Justice And Reward


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
The great disconnect.

1.The Left begins with, and requires, contempt for and repugnance of, religion, or, one might say, the difference between the religion of militant secularism and the religion of our founders, the Judeo-Christian variety, can be seen in the meaning of the term 'reward.'

For the believer in the latter, it is spiritual, an afterlife. For our Liberals/Democrats secularists, it is overflowing material wealth in the here and now.
Or, as the adage concludes: The only place one finds justice is the dictionary or the cemetery.

2. One example of how Liberals go about rewarding their propagandists/soldiers, and I mean 'soldier' as in Mafia soldier, is via the publishing industry. No matter how they sell, or even if they sell, Liberal authors get hugely outsized book advances, which ā€œare pure wealth transfers to liberal gabbers.ā€ [Coulter, ā€œSlander,ā€ chapter six.]

3. If one works for a Democrat Congressman, then the next stop is your own show on CNN, MSNBC, etcā€¦.for beaucoup bucks. They are rewarded for lying to the public.

4. Take a look at Vanity Fairā€™s current feature article, ā€˜Obamoguls,ā€™ which proves my premise here. The article is a glowing ā€˜panegyric,ā€™[a published text in praise] and ā€˜hagiographicā€™ [ excessively flattering depiction] of the Obamas. One could get diabetes from this article. ā€œItā€™s Got the Democratic Halo, but Thereā€™s This Bourgeois Elementā€: Meet the Obamoguls

5. In full disclosure, as I have asked this in other posts: Letā€™s begin with a challenge: aside from skin-color, what are the reasons that Barack Obama deserved the Democrat nomination to the presidency? Accomplishments? Political victory track record? Wealth accumulation? Nopeā€¦none of these.

He was served up on this platter: ā€˜ā€¦
you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man."

If any Obama-voter canā€™t provide a cogent answer, it is proof of the charge that Liberals/Democrats use emotion rather than intellect in choosing a candidate. And the party knows how to use it: the only number greater than infinity is how often they used the term ā€˜racist.ā€™ That's how they silenced any critiques.

what are the reasons that Barack Obama deserved the nomination to the presidency?

Butā€¦..the party has provided boundless praise and wealth to this pedestrian couple.

6. ā€œ
It may be particularly galling to Trump that, where it took him the better part of two decades to become a multiplatform media powerhouse, Barack and Michelle Obama have essentially done it in two years. In addition to their political and philanthropic activity, theyā€™re making movies and shows for Netflix, podcasts for Spotify, best sellers for Penguin Random House, mega-events for Live Nationā€”and making themselves super rich along the way. Their explosion of personal wealth may be head-turning, but the Obamas have managed to do it without sacrificing too much of their ethical cachet.

Their budding media portfolio has a certain recombinant brilliance, fusing familiar elements to create a new cultural prestigeā€”something with the potential to further magnify the Obamasā€™ already outsize influence.ā€ ā€œItā€™s Got the Democratic Halo, but Thereā€™s This Bourgeois Elementā€: Meet the Obamoguls

Liberals will love the overflowing of the Obamaā€™s cupā€¦..but you will not be able to explain why they deserve these rewards.
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The OP is all true, but the democrat's money machine machine may be taking a hit this year. Movie theaters are empty, no concerts, not many working, hell even Mike Bloomberg's wealth probably took a hit. No one can go to book stores yet, but the TV shows are still on, probably with crazy high ratings.

2020 should be a battle between the GOP fundraisers and Mike Bloomberg's $6-Billion or so he promised to throw in to beat Trump. I'm seeing occasional democrat commercials, and they aren't shy about lying profusely.

Can the Obama's popularity as promoted by the MSM carry Biden across the finish line? Not if the voters have a say..and I mean the "in-person" voters, not the "mail-in" cheater voters the democrats love.
The OP is all true, but the democrat's money machine machine may be taking a hit this year. Movie theaters are empty, no concerts, not many working, hell even Mike Bloomberg's wealth probably took a hit. No one can go to book stores yet, but the TV shows are still on, probably with crazy high ratings.

