Kaepernick admitted disprespecting America was the reason for taking the knee

We have a lot of people that are oppressed. We have a lot of people that aren't treated equally, aren't given equal opportunities. Police brutality is a huge thing that needs to be addressed. There are a lot of issues that need to be talked about, need to be brought to life, and we need to fix those.

Colin Kaepernick
We have a lot of people that are oppressed. We have a lot of people that aren't treated equally, aren't given equal opportunities. Police brutality is a huge thing that needs to be addressed. There are a lot of issues that need to be talked about, need to be brought to life, and we need to fix those.

Colin Kaepernick

Are there any examples of people being oppressed?
Are there any incidences of police brutality that have not been addressed?
Here it is in his own words, folks:

"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color."

I say fire every player who takes a knee. No patriotic American should attend an NFL game until the league puts a stop to this outrage.

Here it is in his own words, folks:

"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color."

I say fire every player who takes a knee. No patriotic American should attend an NFL game until the league puts a stop to this outrage.
You merely need better reading comprehension.
"The national anthem is and always will be a special part of the pre-game ceremony. It is an opportunity to honor our country and reflect on the great liberties we are afforded as its citizens. "

The national anthem was an opportunity for us to all come together, forget about politics and come together united as one nation, but like everything else, the Left have sewn discord and division in every other aspect of our culture, and now finally this in an effort to weaken the fiber of our country. Soon we will be so busy fighting among ourselves that we won't be able to stand up to real threats! Trump caused this?! BULLHOCKEY. It's been building for two years under the ineptitude of Roger Goodell. Just another diversionary tactic of the Left.

Actually it goes back years before Kapernick! It really started with Obama.

It is a rah rah moment that the player didn't even take the field for until 2009.

Trump is just being his typical asshole self. He obviously doesn't believe in the ideals the Flag and our Constitution stand for. He want to use the flag to beat down minorities who dare protest what they feel is inhumane treatment by some police towards their fellow citizens. Fascism wrapped in the flag.

You're an idiot not even worth responding to.
"The national anthem is and always will be a special part of the pre-game ceremony. It is an opportunity to honor our country and reflect on the great liberties we are afforded as its citizens. "

The national anthem was an opportunity for us to all come together, forget about politics and come together united as one nation, but like everything else, the Left have sewn discord and division in every other aspect of our culture, and now finally this in an effort to weaken the fiber of our country. Soon we will be so busy fighting among ourselves that we won't be able to stand up to real threats! Trump caused this?! BULLHOCKEY. It's been building for two years under the ineptitude of Roger Goodell. Just another diversionary tactic of the Left.

Actually it goes back years before Kapernick! It really started with Obama.

It is a rah rah moment that the player didn't even take the field for until 2009.

Trump is just being his typical asshole self. He obviously doesn't believe in the ideals the Flag and our Constitution stand for. He want to use the flag to beat down minorities who dare protest what they feel is inhumane treatment by some police towards their fellow citizens. Fascism wrapped in the flag.
Criticizing someone for disrespecting the flag is fascism?

The above brand of "logic" is why Dims keep losing elections. Americans are tired of your stupid over-the-top irrational bullshit.

Every claim about "inhuman treatment" was fake news.

The flag stands for in part our Constitution. In the Constitution is the right to protest. Protesting police brutality is not disrespecting the flag. Framing their protest as disrespecting the flag or our Constitution is pure bovine excrement and is in fact disrespecting the flag itself. Fascism wrap in the flag being used to con the Trumpsters.
"The national anthem is and always will be a special part of the pre-game ceremony. It is an opportunity to honor our country and reflect on the great liberties we are afforded as its citizens. "

The national anthem was an opportunity for us to all come together, forget about politics and come together united as one nation, but like everything else, the Left have sewn discord and division in every other aspect of our culture, and now finally this in an effort to weaken the fiber of our country. Soon we will be so busy fighting among ourselves that we won't be able to stand up to real threats! Trump caused this?! BULLHOCKEY. It's been building for two years under the ineptitude of Roger Goodell. Just another diversionary tactic of the Left.

Actually it goes back years before Kapernick! It really started with Obama.

