Just how fucked is the Republican Party?


Litre of the Band
Aug 14, 2005
Long Beach, Ca
How fucked is the Republican Party?

Well, for one thing, they don't represent US citizens. They get their marching orders from non-patriotic, multi-national corporations (who have never pledged an allegeince to the United States) and not the American citizens who voted them in office. The proof can be found in their voting records.

If you're an American woman (they stay away from you, who...)
[they voted] against health insurance covering reproductive health care, Planned Parenthood’s other services, or privacy for the medical records of victims of rape and incest.

[they voted] en-mass voted to repeal protections to stop health insurance companies from discriminating on the basis of gender.​
If you're an American without health insurance...
[they voted] to repeal the “Affordable Care Act” 33 times. [Not because they want full Medicare for all, it is because they want to voucherize Medicare and hand patients over to the avaricious Aetnas and the Pfizers who return the favor with campaign cash.]​
If you're a big oil company like BP, (they don't care about seeing your birth certificate)...
[they voted to]retain big subsidies, tax breaks, weaken pollution restrictions, lease everywhere, and even give relief to oil companies when they damaged the Gulf Coast.​
Even if you're a House Republican family member with lung problems...
[they voted] weaken the Clean Air Act, drinking water safety standards, cut funding for these cancer preventing, health protecting programs while pushing for more military weapons and bloated Pentagon budgets. The Republicans went so far as to vote for polluters over children, pregnant women and people who live in nursing homes and assisted-living facilities. These Republicans voted to block the EPA mercury and air toxics standards that the agency estimated would save 12,000 lives every year and prevent more than one million asthma attacks.​
And nothing shows just how deceitful this party is, more than the things they say about gas prices and the things they do to keep them that way....
While Republicans campaign against Obama for not doing anything to lower gasoline prices...
[they voted] against measures to regulate oil and gas speculators who drive up gas prices, a fact recognized by the CEO of Exxon a few years ago in a Senate hearing.​
How many more examples and tragedy's must American's endure, before we realize this party needs to be completely purged from American politics?
How fucked is the Republican Party?

Well, for one thing, they don't represent US citizens. They get their marching orders from non-patriotic, multi-national corporations (who have never pledged an allegeince to the United States) and not the American citizens who voted them in office. The proof can be found in their voting records.

If you're an American woman (they stay away from you, who...)
[they voted] against health insurance covering reproductive health care, Planned Parenthood’s other services, or privacy for the medical records of victims of rape and incest.

[they voted] en-mass voted to repeal protections to stop health insurance companies from discriminating on the basis of gender.​
If you're an American without health insurance...
[they voted] to repeal the “Affordable Care Act” 33 times. [Not because they want full Medicare for all, it is because they want to voucherize Medicare and hand patients over to the avaricious Aetnas and the Pfizers who return the favor with campaign cash.]​
If you're a big oil company like BP, (they don't care about seeing your birth certificate)...
[they voted to]retain big subsidies, tax breaks, weaken pollution restrictions, lease everywhere, and even give relief to oil companies when they damaged the Gulf Coast.​
Even if you're a House Republican family member with lung problems...
[they voted] weaken the Clean Air Act, drinking water safety standards, cut funding for these cancer preventing, health protecting programs while pushing for more military weapons and bloated Pentagon budgets. The Republicans went so far as to vote for polluters over children, pregnant women and people who live in nursing homes and assisted-living facilities. These Republicans voted to block the EPA mercury and air toxics standards that the agency estimated would save 12,000 lives every year and prevent more than one million asthma attacks.​
And nothing shows just how deceitful this party is, more than the things they say about gas prices and the things they do to keep them that way....
While Republicans campaign against Obama for not doing anything to lower gasoline prices...
[they voted] against measures to regulate oil and gas speculators who drive up gas prices, a fact recognized by the CEO of Exxon a few years ago in a Senate hearing.​
How many more examples and tragedy's must American's endure, before we realize this party needs to be completely purged from American politics?

The problem is that they have never had to answer for their treachery. They just lose the next election cycle and some dems bail them out without sending their sorry asses to prison.
Most of Obama's campaign cash has come from overseas.

Shut the Fuck Up you Mindless Obama Zombie

Oh, come on Frank.... doesn't their continual repetition of bullshit not entertain you? Does it not demonstrate just how desperate and scared they are? Laugh at it... it's funny. No matter how ridiculously insane their accusations are - they still just keep repeating it. They're like parrots... they have no idea what they're saying, they just say it. I find that really funny.
Let me get this straight - the party that dominated the November 2010 elections and sent dumbocrats home in record numbers and the party that is now kicking an incumbent preisedent's ass BIG TIME is "fucked" in your opinion?!? :rofl:

You're so desperate to convince people to join your side. You need to realize that your babbling nonsense is not convincing anyone or anything...
How fucked is the Republican Party?

Well, for one thing, they don't represent US citizens. They get their marching orders from non-patriotic, multi-national corporations (who have never pledged an allegeince to the United States) and not the American citizens who voted them in office. The proof can be found in their voting records.

The Democrat Party represents leaches and government employees.
Most of Obama's campaign cash has come from overseas.

Shut the Fuck Up you Mindless Obama Zombie

Ohio: 49%-49%

12:01 AM, Oct 28, 2012

Cincinnati Enquirer

The race for the White House continues to be too close to call in Ohio, according to a new Cincinnati Enquirer/Ohio News Organization Poll that shows President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney each with 49 percent support from likely voters.

That's a slip for the president, who took 51 percent of likely voters in the newspaper group's September poll.

Romney's support grew among males, among high school and college graduates and among respondents in every age category except 18 to

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The better question is
How fucked is Loinboy?
His knowledge base is weak. His reasoning powers are non-existent. And he supports the biggest failure in the entire history of the American presidency. And I am including William Henry Harrison.
The problem is that they have never had to answer for their treachery. They just lose the next election cycle and some dems bail them out without sending their sorry asses to prison.
Don't get me started on blue-dogs and that frog-face Lieberman!
Oh, come on Frank.... doesn't their continual repetition of bullshit not entertain you? Does it not demonstrate just how desperate and scared they are? Laugh at it... it's funny. No matter how ridiculously insane their accusations are - they still just keep repeating it. They're like parrots... they have no idea what they're saying, they just say it. I find that really funny.
Their voting records are not accusations, they're historical facts.
Let me get this straight - the party that dominated the November 2010 elections and sent dumbocrats home in record numbers and the party that is now kicking an incumbent preisedent's ass BIG TIME is "fucked" in your opinion?!? :rofl:
That is correct.

Because you thought the country punishing the dems for not keeping their campaign promises, meant that they supported yours.

You're so desperate to convince people to join your side. You need to realize that your babbling nonsense is not convincing anyone or anything...
And just what is my side?

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