Just for Fun, Apparantly

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crazy canadian

Part One:
Trees and gas should be free.

No person should have to pay for trees or gas. The gov't needs to focus on redirecting funds and rewriting the laws that deal with land usage to provide free trees and gas for all citizens. These are natural resources that come from the earth which every individual has a right to. Therefore, it is the gov'ts responsibility to obtain and distribute these natural resources to the people. If there were no borders, no ownership of trees or gas creating greed and wealth among individuals who own rights to these resources, then distribution could be handled by a good, honest government. If people didn't have to pay for trees & gas, it would leave them with more money to spend on stuff - taxed of course - thereby driving the economy.

Rights. Human rights have been torn to shreds since gov't cannot run efficiently due to mass voting on every little issue. What happened to our right to take from the earth for free? If you plant a seed in the earth, the earth within your own property boundary, you grow a plant and you can enjoy the harvest free of charge, thanks to the earth. You planted it, you grew it, you can have it. But if it was just there, like the forests and the oil, it's not yours to take. Gov't needs to be chosen carefully from among the smartest of the smart, kind, honest citizens living in the world. With the right people, the kind of people who are steady, trustworthy, the utmost humankind has to offer; an assembly of government leaders from different nations could be given the authority to manage the earth's resources.

Corporations often represent a sort of evil which naturally arises on some level in every human being, from having too much money. We know it as greed. Greed can become very powerful and take over a person's brain in such a way that it is then near impossible for some people to do the right thing. These sort of people should never govern a country. The gov't needs to take back the power, separate itself from these sorts of people in order to take care of its citizens who need the most help. These citizens would be much happier people if they did not have to pay for trees or gas.

Unfortunately, trees and gas are owned by major corporations. They should be owned by the government assembly, distribution can be managed by computers and in turn passed on to the people, since the govenment only exists to serve the people. Hindsight through history tells us that allowing individuals to own trees and gas, instead of the gov't owning these natural resources, means that somewhere along the way someone had to decide that owning land meant owning what is under that land, I mean, do you think you own right down to the core? If someone had just decided that individuals can only own the space above the land, and the right to place buildings on land and farm land and enjoy and care for land, instead of owning the actual earth and the precious natural resources which should not be owned by anyone, then things might have worked out better.

Rewriting laws would allow the gov't to take back gas and trees, and give gov't the right to not allow individuals to cut down trees or take gas from the earth. This way gov't could afford to clean up cities, spread wealth among the poor, encourage other countries to do the same, fading borders, minimalizing greed and excessive wealth, recreate life in third world countries, allow religions to focus on prayers and harmony, we could put more money into research on disease.
Lumber would be supplied for all houses free of charge. Taxes would be lowered. Gas would be free at the pump. If you agree not to cut down any trees on your lawn, or anywhere else, and leave that up to the gov't to decide, then you will get free lumber for building your house. Up to a certain square footage amount for everyone.

Why is it so hard to find the right person to fill the position? We are all capable of good or evil, how do you tell if someone is tainted and no good for the job? The wrong person is someone like Saddam Hussein with tremendous wealth, power, and evil. I know for a fact, my grandmother would be perfect. We all personally know people we would appoint, but there are some already famous, influential, good people presently in powerful positions who would be capable of sitting in such an assembly. In many cases, these citizens have already been appointed to government positions. By direct appointment from the voting people, wealth could be accumulated and redistributed by this group.

But is there such thing as a gov't who would be bold enough to take back control of natural resources from those who have lawfully profitted from distributing said resources, and be able to fix the broken world we live in? Here in North America? In the rest of the world?

You have to be willing to give up something, to help others.

It would take the world's best economists coming together, a merging of gov'ts, lies of the past set aside in an effort to seek world harmony. Listen to the views of the people. Why not stop focusing on foreign policy and degrading a nation by bullying those who obviously cannot help themselves, and begin to focus in on our own domestic policies of rights to natural resources, and better defined rights under land ownership laws? Or is the corporate hold on the gov't just going to tighten until a failing, beaten gov't is replaced by business men in suits who just waltz in and take bold steps to obtain more power and wealth from the rest of the world because of that greed?
Has that already happened?

