June is “Pride” month

And if you don’t care about gay pride month you can completely ignore it and go about your business as if it never existed.

But you obviously care about it. You seem to care about it an awful lot for some reason….
As if it will be broadcast 24 /7
And if you don’t care about gay pride month you can completely ignore it and go about your business as if it never existed.

But you obviously care about it. You seem to care about it an awful lot for some reason….

Because I’m a closeted homo?

I love how the woke social Justice warriors first move is to use homosexuality as an insult.
There are 11 straight months.
What months are those?

Gay is not a race, so why is there?
Same reason black people are on the pride progress flag….

How do you tell the difference between a black person and a homosexual? The homosexual has two more fathers than the black person.
Why do you care? It doesn't impact you.

At worst you see pretty rainbows, and Christians are down with that as a reminder of God's Covenant with Man.
is there a Straight Month ?

Feel free to answer yes or no. Anything else just reveals even further what an asshole you are.
Straight-Christian-Men Month….. honoring the group of men that had the vision for this Nation. (Because God knows any other entrusted with forming the US would have fucked it up with their agenda).
It’s kind of like when you were a kid and you asked your mom when “kid’s day” was

So every day isn't mothers day too.

But we still have one day in May.

Moms....the people who make the world go round get a whole day.

While someone decided gays get a whole month.

Can you and Crepitus be any more stupid ? (don't answer...it's not really a question).

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