Jussie Smollet vs. Morton Downey, Jr.


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
Hey remember that time in 1989 when Conservative Talk show host Morton Downey, Jr. (the Pre-Rush Limbaugh) faked an attack by Neo Nazis in a San Francisco bathroom

Morton Downey Jr. - Wikipedia

In late April 1989, he was involved in an incident in a San Francisco International Airport restroom in which he claimed to have been attacked by neo-Nazis who painted a swastika on his face and attempted to shave his head.[20] Some inconsistencies in Downey's account (e.g., the swastika was painted in reverse, suggesting that Downey had drawn it himself in a mirror), and the failure of the police to find supportive evidence,[21] led many to suspect the incident was a hoax and a ploy for attention.[7][22] In July 1989, his show was canceled, with the owners of the show announcing that the last episode had been taped on June 30, and that no new shows would air after September 15, 1989.


Funny thing happened. He didn't go to jail. There wasn't a horrid hew and cry about the moral decay in America.... The country just smirked that some loser was desperately seeking attention.

Imagine that. An appropriate response.
Sorry Joe but this angle just ain't gonna fly. I was just a little kid at the time but even I knew Downey was a POS. He didn't have a shred of credibility and literally nobody took his antics seriously. Still, he should have been charged but were "hate crimes" even a thing back then?
The country is much more divided today and much more hateful. Today, Whichever side this happened too, the other side would be out for blood.
Different time different era we as nation weren't a bunch of thin skined wimps engaging in victimhood and idenity politics back then and that act pretty much ended his pathectic career.
Hey remember that time in 1989 when Conservative Talk show host Morton Downey, Jr. (the Pre-Rush Limbaugh) faked an attack by Neo Nazis in a San Francisco bathroom

Morton Downey Jr. - Wikipedia

In late April 1989, he was involved in an incident in a San Francisco International Airport restroom in which he claimed to have been attacked by neo-Nazis who painted a swastika on his face and attempted to shave his head.[20] Some inconsistencies in Downey's account (e.g., the swastika was painted in reverse, suggesting that Downey had drawn it himself in a mirror), and the failure of the police to find supportive evidence,[21] led many to suspect the incident was a hoax and a ploy for attention.[7][22] In July 1989, his show was canceled, with the owners of the show announcing that the last episode had been taped on June 30, and that no new shows would air after September 15, 1989.

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Funny thing happened. He didn't go to jail. There wasn't a horrid hew and cry about the moral decay in America.... The country just smirked that some loser was desperately seeking attention.

Imagine that. An appropriate response.
I'll say they both should / should have gone to jail.
Uh, remember when the retarded white kid was kidnapped and tortured by racist negroes? Did white people riot?

They didn't have to. Because it was a white kid, they pretty much went all out to track down the kids who did this, and threw the book at them.

I'll say they both should / should have gone to jail.

Really? Why? Frankly, jail should be for people who are genuinely dangerous.

Well his previous lies attest he’s pretty fuckin’ stupid, so nothing from him should surprise anyone.

Oh, Dominican Rent Boy, was Morton your hero before Rush?
Uh, remember when the retarded white kid was kidnapped and tortured by racist negroes? Did white people riot?

They didn't have to. Because it was a white kid, they pretty much went all out to track down the kids who did this, and threw the book at them.

I'll say they both should / should have gone to jail.

Really? Why? Frankly, jail should be for people who are genuinely dangerous.

Well his previous lies attest he’s pretty fuckin’ stupid, so nothing from him should surprise anyone.

Oh, Dominican Rent Boy, was Morton your hero before Rush?

In regards to your snip,

It seems generally filing a false report CAN land you in jail so its time for you to go voting.

