Just 3 quick instances of R-W'ers' hypocrisy (and they don't even realize it)

Translation~ I am a dumb ass and know all about the illegal voting 5 times in texas

Non-citizen arrested for voting 5 times in Texas - Red Alert Politics

Well, it does say quite a bit of just how DUMB a lot of Texans are in allowing an illegal to vote.......

BTW, since TX is a bright red state (for now) how do you know that the illegal didn't vote for right wingers...LOL

Only Democrats commit voter fraud. Your question is like asking why law abiding people don't rob liquor stores. They don't do it because they're law abiding. Duh!
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Your just not very good at being called on your partisan bullshit and you have very poor reading skills. I didn't ask how hard it was to get an ID the answer though is not hard. Pointing out liberal hypocrisy such as complaning that showing a photo ID to vote is burden but showing one for a variety other things is not isn't bitching it's highlighting the stupidity of the far left. Finally unless there is a law preventing your alleged 1/4 million from getting a photo ID then your response is only slightly less stupid than you are.

Didn't expect for you to be able to discern nuances.....(not enough brain cells, one would guess)......But let me try to explain it at your level of comprehension......

If one of those minorities that you hate so much ALREADY has a photo ID (to collect welfare)...then, of course, that individual can vote.....


We are talking about older people who do NOT drive...we are talking about students who need a WI ID (even if they're going to school in WI but are from ND)....We are talking about invalids who CANNOT drive and never needed a photo ID......etc,

If you still can't understand the above.....Find a grown up to explain it to you.

They do have licenses, douche bag. They are obviously lying. I have not seen a single credible example of someone who actually didn't have a license.
  1. SCOTUS reverses itself all the time: Brown Bd of Ed, Plessey, Dred Scott
  2. States set their methodology for voting. There SHOULD be ID to vote
  3. Immigration is federal
I think if Arizona built a fence they would have that right.

And immigration might be federal but are the states powerless against illegal immigration?

There's no law preventing states from building border fences, but it that wouldn't require the federal government to man the watch towers.
A state requiring a photo ID to vote does not violate the voting rights act preventing someone from voting because of their race, gender, or religion would big difference. Very funny how liberals find showing a photo ID to vote as a major burden yet they don't see it as one for cashing a check, buying cigarettes or alcohol, getting a credit card or applying for various forms of government assistance.

You see.....you're not that good at this debate stuff.......

First you ask "how hard is it for [mostly] democrats to get an ID to vote...implying that they may NOT have an ID.....

Then, you bitch that these same people use their ID to get government welfare......

So, nitwit, DO they have an ID or Do they NOT have one....and if they did, then they could vote, right?

We are here talking about the 1/4 million in WI who DO NOT have an ID...meaning, you're :safe" from them getting welfare. Happy??.

A quarter million don't have any ID?

So what you're saying is that a quarter million never purchased alcohol or cigarettes. A quarter million don't have any bank accounts, never flew on an airplane, never applied or obtained a Visa. A quarter million never had to cash a check where ID is usually needed.

Where are you getting your stats from BTW?

And let me tell you something else: if those supposed quarter million were ever told they had a check for $1,000 coming, and all they needed was a photo ID to claim it, they would have one in less than 12 hours.

Leftwing douche bags think the entire South is like the scene in the movie Deliverance. They think Southerners are a bunch of uneducated hicks who have been inbreeding for centuries. I'm not just indulging in hyperbole. They actually believe idiocies like that.
A quarter million don't have any ID?

So what you're saying is that a quarter million never purchased alcohol or cigarettes. A quarter million don't have any bank accounts, never flew on an airplane, never applied or obtained a Visa. A quarter million never had to cash a check where ID is usually needed.

What is it with you ass holes and English??????

I stated PHOTO ID....not ID.......and YES, 1/4 million folks in WI do NOT have PHOTO ID therefore disenfranchised.....

If you want to MANDATE that they get a PHOTO ID, then don't bitch about OTHER mandates, if you know what I mean.

