Juneteenth Quiz: How well do you know Emancipation Day?

Where's the thanks and appreciation for the Union soldiers who fought and died to really end slavery? This more their day than anyone else. Yet nary a peep about them.
The truth doesn't have eyes but let's pretend it does in this one instance. Where are the black people in the photos I posted?

You went on about black people should stop committing crimes and you listed specific offenses. To hear you talk, and now in reference to your alleged "truth", the only people committing crimes in America are black people, yet the photos I posted show only white criminals who are currently incarcerated or under the supervision of the courts (probation/parole).

Why aren't you preaching to them? You're nothing more than a mealy mouthed hypocrite.
I said nothing like that. I think you are a drama queen.
So you can now add "liar" and "punk" to your list of attributes.

I am a grown woman and I don't let little boys talk to me the way you have tried, at least not without retribution. That does not make me a "drama queen" but it indeed demonstrates that you apparently will say anything when someone proves you wrong just to try to deflect from the fact that you're losing the argument or debate.

That's a very childish thing to do. We all make mistakes but being able to acknowledge when we do and self-correct is a demonstration of integrity, a concept with which you apparently are not familiar.
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You still don't understand why your objection to the fact that it's falls on father's day this year is so FUNNY?

It's because you're acting as if someone actually conspired to ruin your father's day which is hilarious.

I only mentioned next year and last year to try to make you feel better and SHOW you that no one singled out your holiday for SHARING in order to ruin things for anyone (as if sharing is SUCH a bad thing).

That's not babbling, that's how you demonstrate that something is not a conspiracy :)
Father’s Day first.
Faketeenth can work around it and not the reverse
She's black. She's not obsessed. Why are you and others here obsessed with blacks? You can't go into any area of this place without some white a hole spewing some racist bs about blacks.
Maybe because we hear about it 24/7? I am not obsessed I am tired of hearing about it. Talk about beating a dead horse.
I would hope that you're just drunk in the middle of a Saturday and not this stupid but wouldn't bet money on it.

Juneteenth is "June 19th" which doesn't change year to year but the day of the week it falls on does.

Last year it fell on a Saturday and next year it will fall on a Monday so you don't have to worry about it "falling" on Father's day again anytime soon. Nonetheless the observation of the federal holiday is on Monday.

Either way, it doesn't interfere with YOUR father's day unless you're so immature, thin-skinned and self-centered that you can't stand the thought of sharing the celebration of you being a father with another holiday especially one that you and your family in all likelihood wouldn't even know about let alone celebrate if you weren't here on this message board.

And speaking of line butting, that was a very prevalent practice engaged in by white people when I was attending college down south. They still hadn't gotten the memo more than 10 years after the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. They always seemed so surprised and a little embarrassed whenever I pointed out that I/we were next in line and that the back of the line was in fact "over there" [pointing to the end of the line]. They always acquiesced though and I generally gave them a nice smile for recognizing the error of their ways or correcting it.
I don't always agree with you, though often I do, but I love the way you handle yourself when responding to the sometimes emotional and immature responses you often get.

I may not always agree with you, but you're a class act.
You asked that question and I answered so flare up and fly off in a tangent
The title of this thread is "How Well Do You Know Emancipation Day". You whining about June 19th falling on father's day is the tangent.

I feel badly for your children that they have such a child for their father, since this is apparently such a mega event in your life each year.
Maybe because we hear about it 24/7? I am not obsessed I am tired of hearing about it. Talk about beating a dead horse.
Yet you keep coming back for more... No one is making you navigate to this particular thread and participate in the conversation here.

So if you're tired of hearing about it, leave and never return to any of my threads.
The title of this thread is "How Well Do You Know Emancipation Day". You whining about June 19th falling on father's day is the tangent.

I feel badly for your children that they have such a child for their father, since this is apparently such a mega event in your life each year.
I feel badly that your twat ass brings my children into it .
Violation noted but I’d like to take it beyond that and smack your bitch face. Ready to finish balls to the wall honey?
Maybe because we hear about it 24/7? I am not obsessed I am tired of hearing about it. Talk about beating a dead horse.
We live with your racism 24/7. We're tired of living with that. We don't get to whine about being tired of hearing it because you raggedy chumps don't stop. So you have 2 options:

Option A- End your racism.
Option B- The fight continues.
We live with your racism 24/7. We're tired of living with that. We don't get to whine about being tired of hearing it because you raggedy chumps don't stop. So you have 2 options:

Option A- End your racism.
Option B- The fight continues.
I am not a racist.

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