Diamond Member
This is trauma, or she's "dysregulated", or she needs a snack. Or the work is too hard for her, or too easy and she's bored.
These are the excuses we hear in the public schools day after day, week after week for behavior like this. I have seen this so many times I can't tell you. In my state you're not allowed to touch the child for just property destruction. You must allow them to destroy whatever.
Note that most adults here are rightly appalled, but one says "You don't know what she's been through". This is no help to children. In eight years when her criminal behavior escalates, the cops will not care "what she's been through". They will just arrest her.
By the way, I have personally seen this many, many times--at SCHOOL. The other children in the class are escorted out to walk the halls while the offender "de-escalates".
Most think the real problem in schools is Woke. No. This is the real problem.
These are the excuses we hear in the public schools day after day, week after week for behavior like this. I have seen this so many times I can't tell you. In my state you're not allowed to touch the child for just property destruction. You must allow them to destroy whatever.
Note that most adults here are rightly appalled, but one says "You don't know what she's been through". This is no help to children. In eight years when her criminal behavior escalates, the cops will not care "what she's been through". They will just arrest her.
By the way, I have personally seen this many, many times--at SCHOOL. The other children in the class are escorted out to walk the halls while the offender "de-escalates".
Most think the real problem in schools is Woke. No. This is the real problem.