Just the FACTS... Who was elected? The person that spent the most???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Let's see... Spent:
Hillary $1,190,700,000 65%
Trump 646,800,000 35%
Total $1,837,500,000
So Hillary spent 184% more then Trump and lost.
Seems like that would be an indicator of how she'd run the country if she had won!

Tracking the 2016 Presidential Money Race
Screen Shot 2016-12-10 at 10.25.51 AM.png
does that mean that conservatives can be bought cheap?
I feel like such a slut now.

You made me think of the joke...
Man sees attractive woman in bar.
He says to woman "Hey would you go to bed with me for $1million ?"
she: "Probably".
He: "OK.. then would you go to bed with me for $100?"
She: "What kind of woman do you think I am?"
He: "We’ve already established that. Now we’re just haggling over the price."

So go ahead feel like a slut cause I have felt like one for the last 8 years over the screwing Obama has given us!

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