2020 should be a battle between the GOP fundraisers and Mike Bloomberg's $6-Billion or so he promised to throw in to beat Trump. I'm seeing occasional democrat commercials, and they aren't shy about lying profusely.

Can the Obama's popularity as promoted by the MSM carry Biden across the finish line? Not if the voters have a say..and I mean the "in-person" voters, not the "mail-in" cheater voters the democrats love.

The OP is all true, but the democrat's money machine machine may be taking a hit this year. Movie theaters are empty, no concerts, not many working, hell even Mike Bloomberg's wealth probably took a hit. No one can go to book stores yet, but the TV shows are still on, probably with crazy high ratings.

2020 should be a battle between the GOP fundraisers and Mike Bloomberg's $6-Billion or so he promised to throw in to beat Trump. I'm seeing occasional democrat commercials, and they aren't shy about lying profusely.

Can the Obama's popularity as promoted by the MSM carry Biden across the finish line? Not if the voters have a say..and I mean the "in-person" voters, not the "mail-in" cheater voters the democrats love.

Actually, I wasn't focusing on either the election, nor on Biden, today, but as you mention him, he proves my point.

This is a know-nothing, ne'er do well who has been well rewarded by the left for advancing their aims.

He is largely responsible for destroying out intelligence agencies, and constantly riling up black population with the lies like
"they gonna put y'all back in chains.ā€

And for that:

The OP is all true, but the democrat's money machine machine may be taking a hit this year. Movie theaters are empty, no concerts, not many working, hell even Mike Bloomberg's wealth probably took a hit. No one can go to book stores yet, but the TV shows are still on, probably with crazy high ratings.

2020 should be a battle between the GOP fundraisers and Mike Bloomberg's $6-Billion or so he promised to throw in to beat Trump. I'm seeing occasional democrat commercials, and they aren't shy about lying profusely.

Can the Obama's popularity as promoted by the MSM carry Biden across the finish line? Not if the voters have a say..and I mean the "in-person" voters, not the "mail-in" cheater voters the democrats love.

Actually, I wasn't focusing on either the election, nor on Biden, today, but as you mention him, he proves my point.

This is a know-nothing, ne'er do well who has been well rewarded by the left for advancing their aims.

He is largely responsible for destroying out intelligence agencies, and constantly riling up black population with the lies like
"they gonna put y'all back in chains.ā€

And for that:

Remember when they called the Clintons the "Beverly Hillbillies" coming up to DC from Arkansas in their jalopy? Just some poor folk coming to help the nation get rid of those greedy Republicans.
  • Trump: $4.5 billion before running for president, $3 billion after.
  • Obama: $3 million before running for president, $40 million after.
  • Clinton: $480,000 before running for president, $100 million after.
It concludes, ā€œBut Trump is the guy trying to steal your money?ā€
The OP is all true, but the democrat's money machine machine may be taking a hit this year. Movie theaters are empty, no concerts, not many working, hell even Mike Bloomberg's wealth probably took a hit. No one can go to book stores yet, but the TV shows are still on, probably with crazy high ratings.

2020 should be a battle between the GOP fundraisers and Mike Bloomberg's $6-Billion or so he promised to throw in to beat Trump. I'm seeing occasional democrat commercials, and they aren't shy about lying profusely.

Can the Obama's popularity as promoted by the MSM carry Biden across the finish line? Not if the voters have a say..and I mean the "in-person" voters, not the "mail-in" cheater voters the democrats love.

Actually, I wasn't focusing on either the election, nor on Biden, today, but as you mention him, he proves my point.

This is a know-nothing, ne'er do well who has been well rewarded by the left for advancing their aims.

He is largely responsible for destroying out intelligence agencies, and constantly riling up black population with the lies like
"they gonna put y'all back in chains.ā€

And for that:

Remember when they called the Clintons the "Beverly Hillbillies" coming up to DC from Arkansas in their jalopy? Just some poor folk coming to help the nation get rid of those greedy Republicans.
  • Trump: $4.5 billion before running for president, $3 billion after.
  • Obama: $3 million before running for president, $40 million after.
  • Clinton: $480,000 before running for president, $100 million after.
It concludes, ā€œBut Trump is the guy trying to steal your money?ā€

And.....one more proof!!!

