Just Go Away Teacher Unions!...

Kudos to new Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker! :clap2::clap2:

More brave Politicians need to start standing up to the corrupt Teacher Unions. The Teacher Unions have brought our Public School System to its knees. It has become all about them. It's all about getting that cash for them. They don't care about the kids anymore. They also only want to force their politics and social experimenting on the kids at this point. Their number one goal these last few decades has been to brainwash the children and create good little future adult Democrats. They stopped teaching the kids the basics of Education a long time ago.

Teacher Unions now only do far more harm than they do good. It's time for them to go away. The Public School System will be so much better off when they're gone. The Kids could actually start learning again. American kids continue to fall further & further behind other far less developed and less wealthy nations. I do blame the Teacher Unions for this. They have become too obsessed with the cash and creating good little future adult Democrats. They have lost their way. Get rid of the Teacher Unions and our Public School System might just be able to be salvaged.

I know dozens of private school teachers and none of them are in a union. I wonder why they are necessary in public schools. Anyone know?

Actually because private schools don't pay as well. One friend of mine gets paid 18K to teach at a private school. Another teaches for 28K at Public schools. The hardest working teachers, the best teachers get alot of those public school jobs. Its a known fact in the teaching circles that private schools offer no advantage and only the perceived advantage because you paid for it. Thats it. They don't get taught any differently, they don't get tested differently, no difference.

Its a huge scam private schools are.
Kudos to new Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker! :clap2::clap2:

More brave Politicians need to start standing up to the corrupt Teacher Unions. The Teacher Unions have brought our Public School System to its knees. It has become all about them. It's all about getting that cash for them. They don't care about the kids anymore. They also only want to force their politics and social experimenting on the kids at this point. Their number one goal these last few decades has been to brainwash the children and create good little future adult Democrats. They stopped teaching the kids the basics of Education a long time ago.

Teacher Unions now only do far more harm than they do good. It's time for them to go away. The Public School System will be so much better off when they're gone. The Kids could actually start learning again. American kids continue to fall further & further behind other far less developed and less wealthy nations. I do blame the Teacher Unions for this. They have become too obsessed with the cash and creating good little future adult Democrats. They have lost their way. Get rid of the Teacher Unions and our Public School System might just be able to be salvaged.

I know dozens of private school teachers and none of them are in a union. I wonder why they are necessary in public schools. Anyone know?

Actually because private schools don't pay as well. One friend of mine gets paid 18K to teach at a private school. Another teaches for 28K at Public schools. The hardest working teachers, the best teachers get alot of those public school jobs. Its a known fact in the teaching circles that private schools offer no advantage and only the perceived advantage because you paid for it. Thats it. They don't get taught any differently, they don't get tested differently, no difference.

Its a huge scam private schools are.

It's like this:

Two football coaches...

Coach A can pick his team, the best of the best...pick who tries out, pick who makes the team, who stays on the team, and who gets the most play time and they pay him to play.

Coach B has to let everyone play who lives in his area, even those who don't want to play football...ESPECIALLY those who don't want to play football.

Now the nation looks at the two coaches and their records and points to Coach B calling him a lousy coach and it's his fault his team cannot win in football.
Teachers have it pretty good compared to many other occupations. Yet Teachers seem to do the most whining & complaining. They get all weekends off,several weeks of paid Holiday time off,and they get their Summers off. That just doesn't seem so horrible. Of all professions,Teachers by far do the most whining & complaining. Look around America and see how many Americans enjoy all weekends off,several weeks of paid Holiday time off,and entire Summers off. So Teachers do have it pretty good. They need to slow down on their whiny greed. It does come down to the Teacher Unions in the end. They force their members to whine & complain so much. Give em the boot and our Schools might just recover.

Teachers earn far less on average than non-teachers with the same level of education required for the job.

That may be true but they receive other great benefits no other occupations have. All Weekends off,several weeks of paid Holiday Time off,and entire Summers off? That seems pretty nice to most outside observers. Look around America and see how many other Americans enjoy those kinds of benefits. The Teacher Unions are only trouble at this point. They've outlived their usefulness. They only stand for greed and political activism at this point. It's time for them to get the boot once and for all. Our kids deserve better.
Funny thing about these douchebag teachers union types is that they refuse to show up for work and the students aren't being educated. The parents of those students now need to rearrange their schedules, too include taking time off from work themselves, to accomodate the fact their children aren't in school.

