Just 3 quick instances of R-W'ers' hypocrisy (and they don't even realize it)


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
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Ask any tru conservative and right leaning voter, and he/she will tell you that the MAIN peeve is that there's too much government interference and as quasi-libertarians, we must get the Feds off our backs......HOWEVER,

....when it comes to a woman's right to choose what to do with her body, then these hypocrites demand government involvement....(even though Roe v. Wade is UNDISPUTED law of the land.)

....and when it comes to demanding voters' picture IDs,again they want the "dreaded" government to step in (even though the Voting Rights Act is also the law of the land.)

.....and when it comes to border protection, these same hypocrites don't blame the 3 right wing governors of the 4 states bordering with Mexico, they instead blame ......you guessed it, the maligned federal government.

Just a few examples........
  1. SCOTUS reverses itself all the time: Brown Bd of Ed, Plessey, Dred Scott
  2. States set their methodology for voting. There SHOULD be ID to vote
  3. Immigration is federal
Ask any tru conservative and right leaning voter, and he/she will tell you that the MAIN peeve is that there's too much government interference and as quasi-libertarians, we must get the Feds off our backs......HOWEVER,

....when it comes to a woman's right to choose what to do with her body, then these hypocrites demand government involvement....(even though Roe v. Wade is UNDISPUTED law of the land.)

....and when it comes to demanding voters' picture IDs,again they want the "dreaded" government to step in (even though the Voting Rights Act is also the law of the land.)

.....and when it comes to border protection, these same hypocrites don't blame the 3 right wing governors of the 4 states bordering with Mexico, they instead blame ......you guessed it, the maligned federal government.

Just a few examples........

So to avoid being hypocrites Republicans would have to be opposed to the enforcement of all laws.

That's actually what you are saying, and it proves you're a dumbass and a douche bag.
So to avoid being hypocrites Republicans would have to be opposed to the enforcement of all laws.

That's actually what you are saying, and it proves you're a dumbass and a douche bag.

"Brilliant" retort.....understood ONLY by other fellow right wing imbeciles
Ask any tru conservative and right leaning voter, and he/she will tell you that the MAIN peeve is that there's too much government interference and as quasi-libertarians, we must get the Feds off our backs......HOWEVER,

....when it comes to a woman's right to choose what to do with her body, then these hypocrites demand government involvement....(even though Roe v. Wade is UNDISPUTED law of the land.)

....and when it comes to demanding voters' picture IDs,again they want the "dreaded" government to step in (even though the Voting Rights Act is also the law of the land.)

.....and when it comes to border protection, these same hypocrites don't blame the 3 right wing governors of the 4 states bordering with Mexico, they instead blame ......you guessed it, the maligned federal government.

Just a few examples........
you guys are gonna lose this one... heh.
So to avoid being hypocrites Republicans would have to be opposed to the enforcement of all laws.

That's actually what you are saying, and it proves you're a dumbass and a douche bag.

"Brilliant" retort.....understood ONLY by other fellow right wing imbeciles
I'm not surprised that you don't understand it. If left-wingers understood why the stuff they believe is a contradiction, they wouldn't be left-wingers.
  • SCOTUS reverses itself all the time: Brown Bd of Ed, Plessey, Dred Scott
  • States set their methodology for voting. There SHOULD be ID to vote
  • Immigration is federal

Well, not quite.........
Roe v Wade is or is not current law???????
States CANNOT discriminate by overlooking the Voters' Rights
...and although immigration is a federal issue, border security COULD be championed by right wing governors if they chose to put their money where their big mouths are.
  • SCOTUS reverses itself all the time: Brown Bd of Ed, Plessey, Dred Scott
  • States set their methodology for voting. There SHOULD be ID to vote
  • Immigration is federal

Well, not quite.........
Roe v Wade is or is not current law???????
States CANNOT discriminate by overlooking the Voters' Rights
...and although immigration is a federal issue, border security COULD be championed by right wing governors if they chose to put their money where their big mouths are.

