Just keep defending Limbaugh hate-speech people. Please.

And its making the rw's crazy.

lushbo has now lost 29 sponsors and THAT is making the rw's crazy.

Love it but the rw's are in DEEP denial and don't want to be confused by FACTS.

Well, it's true he's lost 29. But look on the bright side: He also picked up one sponsor!

That sponsor is an agency that makes arrangements for married men and women to have private, elicit affairs with other married folks. True Story! A perfect match for Rush's show. Do you think the company encourages members to use birth control?

His next new sponsor will probably be the makers of hillbilly heroin.
Thom Hartmann calls you and anyone else who says Rush lost more than 12 sponsors a liar.

Rush Limbaugh has lost 12 advertisers so far | Thom Hartmann - News & info from the #1 progressive radio show

You can't really be this willfully ignorant...can you?
You Left-Bots should know a lot about defending 'Hate Speech.' Your Dear Leader give Bill Maher's cash back yet? Probably not huh?
Well, it's true he's lost 29. But look on the bright side: He also picked up one sponsor!

That sponsor is an agency that makes arrangements for married men and women to have private, elicit affairs with other married folks. True Story! A perfect match for Rush's show. Do you think the company encourages members to use birth control?

His next new sponsor will probably be the makers of hillbilly heroin.
Thom Hartmann calls you and anyone else who says Rush lost more than 12 sponsors a liar.

Rush Limbaugh has lost 12 advertisers so far | Thom Hartmann - News & info from the #1 progressive radio show

You can't really be this willfully ignorant...can you?

What? your stupidity won't allow you to believe another progressive talk show host?
Thom Hartmann calls you and anyone else who says Rush lost more than 12 sponsors a liar.

Rush Limbaugh has lost 12 advertisers so far | Thom Hartmann - News & info from the #1 progressive radio show

You can't really be this willfully ignorant...can you?

What? your stupidity won't allow you to believe another progressive talk show host?

Sponsors have continued to drop Rush. A statement about the number dropped made on Saturday would be true - on Saturday. By Sunday it would no longer be correct.

At this moment, the number is over 40 sponsors who have dropped him. One has added him - a firm that specializes in facilitating elicit encounters between married people. Great choice, Rush!
You can't really be this willfully ignorant...can you?

What? your stupidity won't allow you to believe another progressive talk show host?

Sponsors have continued to drop Rush. A statement about the number dropped made on Saturday would be true - on Saturday. By Sunday it would no longer be correct.

At this moment, the number is over 40 sponsors who have dropped him. One has added him - a firm that specializes in facilitating elicit encounters between married people. Great choice, Rush!
Not according to progressive talk show host Thom Hartmann. You lie.
You can't really be this willfully ignorant...can you?

What? your stupidity won't allow you to believe another progressive talk show host?

Sponsors have continued to drop Rush. A statement about the number dropped made on Saturday would be true - on Saturday. By Sunday it would no longer be correct.

At this moment, the number is over 40 sponsors who have dropped him. One has added him - a firm that specializes in facilitating elicit encounters between married people. Great choice, Rush!

This almost sounds like a moral stance. You are going lose your Obama youth card. :eusa_shhh:
What? your stupidity won't allow you to believe another progressive talk show host?

Sponsors have continued to drop Rush. A statement about the number dropped made on Saturday would be true - on Saturday. By Sunday it would no longer be correct.

At this moment, the number is over 40 sponsors who have dropped him. One has added him - a firm that specializes in facilitating elicit encounters between married people. Great choice, Rush!
Not according to progressive talk show host Thom Hartmann. You lie.

an old link from Hartman is not current.

I think Rush comments will be forgotten by time of the elcetions. I bet you DEMs wish all this occurred around time of the generals.

A little water in the desert, that all it was. A little water in the political desert of the Dems making. Too bad you can't make it last.:eusa_shhh:
Sponsors have continued to drop Rush. A statement about the number dropped made on Saturday would be true - on Saturday. By Sunday it would no longer be correct.