Will my children be scratching their heads wondering how we lived the way we did, how smart people sat on their couches watching the drama unfold around them without figuring it all out on their own?

The power of the individual depends on the gov't, who is held in the grip of major corporations pressing for more tax breaks, less accountability, and more say in the very policies that represent the people, trying everyday to change the policies to accommodate themselves. Individuals don't see this happening on a daily basis. We just wake up, drink our coffee, go about our business, watch the news and wonder why our gov't seems to be never able to improve our situation, the world situation, our city streets... When it has so much money?
The gov't uses all the money it has to deal with maintaining the world we live in, defending our 'rights' and freedoms, helping other countries, and campaigns, right?
Well, I am sure the money generated by owning all the trees and gas could probably help out.

Those who now chop down the trees and drill the oil are already really rich. There should be no such thing as really rich people, everyone should just be rich enough. The gov't should take donations from really rich people and give it directly to really poor people. People need to support small businesses to create a voice for themselves on any issue important to individuals, families, communities, and regional populations through inner city capitalism. It's this voice that may give the gov't the support it will need to rewrite domestic policy. Just thinking about the strong political role being filled by heads of major corporations worldwide should make you shiver. That government is supposed to be our voice, since when has the gov't asked me for my opinion?

It's time for gov't to take back what should have been theirs from the very start, and give it back to the people. Trees and gas. Each government needs to pull the rug out from underneath all the wealthy gas suckers and tree pluckers. These things don't belong to individuals, they come from the earth to be free for all. The gov't can pay for proper forestry harvesting, and oil drilling. They could reclaim the rights to be in control of the natural resources, and buy the existing facilities directly from these corporations, offer them to keep their money and not have to pay taxes for the remainder of their lives. Ask that they donate excess money they don't need to the cause, and ensure that their children will be taken care of by the future gov't in such a way that they won't have to be concerned about not being able to pass on the family business. All gov'ts should in turn be encouraged to donate oil and trees to the Assembly, who in turn distribute evenly to all nations.

[I'll continue on from here later...]

Power is unattainable to the average individual, and the individual spirit may be crushed under the thumb of capitalist political America, but a capitalist nation may be what is in store, and that could be a good thing, if we're talking Inner City capitalism. There are two important aspects to talk about when considering the economic benefits of harnessing the power of capitalism in the Inner City. First, you must consider that the most important resource for a competitive economy is people, and it is very important to use that resource efficiently to be competitive. Tapping into the productive power of the Inner City ($300 billion buying power) means the economy is doing just that: becoming closer to using all of its might to compete. Second, you also must consider that by bringing the Inner City into the equation, creating opportunity (or rather allowing capitalism to create the opportunities), the added competitive advantage the economy gets from the people in the Inner City grows even larger, because with wealth and opportunity comes better education, health care and other stuff that makes people (remember, the most important resource) even more productive and beneficial to the overall economy. Basically, it is very important to use all your tools (people) to compete, and when your tools are working, they grow stronger, and you become stronger as a result.
Contribution to GDP by major corporations pressures government to pay attention to the best interests of these companies. These companies employ many people, but the best interests of these companies do not reflect the needs of individuals comprising the workforce, rather those who sit at the top running the works. Economic power sits on one shoulder of the government speaking needs of CEOs directly into the ears of whoever is sitting in the seat at the time. George W. Bush today. The power of the people will never reach the other shoulder to balance the scales and bring fairness to individuals unless we harvest the power of small business.

Support small business. End world poverty, world hunger, world despair. Borders and property lines should not come into play when dealing with the possibility of spreading wealth to poor nations. We need both to survive, and live comfortably.

Human greed stands in the way of all that is possible. Our very existence is in jeopardy due to our unwillingness to give up what we have gained during our lifetimes, or what we were 'born into'. The poor have no money to give. The rich have everything to give, and so much more to gain if only they would. I feel good when I help a stranger I see on the street, but I only have so much to offer. Why do only some have the willingness to see these truths while others can't see past the end of their own noses? How many people do you know who are sick or stressed? A more peaceful world awaits to be discovered and enjoyed by all. Less hatred, anger, oppression, violence, crimes, rapes, religious violence and racism.
Wow. Truly a work of inspired idiocy.