If you or I want pot, prostitution, murder or whatever to not land people in jail we better start voting, not just saying it on a message board like that makes it so.
Hey remember that time in 1989 when Conservative Talk show host Morton Downey, Jr. (the Pre-Rush Limbaugh) faked an attack by Neo Nazis in a San Francisco bathroom

Morton Downey Jr. - Wikipedia

In late April 1989, he was involved in an incident in a San Francisco International Airport restroom in which he claimed to have been attacked by neo-Nazis who painted a swastika on his face and attempted to shave his head.[20] Some inconsistencies in Downey's account (e.g., the swastika was painted in reverse, suggesting that Downey had drawn it himself in a mirror), and the failure of the police to find supportive evidence,[21] led many to suspect the incident was a hoax and a ploy for attention.[7][22] In July 1989, his show was canceled, with the owners of the show announcing that the last episode had been taped on June 30, and that no new shows would air after September 15, 1989.

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Funny thing happened. He didn't go to jail. There wasn't a horrid hew and cry about the moral decay in America.... The country just smirked that some loser was desperately seeking attention.

Imagine that. An appropriate response.

I knew it, the regressive shitbags must defend Smollett, probably just because President Trump tweeted about it making fun of him.
SF didn't have over 700 unsolved murders back then like Chicago does now. Downey attempted to smear Nazi's, not criminalize peaceful people with differing political views. The political, entertainment and media "elite" didn't call him a victim and spend hours of the news cycles beatifying him.
In regards to your snip,

It seems generally filing a false report CAN land you in jail so its time for you to go voting.

If you or I want pot, prostitution, murder or whatever to not land people in jail we better start voting, not just saying it on a message board like that makes it so.

People file false reports all the time, and they usually don't go to jail for it.

The point I was making that if a white guy fakes a hate crime and doesn't go to jail for it, the black guy shouldn't either.

I have no problem with him paying a fine or losing his job... but we'd be confirming his point about racism if we send him to jail for something this petty.
SF didn't have over 700 unsolved murders back then like Chicago does now. Downey attempted to smear Nazi's, not criminalize peaceful people with differing political views. The political, entertainment and media "elite" didn't call him a victim and spend hours of the news cycles beatifying him.

Okay... gee, why does Chicago have so many unsolved murders? Could it be because - wait for it - the corrupt ass CPD has no trust in the community?

That the CPD can't solve most of these crimes, but man, they are going to rip through every video tape and check every receipt to redeem the honor of MAGA supporters tells me a lot about their priorities.

The thought that Jussie Smollet might spend more time in jail than Jason van Dyke (who shot a kid 16 times, and lied about it.) would probably offend the community a lot more.

This is a good time to cut your losses. You got your pound of flesh, don't get greedy.

As I have been trying to tell Joe all over this board while he slops the misinformation everywhere. The airport called the police, as the airport would if they saw someone stumbling out of the bathroom claiming they had been attacked. The police showed up, Downey refused to be examined or file the report:

Sgt. Paul Giguiere of the San Mateo County sheriff's office said Mr. Downey did not want a police report filed and had refused to be examined. Filing a false police report is a misdemeanor in California.

Doubt Is Cast on Report Of Attack on Downey
Hey remember that time in 1989 when Conservative Talk show host Morton Downey, Jr. (the Pre-Rush Limbaugh) faked an attack by Neo Nazis in a San Francisco bathroom

Morton Downey Jr. - Wikipedia

In late April 1989, he was involved in an incident in a San Francisco International Airport restroom in which he claimed to have been attacked by neo-Nazis who painted a swastika on his face and attempted to shave his head.[20] Some inconsistencies in Downey's account (e.g., the swastika was painted in reverse, suggesting that Downey had drawn it himself in a mirror), and the failure of the police to find supportive evidence,[21] led many to suspect the incident was a hoax and a ploy for attention.[7][22] In July 1989, his show was canceled, with the owners of the show announcing that the last episode had been taped on June 30, and that no new shows would air after September 15, 1989.

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Funny thing happened. He didn't go to jail. There wasn't a horrid hew and cry about the moral decay in America.... The country just smirked that some loser was desperately seeking attention.

Imagine that. An appropriate response.

He didn't go to jail Joe because being a drama queen is not a crime. Being stupid is not a crime. But filing a false police report IS a crime, which he did not do. Therefore, there was nothing for which to go to jail because, as I keep telling you, he did NOT FILE A POLICE REPORT.

