Judges...one reason why 2014 is so important...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
for the libertarians/conservatives/tea party members you need to get out and vote for republicans in 2014.... I am not saying you need to like it....but if you value the freedoms in the Bill of Rights you need to vote...here is one example of allowing a democrat controlled Senate pass through obama's judicial appointees...

Breaking DC Circuit Vacates Obamacare Decision Power Line

Call this the first fruits of the Obama-Reid plan to pack the DC Circuit Court of Appeals. The DC Circuit has just vacated its July 22 decision in Halbig v. Burwell that struck down the federal subsidies for Obamacare in states that did not set up exchanges as the clear language of the statute said. The DC Circuit will now hear the case en banc, which likely favors a reversal since Obama has made a project of packing it with new left-leaning judges. The sagacious Roger Pilon of Cato comments:

they don't care about Precedent, they don't care about tradition, they care about backstopping any attempt to change obamacare...and next will be the gun laws, property laws....and just wait and see what happens if even one conservative justice leaves the Supreme Court...they won't worry about passing anti gun laws....they will let his judges do it....the landmark 2nd amendment cases were,won with one vote majorities, if there are more lefties on the court the next decisions will overturn the earlier ones...

You need to vote,to stop this....the only chance is a republican controlled Senate, and that in't even a guarantee but it is the only hope we have...

for them to vote for fairness the best choice is to keep the Senate Democratic.
This is the problem with libertarians/conservatives/tea party members...they always underestimate the liberal/progressive/democrat willingness to do anything to achieve power....tradition, precedent, courtesy, just don't mean anything to them...here is a good legal guy who underestimated the willingness of Obama to pack a court with lobs in order to control legal cases...in particular those involving obamacare and gun laws....

Halbig goes en banc

The split in Circuits convinced just about everyone that the case was on the fast track to the Supreme Court.

But many speculated at the time that the D.C. Circuit, packed with Obama appointees, would take the case en banc, uphold the IRS regs, and avoid a Circuit split. I didn’t think that would happen, but I was wrong.

See...he didn't think a judge would rule politically....or reverse a ruling on purely political grounds...

Our side needs to know one thing....

Conservatives/libertarians/tea party members play politics....we win some, we lose some we come back and vote,in the next election...liberals/progressives/democrats fight complete and total political war against their Enemies and take no prisoners...

Until we learn that and fight accordingly, we are,going to lose these fights...

Obama and Reid have packed the courts with their judges...they don't plan on having to worry about winning and losing elections in order to keep their agenda going forward...

So....if you sit out the next election....if you refuse to vote for Republicans, ( at this point the only way to break up the democrats power in the senate) then these rights we hold to be vital to our country are going to be found Unconstitutional....
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This is the problem with libertarians/conservatives/tea party members...they always underestimate the liberal/progressive/democrat willingness to do anything to achieve power....tradition, precedent, courtesy, just don't mean anything to them...here is a good legal guy who underestimated the willingness of Obama to pack a court with lobs in order to control legal cases...in particular those involving obamacare and gun laws....

Halbig goes en banc
To the victor goes the spoils
Exactly...but at least our spoils are geared toward limiting government power...
another point on the link...

Peter Suderman at Reason notes:

Does that make this a politicized decision? Well, it’s certainly rare and unusual. The DC Circuit almost never takes this route; last year it reviewed none of its cases. This year, it reviewed two.

Yes....Yes....it is political...get that through your brain...they don't care about legal precedent...they don't care about tradition....they don't care if what they are doing here will destabilize the legal institutions of the country....they want power, and they will do whatever it takes,to get it...

learn it, live it....and fight it...
We the people elect our representatives based on our values and the government we want

Right now, conservatives and libertarians scare the hell out of people. Our courts will reflect that
for the libertarians/conservatives/tea party members you need to get out and vote for republicans in 2014.... I am not saying you need to like it....but if you value the freedoms in the Bill of Rights you need to vote...here is one example of allowing a democrat controlled Senate pass through obama's judicial appointees...

Breaking DC Circuit Vacates Obamacare Decision Power Line

Call this the first fruits of the Obama-Reid plan to pack the DC Circuit Court of Appeals. The DC Circuit has just vacated its July 22 decision in Halbig v. Burwell that struck down the federal subsidies for Obamacare in states that did not set up exchanges as the clear language of the statute said. The DC Circuit will now hear the case en banc, which likely favors a reversal since Obama has made a project of packing it with new left-leaning judges. The sagacious Roger Pilon of Cato comments:

they don't care about Precedent, they don't care about tradition, they care about backstopping any attempt to change obamacare...and next will be the gun laws, property laws....and just wait and see what happens if even one conservative justice leaves the Supreme Court...they won't worry about passing anti gun laws....they will let his judges do it....the landmark 2nd amendment cases were,won with one vote majorities, if there are more lefties on the court the next decisions will overturn the earlier ones...

You need to vote,to stop this....the only chance is a republican controlled Senate, and that in't even a guarantee but it is the only hope we have...

You'd get a LOT more mileage with votes if you rewrote this thread about corrupt judges forcing gay marriage on people.

