Just Saw a Bloomberg Ad Touting Obamacare

Since when do people shop for Health Insurance while they are in an ambulance? Were you dropped on your head today?
Yes they aren’t shopping for where they can get the cheapest treatment, that is the point.
Health Care and Health Insurance are two different issues. No one in America is denied Health Care.

Nobody is in an ambulance shopping for "Health Insurance"

Paying for someone else's Health Insurance is what Obama Care is all about, and The Federal Government cannot force another American to pay for a product like that.

Next you are going to tell me that I have to pay for an Illegal Alien's Car Insurance.

That is a violation of The Commerce Clause.
And depending on where you go you might have a lot more out of pocket, Some hospitals are in network, some aren’t. Some doctors are in network some aren’t. It’s a big shitshow.
Insurance was far better before Obama tried to take over 1\6th of the Economy like the little commie bastard he was.

Just take Government out of Health Insurance and open the market up to cross state competition, even allow Americans to buy drugs from Canada and Mexico and The Market will correct itself over night.

It's all these government subsidizing of individuals that gives These Insurance Companies too much leverage to fix prices in their favor because they are guaranteed a market.
We got Obamacare because of skyrocketing healthcare costs. If things were good before Obamacare we’d have never gotten it.
It is true that the system was broken before Obama, but he took advantage of that instead of fixing it. Never let a good crisis go to waste right ?
I’m independent you idiot. What are you talking about?
Then you can INDEPENDENTLY VOLUNTEER to pay for someone else's Health Insurance with your own money.

Problem solved.

While we are at it, declare your home a Sanctuary Shitty too.
I want affordable healthcare for me. Why are you so lost?
You should get a better job then.
Learn to Code
Have a great job. The reality is that healthcare is really expensive. Most expensive in the world. You seem stuck in the 80s or something. How old are you?
You job must suck if you can't afford Health Insurance. I get mine through my employer. Happy with it so far. But things were better before NaziCare was passed by the DemNazis.
Yeah it keeps costing more and more. That’s the reality.
Yes they aren’t shopping for where they can get the cheapest treatment, that is the point.
Health Care and Health Insurance are two different issues. No one in America is denied Health Care.

Nobody is in an ambulance shopping for "Health Insurance"

Paying for someone else's Health Insurance is what Obama Care is all about, and The Federal Government cannot force another American to pay for a product like that.

Next you are going to tell me that I have to pay for an Illegal Alien's Car Insurance.

That is a violation of The Commerce Clause.
And depending on where you go you might have a lot more out of pocket, Some hospitals are in network, some aren’t. Some doctors are in network some aren’t. It’s a big shitshow.
Insurance was far better before Obama tried to take over 1\6th of the Economy like the little commie bastard he was.

Just take Government out of Health Insurance and open the market up to cross state competition, even allow Americans to buy drugs from Canada and Mexico and The Market will correct itself over night.

It's all these government subsidizing of individuals that gives These Insurance Companies too much leverage to fix prices in their favor because they are guaranteed a market.
We got Obamacare because of skyrocketing healthcare costs. If things were good before Obamacare we’d have never gotten it.
It is true that the system was broken before Obama, but he took advantage of that instead of fixing it. Never let a good crisis go to waste right ?
Well nobody seems to have the answer for fixing it.
I don’t have a link, it was live TV. But that’s his platform to get votes.

Can the Left get any more tone deaf?
Trump is trying to take away your healthcare

It will be the theme of many Democratic campaigns
Whose healthcare ? I have mine through my job, and I have the HSA account to boot. Guess what ? I have built up my HSA (health savings account), to a huge amount now. It's time for people who are able bodied to get a job, get with the programs, and quit begging. Yes for those who can't work due to a disability, sure give them Medicare, and for the elderly American's make sure they are taken care of, but for those who can work it's time to suck it up, and get busy making your lives better by working. Let competition bring prices down, and let the government control price gouging in which that is what it is there for, but hey government don't try and fix what already works.
If your employer does not offer insurance or you are self employed

Let em die
I have a job and I have an out of pocket deductible I have to pay thanks To Obama Bin Lying.

I'm not paying one dime of my money to pay for your insurance. You and your friends get off your asses and work.
I just told you, we work. And healthcare is expensive. You seem really confused....
47% of Americans, your base, pay NO TAXES. We aren't paying for your health care too.
I'd wager that 99.999% of Americans pay taxes. By some measures, the poorer you are the more taxes you pay.