Roe, SCOTUS never reverses itself? Are you sure?? Did Obama tell you that?
Ask any tru conservative and right leaning voter, and he/she will tell you that the MAIN peeve is that there's too much government interference and as quasi-libertarians, we must get the Feds off our backs......HOWEVER,

....when it comes to a woman's right to choose what to do with her body, then these hypocrites demand government involvement....(even though Roe v. Wade is UNDISPUTED law of the land.)

....and when it comes to demanding voters' picture IDs,again they want the "dreaded" government to step in (even though the Voting Rights Act is also the law of the land.)

.....and when it comes to border protection, these same hypocrites don't blame the 3 right wing governors of the 4 states bordering with Mexico, they instead blame ......you guessed it, the maligned federal government.

Just a few examples........

How can you make an argument with ID laws? The only people that should be allowed to vote in America is God damn American citizens. Just because you killed around 50 million of your voter base through abortions you have no right to further your agenda by making it easy for illegals to vote.

That's not being a hypocrite ...
Ask any tru conservative and right leaning voter, and he/she will tell you that the MAIN peeve is that there's too much government interference and as quasi-libertarians, we must get the Feds off our backs......HOWEVER,

....when it comes to a woman's right to choose what to do with her body, then these hypocrites demand government involvement....(even though Roe v. Wade is UNDISPUTED law of the land.)

....and when it comes to demanding voters' picture IDs,again they want the "dreaded" government to step in (even though the Voting Rights Act is also the law of the land.)

.....and when it comes to border protection, these same hypocrites don't blame the 3 right wing governors of the 4 states bordering with Mexico, they instead blame ......you guessed it, the maligned federal government.

Just a few examples........
1. We want Gods involvement not the governments.

2. We want state to determine their rules...how hard is it to have ID?

3. It's the feds job, Ephus.

Thread fail.
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..when it comes to a woman's right to choose what to do with her body, then these hypocrites demand government involvement....(even though Roe v. Wade is UNDISPUTED law of the land.)
What government involvement is being demanded to prevent a womans right to choose?
..and when it comes to demanding voters' picture IDs,again they want the "dreaded" government to step in (even though the Voting Rights Act is also the law of the land.)
A state requiring a photo ID to vote does not violate the voting rights act preventing someone from voting because of their race, gender, or religion would big difference. Very funny how liberals find showing a photo ID to vote as a major burden yet they don't see it as one for cashing a check, buying cigarettes or alcohol, getting a credit card or applying for various forms of government assistance.
.....and when it comes to border protection, these same hypocrites don't blame the 3 right wing governors of the 4 states bordering with Mexico, they instead blame ......you guessed it, the maligned federal government.
That falls under the power of the Federal Government in Texas the Governor depolyed National Guard troops to the border if you want the states to handle this issue have the Federal Government transfer that power over to the states.
Roe v. Wade is being disputed all the time. Conservatives never tire of pushing legislation to limit and eventually eliminate abortion on demand.

Democrats gladly sell out the country to stay in power. Fraudulent voters vote Democrat.

Obama Administration "miscommunication" doesn't help border states:
But many migrants told Border Patrol agents they decided to set out for the United States after hearing that it was offering some kind of entry permit. Many other migrants who asked for asylum after being apprehended have been allowed to stay temporarily, further fueling hopes that Central American women and children were receiving special treatment.
The border states are doing all they can to stop the flood of illegals. The feds aren't helping, but hindering their efforts.
How can you make an argument with ID laws? The only people that should be allowed to vote in America is God damn American citizens. Just because you killed around 50 million of your voter base through abortions you have no right to further your agenda by making it easy for illegals to vote.

That's not being a hypocrite ...

Typical right wing stupidity NO ONE stated for illegals to vote.....We are talking about Americans, born and bred...Did you ever wonder in your half brain WHY we had to have a Voters' Rights Act???

BTW, since "we killed 50 million of our voter base" ,,,,How the heck did we beat YOUR arses TWICE in the presidential elections?
1. We want Gods involvement not the governments.