What a naive and simplistic vision of the world you have. Corporations evil, liberals good. So incredibly idiotic. People who succeed in government are the most evil scum out there, and you put them on a pedestal. People in the business world are accountable to market forces, which are nothing more or less than the mass meeting of supply and demand for mutual need satisfaction. The government is accountable to noone; the most power seeking and undeserving amongst us go into government, knowing brute force is all they have left because they're ideas are not successful on their own merits.

Communist delusions such as yours always fail, usually with millions dying in the process.

Pick up a history book sometime.

Your Granmother in '04!
Food comes from the earth - should be free too! Women come from the earth, THEY should be free as well, eh? :)
RWA - may be harsh.....matter of a fact he IS an in your face kinda guy. But he makes one think. Whether or not people 'like or dislike' his online persona is irrelevant - even the ones that dont, he makes them THINK. (They'll never admit it of course lol.) I can say this with certainty, because I used to BE one of those people LOL!!!! Now that Ive been challenged to think and learn, I can honestly say that The Right Wing Avenger is one of my favorite posters as well as Yoda for the RIght for me lol

Have fun on the board!
Originally posted by crazy canadian
rtwngavngr: 'The government is accountable to noone; the most power seeking and undeserving amongst us go into government, knowing brute force is all they have left because they're ideas are not successful on their own merits.' -

Thank-you for being the first to reply to my work of idiocy.
Of course I knew people would laugh at it, but you don't have to call me an idiot. I'm not trying to start a revolution, just giving people other things to think about.

The part about where I say 'The gov't uses all the money it has to deal with maintaining the world we live in, defending our 'rights' and freedoms, helping other countries, and campaigns, right?' -well, that 'right?' at the end is supposed to be sarcasitcally italicized, but that didn't come through in the copy. I also mention the part about the businessmen in suits walsing in to take over the gov't as if that hasn't already happened, but maybe you could read that part over.

I'm not prepared to defend it, I do think you realized that it is not aimed at people like you. It is a simplistic vision because half of voting America is at that level, and perhaps they never visit these message boards; and I don't want people to think this is possible, I just want to lift their spirits.

I'm not talking about current gov't running the show, I'm talking about getting good honest people in there who aren't run by greed, and the same sort of people would comprise the National Assembly. Perhaps you don't know anyone who fits the bill, but I do.

It is so hard to convince people to accept change, but everyone knows about the rapid demise of our society, practically on every level, including the youth of our world, and people need to be more open minded, more accepting of right wing views, more accepting of left wing views, more accepting of liberal views, more accepting of conservative views. I'm not saying I have a solution to anything, and I'm not a religious fanatic, I just want people to start thinking about the big picture, and they can create their own 'big picture solution'.

Sorry, I don't see using unrealistic lies to raise people spirits as anything approaching noble.

When business infiltrates government, it is the government that should be blamed for allowing undue influence. I agree that only honest people in government would be nice, but since that's childish and unrealistic dream, I'm not banking on it. The safe bet is to limit the role government plays in our lives, since unlimited power corrupts and governments have unlimited power.

Putting the government in charge of all resources "gas and trees" is at direct odds with your stated belief in the right of every individual to use the land as he sees fit. You mean as the government decides each individual sees fit.

In income redistribution, all innovation grinds to a halt as innovation goes unrewarded. Society degenerates.
Canadian just a tip. Platitudes ain't gonna cut it with Avenger, he like me only respects violent quips and controlled anger with a dash of harsh rebuke. I have been the only one so far to go toe to toe with him and win a decision on all 3 judges cards at ringside :D You'll get slaughtered at the rate you're going and i've got a weak stomach today.
Originally posted by crazy canadian
KLS is right, I like you rtwngavngr.
Perhaps we have outgrown our style of gov't? What do you think? And I didn't say 'use the land as we see fit', I said take what we've grown and don't take was was naturally there. Own the right to plant things and use the space above the ground within your own property line. Can you could add more of your views on my post?

Thanks man. I like you too, though it sounds like you may be a wacked out environmentalist freak. In my opinion, the people in your movement are just looking for reasons to condemn capitalism. Global warming is a theory at best, but you guys treat it like prophecy (ahem).

Do you think we should sign the kyoto agreement?

