Just how bad is Covid 19?


Diamond Member
Jun 3, 2014
There are a lot of articles and videos describing the danger, or lack of danger from the Covid 19 virus. I'll admit it can get a little confusing when you consider that such a low percentage of people will have symptoms even if they get it, and an even lower percentage will die from it. Many think it's not even worth worrying about. They think it's nothing more than a political hoax to try to take down Trump. Like I said, those percentages do sound really small.
I find it helpful to chart against something I can relate to easier than such small percentages
We all know that World War 1 was a terrible war that cost lots of American lives. The official number of American deaths was 116,708 for that approximately four and a half year war (July28, 1914 -Nov 11, 1918)
World War 2 was even worse. In the six years between September 1, 1939 till September2, 1945 we lost 405,399 brave American soldiers.
Of course the Civil War was the most bloody and costly in terms of lives lost that the US ever waged. In the four years between April 12, 1861 and April 9, 1865 we lost 618,222 from both sides.
Nobody in their right mind would say those losses were minor, or not worth worrying about.
Lets chart those deaths against the 135,000 lives lost to Covid 19 so far. It's only been about 5 months since our first Covid 19 death, but lets call it 6 months to make the math easier. To make it easier, we'll just take a six month average for all of them.

Seems the six month death toll for Covid 19 is higher than WW1, WW2, and the Civil War. Only an idiot would claim that isn't enough death to worry about..
There are a lot of articles and videos describing the danger, or lack of danger from the Covid 19 virus. I'll admit it can get a little confusing when you consider that such a low percentage of people will have symptoms even if they get it, and an even lower percentage will die from it. Many think it's not even worth worrying about. They think it's nothing more than a political hoax to try to take down Trump. Like I said, those percentages do sound really small.
I find it helpful to chart against something I can relate to easier than such small percentages
We all know that World War 1 was a terrible war that cost lots of American lives. The official number of American deaths was 116,708 for that approximately four and a half year war (July28, 1914 -Nov 11, 1918)
World War 2 was even worse. In the six years between September 1, 1939 till September2, 1945 we lost 405,399 brave American soldiers.
Of course the Civil War was the most bloody and costly in terms of lives lost that the US ever waged. In the four years between April 12, 1861 and April 9, 1865 we lost 618,222 from both sides.
Nobody in their right mind would say those losses were minor, or not worth worrying about.
Lets chart those deaths against the 135,000 lives lost to Covid 19 so far. It's only been about 5 months since our first Covid 19 death, but lets call it 6 months to make the math easier. To make it easier, we'll just take a six month average for all of them.

Seems the six month death toll for Covid 19 is higher than WW1, WW2, and the Civil War. Only an idiot would claim that isn't enough death to worry about..
View attachment 361579

No doubt if we had todays MSM reporting during the Civil War the count would be in the millions.
Give it six more moths...Keep them locked in, wearing masks, no exercise, no sun,shit food(as always). Should be Big Fun. Lotsa banks tossing people out, repo-ing cars. Lotsa suicide.Tent sales/thefts up 1000 %.Bridge rent through the roof. Tucker Carson gets a major raise and Kanye puts out 2 more albums.MAGA hats all over ebay for $1
A little perspective.
U.S Covid cases 3,219,955
U.S. Covid deaths 135,808
U.S. recovered from Covid 1,426,428
U.S. estimated population 331,002, 651.

So you're saying our lives lost in WW1, WW2, and the civil war were not enough to worry about? Covid has killed more over the same length time period than all three of them.
It's all about ushering in authoritarian globalist agendas. They openly admit that we are about to experience what they call "The Great Reset", and they openly admit that COVID-19 is the perfect opportunity (pretext) for that.


It's all about ushering in authoritarian globalist agendas. They openly admit that we are about to experience what they call "The Great Reset", and they openly admit that COVID-19 is the perfect opportunity (pretext) for that.