Thank you!

As they say, folks who go to Washington to do good, and wind up doing well.

Feinstein and Maxine Waters!
7. Lacking in self-awareness, a characteristic of so many celebrities, Husseinā€™s explanation of the deals he got from Netflix and others, is a cause for some amusement:

ā€œā€¦the Obamasā€™ multiyear content deal with Netflix is rumored to rival their publishing payday. Their agreement to make podcasts for Spotify isnā€™t quite as lofty, but it is still said to be in the $10 million to $20 million range,ā€¦.As he put it, a touch more earnestly, in a brief YouTube video last summer: ā€œOne way of looking at what weā€™ve both been doing for the last 20 years, maybe most of our careers, was to tell stories. You want to be in relationships with people, and connect with them, and work together with them.ā€ If getting rich is a by-product, so be it.ā€
Vanity Fair.

ā€˜Telling storiesā€™ is quite an admission from the greatest liar ever to infect the White House.

He made an awful lot of money as a 'writer.'

Jack Cashill wrote a blockbuster that youā€™ve never heard of, ā€œDeconstructing Obama,ā€ wherein he proves ā€œthat Dreams From My Father was not written by Obama but by Bill Ayers, and not just as a ghost writer, but as author.ā€
Luckily for Obama, Liberals don't read books.

Have you ever seen any examples of Husseinā€™s haunting writing? No, you havenā€™t.

Butā€¦.Huff Post had this ā€˜poemā€™ he wroteā€¦

Written by Obama in college. Obama's Poetry


Under water grottos, caverns

Filled with apes

That eat figs.

Stepping on the figs

That the apes

Eat, they crunch.

The apes howl, bare

Their fangs, dance,

Tumble in the

Rushing water,

Musty, wet pelts

Glistening in the blue.

Man, this dude is soooooommmme poet, huh?
8. And speaking of making lots of money for writingā€¦

ā€œEven by the remunerative standards of presidential book writing, the $65 million that Penguin Random House reportedly paid Barack and Michelle Obama was unprecedented, as was the rock-star-level arena tour that Michelle Obama embarked on to promote her book, Becoming.ā€
Vanity Fair

If anyone actually believes Michelle is capable of writing a shopping list, much less a book, they should take a look at her college thesis.

And, speaking of her Princeton thesisā€¦Christopher Hitchens wrote, ā€˜ "To describe [the thesis] as hard to read would be a mistake; the thesis cannot be 'read' at all, in the strict sense of the verb. This is because it wasn't written in any known language." ā€¦ Almost assuredly, the gap between her writing and that of her highly talented colleagues marked her as an affirmative action admission, and the profs finessed her through.ā€ Early Obama Letter Confirms Inability to Write

Michelleā€™s thesis was about being black at Princeton. Here is the type of passage that accounts for Hitchenā€™s disdain: ā€œBy actually working with the Black lower class or within their communities as a result of their ideologies, a separationist may better understand the desparation [sic] of their situation and feel more hopeless about their plight.ā€ Michelle Obama Princeton Thesis

ā€œAlas, the grammar is wrong; the tenses are garbled. People are ignorant ā€œofā€ the plight of the lower class, not ignorant ā€œtoā€ their plight. And ā€œdesparationā€ should be spelled ā€œdesperation.ā€ As Hitchenā€™s would surely have pointed out, these are not mere typos; they reflect an estranged relationship with the English language. Moreover, they appear not in an off-the-cuff transcript, but in a thesis that is supposed to reflect the culmination of oneā€™s college career. Remarkably, Michelle graduated with honors at Princeton, and was admitted to Harvard Law School.ā€
Dā€™Souza, ā€œObamaā€™s America,ā€ p. 204-205

As per this thread: Liberalism, Incorporated, richly rewards its 'soldiers'.
This is how they do it.

"Omar Funnels Nearly $300,000 More to Her Husbandā€™s Firm
Democratic representative Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.) continues to push cash from her campaign committee to her now-husband's consulting firm.

