were left in her wake. 50% of women have already wised up to her lying assed ways and many more will abandon her along the way as more lies are exposed. Couldn't possibly happen to a nicer bitch.
you're actually claiming that he didn't hug her and console her after her husband died?

Oh, he hugged her. Clinton admits as much. But when he said he hugged her to console her for her husband's death he obviously lied. Willey claimed "the hug" was a lot more personal and since Clinton clearly lied about his motive I naturally believe her over him. So would most reasonable people. Now, I'm done with you. You wouldn't know a lie if it smacked you upside the head.

Edited to add: Willey was not an isolated case. Bill Clinton had a history of such shenanigans.
what's a woman to do over a touchy feely flirtatious husband?

was hillary supposed to believe some woman she doesn't know over the man she loves, as far as accusations?

this woman characterizes as if hillary has set out to "ruin" anyone yet her sleazy book will rake in millions in an attempt to ruin hillary..?

One always has to remember Valerie that Bill thought nothing of coming in an interns mouth while his wife and his daughter were sleeping upstairs.

I hate to put it this way. Its vulgar. But this is real and this is what we must remember.
Do you get it now?

do you get that she was in his office many many times...?

According to Willey, during a meeting in the private study of the Oval Office, Clinton had embraced her tightly, and kissed her on the mouth. Clinton denied assaulting Willey. The Clinton White House released details of 15 letters and 12 telephone messages that Willey had sent to Clinton after the alleged incident. In all of these, she appeared friendly and eager for more contact with Clinton.

According to Linda Tripp's grand jury testimony, she felt Willey pursued a romance with Clinton from the start of her White House affiliation. Willey had speculated with Tripp as to how she might be able to set up an assignation between herself and the president. She routinely attended events at which Clinton would be present, wearing a black dress she believed he liked. According to Tripp's testimony, she wondered if she and Clinton could arrange to meet in a home to which she had access, on the Chesapeake Bay.[2]

Willey's second husband, Edward E. Willey Jr., committed suicide on November 29, 1993 — the day she claimed Clinton's sexual misconduct took place.

The Final Report of the U.S. Office of the Independent Counsel report noted that "Willey and President Clinton are the only direct witnesses to their meeting, and their accounts differ substantially on the crucial facts of what occurred." It also stated "Willey gave false information to the FBI about her sexual relationship with a former boyfriend, and acknowledged having lied about it when the agents confronted her with contradictory evidence. Following Willey's acknowledgment of the lie, the Independent Counsel agreed not to prosecute her for false statements in this regard."[3]

Willey has a history of controversial claims including telling the FBI she was pregnant and she had a miscarriage when she did not.[7]

On the evening of March 19, 1998, Julie Hiatt Steele, a friend of Willey, released an affidavit, accusing the former White House aide of asking her to lie to corroborate Ms. Willey's account of being sexually groped by President Clinton in the Oval Office.[8]
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I always believed Kathleen. It was a turning point for me. And I'm no bloody prude here. And very few Presidents have not been promiscuous but it's what Hillary and Bill's machine did to contain the so called bimbo eruptions that was nothing short of jaw dropping vicious.
One always has to remember Valerie that Bill thought nothing of coming in an interns mouth while his wife and his daughter were sleeping upstairs.

I hate to put it this way. Its vulgar. But this is real and this is what we must remember.

women were apparently throwing themselves at bill's feet back then, but bill is not running for president...

his wife and his daughter still love him, so there's that... i can't wait to see him as first lady. :thup:

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you're actually claiming that he didn't hug her and console her after her husband died?

Oh, he hugged her. Clinton admits as much. But when he said he hugged her to console her for her husband's death he obviously lied. Willey claimed "the hug" was a lot more personal and since Clinton clearly lied about his motive I naturally believe her over him. So would most reasonable people. Now, I'm done with you. You wouldn't know a lie if it smacked you upside the head.

Edited to add: Willey was not an isolated case. Bill Clinton had a history of such shenanigans.

he hugged her to console her when her husband died and that is what he said. cuz it is true. :thup:

you are laughably now falsely claiming that a consolation hug did not ever occur.

you are misapplying a timeline which does not exist in the broader question five years later.

she worked in the white house and they interacted and hugged more than once...

One always has to remember Valerie that Bill thought nothing of coming in an interns mouth while his wife and his daughter were sleeping upstairs.

I hate to put it this way. Its vulgar. But this is real and this is what we must remember.

woman were apparently throwing themselves at bill's feet back then, but bill is not running for president...

his wife and his daughter still love him, so there's that... i can't wait to see him as first lady. :thup:


I know some people who had met him and said that he was one of the most charming souls you could ever come across. Val. I'm no prude. In a political world Bill was hot for crying out loud.

Think Bob Dole or OMG Newt. Come on Bill was hot so I can understand the "how" . I'm from the music industry so I have different standards :lol: I'd take a Slash over anyone inside the beltway thank you very much.

But I can see why women who are in that circle of power would fall for him. But Kathleen's story hit a nerve. I have no idea why. But it just hit a nerve.

And again. I am not judging what did or did not go down.

But how vicious the Clinton attack machine was. Even at the end of the day I adore Jimmy "mouth of the south" Carville but my heavens they would send him out on a seek and destroy mission

This is the part that is factual and cannot be disputed. When they would send James out there you are talking a mushroom cloud.
i dispute your characterization as if hillary was responsible for typical partisan mudslinging in the vicinity of her husband.
hillary has been pretty darn gracious as she has been continually humiliated over her husband and she has been personally attacked for decades by hateful partisans... willey's story "hits a nerve" with you cuz you are a righty who hates bill's political positions...
I always believed Kathleen. It was a turning point for me. And I'm no bloody prude here. And very few Presidents have not been promiscuous but it's what Hillary and Bill's machine did to contain the so called bimbo eruptions that was nothing short of jaw dropping vicious.

Of course you believe Willey! I mean really, are there any lefties you like?
Personally, I don't care for the Clintons, they are creepy and Slick disgraced the office of the presidency. I never voted for the guy (even though he wasn't a bad president). I won't vote for Hillary either.
Anyway, Willey is out to make some $$$ and I'm sure some conservative Daddy Bigbucks is backing her and her questionable yarn.
American politics, mirror the slime of our politicians and their worthless political parties.

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