Just another day in America. Guns keeping people safe... 8 dead... the dead can't be killed, therefore they're safe.

Butt stain thinks he's an expert on everything, and like the deranged loon he is, a silly meme triggers his stupid.

If the meme was silly, why did you post it?
What makes the meme silly is that it wasn't accurate. We have no idea what Cain killed Abel with, and Goliath doesn't sound like that bad of a guy. (I also don't think he was a giant, because Giants aren't real.)
If the meme was silly, why did you post it?
What makes the meme silly is that it wasn't accurate. We have no idea what Cain killed Abel with, and Goliath doesn't sound like that bad of a guy. (I also don't think he was a giant, because Giants aren't real.)
Butt stain, lots of memes aren't accurate. Now, we know you're a proven lying troll so no need for you to keep trying.
I fully support the people's right to own a gun BUT we have no idea the facts here. As noted above, it's possible they had a gun and a family member used it against the rest of the family members.

Is that a reason to not allow others to own a gun? No, but as of right now, there are no valid points to be made as far as this case is concerned.
Meh, the only point being pushed by the OP and his fellow travelers is the crime was committed with a gun. It's a agenda driven response.

In truth they care about as much for the people involved as I do the ones killed in Chicago every day or the ones in UT for that matter. It's a shame but they are not known to me.
Meh, the only point being pushed by the OP and his fellow travelers is the crime was committed with a gun. It's a agenda driven response.

It does appear as if the crime was committed with a gun.

I'm reminded of a faintly-remembered political advertisement, some years back. It was in support of some gun-control-related cause.

The ad showed a woman hiding in her home, as a man in an obviously violent state of mind was breaking down her door. We were meant to think how bad it would be if that man had a gun. We were not meant to think about the woman having a gun, and being able to use it to defend herself, but that is exactly what I was thinking as I watched it.
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Wouldn't be surprised if we find out this was domestic violence, given the remoteness of the home and that they were all Mormon crazies.
i would not be surprised if it is domestic violence. That said, this town is not in a remote area. It is on I-15, which is thee interstate coming from southern california, through las vegas, and onward to denver or salt lake city. Even I can say I drove through this town more than once.
I've yet to see a gun grow little hands and feet and go on a murderous rampage on it's own.....Same with knives, machetes, vehicles, or any other inanimate object folks use to off each other with.
Oh come on! You know they do! How else do they kill so many??!!??//(+-_$';??
Or if there was no gun in the house, then no one would have been killed.
The issue is not what happened there. It is you Progs. Defending oneself from Progs destructive inclinations is another right that is eing attacked. Many examples in many ways. Australia and New Zealand citizens are neutered with gun laws. We have a good agreement with them and Japan now however China's influence is expanding. Extreme Feminist leaders will end up making those two white English-speaking areas Chinese colonies as a better solution than Earth ending up in nuclear conflagration.

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