Just How Many Muslims Serve In Obamy's Regime?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
The top, numero uno Muslim in Obamy's regime of course is Valerie Jarret, who is not only a Muslim but also comes from a long line of communists and is married to a man with a long history of communist associations.

Valerie Jarrett's Radical Roots

Jarrett, however, has no experience whatsoever in international negotiations. Her major area of expertise has been to help President Obama “fundamentally transform” the United States into a socialist paradise. Toward that end, for instance, Jarrett helped recruit to the Administration such luminaries as the self-identified communist revolutionary Van Jones (as green jobs czar), the Alinskyite radical Mark Lloyd (as chief diversity officer within the Federal Communications Commission), and the die-hard advocate of wealth redistribution Cass Sunstein (as regulatory czar). But for the task of striking a bargain with the America-hating Islamic supremacists in Iran, it is difficult to identify any qualifications Jarrett posesses apart from the fact that she was born in that country and lived there till age 5. Jarrett's weak resumé in that regard might well explain not only why the Administration tried so hard to keep a lid on her talks with Iranian leaders, but also why Obama refused to back Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's call for a clearly defined “red line” beyond which Iran’s nuclear program would not be permitted to progress.

Like so many Obama appointees, Valerie Jarrett bears the unmistakable imprint of the president's ideology. She is a leftist to her core, with notable personal ties to the communist movement. Jarrett's maternal grandfather, for instance, was a Chicagoan named Robert Taylor, who in the 1940s was involved with such communist fronts as the American Peace Mobilization and the Chicago Civil Liberties Committee. Also a member of these groups was Frank Marshall Davis, the communist journalist who in the 1970s would mentor a young Barack Obama.

Jarrett's mother (and Robert Taylor's daughter) is early-childhood-education author Barbara Taylor Bowman, who co-founded a Chicago-based graduate school in child development known as the Erikson Institute, named after the psychoanalyst Erik Erikson; in 1950 Erikson became a hero to the left by choosing to resign from his professorship at the University of California rather than sign an anti-communist loyalty oath as the school required. Indicative of the Erikson Institute's radical political orientation is the fact that its board of trustees has included, in addition to Bowman, such figures as Tom Ayers (father of the former Weather Underground terrorist and lifelong Marxist Bill Ayers) and Bernardine Dohrn (longtime wife of Bill Ayers).

In 1983 Valerie Jarrett married the son of Vernon Jarrett, a black journalist who formerly wrote for the communist-influenced Chicago Defender. In the 1940s, Mr. Jarrett was a leader of the Chicago chapter of American Youth for Democracy—youth wing of the Communist Party USA. He also served on a publicity committee for the Packinghouse Workers Union, a Chicago-based entity dominated by the CPUSA. In each of these endeavors, Mr. Jarrett had close contact with the aforementioned communist, Frank Marshall Davis.

According to The Washington Post, Vernon Jarrett was “a key influence” in persuading Harold Washington, a politician with powerful socialist ties, to run for mayor of Chicago in 1983. Four years later Mr. Jarrett helped his daughter-in-law, Valerie, enter the political arena as an official in Mayor Washington's Administration. After Washington’s death in 1987, Ms. Jarrett worked as deputy chief of staff for his successor, Richard Daley.

Then there are the six Muslim Brotherhood associates that Obamy put into the Department of Homeland Security.

An Egyptian magazine claims that six American Islamist activists who work with the Obama administration are Muslim Brotherhood operatives who enjoy strong influence over U.S. policy....

The six named people include: Arif Alikhan, assistant secretary of Homeland Security for policy development; Mohammed Elibiary, a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council; Rashad Hussain, the U.S. special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference; Salam al-Marayati, co-founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC); Imam Mohamed Magid, president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA); and Eboo Patel, a member of President Obama’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships.

Alikhan is a founder of the World Islamic Organization, which the magazine identifies as a Brotherhood “subsidiary.” It suggests that Alikhan was responsible for the “file of Islamic states” in the White House and that he provides the direct link between the Obama administration and the Arab Spring revolutions of 2011.

Elibiary, who has endorsed the ideas of radical Muslim Brotherhood luminary Sayyid Qutb, may have leaked secret materials contained in Department of Homeland Security databases, according to the magazine. He, however, denies having any connection with the Brotherhood.

Elibiary also played a role in defining the Obama administration’s counterterrorism strategy, and the magazine asserts that Elibiary wrote the speech Obama gave when he told former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to leave power but offers no source or evidence for the claim.

According to Rose El-Youssef, Rashad Hussain maintained close ties with people and groups that it says comprise the Muslim Brotherhood network in America. This includes his participation in the June 2002 annual conference of the American Muslim Council, formerly headed by convicted terrorist financier Abdurahman Alamoudi.

He also participated in the organizing committee of the Critical Islamic Reflection along with important figures of the American Muslim Brotherhood such as Jamal Barzinji,Hisham al-Talib and Yaqub Mirza.

Regarding al-Marayati, who has been among the most influential Muslim American leaders in recent years, the magazine draws connections between MPAC in the international Muslim Brotherhood infrastructure.

It's packed with them. What I can't understand is why under the circumstances the military hasn't moved.

The United States may have even more problems than meet the eye.
Why does all this xenophobia remind of the 1940's .
Oh yeah . Inturnment camps for us citizens that happen to be Japanese...

Little relation to the current problem, and ... ordered by a Democrat.

BTW, it's "internment", not to be a spelling bee or anything.
Yes, in the 1940s those who looked upon Japan as "The Yellow Peril" WERE looked upon as "xenophobic".

But one November day that all changed.

A November sorta like this one.....
Well, having actuall Muslim Brotherhood members in the Department of Homeland Security does seem to be a conflict of interest, not to mention all the commie bastards like Jarrett.
And the former Sec of State Clinton, her top personal adviser was a Muslim too, right, Humma Abedin.

They have Muslims crawling out of the woodwork.

I wonder how many Southern Baptists they have....:tinfoil:

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