You must be including sales taxes in that number, unless you really are that stupid.

Sales taxes, excise taxes, property taxes and other assorted government "fees" and then there's the BIG one that hits the poor (especially the working poor) the hardest:

INFLATION which imposes a hidden tax on all of us but due to distribution effects hits the poor the worst.

So the bottom line, as much as politicians like to talk about "helping" the poor, they're the ones screwing over the poor.
Speaking of taxes, I have two lots, and on one lot they charged me a percentage of the appraisal on a fence in which they appraised at $5,000.00 dollars, and on the other lot it was appraised at $1,800.00 dollars. A fence I tell ya, and this is in the county. The fence has been there since the early sixties with limbs growing through it, and even tree's growing through it. I thought really ?? Good grief. You think the government is your friend in anything ?? Yeah maybe if you are a dependent, and it wants to give you what you need for your loyalty and vote. Then it's your friend.
I don’t have a link, it was live TV. But that’s his platform to get votes.

Can the Left get any more tone deaf?
Trump is trying to take away your healthcare

It will be the theme of many Democratic campaigns
Whose healthcare ? I have mine through my job, and I have the HSA account to boot. Guess what ? I have built up my HSA (health savings account), to a huge amount now. It's time for people who are able bodied to get a job, get with the programs, and quit begging. Yes for those who can't work due to a disability, sure give them Medicare, and for the elderly American's make sure they are taken care of, but for those who can work it's time to suck it up, and get busy making your lives better by working. Let competition bring prices down, and let the government control price gouging in which that is what it is there for, but hey government don't try and fix what already works.
If your employer does not offer insurance or you are self employed

Let em die
I hear ads all the time that give solutions for this. The market has something for everyone if search for it.
Republicans want to take away your healthcare

Remember that in 2020
Republicans just don't want to take your health care away they want to return to the good old days of the 19th century and social darwinism. You remember those halcyon days of the Victorian era: debtors prison, orphans the street, strict social stratification, life expectancy of 28 years of age.

Good grief... It ain't working for you, so change strategies... LOL
I don’t have a link, it was live TV. But that’s his platform to get votes.

Can the Left get any more tone deaf?
Trump is trying to take away your healthcare

It will be the theme of many Democratic campaigns
Whose healthcare ? I have mine through my job, and I have the HSA account to boot. Guess what ? I have built up my HSA (health savings account), to a huge amount now. It's time for people who are able bodied to get a job, get with the programs, and quit begging. Yes for those who can't work due to a disability, sure give them Medicare, and for the elderly American's make sure they are taken care of, but for those who can work it's time to suck it up, and get busy making your lives better by working. Let competition bring prices down, and let the government control price gouging in which that is what it is there for, but hey government don't try and fix what already works.
If your employer does not offer insurance or you are self employed

Let em die
I hear ads all the time that give solutions for this. The market has something for everyone if search for it.
Expensive solutions.
Health Care and Health Insurance are two different issues. No one in America is denied Health Care.

Nobody is in an ambulance shopping for "Health Insurance"

Paying for someone else's Health Insurance is what Obama Care is all about, and The Federal Government cannot force another American to pay for a product like that.

Next you are going to tell me that I have to pay for an Illegal Alien's Car Insurance.

That is a violation of The Commerce Clause.
And depending on where you go you might have a lot more out of pocket, Some hospitals are in network, some aren’t. Some doctors are in network some aren’t. It’s a big shitshow.
Insurance was far better before Obama tried to take over 1\6th of the Economy like the little commie bastard he was.

Just take Government out of Health Insurance and open the market up to cross state competition, even allow Americans to buy drugs from Canada and Mexico and The Market will correct itself over night.

It's all these government subsidizing of individuals that gives These Insurance Companies too much leverage to fix prices in their favor because they are guaranteed a market.
We got Obamacare because of skyrocketing healthcare costs. If things were good before Obamacare we’d have never gotten it.
It is true that the system was broken before Obama, but he took advantage of that instead of fixing it. Never let a good crisis go to waste right ?
Well nobody seems to have the answer for fixing it.
The whole system don't need fixing, but some tweaking is needed.
I don’t have a link, it was live TV. But that’s his platform to get votes.

