Kanye West says Biden is “F***ing R****ded”

It's more fun when you actually hear him say it. :laughing0301:

The bug in your sig got me, You sonofabitch. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
No because black people have had enough of his "promoting his brand" by saying outrageous. controversial and stupid things.
haha you speaking for black people now? you sounds like your grand dragon joey “racial jungle” xiden

most americans that aren’t in your demaklan respect people that are free thinkers

Slavery is a choice. You can be a little lawn jockey holding the lantern in the front yard of the Democrat's plantation, or you can be a free man and own the plantation.


I agree with Ye.

He also apologized about the think he said about certain Jewish people who fucked him over.

The racist media took him saying “DEATH CON 3”. As a DEATH THREAT.

He meant DEFCON 3…..and you cult fucks know it.

like Aks vs, Ask.

Its ebonics….you fucking racists. You are the ones who said it is racist to call out black dialect.
LOL again at that video wherein Bidum appears to hear from God who is warning him of the eternal misery to come if he doesn't repent.

Hence the confused look on bidum's face as he silently tells God "No.. you wouldn't send me to Hell...Would you? Just because I support a woman's right to choose to kill... OOOPS.. I mean to abort her kids.. Then there's the fact I torpedo'ed the US economy and a lot of Americans are upset about that and I could get the Keystone pipleine going again.. I'm the president! But the Left.. well, they wouldn't be too happy."

And God says "Who is your God, Me or the left?"

And Biden just is speechless... as can be seen in the video
And he'd be 100% correct.

Ye is saying all the right things, especially about Biden and the Jews.

Ye is a billionaire nowadays, he feels free to speak. As well he should, BTW. Republican President Honest Abe Lincoln did sign the emancipation proclamation freeing him, he isn't bound to the Liberal Plantation, much to Biden's chagrin.

I agree with Ye.

He also apologized about the think he said about certain Jewish people who fucked him over.

The racist media took him saying “DEATH CON 3”. As a DEATH THREAT.

He meant DEFCON 3…..and you cult fucks know it.

like Aks vs, Ask.

Its ebonics….you fucking racists. You are the ones who said it is racist to call out black dialect.
A retard calling someone a retard, is outstanding.
And he'd be 100% correct.

Ye is saying all the right things, especially about Biden and the Jews.

Using that type of language is a reflection on himself more than his intended target.

I lose my cool too sometimes, especially when dealing with creepy, cowardly Canadians online. Calling someone retarded is probably reserved for a heat of the moment scenario. He is sitting in an interview and throwing out this term, just weird.

I'm not sure what to think of this guy. Maybe he is a legit agitator based on his beliefs and political leaning, I don't know. He should at least put forward some thought.

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