It is a rah rah moment that the player didn't even take the field for until 2009.

Trump is just being his typical asshole self. He obviously doesn't believe in the ideals the Flag and our Constitution stand for. He want to use the flag to beat down minorities who dare protest what they feel is inhumane treatment by some police towards their fellow citizens. Fascism wrapped in the flag.

You're an idiot not even worth responding to.

Nice punt.
"The national anthem is and always will be a special part of the pre-game ceremony. It is an opportunity to honor our country and reflect on the great liberties we are afforded as its citizens. "

The national anthem was an opportunity for us to all come together, forget about politics and come together united as one nation, but like everything else, the Left have sewn discord and division in every other aspect of our culture, and now finally this in an effort to weaken the fiber of our country. Soon we will be so busy fighting among ourselves that we won't be able to stand up to real threats! Trump caused this?! BULLHOCKEY. It's been building for two years under the ineptitude of Roger Goodell. Just another diversionary tactic of the Left.

Actually it goes back years before Kapernick! It really started with Obama.

It is a rah rah moment that the player didn't even take the field for until 2009.

Trump is just being his typical asshole self. He obviously doesn't believe in the ideals the Flag and our Constitution stand for. He want to use the flag to beat down minorities who dare protest what they feel is inhumane treatment by some police towards their fellow citizens. Fascism wrapped in the flag.
Criticizing someone for disrespecting the flag is fascism?

The above brand of "logic" is why Dims keep losing elections. Americans are tired of your stupid over-the-top irrational bullshit.

Every claim about "inhuman treatment" was fake news.

Trump is right and if the imbeciles of the world had half a brain, they'd see that Trump was really criticizing Goodell! The contention that Trump's remarks were racial are idiotic. There are people of ALL races on the teams. The players and Goodell have painted themselves into a corner they cannot escape now and this will only blow up in their face. Millions of their customers have been driven away, me included. The players cannot all be fired, nor can they go back to saluting the flag! That would signal defeat. So now the NFL is left with only a few choices:

1). End the playing of America's National Anthem.
2). Continue to disrespect it.
4). Have Goodell grow a pair and issue an edict that any kneeling will be heavily fined. Then the players can stand there like dolts, too stupid to realize that the Flag actually REPRESENTS THE ONE IDEAL that supports the very things they protest over!

Whatever the outcome, the GAMES will suffer, ATTENDANCE will suffer, and America's Sport will never be America's ever again.
"The national anthem is and always will be a special part of the pre-game ceremony. It is an opportunity to honor our country and reflect on the great liberties we are afforded as its citizens. "

The national anthem was an opportunity for us to all come together, forget about politics and come together united as one nation, but like everything else, the Left have sewn discord and division in every other aspect of our culture, and now finally this in an effort to weaken the fiber of our country. Soon we will be so busy fighting among ourselves that we won't be able to stand up to real threats! Trump caused this?! BULLHOCKEY. It's been building for two years under the ineptitude of Roger Goodell. Just another diversionary tactic of the Left.

Actually it goes back years before Kapernick! It really started with Obama.

It is a rah rah moment that the player didn't even take the field for until 2009.

Trump is just being his typical asshole self. He obviously doesn't believe in the ideals the Flag and our Constitution stand for. He want to use the flag to beat down minorities who dare protest what they feel is inhumane treatment by some police towards their fellow citizens. Fascism wrapped in the flag.
Criticizing someone for disrespecting the flag is fascism?

The above brand of "logic" is why Dims keep losing elections. Americans are tired of your stupid over-the-top irrational bullshit.

Every claim about "inhuman treatment" was fake news.

The flag stands for in part our Constitution. In the Constitution is the right to protest. Protesting police brutality is not disrespecting the flag. Framing their protest as disrespecting the flag or our Constitution is pure bovine excrement and is in fact disrespecting the flag itself. Fascism wrap in the flag being used to con the Trumpsters.
Kaepernick admitted that taking the knee was done to show his disrespect for America. The government can't stop Kaepernick from showing his disrespect for America, but the NFL owners can. NFL fans who are offended will make the owners pay by not attending.

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