Anybody supporting these teachers and their soon to be busted union is a friggin' idiot, nothing more.
Most Teachers i run into just bitch bitch bitch. Most other American Workers would love having every Weekend off,several weeks of Holiday time off,and entire Summers off. Teachers do have it pretty good. I think most people are pretty sick of hearing them bitching & whining all the time. They don't care about the kids anymore. It's all just "Me! Me! Me!" for them at this point. Things would probably improve immediately if the Teacher Union hacks were dumped.
All i see is more deflection and whining coming from Teachers. They just refuse to take any responsibility for our failing Public School System. They had a big hand in our Public School System crash. Others had a hand in it as well. If it's all about the money & politics for you,then you should look for another line of work. The kids shouldn't be forced to suffer from greed & political activism. We are falling way behind many other nations in Education. Many of these nations have far less money & resources than we do. So why are they passing us? Teachers need to look at themselves in the mirror more often. It's not always someone else's fault. They play a part too. It's time for them to begin accepting this.

I think it's great. I hope more and more teachers go on strike so that more and more taxpayers and parents say enough and pressure their governors to decertify the unions.
Hey, yeah...do that in your state. Then reap the benefits of having your children taught by whoever they can get for the lowest bid....I'm sure this is something you will relish.
Ya' mean like reaping the benefits of having these unions defending crappy teachers who should be fired?

After all, those dirtbag union bosses just hate losing due paying morons, whether they are incompetent or not.......It depletes their bottom lines, and causes less dollars lining their corrupt pockets.
The Teacher Unions are the root cause of most of the problems in our Public School System. Too much greed & politics coming from them at this point. They have lost their way. They have neglected the kids for too many years. It's all about them now. Just get more cash and get more Democrats elected. That's all the Teacher Unions are good for these days. They do nothing for the kids anymore. If the Public Schools dropped them,i guarantee things would immediately improve. The kids don't need all this political activism and greed. That stuff never had a place in our Schools. It's actually pretty depressing observing what the Teacher Unions have done to our Public Schools. It really is time for them to just go away.

That is a HUGE LIE. Never did I ever see a union leader at my school telling me or my other teachers telling them what to teach.

The problem is PARENTS. Seriously, we have to try to teach kids for 45 minutes while they aren't paying attention, they are talking to each other. Then you get the cool kid who never does his homework and constantly disrupt classrooms and then their parents come into parent teacher conference and I shoot them straight and they say "Oh not my precious bradley, he's special and you're just not teaching him right."

I got 45 minutes to teach 28 kids. I don't got time to personalize lesson plans for each student. The work world doesn't personalize their training program, it is what it is and you follow it. You're kid isn't special, and maybe if you made sure your kids got their homework done, maybe they wouldn't be so stupid. Quit trying to make me take responsibility for your job. You have a job to take care of your own kid. They better shape up because the real world doesn't care how special your kid is.
Nothing wrong with unions per se attempting to help workers get ahead....however the system breaks down when a public union allies with irresponsible vote-hungry politicians who stick the public with outraegeous bills that the public cannot afford to pay...
I know dozens of private school teachers and none of them are in a union. I wonder why they are necessary in public schools. Anyone know?

Actually because private schools don't pay as well. One friend of mine gets paid 18K to teach at a private school. Another teaches for 28K at Public schools. The hardest working teachers, the best teachers get alot of those public school jobs. Its a known fact in the teaching circles that private schools offer no advantage and only the perceived advantage because you paid for it. Thats it. They don't get taught any differently, they don't get tested differently, no difference.

Its a huge scam private schools are.

It's like this:

Two football coaches...

Coach A can pick his team, the best of the best...pick who tries out, pick who makes the team, who stays on the team, and who gets the most play time and they pay him to play.

Coach B has to let everyone play who lives in his area, even those who don't want to play football...ESPECIALLY those who don't want to play football.

Now the nation looks at the two coaches and their records and points to Coach B calling him a lousy coach and it's his fault his team cannot win in football.

So kids shouldn't have a right to an education. And actually here in Missouri, the Public schools hold their own very well in football so you fail.
Most Teachers i run into just bitch bitch bitch. Most other American Workers would love having every Weekend off,several weeks of Holiday time off,and entire Summers off. Teachers do have it pretty good. I think most people are pretty sick of hearing them bitching & whining all the time. They don't care about the kids anymore. It's all just "Me! Me! Me!" for them at this point. Things would probably improve immediately if the Teacher Union hacks were dumped.
True that.......Did ya' see how a bunch of those dirtbag teachers brought a bunch of their students to the protests, and when the students were asked what they were protesting the majority said they didn't really know?

Funny shit indeed!.
I don't think someone should keep their job forever, just because they had decent reviews for 3 years or less.

This is not how tenure works. It is a popular misconception of how tenure works.

