Just How Many Things Was Romney Right About And Obama Wrong?


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

The Incredible Shrinking Presidency

Remember when Mitt Romney said that Russia was our greatest geopolitical foe? I remember how the media trashed him for stating the obvious. Obama had been caught talking about increased flexibility after he was re-elected, and everyone was saying that things had changed to the point that Russia wasn't our enemy anymore. The trust was so great that Obama practically turned over our manned space program to the Russians. Well, now we discover that Russia isn't the friend Obama and the left tried to make us believe and that Mitt Romney was spot on. They even claimed ironically that Romney would get us into a war with Syria. All of the slogans and false platitudes are coming back to haunt Obama.

Obama attempted to make Romney look like a political novice during the campaign, but it appears that Obama himself proved to be the novice, as predicted. We are currently embroiled in a major international scandal because Obama cannot convince enough allies (If we have any anymore) to go along with his plans to attack Syria for using chemicals on his own people. Problem is, nobody can prove he did it much less say that this is the worst thing going on in the Middle East today. Muslims are in the process of clearing out Christians in just about every country that was involved in the "Arab Spring". Nobody seems to care that Christians are under attack in Libya, Iraq, Turkey, Sudan, you name it. In Libya women who were raped by Qaddaffi's men were put to death for their sins. To Obama this is Democracy in action.

I wonder what the US would be like today if Obama hadn't won re-election. It's clear that we wouldn't be going to war in yet another country. That much is sure.


Obama Shrinking Second-Term Hastened by Syria Opposition - Bloomberg

PolitiFact | Obama: Romney called Russia our top geopolitical threat

G-20 Fallout: Obama-Putin Clash Over Syria: Video - Bloomberg
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Romney is still wrong. We did nothing when Russia attacked Georgia, and Russia will do nothing if we attack Syria. They are not a threat. It's all sabre rattling.
Romney is still wrong. We did nothing when Russia attacked Georgia, and Russia will do nothing if we attack Syria. They are not a threat. It's all sabre rattling.


So you're saying that our inaction in the past proves Russia won't act in the future?

*rolling eyes*

If you say so.

Romney was mainly talking about Russia not being our friend. Obama is doing everything in his power to turn them into a military threat.
I find it fascinating that the right has to constantly go back in history and come up with new interpretations of words, and now these words have a new meaning and significance. The right excels at rewriting history to mean whatever the current whine is about our democratically elected president. Losing is such a great trauma when you have all the answers, they never get over the loss. http://freakoutnation.com/2013/05/1...-republicans-have-mentioned-impeaching-obama/
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Romney is still wrong. We did nothing when Russia attacked Georgia, and Russia will do nothing if we attack Syria. They are not a threat. It's all sabre rattling.


So you're saying that our inaction in the past proves Russia won't act in the future?

*rolling eyes*

If you say so.

Romney was mainly talking about Russia not being our friend. Obama is doing everything in his power to turn them into a military threat.

Everybody knows Russia wasn't our "friend". Romney called them a geopolitical threat. Saying Obama is trying to turn them into a threat doesn't make Romney right.
The tepid international support during the Group of 20 meetings for the United States' proposed military strike on Syria appears to have emboldened Russian President Vladimir Putin, who vowed continued support of Syria.

Putin said Russia will continue to supply weapons and humanitarian aid to Syria should the United States launch a punitive strike against the Middle East country for a deadly chemical weapon attack that killed more than 1,400 people.

In a statement, the European Union agreed that the Aug. 21 chemical attack outside Damascus appears to have been the work of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad but also said any potential military attack against it should wait for a U.N. inspectors' report, according to The Wall Street Journal.

"Will we continue to help Syria? We will," said Putin after a 20-minute meeting Friday with President Obama at the G-20 summit in St. Petersburg, Russia. "We're helping them now. We are supplying arms, cooperating in the economic sphere."

On Saturday, European foreign ministers endorsed a message that appears more strongly worded -- calling for a "clear and strong response" to a chemical weapons attack that strongly points to the Syrian government. But they also urged the U.S. to delay possible military action until U.N. inspectors report their findings.