Wow, when you find some misinformation you really triple down, don't you???
Hey remember that time in 1989 when Conservative Talk show host Morton Downey, Jr. (the Pre-Rush Limbaugh) faked an attack by Neo Nazis in a San Francisco bathroom

Morton Downey Jr. - Wikipedia

In late April 1989, he was involved in an incident in a San Francisco International Airport restroom in which he claimed to have been attacked by neo-Nazis who painted a swastika on his face and attempted to shave his head.[20] Some inconsistencies in Downey's account (e.g., the swastika was painted in reverse, suggesting that Downey had drawn it himself in a mirror), and the failure of the police to find supportive evidence,[21] led many to suspect the incident was a hoax and a ploy for attention.[7][22] In July 1989, his show was canceled, with the owners of the show announcing that the last episode had been taped on June 30, and that no new shows would air after September 15, 1989.

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Funny thing happened. He didn't go to jail. There wasn't a horrid hew and cry about the moral decay in America.... The country just smirked that some loser was desperately seeking attention.

Imagine that. An appropriate response.
A very unique mitigation indeed. I hope this goes to trial. It'll be so much fun!
Hey remember that time in 1989 when Conservative Talk show host Morton Downey, Jr. (the Pre-Rush Limbaugh) faked an attack by Neo Nazis in a San Francisco bathroom

Morton Downey Jr. - Wikipedia

In late April 1989, he was involved in an incident in a San Francisco International Airport restroom in which he claimed to have been attacked by neo-Nazis who painted a swastika on his face and attempted to shave his head.[20] Some inconsistencies in Downey's account (e.g., the swastika was painted in reverse, suggesting that Downey had drawn it himself in a mirror), and the failure of the police to find supportive evidence,[21] led many to suspect the incident was a hoax and a ploy for attention.[7][22] In July 1989, his show was canceled, with the owners of the show announcing that the last episode had been taped on June 30, and that no new shows would air after September 15, 1989.

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Funny thing happened. He didn't go to jail. There wasn't a horrid hew and cry about the moral decay in America.... The country just smirked that some loser was desperately seeking attention.

Imagine that. An appropriate response.

Wow, just wow!

So one guy does not go to jail, so the other should not either.

You had to go so far back to 1989 to find a case of some idiot white guy doing this to make your case that if the black guy goes to jail then it is racism...

Well Joe the reality is Morton should have been sent to jail back then for at least thirty days and then sent to a mental hospital.

The other guy in today news should do thirty days in jail and again mental hospital!
As I have been trying to tell Joe all over this board while he slops the misinformation everywhere. The airport called the police, as the airport would if they saw someone stumbling out of the bathroom claiming they had been attacked. The police showed up, Downey refused to be examined or file the report:

The thing was, the airport DID File a report. There was an investigation. Resources were wasted proving he drew a swastika on his own face.

AAAAAAAnd. White guy. No charges filed.

He didn't go to jail Joe because being a drama queen is not a crime. Being stupid is not a crime. But filing a false police report IS a crime, which he did not do. Therefore, there was nothing for which to go to jail because, as I keep telling you, he did NOT FILE A POLICE REPORT.

Wow, when you find some misinformation you really triple down, don't you???

He committed a fraud in a secure facility that would have automatically triggered a police investigation. The police were involved. there was plenty they could have charged him with, including disorderly conduct, but they didn't... because. White Privilege.

Wow, just wow!

So one guy does not go to jail, so the other should not either.

You had to go so far back to 1989 to find a case of some idiot white guy doing this to make your case that if the black guy goes to jail then it is racism...

Well Joe the reality is Morton should have been sent to jail back then for at least thirty days and then sent to a mental hospital.

The other guy in today news should do thirty days in jail and again mental hospital!

Or neither one of them should go to jail because jail should be for dangerous people. But if you give the white celebrity a pass and come down like a ton of bricks on the black guy...

that smacks of racism.

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