Can the Left get any more tone deaf?
Trump is trying to take away your healthcare

It will be the theme of many Democratic campaigns
Whose healthcare ? I have mine through my job, and I have the HSA account to boot. Guess what ? I have built up my HSA (health savings account), to a huge amount now. It's time for people who are able bodied to get a job, get with the programs, and quit begging. Yes for those who can't work due to a disability, sure give them Medicare, and for the elderly American's make sure they are taken care of, but for those who can work it's time to suck it up, and get busy making your lives better by working. Let competition bring prices down, and let the government control price gouging in which that is what it is there for, but hey government don't try and fix what already works.
If your employer does not offer insurance or you are self employed

Let em die
I hear ads all the time that give solutions for this. The market has something for everyone if search for it.
Expensive solutions.
Subsidizing is always there if qualify. Next.
Trump is trying to take away your healthcare

It will be the theme of many Democratic campaigns
Whose healthcare ? I have mine through my job, and I have the HSA account to boot. Guess what ? I have built up my HSA (health savings account), to a huge amount now. It's time for people who are able bodied to get a job, get with the programs, and quit begging. Yes for those who can't work due to a disability, sure give them Medicare, and for the elderly American's make sure they are taken care of, but for those who can work it's time to suck it up, and get busy making your lives better by working. Let competition bring prices down, and let the government control price gouging in which that is what it is there for, but hey government don't try and fix what already works.
If your employer does not offer insurance or you are self employed

Let em die
I hear ads all the time that give solutions for this. The market has something for everyone if search for it.
Expensive solutions.
Subsidizing is always there if qualify. Next.
How is that an answer? Subsidizing will make it more expensive. Insurance companies will charge more when they realize its being subsidized.
And depending on where you go you might have a lot more out of pocket, Some hospitals are in network, some aren’t. Some doctors are in network some aren’t. It’s a big shitshow.
Insurance was far better before Obama tried to take over 1\6th of the Economy like the little commie bastard he was.

Just take Government out of Health Insurance and open the market up to cross state competition, even allow Americans to buy drugs from Canada and Mexico and The Market will correct itself over night.

It's all these government subsidizing of individuals that gives These Insurance Companies too much leverage to fix prices in their favor because they are guaranteed a market.
We got Obamacare because of skyrocketing healthcare costs. If things were good before Obamacare we’d have never gotten it.
It is true that the system was broken before Obama, but he took advantage of that instead of fixing it. Never let a good crisis go to waste right ?
Well nobody seems to have the answer for fixing it.
The whole system don't need fixing, but some tweaking is needed.
If that were the case it would be done.
Whose healthcare ? I have mine through my job, and I have the HSA account to boot. Guess what ? I have built up my HSA (health savings account), to a huge amount now. It's time for people who are able bodied to get a job, get with the programs, and quit begging. Yes for those who can't work due to a disability, sure give them Medicare, and for the elderly American's make sure they are taken care of, but for those who can work it's time to suck it up, and get busy making your lives better by working. Let competition bring prices down, and let the government control price gouging in which that is what it is there for, but hey government don't try and fix what already works.
If your employer does not offer insurance or you are self employed

Let em die
I hear ads all the time that give solutions for this. The market has something for everyone if search for it.
Expensive solutions.
Subsidizing is always there if qualify. Next.
How is that an answer? Subsidizing will make it more expensive. Insurance companies will charge more when they realize its being subsidized.
Whose healthcare ? I have mine through my job, and I have the HSA account to boot. Guess what ? I have built up my HSA (health savings account), to a huge amount now. It's time for people who are able bodied to get a job, get with the programs, and quit begging. Yes for those who can't work due to a disability, sure give them Medicare, and for the elderly American's make sure they are taken care of, but for those who can work it's time to suck it up, and get busy making your lives better by working. Let competition bring prices down, and let the government control price gouging in which that is what it is there for, but hey government don't try and fix what already works.
If your employer does not offer insurance or you are self employed

Let em die
I hear ads all the time that give solutions for this. The market has something for everyone if search for it.
Expensive solutions.
Subsidizing is always there if qualify. Next.
How is that an answer? Subsidizing will make it more expensive. Insurance companies will charge more when they realize its being subsidized.
No they won't if it doesn't have over 30% being subsidized, because they would be gouging if charging more for those who are subsidized than those who aren't being subsidized. Hopefully we don't have a senario where 99.9% of an insurance companies clientele is also being subsidized by the government to make up the difference in their plans. If charging more to the 70% because 30% is being subsidized, then the government ought to hit them with a price gouging lawsuit in order to stop that type of thinking by private companies, otherwise when government is trying to help those in need, but not to negatively affect those who can make it without government help.
Insurance was far better before Obama tried to take over 1\6th of the Economy like the little commie bastard he was.

