Just as they delayed 2 hours before calling Penn...CNN: How to spot a red or blue 'mirage' in early election night results...


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I'm reminded of the 2 hour delay in calling the election when Trump clearly won Penn. Also, Florida, they delayed and delayed. As if they were expecting, someone, somewhere was going to correct this "irregularity" (Queen Hillary losing).

I find it peculiar how they, and MSNBC to some degree when I visit their site; are adamant in repeating this mantra. They've been doing it from Day One when the governors said they will mail-out ballots, unsolicited. Hell, they even called out this big % in difference in Biden voters from Trumps very early. How in the hell could they have believe Bidens votes were so far ahead?

Now they repeat, "It might look like Trump is winning, it's all fake, just wait until the massive mail-in ballots come in, oh boy, you just wait! We are telling you now, Trumps lead is a mirage because we K KNOW that the unsolicited mail-outs will go for Biden"

Trump has a reason to be concerned. Too many cowards want China First. Even the poor suckers who work for agencies that will find out the hard way that what WASN'T a mirage during the Bush/Obama years, was the massive expansion of Might that the Communists have gained.

Washington (CNN)Election night will be an unusual experience this year. Early results that pop up shortly after the polls close might look very different from the final outcome, because of unprecedented levels of mail-in ballots and early voting due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, supporters of Democratic nominee Joe Biden have shown a strong preference for mail-in voting. Most of President Donald Trump's supporters say they want to vote on Election Day. States count these different types of votes in very different ways.

As a result, in some of the most competitive states, early results may look too rosy for former Vice President Joe Biden, before falling back down to earth and becoming more representative of the true outcome. In other states, Trump could see early leads that slowly narrow as more ballots are counted.

This won't be a sign of fraud or irregularities. Rather, it's just a reflection of how states count votes. Some states process early ballots first, and will report those early in the night, while others save them for last. Here is a breakdown of what to watch for in the pivotal states.
I'm reminded of the 2 hour delay in calling the election when Trump clearly won Penn. Also, Florida, they delayed and delayed. As if they were expecting, someone, somewhere was going to correct this "irregularity" (Queen Hillary losing).

I find it peculiar how they, and MSNBC to some degree when I visit their site; are adamant in repeating this mantra. They've been doing it from Day One when the governors said they will mail-out ballots, unsolicited. Hell, they even called out this big % in difference in Biden voters from Trumps very early. How in the hell could they have believe Bidens votes were so far ahead?

Now they repeat, "It might look like Trump is winning, it's all fake, just wait until the massive mail-in ballots come in, oh boy, you just wait! We are telling you now, Trumps lead is a mirage because we K KNOW that the unsolicited mail-outs will go for Biden"

Trump has a reason to be concerned. Too many cowards want China First. Even the poor suckers who work for agencies that will find out the hard way that what WASN'T a mirage during the Bush/Obama years, was the massive expansion of Might that the Communists have gained.

Washington (CNN)Election night will be an unusual experience this year. Early results that pop up shortly after the polls close might look very different from the final outcome, because of unprecedented levels of mail-in ballots and early voting due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, supporters of Democratic nominee Joe Biden have shown a strong preference for mail-in voting. Most of President Donald Trump's supporters say they want to vote on Election Day. States count these different types of votes in very different ways.

As a result, in some of the most competitive states, early results may look too rosy for former Vice President Joe Biden, before falling back down to earth and becoming more representative of the true outcome. In other states, Trump could see early leads that slowly narrow as more ballots are counted.

This won't be a sign of fraud or irregularities. Rather, it's just a reflection of how states count votes. Some states process early ballots first, and will report those early in the night, while others save them for last. Here is a breakdown of what to watch for in the pivotal states.
They are going to try to steal the election. It was their plan since the day they conspired and colluded with China, The UN's WHO, and The DemNazi Party to launch a Bio Weapons attack on America and The White House, and Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Trump should have never said openly he was going to end Child Trafficking.

Since he took office, he has signed 9 pieces of legislation to end Human Trafficking.

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