Omar's new committee filings, posted Wednesday afternoon, show that during the first three months of the year, the campaign paid $292,905 to the E Street Group. E Street is a political consulting firm owned by Omar's husband, Tim Mynett. The cash, which reportedly went toward an array of services that included fundraising and advertisements, accounted for over 40 percent of the campaign's $674,892 in disbursements. Omar raised $456,374 during the quarter.

Omar's campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The Omar campaign also doled out $525,000 last year to Mynett's firm, its top vendor. "
9. ā€œā€¦Obama fundraiser, is Higher Groundā€™s dealmaker.

Higher Ground is generally steering clear of overtly political content, gravitating instead toward a more earnest oeuvre that preaches the gospel of empowerment: a Frederick Douglass biopic, a documentary about the origins of the disability rights movement, a global food series for preschoolers.ā€
Vanity Fair

Give credit where credit is dueā€¦.the above is an excellent endeavorā€¦if itā€™s true.

I have the feeling that it will reflect every such Hollywood Liberal work, and make sure black folks keep reliving a long-gone past.

As Coulter has written:

ā€œYes, let's bask in blacks' exquisite grievances against whites a little longer- just in case anyone missed Roots, Do the Right Thing, Amistad, The Color Purple, Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?, Mississippi Burning, The Hurricane, Malcolm X, Monster's Ball, A Raisin in the Sun, To Kill a Mockingbird, Tuskegee Airmen, Ghosts of Mississippi, Ali, The Green Mile and every ABC after-school special ever produced (except the ones about eating disorders) as well as your entire college education and the last fifty years of the New York Times and all other mainstream media outlets issuing hysterical updates on the unending civil rights struggle. In the last two decades, the Times has run more than 250 articles about the Selma march alone. Selma happened nearly half a century ago.ā€

How many of those and future similar works mentioned that every KKKer and lyncher, was a Democrat?
10. A subtext to this thread is that all of us should read the words of the other side, and not just those with out perspective. For me, Vanity Fair is the other side. Not being aware of the other sideā€¦..thatā€™s the sort of ā€˜intellectual debateā€™ missing from government school and the university system.

And Vanity Fair does level the articleā€™s glowing perspective to this tiny extent:

ā€œA more cynical assessment is that the Obamas are in the game of big-time wealth accumulation. To be fair, theyā€™re still heavily engaged in political, civic, and philanthropic endeavors: voter registration, the National Democratic Redistricting Committee, the nonprofit Obama Presidential Center on the South Side of Chicago. But at the end of the day, all indications are that they want to be Al Gore rich, not Jimmy Carter rich. Even some of their fans may question whether that jibes with the core goodness and idealism that has made them so beloved. As another Hollywood source who took a meeting with Higher Ground put it, ā€œItā€™s got the Democratic halo, but thereā€™s this bourgeois element.ā€

Then they allow that judgment to be made by one who has always spoken the words that represented Husseinā€™s actions, Valerie Jarrett:

ā€œThose closest to the Obamas reject that notion. ā€œTheir paths have always been driven by public service,ā€ says Valerie Jarrett, ā€œand these resources give them an opportunity to have even more of an impact. If theyā€™re a force for good and are able to do well and make money at the same time, I think thatā€™s what we should hope for from all business leaders.ā€ ā€œItā€™s Got the Democratic Halo, but Thereā€™s This Bourgeois Elementā€: Meet the Obamoguls

And, just BTWā€¦..which President lost money serving the nation, and which one make millions as a result?
1.The Left begins with, and requires, contempt for and repugnance of, religion, or, one might say, the difference between the religion of militant secularism and the religion of our founders, the Judeo-Christian variety, can be seen in the meaning of the term 'reward.'

