Just remember

Nope. Defending the constitutional right to free speech not just the speech you leftists like.
But you and your leftist friends already know that. You’re just deflecting from your Nazi like behavior.
Conservatives are at complete liberty to engage in free speech – no one takes issue with that.

Conservatives are at complete liberty to express their racism, bigotry, and hate.

Conservatives are at complete liberty to engage in hate speech and propagate lies.

And conservatives are at complete liberty to speak in defense of treasonous war criminals who sought to preserve slavery and destroy the United States.
Conservatives are at complete liberty to engage in free speech – no one takes issue with that.

Conservatives are at complete liberty to express their racism, bigotry, and hate.

Conservatives are at complete liberty to engage in hate speech and propagate lies.

And conservatives are at complete liberty to speak in defense of treasonous war criminals who sought to preserve slavery and destroy the United States.

And yet it is YOU progressives who consistently demonstrate bigotry, and fascism on a grand scale.

Congrats KKKlayton, you are a moron.

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