Just take Government out of Health Insurance and open the market up to cross state competition, even allow Americans to buy drugs from Canada and Mexico and The Market will correct itself over night.

It's all these government subsidizing of individuals that gives These Insurance Companies too much leverage to fix prices in their favor because they are guaranteed a market.
We got Obamacare because of skyrocketing healthcare costs. If things were good before Obamacare we’d have never gotten it.
It is true that the system was broken before Obama, but he took advantage of that instead of fixing it. Never let a good crisis go to waste right ?
Well nobody seems to have the answer for fixing it.
The whole system don't need fixing, but some tweaking is needed.
If that were the case it would be done.
It can be done.
If your employer does not offer insurance or you are self employed

Let em die
I hear ads all the time that give solutions for this. The market has something for everyone if search for it.
Expensive solutions.
Subsidizing is always there if qualify. Next.
How is that an answer? Subsidizing will make it more expensive. Insurance companies will charge more when they realize its being subsidized.
If your employer does not offer insurance or you are self employed

Let em die
I hear ads all the time that give solutions for this. The market has something for everyone if search for it.
Expensive solutions.
Subsidizing is always there if qualify. Next.
How is that an answer? Subsidizing will make it more expensive. Insurance companies will charge more when they realize its being subsidized.
No they won't if it doesn't have over 30% being subsidized, because they would be gouging if charging more for those who are subsidized than those who aren't being subsidized. Hopefully we don't have a senario where 99.9% of an insurance companies clientele is also being subsidized by the government to make up the difference in their plans. If charging more to the 70% because 30% is being subsidized, then the government ought to hit them with a price gouging lawsuit in order to stop that type of thinking by private companies, otherwise when government is trying to help those in need, but not to negatively affect those who can make it without government help.
I think you are wrong. Subsidizing always increases costs.
We got Obamacare because of skyrocketing healthcare costs. If things were good before Obamacare we’d have never gotten it.
It is true that the system was broken before Obama, but he took advantage of that instead of fixing it. Never let a good crisis go to waste right ?
Well nobody seems to have the answer for fixing it.
The whole system don't need fixing, but some tweaking is needed.
If that were the case it would be done.
It can be done.
I haven’t. Heard anyone suggesting it.
It is true that the system was broken before Obama, but he took advantage of that instead of fixing it. Never let a good crisis go to waste right ?
Well nobody seems to have the answer for fixing it.
The whole system don't need fixing, but some tweaking is needed.
If that were the case it would be done.
It can be done.
I haven’t. Heard anyone suggesting it.
We'll get busy.
Perhaps but it also helps nobody.
Perhaps "Nobody" Should Get off HIS ASS, and Get a Job!
Your friend "Nobody" should get a job.

All your illegal aliens, and couch surfing buddies need to get out of the country or get jobs. We are not paying for anyone's health insurance.
Perhaps but it also helps nobody.
Perhaps "Nobody" Should Get off HIS ASS, and Get a Job!
Your friend "Nobody" should get a job.

All your illegal aliens, and couch surfing buddies need to get out of the country or get jobs. We are not paying for anyone's health insurance.
Perhaps but it also helps nobody.
Perhaps "Nobody" Should Get off HIS ASS, and Get a Job!
Your friend "Nobody" should get a job.

All your illegal aliens, and couch surfing buddies need to get out of the country or get jobs. We are not paying for anyone's health insurance.
You really have no clue. People have jobs and they pay a lot for insurance with every paycheck, And then when someone gets sick they pay a lot out of pocket. You must be one of them old righties on Medicare who have no clue...
I have a job and I have an out of pocket deductible I have to pay thanks To Obama Bin Lying.

I'm not paying one dime of my money to pay for your insurance. You and your friends get off your asses and work.

If you have employer sponsored insurance you should thank your boss not Obama. BTW where is your personal responsibility you righties talk about, you should pay a fucking deductible if you didn't your insurance would be quite higher.
When are Republicans going to show us ads telling us about their healthcare plan?

I’m sure that once they do, Bloomberg will withdraw his ad

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