Conspiracy theory nuts always see some nefarious plan to take over the world. You're pretty goofy that way.
Okay you moronic liberal fake news hack...WW2 deaths 60 million. WW1 deaths 40 million. Spanish Flu deaths 20-50 million with 500 million infected. Covid deaths about 1/10th of 1 million. Now STFU.

You should recheck your numbers dumb ass.
Okay you moronic liberal fake news hack...WW2 deaths 60 million. WW1 deaths 40 million. Spanish Flu deaths 20-50 million with 500 million infected. Covid deaths about 1/10th of 1 million. Now STFU.

You should recheck your numbers dumb ass.

Are you a moron? Oh wait :auiqs.jpg: Yes world wide covid deaths about 1/2 million proving your OP is still 99.9% stupid.
A little perspective.
U.S Covid cases 3,219,955
U.S. Covid deaths 135,808
U.S. recovered from Covid 1,426,428
U.S. estimated population 331,002, 651.

So you're saying our lives lost in WW1, WW2, and the civil war were not enough to worry about? Covid has killed more over the same length time period than all three of them.
No I am putting things in persepective which is something few if any do on this subject. Comparing deaths in wars to deaths from a virus is beyond silly it's an apples and oranges comparsion. We have apopulation of 331,002, 651 of the 3,219,955 covid cases 1,426,428 have recovered which leaves 1,793,527 who have not and we have had 135,808 deaths and while cases are going up the death rate is not. These numbers are not minor but they are also not a disaster of bibical proportions either. To hear media types and politicans tell it we are going through the black death again where an estimated 25 million to 200 million died. I'm tying to look at this in a fair even handed rational manner if some can't handle that it's their problem not mine.
There are a lot of articles and videos describing the danger, or lack of danger from the Covid 19 virus. I'll admit it can get a little confusing when you consider that such a low percentage of people will have symptoms even if they get it, and an even lower percentage will die from it. Many think it's not even worth worrying about. They think it's nothing more than a political hoax to try to take down Trump. Like I said, those percentages do sound really small.
I find it helpful to chart against something I can relate to easier than such small percentages
We all know that World War 1 was a terrible war that cost lots of American lives. The official number of American deaths was 116,708 for that approximately four and a half year war (July28, 1914 -Nov 11, 1918)
World War 2 was even worse. In the six years between September 1, 1939 till September2, 1945 we lost 405,399 brave American soldiers.
Of course the Civil War was the most bloody and costly in terms of lives lost that the US ever waged. In the four years between April 12, 1861 and April 9, 1865 we lost 618,222 from both sides.
Nobody in their right mind would say those losses were minor, or not worth worrying about.
Lets chart those deaths against the 135,000 lives lost to Covid 19 so far. It's only been about 5 months since our first Covid 19 death, but lets call it 6 months to make the math easier. To make it easier, we'll just take a six month average for all of them.

Seems the six month death toll for Covid 19 is higher than WW1, WW2, and the Civil War. Only an idiot would claim that isn't enough death to worry about..
View attachment 361579

Aaaaaaaand the military deaths were far higher, percentage wise, than the covid deaths. Especially when you figure in the tooth to tale ratio of an army as being 8 to 1.

That means for every trigger puller, there are 8 behind him.

It's all about ushering in authoritarian globalist agendas. They openly admit that we are about to experience what they call "The Great Reset", and they openly admit that COVID-19 is the perfect opportunity (pretext) for that.

Conspiracy theory nuts always see some nefarious plan to take over the world. You're pretty goofy that way.

That's an intellectually lazy thing to say. Anything that you don't want to even remotely consider, just dismiss as a "conspiracy theory."