2. We want state to determine their rules...how hard is it to have ID?

3. It's the deeds job, Ephus.

Thread fail.

Yes, English is a hard language to master.....Keep trying, however.......9th grade shouldn't be too hard for you...
Look at the "bright side", you've managed to turn your 'puter on all by yourself.
Democrats gladly sell out the country to stay in power. Fraudulent voters vote Democrat.

Another R-W imbecile that "thinks" that voter fraud is the only reason why a republican will only see the oval office as a tourist....well maybe in 20 years from now....maybe.

BTW, cite for us ALL those voter fraud cases......
A state requiring a photo ID to vote does not violate the voting rights act preventing someone from voting because of their race, gender, or religion would big difference. Very funny how liberals find showing a photo ID to vote as a major burden yet they don't see it as one for cashing a check, buying cigarettes or alcohol, getting a credit card or applying for various forms of government assistance.

You see.....you're not that good at this debate stuff.......

First you ask "how hard is it for [mostly] democrats to get an ID to vote...implying that they may NOT have an ID.....

Then, you bitch that these same people use their ID to get government welfare......

So, nitwit, DO they have an ID or Do they NOT have one....and if they did, then they could vote, right?

We are here talking about the 1/4 million in WI who DO NOT have an ID...meaning, you're :safe" from them getting welfare. Happy??.
How can you make an argument with ID laws? The only people that should be allowed to vote in America is God damn American citizens. Just because you killed around 50 million of your voter base through abortions you have no right to further your agenda by making it easy for illegals to vote.

That's not being a hypocrite ...

Typical right wing stupidity NO ONE stated for illegals to vote.....We are talking about Americans, born and bred...Did you ever wonder in your half brain WHY we had to have a Voters' Rights Act???

BTW, since "we killed 50 million of our voter base" ,,,,How the heck did we beat YOUR arses TWICE in the presidential elections?

Translation~ I am a dumb ass and know all about the illegal voting 5 times in texas

Non-citizen arrested for voting 5 times in Texas - Red Alert Politics
Ask any tru conservative and right leaning voter, and he/she will tell you that the MAIN peeve is that there's too much government interference and as quasi-libertarians, we must get the Feds off our backs......HOWEVER,

....when it comes to a woman's right to choose what to do with her body, then these hypocrites demand government involvement....(even though Roe v. Wade is UNDISPUTED law of the land.)

....and when it comes to demanding voters' picture IDs,again they want the "dreaded" government to step in (even though the Voting Rights Act is also the law of the land.)

.....and when it comes to border protection, these same hypocrites don't blame the 3 right wing governors of the 4 states bordering with Mexico, they instead blame ......you guessed it, the maligned federal government.

Just a few examples........

Stupid, much? yeah....
A state requiring a photo ID to vote does not violate the voting rights act preventing someone from voting because of their race, gender, or religion would big difference. Very funny how liberals find showing a photo ID to vote as a major burden yet they don't see it as one for cashing a check, buying cigarettes or alcohol, getting a credit card or applying for various forms of government assistance.

You see.....you're not that good at this debate stuff.......

First you ask "how hard is it for [mostly] democrats to get an ID to vote...implying that they may NOT have an ID.....

Then, you bitch that these same people use their ID to get government welfare......

So, nitwit, DO they have an ID or Do they NOT have one....and if they did, then they could vote, right?

We are here talking about the 1/4 million in WI who DO NOT have an ID...meaning, you're :safe" from them getting welfare. Happy??.
Your just not very good at being called on your partisan bullshit and you have very poor reading skills. I didn't ask how hard it was to get an ID the answer though is not hard. Pointing out liberal hypocrisy such as complaning that showing a photo ID to vote is burden but showing one for a variety other things is not isn't bitching it's highlighting the stupidity of the far left. Finally unless there is a law preventing your alleged 1/4 million from getting a photo ID then your response is only slightly less stupid than you are.

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