We'll bitch about whatever we want to bitch and then stuff it down your throat, asshole.
Democrats gladly sell out the country to stay in power. Fraudulent voters vote Democrat.

Another R-W imbecile that "thinks" that voter fraud is the only reason why a republican will only see the oval office as a tourist....well maybe in 20 years from now....maybe.

BTW, cite for us ALL those voter fraud cases......

Here ya go, asshole:

The Heritage Foundation’s voter fraud database catalogues over 400 cases of proven voter fraud throughout America.

Was Ann Coulter on that list ???????

You do realize that 400 cases of illegal voting throughout the US could NOT even sway an election even for dog catcher.
Ask any tru conservative and right leaning voter, and he/she will tell you that the MAIN peeve is that there's too much government interference and as quasi-libertarians, we must get the Feds off our backs......HOWEVER,

....when it comes to a woman's right to choose what to do with her body, then these hypocrites demand government involvement....(even though Roe v. Wade is UNDISPUTED law of the land.)

....and when it comes to demanding voters' picture IDs,again they want the "dreaded" government to step in (even though the Voting Rights Act is also the law of the land.)

.....and when it comes to border protection, these same hypocrites don't blame the 3 right wing governors of the 4 states bordering with Mexico, they instead blame ......you guessed it, the maligned federal government.

Just a few examples........

""Just 3 quick instances of R-W'ers' hypocrisy (and they don't even realize it)""

Just three?
I like the one about Obama being a dictator but at the same time he doesn't do anything.
Just three?
I like the one about Obama being a dictator but at the same time he doesn't do anything.

Well, in fairness to me, I did end the O/P by stating, "just a FEW examples".....

(although I DO feel sorry for all the right wingers on this thread who posted their responses from those concentration camps that Obama has confined them in......LOL)
I'm a Republican. That means I work for a living

Well, on behalf of all democrats, we THANK YOU for supporting us through your hard work.....and could you work a little bit harder, since I'm in need of a new FREE cell phone????

Walker has provided a "solution" to a non-existent problem......(don't fortget he has also curtailed eraly voting and weekend voting) ALL in an attempt to have LESS voters exercise their right ......He is a turd.
I'm a Republican. That means I work for a living

Well, on behalf of all democrats, we THANK YOU for supporting us through your hard work.....and could you work a little bit harder, since I'm in need of a new FREE cell phone????


Oh, and I believe it too.

But I did have time to research this story, and I can't find out where this 300,000 figure came from other than Salon.com. What I did find however is that the Supreme Court refused to even consider the case and that these ID"s are readily available at any DMV in Wisconsin. In fact, they state that they are just looking for residency so if you have no ID of any kind, you don't even have to present a birth certificate to get that ID.

Seems pretty simple to me. And why does this only effect Democrat voters and not Republicans? Do you think that maybe..........just maybe, somebody is lying to you?
Democrats gladly sell out the country to stay in power. Fraudulent voters vote Democrat.

Another R-W imbecile that "thinks" that voter fraud is the only reason why a republican will only see the oval office as a tourist....well maybe in 20 years from now....maybe.

BTW, cite for us ALL those voter fraud cases......

Here ya go, asshole:

The Heritage Foundation’s voter fraud database catalogues over 400 cases of proven voter fraud throughout America.

Was Ann Coulter on that list ???????

You do realize that 400 cases of illegal voting throughout the US could NOT even sway an election even for dog catcher.

I bet you weren't saying that during the Florida election between Gore and Bush.

First you talk about disenfranchising the very few that can't (for whatever reason) get an ID, because every vote should count. But when it comes to voter fraud, there aren't enough cases to change an election.

Those cases are just about the people that got caught. Lord knows how many got away with cheating an election because they didn't.

It's kind of like speeding on the highway. If there are no cops taking laser to catch the speeders, does that mean there are no speeders on the highway?

Voter-ID is a preventative measure. Without some strict identification method, people could cheat all the time and there is nobody there to stop them. I wish we had stricter measures in my state. I see openings all the time for people to cheat.

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