Kamala laughs over dead bodies

A most sound hypothesis, but I was hoping you could be a bit more specific. How does this "wake up" work exactly? Is waking up anything like being woke?
You admit you made a huge mistake voting for Biden and democrats and will never do it again..... we have the absolute proof that dems make little messes into big deadly messes....they use the media like a high school drunk driving lessen film to manipulate people into voting against their best interest....
Admit that Trump was running the country and the economy better than Biden...under Trump we had four years of peace and prosperity...under Biden we have had one chaotic event after another....
Admit that Biden's woke selection for a VP was the worst mistake in American Vice-Presidential appointment history....

Do all that and take two aspirin and get back to me....
Pro-putin trump trash on this forum.
Sorry, madam. Those who support Trump support a man who respects God. Why are you calling a wise businessman who knows how to negotiate a win with his opposition feeling mildly good about it. And we're trash because God's spirit was planted in his heart at a Congressional prayer meeting around the time he won the election of 2016? We believe God made us, and we also believe God don't make no junk. God loves the human race, and he gives you a predetermined lifespan for you to decide whether you would like to live eternally in his presence or take a crap shoot on Satan who doesn't feel you are special. That wasn't a hard decision for me, except for the joy of reading, learning about God from the pages of the Good Book, and rejoicing when someone else sees the joy, the love, and the unconditional acceptance of the gift God gives to his believers of eternal life. For the life of me, I cannot figure out where the narrative that Trump supporters are pro-Putin in any way. The man acts like a servant of Satan, and his friends here have doubled down on not helping the people of the Ukraine. Nothing could be further than the false narrative you assumed when you said " Pro-Putin trump trash" with the disrespect of a minor child whose parent said lights out at nine on school nights, and midnight on Prom night. Again, God made humans in his own image, and God doesn't make no junk. The only thing that doesn't make me smile seems to be crying when I saw the pregnant with the sever wound to her bump that had a baby inside trying desperately to get out of her, though her muscles weren't ready to open as they were wheeling her through the debris of a russian missile hurled into the maternity hospital the other day. My weeping was quelled at saying vespers. God listens to prayers. That does not favor Putin unless he cleans up his act and leaves the I'm gonna take over the entire world mindset almost identical to the one held by Adolph Hitler about 80 years ago. Might as well give it up and pray with us that Putin puts himself out of business with a little more respect for God's Kingdom than he is showing right now.
No Dem has my vote. She is no worse than any of the last 4 or 5 VPs. They were all chosen for the votes they bring in and nothing else.

The cackling isn't really the issue. What mature adult, when asked about helping people fleeing a war zone, would reply, " A friend in need, is a friend indeed."? And then fucking laugh about it. The bitch isn't qualified to be a waitress at Denney's.

what a stain and black eye to America. It’s going to take decades to regain our respect back after this admin and the demafasict cluster

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