No, it's not a misconception in primary and secondary positions. That is when tenure is given. After that, it's very difficult to get rid of teachers. That's a fact, as of today.
Kudos to new Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker! :clap2::clap2:

More brave Politicians need to start standing up to the corrupt Teacher Unions. The Teacher Unions have brought our Public School System to its knees. It has become all about them. It's all about getting that cash for them. They don't care about the kids anymore. They also only want to force their politics and social experimenting on the kids at this point. Their number one goal these last few decades has been to brainwash the children and create good little future adult Democrats. They stopped teaching the kids the basics of Education a long time ago.

Teacher Unions now only do far more harm than they do good. It's time for them to go away. The Public School System will be so much better off when they're gone. The Kids could actually start learning again. American kids continue to fall further & further behind other far less developed and less wealthy nations. I do blame the Teacher Unions for this. They have become too obsessed with the cash and creating good little future adult Democrats. They have lost their way. Get rid of the Teacher Unions and our Public School System might just be salvaged.

States with weak teacher unions have even lower test scores than ones with stronger unions. In any case, unions are not the problem with our education system. People looking everywhere other than shit parenting for someone to blame are the real problem.
Kudos to new Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker! :clap2::clap2:

More brave Politicians need to start standing up to the corrupt Teacher Unions. The Teacher Unions have brought our Public School System to its knees. It has become all about them. It's all about getting that cash for them. They don't care about the kids anymore. They also only want to force their politics and social experimenting on the kids at this point. Their number one goal these last few decades has been to brainwash the children and create good little future adult Democrats. They stopped teaching the kids the basics of Education a long time ago.

Teacher Unions now only do far more harm than they do good. It's time for them to go away. The Public School System will be so much better off when they're gone. The Kids could actually start learning again. American kids continue to fall further & further behind other far less developed and less wealthy nations. I do blame the Teacher Unions for this. They have become too obsessed with the cash and creating good little future adult Democrats. They have lost their way. Get rid of the Teacher Unions and our Public School System might just be salvaged.

States with weak teacher unions have even lower test scores than ones with stronger unions. In any case, unions are not the problem with our education system. People looking everywhere other than shit parenting for someone to blame are the real problem.
And teachers (non union) in our kids private school, and other surrounding private schools in the area, have far higher test scores and graduation rates than the unionized teachers in surrounding public schools.

Ya' see, those teachers don't have a union to back them up if their competence is called into question. They have a higher standard to live up to. They fail, they are rightfully shit canned and sent packing. That's the way it should be.
Kudos to new Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker! :clap2::clap2:

More brave Politicians need to start standing up to the corrupt Teacher Unions. The Teacher Unions have brought our Public School System to its knees. It has become all about them. It's all about getting that cash for them. They don't care about the kids anymore. They also only want to force their politics and social experimenting on the kids at this point. Their number one goal these last few decades has been to brainwash the children and create good little future adult Democrats. They stopped teaching the kids the basics of Education a long time ago.

Teacher Unions now only do far more harm than they do good. It's time for them to go away. The Public School System will be so much better off when they're gone. The Kids could actually start learning again. American kids continue to fall further & further behind other far less developed and less wealthy nations. I do blame the Teacher Unions for this. They have become too obsessed with the cash and creating good little future adult Democrats. They have lost their way. Get rid of the Teacher Unions and our Public School System might just be salvaged.

States with weak teacher unions have even lower test scores than ones with stronger unions. In any case, unions are not the problem with our education system. People looking everywhere other than shit parenting for someone to blame are the real problem.


Bravo. Excellent post.
Kudos to new Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker! :clap2::clap2:

More brave Politicians need to start standing up to the corrupt Teacher Unions. The Teacher Unions have brought our Public School System to its knees. It has become all about them. It's all about getting that cash for them. They don't care about the kids anymore. They also only want to force their politics and social experimenting on the kids at this point. Their number one goal these last few decades has been to brainwash the children and create good little future adult Democrats. They stopped teaching the kids the basics of Education a long time ago.

Teacher Unions now only do far more harm than they do good. It's time for them to go away. The Public School System will be so much better off when they're gone. The Kids could actually start learning again. American kids continue to fall further & further behind other far less developed and less wealthy nations. I do blame the Teacher Unions for this. They have become too obsessed with the cash and creating good little future adult Democrats. They have lost their way. Get rid of the Teacher Unions and our Public School System might just be salvaged.

States with weak teacher unions have even lower test scores than ones with stronger unions. In any case, unions are not the problem with our education system. People looking everywhere other than shit parenting for someone to blame are the real problem.
And teachers (non union) in our kids private school, and other surrounding private schools in the area, have far higher test scores and graduation rates than the unionized teachers in surrounding public schools.