The agreement was reached during a meeting in Lithuania of the European Union.

Secretary of State John Kerry, trying to make the Obama administration's case for a strike, thanked the countries for a "strong statement about the need for accountability."

"This is not the time to be silent spectators to slaughter," Kerry said at a news conference in Paris with French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius. “This is not the time to allow a dictator unfettered use of some of the most heinous weapons on earth."

Spain and nine permanent G-20 countries joined the U.S. in signing the first statement, which calls for a strong international response against the Assad regime.

However, 10 other nations declined to sign the statement.

On Friday, Putin publically pointed out that Russian and seven other G-20 countries were "categorically against" military action in Syria, as are Pope Francis and U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.

He also noted earlier in the week that the British Parliament rejected Prime Minister David Cameron’s call of military action.

“There are people who value their sovereignty, analyze the situation and have the courage to make decisions for the benefit of their own countries." Putin said. "It is a very good sign. It shows that the multi-polar world order has indeed been strengthened."

Read more: Putin appears emboldened by EU's tepid support of Syria strike at G-20 meetings | Fox News
Our top geo political threat is clearly extremist Muslims like al Qaeda who Republicans gave a home in Iraq when they turned Iraq into another Iran.

I can't believe Republicans are sad they didn't get a "pioneer of outsourcing" whose policy was to cut education and bring in immigrants with degrees and help them get jobs. Did someone mention "tards"?
Romney is still wrong. We did nothing when Russia attacked Georgia, and Russia will do nothing if we attack Syria. They are not a threat. It's all sabre rattling.


So you're saying that our inaction in the past proves Russia won't act in the future?

*rolling eyes*

If you say so.

Romney was mainly talking about Russia not being our friend. Obama is doing everything in his power to turn them into a military threat.

Let's get real here.

The only reason why Russia is a concern at all is that despite the fact it stopped being the USSR some time ago, it still has a VETO in the UN that will stop UN authorized action.

Otherwise, they are still pretty much a country that is broke. The only thing keeping it afloat is that it's shipping most of its natural resources to Europe.
Romney is still wrong. We did nothing when Russia attacked Georgia, and Russia will do nothing if we attack Syria. They are not a threat. It's all sabre rattling.


So you're saying that our inaction in the past proves Russia won't act in the future?

*rolling eyes*

If you say so.

Romney was mainly talking about Russia not being our friend. Obama is doing everything in his power to turn them into a military threat.

Everybody knows Russia wasn't our "friend". Romney called them a geopolitical threat. Saying Obama is trying to turn them into a threat doesn't make Romney right.

He called them a geopolitical foe. He said Iran was a threat.

What does "Geopolitical" mean to you???
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So, Russia is a geopolitical foe, and Iran is a military threat? If only Romney were President. We wouldn't be needlessly bombing other countries...
Who is this Romney you speak of?

Oh yeah, the guy who didn't write the concession speech even though everyone and their dog knew he was going to get his ass handed to him.

He was right on everything that's why he was smeared by MSM as he was
Romney is still wrong. We did nothing when Russia attacked Georgia, and Russia will do nothing if we attack Syria. They are not a threat. It's all sabre rattling.


So you're saying that our inaction in the past proves Russia won't act in the future?

*rolling eyes*

If you say so.

Romney was mainly talking about Russia not being our friend. Obama is doing everything in his power to turn them into a military threat.

To imagine that because we did nothing in the past that means, or will cause, Russia to do nothing in the future is so naïve it's mind boggling.
I wonder what the US would be like today if Obama hadn't won re-election. It's clear that we wouldn't be going to war in yet another country. That much is sure.

The Romney's and the Assad's would probably have vacationed somewhere together if he had won. Alternatively we would already have "boots on the ground" because Syria is just another "domino" that must not be allowed to fall into the hands of Al Queda. With Romney flip-flopping was raised to an art form. So the only thing you could have been "sure" about with Romney was that you would never be sure what he would do next.
Which Romney are we talking about here?

The Romney in the Republican debates? Or the one that showed up to debate Obama?

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