Justin Thomas' faux pas


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

I am posting here to protest the horrible faux pas by Justin Thomas and the MISREPORTING of same by assorted media outlets.

"JT" (as his admirers refer to him) was heard to exclaim, "Faggot!" when his par putt lipped out.

THIS IS BULLSHIT! The expression, "Faggot!" is exclusively intended to express dismay when your putt comes up SHORT! You are excoriating yourself for being a limp-wristed girlie-man and not hitting the ball far enough to reach the hole - a cardinal sin in golf. Alternatively, he could have exclaimed, "Nice shot, Alice!" But then the Feminazi's would probably be attacking him for misogyny. You can't win.

The appropriate expression for when you ball lips out, is, "RIM SHOT, mother-fucker!" Which would have been OK. Clearly.

No, wait, the fags might have taken umbrage with that, too.

You seriously can't win. Perhaps he should have said either "Golly!" or nothing at all.
Actually a faggot is a bundle of sticks or twigs bound together as fuel , leave the word alone we know what he meant, why he used it was out of context yet there it is.
Actually a faggot is a bundle of sticks or twigs bound together as fuel

That's news to me, I have never seen the word used that way. In english speaking countries, a fag is a cigarette and a faggot is a type of meatball. In America, the word grew to be a pejorative for a "sissy." Pretty damn bad state of affairs where your sponsor drops you for calling yourself a sissie.
In contemporary American culture, "faggot" has come to refer exclusively to a homosexual.

As with the dreaded, "N-word," it is only a member of that fraternity who can use it with impunity. For all others, it is a secular "mortal sin"...indeed WORSE than a mortal sin, because a mortal sin can be forgiven but this cannot.

It is curious that, as with most golf ejaculations, it was intended as an insult against the golfer himself, so for outsiders to jump on it as though THEY were insulted (not that there's anything wrong with being a homosexual), or for someone not a homosexual to take umbrage on behalf of the homosexual community (as the interviewer does in this interview) is beyond bizarre.

I personally have been known to exclaim "C*ck sucking Mother Fcuker" under similar circumstances. I have a good level of confidence that not many humans would consider that ejaculation as directed at them.

Try as I might, I cannot understand my impulse to make these exclamations, but I seem powerless to stop them. Perhaps it is Golf-Tourette's Syndrome.

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