Ya' see, those teachers don't have a union to back them up if their competence is called into question. They have a higher standard to live up to. They fail, they are rightfully shit canned and sent packing. That's the way it should be.

And they do. Trust me, we fired teachers before for consistently bad scores. But its after a pattern of 3 straight years of bad scores since they only test 1 time a year. And we fire.

Alot of the problems in schools are shitty parents who don't do their job and teach their kids. You are putting the blame on people that have no control over the kids 120 hour of a 162 hour week.
I've taught for the past 15 years and there hasn't been one day I thought the working environment regarding children was 'crushingly bad.' What are you referring to?

I've seen a fair number of graduates head into the public education system with a large amount of optimism....and re-enter school as an MBA candidate within 3 years totally crushed by the system. These weren't lazy kids by any stretch. Many were among the best and brightest I'd seen. They had pure hearts, clean hands, and a desire to help students learn. And between parents and administration they didn't last 3 years.

I've also seen a fair number of public school teachers head into grad school in the hopes of landing a lectureship at the college level telling horror stories the likes of which would turn your hair grey.

Now, I'll freely admit I'm in a state where the public education is completely out of whack. My great state is always #49 or #2 depending on how you order the list. But you're not going to have a chance to change that if your young, enthusiastic, well trained new teachers burn out in 3 years or less.

Something has to give. Either you need to massively rework the compensation for teaching, or you need to massively rework the teaching environment.

Seems you already know that you've made a couple logical fallacies here. Over generalization and inductive reasoning without substantiation.
What educational system are you a product of, besides talk radio?

Nice try. The public school system in the US is awful because of the work rules and obscene expenses borne by municipalities having to redistribute tax dollars from books, materials, etc to pay for teacher perks, salaries, benefits, pensions, etc.

After the movie "Waiting for Superman", it should be quite clear to all those without an agenda that the teachers unions, and many of the teachers themselves, see the public school systems as job creation instruments - not teaching centers for our future generations.

Along with the FACT that US students consistently score at the bottom of all developed nations' rankings despite enjoying a 2 or 3 - to one spending advantage.

Are facts important to you?
Most Teachers i run into just bitch bitch bitch. Most other American Workers would love having every Weekend off,several weeks of Holiday time off,and entire Summers off. Teachers do have it pretty good. I think most people are pretty sick of hearing them bitching & whining all the time. They don't care about the kids anymore. It's all just "Me! Me! Me!" for them at this point. Things would probably improve immediately if the Teacher Union hacks were dumped.

I don't think there are too many posters that can meet you with broad strokes, from the right or left. Few if any links, just your own positions. I agree with your premise, but certainly not how you get there.

There are quite a few teachers on this board, none of whom I hear bitching all the time. There's one that does bitch quite a lot, but may be where she's teaching that makes that not bitching, but informing about her area.
States with weak teacher unions have even lower test scores than ones with stronger unions. In any case, unions are not the problem with our education system. People looking everywhere other than shit parenting for someone to blame are the real problem.
And teachers (non union) in our kids private school, and other surrounding private schools in the area, have far higher test scores and graduation rates than the unionized teachers in surrounding public schools.

Ya' see, those teachers don't have a union to back them up if their competence is called into question. They have a higher standard to live up to. They fail, they are rightfully shit canned and sent packing. That's the way it should be.

And they do. Trust me, we fired teachers before for consistently bad scores. But its after a pattern of 3 straight years of bad scores since they only test 1 time a year. And we fire.

Alot of the problems in schools are shitty parents who don't do their job and teach their kids. You are putting the blame on people that have no control over the kids 120 hour of a 162 hour week.
Fact is, back when I was in public school, teachers had control of their classrroms. 28 students were tought in 45 minutes, no problem.

I'm putting the blame exactly where it belongs, on the unions who do everything in their power to defend incomptence. Who will drain a school districts financial resources by doggedly fighting firings. My cousin is a principal of a JR. high up in Monterey. We discussed this very issue over the holidays. She's had 4 teachers who arew blatantly incompetent on her radar for over 5 years. The union vociferously fight tooth and nail whenever the district tries to fire their incompetent asses.
These Unions are being asked to contribute more to their pensions instead of taxpayers shouldering the burden. It's that or be let go.

Thier demands are too much and unsustainable. If I were the Governor of Wisconson? I wouldn't put up with this too much longer. These people should be glad they have a job and should knuckle under like everyone else is having to.

And look for this to spread to other States with red ink on the books. This is just the start of coming events.

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