Judicial Ruling: Biden Oppressive Socialist Administrarion Can NOT Censor Free Speech In The US

Who else would you listen to?
That's not the question. We know what he did, did he do the right thing? I've asked this before of a liberal democrat and I couldn't believe the Kabuki dance that ensued as he desperately tried to avoid either admitting TRUMP! did the right thing or that the vaccines weren't such a great idea.
Ah, the "IT SHOULD BE ILLEGAL TO POINT OUT A CONSERVATIVE LIED" conservative censorship campaign.
I hear this ridiculous talking point on occasion.

It has NOTHING to do with the issue of free speech here.

And makes zero sense.
Ah, the "IT SHOULD BE ILLEGAL TO POINT OUT A CONSERVATIVE LIED" conservative censorship campaign.
It isn't the government's business to worry about it, free speech is free speech, lying or otherwise. The government was trying to interfere with free, they have no business interfering with social media platforms, that is not theri jurisdiction or right.

I'm not understanding why you feel the government decides what is free speech, that is insane.
Well, yeah. I've been watching Republicans years. It's one of their mainstay tactics.

It's not the Democrats threatenign to throw teachers, librarians and doctors in jail for just saying the wrong thing. And you adore those policies.

Just making it clear where we all stand. Democrats back free speech, and Republicans are censor-happy fascist goons. And the nation sees it, and thinks Republicans are shit because of it.
Not true, why do you think the federal judge negate a law that limits free speech that a Democratic Party lawmaker tried to put into effect.

Neither party should have a right to limit free speech.
Of course it is. Public health is the government's job. If someone is lying in such a way to promote a death-causing epidemic, it is the government's job to point that out.

And no, I don't believe in the PC "all viewpoints are equally valid" nonsense. Antivaxxer beliefs are dishonest and stupid, and it's good to point that out, even if it does trigger people.

Pointing out that someone is lying is not censoring them. Free speech cuts all ways.
The government can point it out but they are not allowed to ask social media or anyone else to take down posts or censor free speech.

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