Kari Lake loses last court case to overturn Arizona Governor's vote

Yeah, and who started the bull shat ? You Democrat's started it that's who. Now you're having to deal with what your group started. Defending the indefensible is tough, but there you sit attempting to do just that, and wildly after all the bull shat y'all started. Karma can come a knocking quickly.

Poor baby. Only one president has ever lost a court case for sexual assault. Only one has ever been accused of raping a 12 year old and a 13 year old. I bet you voted for him.
My photos are FROM that video! So they do not lie. Now prove to me that wasn't groping by walking around a group of teens or on a college campus and sticking stickers on teen girls right over their breast cupping your hand over their breast within a half inch of cupping her.

Go ahead Ace, do it and tell me how it goes. Do it.
damn. that's retarded. off yourself, fatso.

the relevant information is available to you, and you keep lying.
damn. that's retarded. off yourself, fatso.

You still here, clueless lying nitwit? I thought you left or died or got dusted by a trans subway psycho! As to Joe Biden, there is no doubt now with photographic proof that the guy is a sex criminal and needs a collar put on him and put on the offender's list.

You should see the comedy skits they do on Biden in other countries mocking his braindead senility! Kinda like yours, except, unlike you, Biden is hilarious.
You still here, clueless lying nitwit? I thought you left or died or got dusted by a trans subway psycho! As to Joe Biden, there is no doubt now with photographic proof that the guy is a sex criminal and needs a collar put on him and put on the offender's list.

You should see the comedy skits they do on Biden in other countries mocking his braindead senility! Kinda like yours, except, unlike you, Biden is hilarious.
when was the last time you left your trailer, whale?
Wrong again. That is the only answer you have for things that will eventually be proven true. For most so called conspiracies it is just a matter of time.

First it was June 2021, then August 2021 that Trump would be put back in the white house. Then it was Horowitz, then Durham who would put Hillary, Comey, etc in jail.

Every time it's "tomorrow is always a day away"
First it was June 2021, then August 2021 that Trump would be put back in the white house. Then it was Horowitz, then Durham who would put Hillary, Comey, etc in jail.

Every time it's "tomorrow is always a day away"
Durham showed how Americans were lied to for 3 years. Every American should want those people jailed. You people are Americans in name only.
You still here, clueless lying nitwit? I thought you left or died or got dusted by a trans subway psycho! As to Joe Biden, there is no doubt now with photographic proof that the guy is a sex criminal and needs a collar put on him and put on the offender's list.

You should see the comedy skits they do on Biden in other countries mocking his braindead senility! Kinda like yours, except, unlike you, Biden is hilarious.


By, "photographic proof," you mean your fantasies.

Pretty fucking sick you fantasize about Joe Biden; but to each their own, I suppose.
By, "photographic proof," you mean your fantasies.
No, I mean, clear photographic proof of Joe Biden groping a teenager. Keep your fantasies to yourself.

Pretty fucking sick you fantasize about Joe Biden
No need to. The whole world is laughing at him when they ain't downright scared that this morbid clown is leader of the free world. Except those few running to milk him dry of all he's worth.


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