For the believer in the latter, it is spiritual, an afterlife. For our Liberals/Democrats secularists, it is overflowing material wealth in the here and now.
Not only the left: The prosperity gospel
aside from skin-color, what are the reasons that Barack Obama deserved the Democrat nomination to the presidency? Accomplishments? Political victory track record? Wealth accumulation? Nopeā€¦none of these.
Don't forget, Obama never ran a beauty pageant or a casino, never experienced a bankruptcy or divorce, never inheirited millions, only had a single wife and no public affairs, and was never the star of a reality TV show. Totally unqualified to run for president.
aside from skin-color, what are the reasons that Barack Obama deserved the Democrat nomination to the presidency? Accomplishments? Political victory track record? Wealth accumulation? Nopeā€¦none of these.
Don't forget, Obama never ran a beauty pageant or a casino, never experienced a bankruptcy or divorce, never inheirited millions, only had a single wife and no public affairs, and was never the star of a reality TV show. Totally unqualified to run for president.

Now that you bring up Hussein.....

In full disclosure, I have asked this in other posts: Letā€™s begin with a challenge: aside from skin-color, what are the reasons that Barack Obama deserved the Democrat nomination to the presidency? Accomplishments? Political victory track record? Wealth accumulation? Nopeā€¦none of these.

He was served up on this platter: ā€˜ā€¦
you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man."

If any Obama-voter canā€™t provide a cogent answer, it is proof of the charge that Liberals/Democrats use emotion rather than intellect in choosing a candidate. And the party knows how to use it: the only number greater than infinity is how often they used the term ā€˜racist.ā€™ That's how they silenced any critiques.

What are the reasons that Barack Obama deserved the nomination to the presidency?

And, just BTWā€¦..which President lost money serving the nation, and which one used it as a cash cow, to make millions as a result?
Now that you bring up Hussein.....
What are the reasons that Barack Obama deserved the nomination to the presidency?

And, just BTWā€¦..which President lost money serving the nation, and which one used it as a cash cow, to make millions as a result?
You brought up Obama, you obviously didn't hear he is no longer our president.

As to why: he was the candidate with the message people wanted to hear, one of hope rather than fear and blame. As a lawyer, he understood the law and as a senator he understood our government and how it works. Probably why he managed to get his healthcare plan passed while his successor complained he didn't know how complicated the subject was.

As for losing money serving the nation, you must have seen Trump's tax returns, I haven't so I can't comment.
Now that you bring up Hussein.....
What are the reasons that Barack Obama deserved the nomination to the presidency?

And, just BTWā€¦..which President lost money serving the nation, and which one used it as a cash cow, to make millions as a result?
You brought up Obama, you obviously didn't hear he is no longer our president.

As to why: he was the candidate with the message people wanted to hear, one of hope rather than fear and blame. As a lawyer, he understood the law and as a senator he understood our government and how it works. Probably why he managed to get his healthcare plan passed while his successor complained he didn't know how complicated the subject was.

As for losing money serving the nation, you must have seen Trump's tax returns, I haven't so I can't comment.

"You brought up Obama, you obviously didn't hear he is no longer our president. "

Why are you in a hurry to hide the one your side called god, Jesus and the messiah?

He remains a target of critique as long as his policies, the damage he caused, and the acolytes he created.....you.....still exist.
Now that you bring up Hussein.....
What are the reasons that Barack Obama deserved the nomination to the presidency?

And, just BTWā€¦..which President lost money serving the nation, and which one used it as a cash cow, to make millions as a result?
You brought up Obama, you obviously didn't hear he is no longer our president.

As to why: he was the candidate with the message people wanted to hear, one of hope rather than fear and blame. As a lawyer, he understood the law and as a senator he understood our government and how it works. Probably why he managed to get his healthcare plan passed while his successor complained he didn't know how complicated the subject was.

As for losing money serving the nation, you must have seen Trump's tax returns, I haven't so I can't comment.

"You brought up Obama, you obviously didn't hear he is no longer our president. "

Why are you in a hurry to hide the one your side called god, Jesus and the messiah?

He remains a target of critique as long as his policies, the damage he caused, and the acolytes he created.....you.....still exist.
I don't have a god, Jesus or a messiah, I'm an atheist. I do note you don't dispute anything I wrote so, as you might say, I win.
Now that you bring up Hussein.....
What are the reasons that Barack Obama deserved the nomination to the presidency?

And, just BTWā€¦..which President lost money serving the nation, and which one used it as a cash cow, to make millions as a result?
You brought up Obama, you obviously didn't hear he is no longer our president.