At this moment, the number is over 40 sponsors who have dropped him. One has added him - a firm that specializes in facilitating elicit encounters between married people. Great choice, Rush!
Not according to progressive talk show host Thom Hartmann. You lie.

an old link from Hartman is not current.

and old link? are you saying 6. March 2012 is old? Aafter all you wing nuts were saying that rush lost the same amount yesterday.
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Tell you the truth, I'm sure most people have forgotten about this already..And they damn sure aren't going to be thinking about some talk show host when they vote..

this is a liberals-democrats wet dream..that they really BELIEVE this is going to impact a persons voting for a party..

sorta sad really they have nothing else to pin their hopes on.
Tell you the truth, I'm sure most people have forgotten about this already..And they damn sure aren't going to be thinking about some talk show host when they vote..

this is a liberals-democrats wet dream..that they really BELIEVE this is going to impact a persons voting for a party..

sorta sad really they have nothing else to pin their hopes on.

I have said that before also. and then start talking about obama's failed economy.
Tell you the truth, I'm sure most people have forgotten about this already..And they damn sure aren't going to be thinking about some talk show host when they vote..

this is a liberals-democrats wet dream..that they really BELIEVE this is going to impact a persons voting for a party..

sorta sad really they have nothing else to pin their hopes on.

I have said that before also. and then start talking about obama's failed economy.

oh hell ya...those days are a coming..He won't be able to hide from his dismal record...We'll make sure of that.
Still high unemployment, gas going up to 5.00 a gallon, food PRICES....anyone been shopping lately...?
But this thing with Rush is the lefts way of trying to distract people from it...
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What? your stupidity won't allow you to believe another progressive talk show host?

Sponsors have continued to drop Rush. A statement about the number dropped made on Saturday would be true - on Saturday. By Sunday it would no longer be correct.

At this moment, the number is over 40 sponsors who have dropped him. One has added him - a firm that specializes in facilitating elicit encounters between married people. Great choice, Rush!
Not according to progressive talk show host Thom Hartmann. You lie.

So.......your source of information is second hand from a radio host?

You'd have more credibility if you posted from an actual news source.
I just emailed ProFlowers and told them to remove me from their database since they dropped their Rush advertising. It's the only sponsor I have done business with.
It's unfortunate they have some great deals. But none of these companies appear to support the First Ammendment and worse bow to political correctness.

Sweet. I'm going to sign myself up as a new customer. I'll cite the same reason.

The wife needs some flowers anyway.
Sponsors have continued to drop Rush. A statement about the number dropped made on Saturday would be true - on Saturday. By Sunday it would no longer be correct.

At this moment, the number is over 40 sponsors who have dropped him. One has added him - a firm that specializes in facilitating elicit encounters between married people. Great choice, Rush!
Not according to progressive talk show host Thom Hartmann. You lie.

So.......your source of information is second hand from a radio host?

You'd have more credibility if you posted from an actual news source.
Not just any talk show host a PROGRESSIVE talk show host.
I just emailed ProFlowers and told them to remove me from their database since they dropped their Rush advertising. It's the only sponsor I have done business with.
It's unfortunate they have some great deals. But none of these companies appear to support the First Ammendment and worse bow to political correctness.

Sweet. I'm going to sign myself up as a new customer. I'll cite the same reason.

The wife needs some flowers anyway.
There are not enough Rush haters to one up those who oppose your 1st amendment attack.:lol:
Not according to progressive talk show host Thom Hartmann. You lie.

So.......your source of information is second hand from a radio host?

You'd have more credibility if you posted from an actual news source.
Not just any talk show host a PROGRESSIVE talk show host.

Like I said.........you've got no hard facts to back up your bullshit.

Others have backed theirs up about the loss of many sponsors to Limbaugh, and they've backed it up with actual news articles.

So, again we see one of your few tactics for defense, find someone who agrees with you (no matter how wrong) and use that to prop up your bullshit assertions.

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