Kamala Harris, some people just don't have what it takes to be on the main stage


VIP Member
Sep 2, 2018
She's a perfect example, just like Elizabeth Warren, but in this me to era you can't say that. Similar to not being able to say when a woman is in her prime when everyone has a prime part of their life.
She's a perfect example, just like Elizabeth Warren, but in this me to era you can't say that. Similar to not being able to say when a woman is in her prime when everyone has a prime part of their life.
She's a terrible campaigner. Ironically the factionalism of the D's and R's may be her saving grace (I doubt it). The R's look more and more like they are happy to give up the center and concentrate on trying to appeal to actual sociopaths to vote for them.
She's a perfect example, just like Elizabeth Warren, but in this me to era you can't say that. Similar to not being able to say when a woman is in her prime when everyone has a prime part of their life.

Kamala Harris what happens when someone is told all their life that they're black, they're female, and they're special. They grow up not having any genuine skills, abilities, or common sense, and get placed in positions they're unqualified for.

some people just don't have what it takes to be on the main stage​

Harris doesn't even begin to have what it takes to be on the main stage, the back stage, the sound stage or even under the stage.

She's a perfect example, just like Elizabeth Warren, but in this me to era you can't say that.
Kamela deserves to be on her knees nursing a zipper where her only skill to humanity ever shines. And with her mouth full, she can't talk. A bonus.
Harris doesn't even begin to have what it takes to be on the main stage, the back stage, the sound stage or even under the stage.

Kamela deserves to be on her knees nursing a zipper where her only skill to humanity ever shines. And with her mouth full, she can't talk. A bonus.

Your perception is astounding. Now convince those "81 million" imaginary people who supposedly voter for her and that broken-down piece of crap they call a "president."

Yep, she's no Hillary Clinton.
That's actually one of her better points, maybe the only better point. She is an example of the Peter Principal and will go no further.
That's actually one of her better points, maybe the only better point. She is an example of the Peter Principal and will go no further.

Peters have no principles. Otherwise she would have risen to her level of incompetence.
Your perception is astounding. Now convince those "81 million" imaginary people who supposedly voter for her and that broken-down piece of crap they call a "president."

I'm sure NO ONE voted for Kammy--- remember, she was like the FIRST to drop out of the primary due to a total lack of funding or support. She was dead against Joe, too-- maybe she was actually onto something! To this day, he has never satisfactorily answered why he picked such an unpopular person who was so against him except perhaps just to make himself look better and less likely to be impeached?

Who picks such an unliked person then wins by record-setting numbers?

I'm still waiting for the explanation of how that happened.

Even the Dems best supporters are begging for Joe not to run again, so, as Molly Ball stated, the entire 2020 election was about being AGAINST Trump as a person, never stopping for a second to admit both the good job he had actually done and what they were really voting for just to get him out.
I'm sure NO ONE voted for Kammy--- remember, she was like the FIRST to drop out of the primary due to a total lack of funding or support. She was dead against Joe, too-- maybe she was actually onto something! To this day, he has never satisfactorily answered why he picked such an unpopular person who was so against him except perhaps just to make himself look better and less likely to be impeached?

Who picks such an unliked person then wins by record-setting numbers?

I'm still waiting for the explanation of how that happened.

Even the Dems best supporters are begging for Joe not to run again, so, as Molly Ball stated, the entire 2020 election was about being AGAINST Trump as a person, never stopping for a second to admit both the good job he had actually done and what they were really voting for just to get him out.
She was the establishments first pick to be installed
That's why she got vp
Kamala Harris what happens when someone is told all their life that they're black, they're female, and they're special. They grow up not having any genuine skills, abilities, or common sense, and get placed in positions they're unqualified for.
when she is in front of Indians then she is Indian....
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say Cumswalla is more disliked than even FHRC.

I'm thinking the difference is FHRC was disliked mainly due to her mean-spirited persona, Cumswalla is disliked for both her persona and her total incompetence.
I'm not cut out to be a chef, an artist, a salesman, a politician or a lot of things and I realize my shortcomings so I focus on what I am suited for.

But Kamala Harris doesn't need to accept her shortcomings because she is a "black" woman and she can get by on that thanks to diversity checklists. She doesn't need to be smart, intelligent or anything like that. And people like that will always convince themselves of how amazing they are and think they are more important than they really are because they subconsciously can't handle having their ego shattered. And when things don't go there way due to their incompetence they pivot and blame some outside force that's not really there. Like lori lightfoot couldn't accept she was a terrible mayor, she blamed her loss on her being a black woman.

Kamala Harris isn't qualified to be a McDonald's manager. But her party favors diversity and willingness to go along with the narrative over skill, ambition, experience and intelligence. She is best suited to be a stay at home bimbo mom or the host of a children's tv show.
Peters have no principles. Otherwise she would have risen to her level of incompetence.
I don't know, but surely she has risen to the highest level of incompetence it will allow, now.
She's a perfect example, just like Elizabeth Warren, but in this me to era you can't say that. Similar to not being able to say when a woman is in her prime when everyone has a prime part of their life.
The point of the prime thing is that it's not men who get to decide that, from the perspective of when they think she's most desirable to each of them.

But they always, always think it is for men to decide.
I'm sure NO ONE voted for Kammy--- remember, she was like the FIRST to drop out of the primary due to a total lack of funding or support. She was dead against Joe, too-- maybe she was actually onto something! To this day, he has never satisfactorily answered why he picked such an unpopular person who was so against him except perhaps just to make himself look better and less likely to be impeached?

Who picks such an unliked person then wins by record-setting numbers?

I'm still waiting for the explanation of how that happened.

Even the Dems best supporters are begging for Joe not to run again, so, as Molly Ball stated, the entire 2020 election was about being AGAINST Trump as a person, never stopping for a second to admit both the good job he had actually done and what they were really voting for just to get him out.
Well, was Caramel the only black woman running? I can't remember. It's obvious her being sort of black, as black as they could get, anyway, is why she was picked; no one had any doubts about that at the time.

Come on, you all know this administration picks ONLY freakazoids! They have a Asst. Health Secretary who is a man who thinks he's a woman, they have a press secretary who is a lesbian Haitian illegal --- and on and on.

We should be grateful the Vice President doesn't have three legs or two heads.
Peters have no principles. Otherwise she would have risen to her level of incompetence.

Well fuck me. I meant "Otherwise she would have never risen to her level of incompetence."
She has no intelligence, no ability to communicate, no likability, no charisma and no work ethic. So where does her ample amount of self-confidence come from? She must really be something in the sack.
She has no intelligence, no ability to communicate, no likability, no charisma and no work ethic. So where does her ample amount of self-confidence come from? She must really be something in the sack.

She has great oral skills and is a master debater.

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