As to why: he was the candidate with the message people wanted to hear, one of hope rather than fear and blame. As a lawyer, he understood the law and as a senator he understood our government and how it works. Probably why he managed to get his healthcare plan passed while his successor complained he didn't know how complicated the subject was.

As for losing money serving the nation, you must have seen Trump's tax returns, I haven't so I can't comment.

"You brought up Obama, you obviously didn't hear he is no longer our president. "

Why are you in a hurry to hide the one your side called god, Jesus and the messiah?

He remains a target of critique as long as his policies, the damage he caused, and the acolytes he created.....you.....still exist.
I don't have a god, Jesus or a messiah, I'm an atheist. I do note you don't dispute anything I wrote so, as you might say, I win.

Let's check:
Did you vote Democrat?
Yeah, The great disconnect. ...

ā€œThree years after taking the oath of office, President Trump has made more than 16,200 false or misleading claims ā€” a milestone that would have been unthinkable when we first created the Fact Checkerā€™s databaseā€


Time to put you in your place again, huh?


ā€œTrumpā€™s Lies versus Obamaā€™sā€ was the headline in a Sunday Review New York Times piece aiming to drive a final coffin nail into Trumpā€™s credibility. The Times claimed Trump has already ā€œtold nearly six times as many falsehoods as Obama did during his entire (8-year) presidency.ā€ The columnists seem so distraught that it is surprising the article is not in all caps.

But the Timesā€™ list of falsehoods is itself a charade with gaping Montana-sized holes.

The Timesā€™ comparison of Trump and other presidents implies that all lies are equally damnable. The Times ignored all the Obama false promises used to justify his troop surge in Afghanistan (which resulted in more than a thousand dead American troops with nothing to show for the sacrifice) and bombing Libya (which now has slave markets).

ā€¦Obamaā€™s lies help explain why only 20 percent of Americans trusted the federal government at the end of Obamaā€™s reign.ā€

How quickly NY Times forgets Obama's lies and frauds

the Liberals have a great need to shift to blame.

Refer to

Rule #2

To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

ā€œLiberals have discovered a new word.

Lie: ā€œto make an untrue statement with intent to deceive.ā€

Like a teenager who just learned a new SAT word, the left is using and misusing this word to characterize President Trumpā€™s statements. From his most recent ā€œlast night in Swedenā€ remark to his assertion that the murder rate is at its highest mark in 47 years, liberals have incorrectly labeled Trump as ā€œintending to deceive.ā€

The left used Trumpā€™s vague statement to impart sinister suspicion. ā€œHow dare he make up a terrorist attack!?ā€ and ā€œliar!ā€ were but a few of the apoplectic freak-outs. Meanwhile, the person beside me heard it entirely differently. ā€œHeā€™s referring to information he gathered regarding Sweden last night,ā€ this person said.

Trumpā€™s clarification on Twitter that his ā€œlast nightā€ remark indeed referred to a Friday night Fox News segment on crime in Sweden validated the latter interpretation over the former. Nevertheless, the former interpretation was adopted as gospel.

The leftā€™s ā€œlyingā€ narrative was again on full display when Trump stated that the murder rate was the highest it has been in 47 years. The liberals accused Trump of intentionally planting a false statistic, but they ought to have done a cursory Google search, which would have clarified exactly what Trump was getting at: the U.S. had just seen the biggest increase in murders in 45 years.

Trump used this statistic several times throughout the campaign, and Politifact rated his statement as ā€œmostly true.ā€ But this time Trump left out one word ā€” increase ā€” and the left lost it, resorting to the ā€œlyingā€ label.

The truth is liberals are using every tactic possible to drown the Trump presidency. False allegations of racism, bigotry, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, and now lying each have their own chapter in the Trump takedown playbook.

As it turns out, the only lies being told are not by President Donald Trump but by liberals, who will hypocritically mischaracterize Trumpā€™s every action. They do so intentionally ā€“ the very definition of a ā€œlie.ā€ Liberal ā€˜liesā€™ about President Trump

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