Society needs people who take up the reigns to devise big plans for personal gain. The small plans most of us have include only ourselves and are shortsighted; entrepeneurs are solving the questions of survival for hundreds even thousands or millions of people. Yes, for personal profit, but society profits too, because money like that is NOT accumulated in a vacuum, unless it's through despotism or governmental tyranny. Free market riches only occur when all parties are complicit in the transaction, thus the only moral wealth can be produced in the only moral economic system, free market capitalism.
Originally posted by KLSuddeth
RWA - may be harsh.....matter of a fact he IS an in your face kinda guy. But he makes one think. Whether or not people 'like or dislike' his online persona is irrelevant - even the ones that dont, he makes them THINK. (They'll never admit it of course lol.) I can say this with certainty, because I used to BE one of those people LOL!!!! Now that Ive been challenged to think and learn, I can honestly say that The Right Wing Avenger is one of my favorite posters as well as Yoda for the RIght for me lol

Have fun on the board!

Thanks for the ringing endorsement, kl!
Originally posted by OCA
Canadian just a tip. Platitudes ain't gonna cut it with Avenger, he like me only respects violent quips and controlled anger with a dash of harsh rebuke. I have been the only one so far to go toe to toe with him and win a decision on all 3 judges cards at ringside :D You'll get slaughtered at the rate you're going and i've got a weak stomach today.

I demand a recount!
All right... another Washingtonian!!! And a leftie at that... a bit more representative of Seattle.
Originally posted by crazy canadian
Thanks to you too, OCA. I don't mind being beaten up by message boards. I've been through a lot: supposed to fly from East Coast to West Coast morning of Sept 11, 01; living in a country that started a crazy war; my daughter contracted several deadly bacteria in the fall and survived;
your stomach is weak today, mine everyday. Let me speak my mind and you can cut it up if you want to. It won't bother me.
Why not just let it entertain you and spend your time on the real issues? If you like something someone writes though, you could point out the good pieces.

I'm out for the rest of the day. Later!

RTWNGAVNGR, I just saw your reply before I posted this. I am not a freaky environmentalist either. I am just a stressed out mother of two, living in Seattle, trying to deal with what is going on in this world like everyone else. I believe if an honest gov't was in control of gas and trees, then I would be boating on the lake today enjoying the good fortunes of being alive. I believe in capitalism, there is no turning back. I just think inner city capitalism needs be built up as a voice for the individual to balance out the major corporation type of capitalism. I want EVERYONE to have more money. Except those who just let huge fortunes sit in their bank accounts instead of spreading it to the poor through the gov't because the gov't isn't responsible enough yet to deal with spreading wealth. We need a responsible gov't first off, one comprised of individuals who aren't greedy, to level out the wealth of the world.
I know that sounds like the impossible dream, but it would be the fastest solution in an already corrupt world.

Yes. Free money for everybody.

How do we build up inner city capitalism and how does it become a voice for the individual and how does this differ from the corporate type of capitalism? I really want to understand what you mean.

You find me some non-greedy people and we'll just go ahead and make them kings. You want non greedy people to "level out the wealth of the world". WHere i'm from that's called stealing, and wanting to steal is considered criminal.

Envy is ugly.

Your grandmother in '04!
Originally posted by crazy canadian
We build up inner city capitalism by evenly supporting small businesses, who form an association of combined wealth, which helps the current gov't slip out from under the thumb of the major corporations. Inner City Capitalism is different, because the needs of a person running a small business are similar to the needs of individuals. It is possible that some of these small businesses will turn into major corporations, but then we just need more small businesses.

I'm not sure I get what you are saying. Down with wal-mart or something to that effect? BTW, I'm Canadian too - I'm in Ottawa.
You can shop whereever you want, but by supporting Walmart, I feel that I am taking away my own voice in gov't. So I shop the funkier, more people-friendly smaller shops. I like Walmart, and before I felt this way I bought all my baby supplies for my first daughter there. But, for me, it's time to give someone else a turn.
After all, if Walmart hadn't been broken up and distributed among the offspring, they would be richer than Gates.

I really should get back to the kids. Time to take them to the pool outside our apt. Hope you enjoy my message, and look forward to hearing more responses.
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