Just got this from my sister

Auld Phart

Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 3, 2013

I don't have an answer.

do any of you?
Knock that off. Laws are only for your team. Doesn't matter who your team is and based on whatever I feel like and happens to be "in the moment".

The nerve...........

Get it together, Will.
And the answer is... :th_waiting:

Because democrats have gone insane and the vast majority of republicans are ballless empty nutsacks!
There has never been a time in the last 100 years when a political party has gone completely off the rails the way the 2016-2019 Democrats have. I've been involved in politics since I registered as an Independent and voted for Jimmy Carter, foolish lad that I was.

It is mind boggling what they are trying to do. Real Americans better stand up in 2020. The inmates are running the asylum in the Democrat Party, Pelosi and Schumer are figure heads.
I've been involved in politics since I

first grade in the fall of 1960... I sold my vote... There was this purty little towheaded girl that would kiss me if I voted for JFK... :dunno: So I'm a slut...
Luckily you voted for the last cool Democrat.

Yes in Presidential Elections that is correct... I have voted for a few local Dems and even campaigned for one for Circuit Court Judge back in Giggleweeds, Indiana

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