Watch the second video, as I said, they openly admit that we are going through what they call "The Great Reset." New global systems: financial, political, cultural, etc. I don't want to be mean, but at this point there's no excuse to not be aware of the agendas that are in the works, not only is the information out there, but they openly admit it! So to dismiss it all at this point is either ignorant or dishonest.
Just how bad is covid???? lol :laugh:

Not really that bad.....because there is a pill that cures you....the same pill Brazilian President is taking, the same pill President Trump took ...probably the same pill Boris Johnson in the UK also took....well , you know what I mean!:up:

WAKEY WAKEY EVERYONE!:2up: (...and stop listening to fake news)

Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro Takes Hydroxychloroquine as Covid-19 Treatment

Okay you moronic liberal fake news hack...WW2 deaths 60 million. WW1 deaths 40 million. Spanish Flu deaths 20-50 million with 500 million infected. Covid deaths about 1/10th of 1 million. Now STFU.

You should recheck your numbers dumb ass.

Are you a moron? Oh wait :auiqs.jpg: Yes world wide covid deaths about 1/2 million proving your OP is still 99.9% stupid.
I'm talking about American deaths, dumb ass. Who knows what you might be talking abot.[/QUOTE]
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A little perspective.
U.S Covid cases 3,219,955
U.S. Covid deaths 135,808
U.S. recovered from Covid 1,426,428
U.S. estimated population 331,002, 651.

So you're saying our lives lost in WW1, WW2, and the civil war were not enough to worry about? Covid has killed more over the same length time period than all three of them.
No I am putting things in persepective which is something few if any do on this subject. Comparing deaths in wars to deaths from a virus is beyond silly it's an apples and oranges comparsion. We have apopulation of 331,002, 651 of the 3,219,955 covid cases 1,426,428 have recovered which leaves 1,793,527 who have not and we have had 135,808 deaths and while cases are going up the death rate is not. These numbers are not minor but they are also not a disaster of bibical proportions either. To hear media types and politicans tell it we are going through the black death again where an estimated 25 million to 200 million died. I'm tying to look at this in a fair even handed rational manner if some can't handle that it's their problem not mine.

While spouting percentages might be technically accurate, it is one of the oldest numbers tricks in the world. It adds a layer of unrelatable abstraction over the facts making their impact sound smaller than it is. Comparing lives lost over time with events that people are familiar with provides a clearer understanding of what the facts really are. I can see why you don't want that to happen. Again, you might be technially accurate, but you are intellectually dishonest.
There are a lot of articles and videos describing the danger, or lack of danger from the Covid 19 virus. I'll admit it can get a little confusing when you consider that such a low percentage of people will have symptoms even if they get it, and an even lower percentage will die from it. Many think it's not even worth worrying about. They think it's nothing more than a political hoax to try to take down Trump. Like I said, those percentages do sound really small.
I find it helpful to chart against something I can relate to easier than such small percentages
We all know that World War 1 was a terrible war that cost lots of American lives. The official number of American deaths was 116,708 for that approximately four and a half year war (July28, 1914 -Nov 11, 1918)
World War 2 was even worse. In the six years between September 1, 1939 till September2, 1945 we lost 405,399 brave American soldiers.
Of course the Civil War was the most bloody and costly in terms of lives lost that the US ever waged. In the four years between April 12, 1861 and April 9, 1865 we lost 618,222 from both sides.
Nobody in their right mind would say those losses were minor, or not worth worrying about.
Lets chart those deaths against the 135,000 lives lost to Covid 19 so far. It's only been about 5 months since our first Covid 19 death, but lets call it 6 months to make the math easier. To make it easier, we'll just take a six month average for all of them.

Seems the six month death toll for Covid 19 is higher than WW1, WW2, and the Civil War. Only an idiot would claim that isn't enough death to worry about..
View attachment 361579

Aaaaaaaand the military deaths were far higher, percentage wise, than the covid deaths. Especially when you figure in the tooth to tale ratio of an army as being 8 to 1.

That means for every trigger puller, there are 8 behind him.

Two stacks of bodies the same height are still two stacks of bodies the same height, no matter how you try to use percentages to make one stack mean more than the other.

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