I guarantee you the numbers for gun support are not there like the numbers for those secretly and viscerally opposed to gay marriage.

Just saying. You're barking up the wrong tree for what you're up to.

Think: "Chic Fil A"...."Duck Dynasty".... Even the ladies in the uber-liberal "The View" spoke up for the Chic Fil A owner's position and free speech. There's your vote-goldmine for the GOP. I know Cheney's daughter is snagging that up. But really, you're going to risk the future of an entire party all for one woman and her fossil-king father? The guy is old as dirt. His power is waning..


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I hear this same shit every election. It's a great fallback excuse to vote for a party that has nothing to offer.

Judges are the least of my worries, mainly because they always surprise you and go differently than you expect. A conservative judge making liberal decisions. A liberal judge making conservative decisions. It's any man's guess.

You can come up with any number of lame excuses. I only vote FOR someone. I will never vote just to stop or beat the other party.
I have seen no difference in the protection of our civil liberties regardless of whether the courts have been Republican leaning or Democratic leaning.
for the libertarians/conservatives/tea party members you need to get out and vote for republicans in 2014.... I am not saying you need to like it....but if you value the freedoms in the Bill of Rights you need to vote...here is one example of allowing a democrat controlled Senate pass through obama's judicial appointees...

Breaking DC Circuit Vacates Obamacare Decision Power Line

Call this the first fruits of the Obama-Reid plan to pack the DC Circuit Court of Appeals. The DC Circuit has just vacated its July 22 decision in Halbig v. Burwell that struck down the federal subsidies for Obamacare in states that did not set up exchanges as the clear language of the statute said. The DC Circuit will now hear the case en banc, which likely favors a reversal since Obama has made a project of packing it with new left-leaning judges. The sagacious Roger Pilon of Cato comments:

they don't care about Precedent, they don't care about tradition, they care about backstopping any attempt to change obamacare...and next will be the gun laws, property laws....and just wait and see what happens if even one conservative justice leaves the Supreme Court...they won't worry about passing anti gun laws....they will let his judges do it....the landmark 2nd amendment cases were,won with one vote majorities, if there are more lefties on the court the next decisions will overturn the earlier ones...

You need to vote,to stop this....the only chance is a republican controlled Senate, and that in't even a guarantee but it is the only hope we have...

You'd get a LOT more mileage with votes if you rewrote this thread about corrupt judges forcing gay marriage on people.

I guarantee you the numbers for gun support are not there like the numbers for those secretly and viscerally opposed to gay marriage.

Just saying. You're barking up the wrong tree for what you're up to.

Think: "Chic Fil A"...."Duck Dynasty".... Even the ladies in the uber-liberal "The View" spoke up for the Chic Fil A owner's position and free speech. There's your vote-goldmine for the GOP. I know Cheney's daughter is snagging that up. But really, you're going to risk the future of an entire party all for one woman and her fossil-king father? The guy is old as dirt. His power is waning..

Sure Republicans......run on a we hate fags platform

Sure winner
Obama didn't "pack" the DC Circuit....he filled vacant seats that were already there....
A liberal judge making conservative decisions.

I'd like to see that...that is as likely as seeing big foot...
for the libertarians/conservatives/tea party members you need to get out and vote for republicans in 2014.... I am not saying you need to like it....but if you value the freedoms in the Bill of Rights you need to vote...here is one example of allowing a democrat controlled Senate pass through obama's judicial appointees...

Breaking DC Circuit Vacates Obamacare Decision Power Line

Call this the first fruits of the Obama-Reid plan to pack the DC Circuit Court of Appeals. The DC Circuit has just vacated its July 22 decision in Halbig v. Burwell that struck down the federal subsidies for Obamacare in states that did not set up exchanges as the clear language of the statute said. The DC Circuit will now hear the case en banc, which likely favors a reversal since Obama has made a project of packing it with new left-leaning judges. The sagacious Roger Pilon of Cato comments:

they don't care about Precedent, they don't care about tradition, they care about backstopping any attempt to change obamacare...and next will be the gun laws, property laws....and just wait and see what happens if even one conservative justice leaves the Supreme Court...they won't worry about passing anti gun laws....they will let his judges do it....the landmark 2nd amendment cases were,won with one vote majorities, if there are more lefties on the court the next decisions will overturn the earlier ones...

You need to vote,to stop this....the only chance is a republican controlled Senate, and that in't even a guarantee but it is the only hope we have...

You'd get a LOT more mileage with votes if you rewrote this thread about corrupt judges forcing gay marriage on people.

I guarantee you the numbers for gun support are not there like the numbers for those secretly and viscerally opposed to gay marriage.

Just saying. You're barking up the wrong tree for what you're up to.

Think: "Chic Fil A"...."Duck Dynasty".... Even the ladies in the uber-liberal "The View" spoke up for the Chic Fil A owner's position and free speech. There's your vote-goldmine for the GOP. I know Cheney's daughter is snagging that up. But really, you're going to risk the future of an entire party all for one woman and her fossil-king father? The guy is old as dirt. His power is waning..


for the libertarians/conservatives/tea party members you need to get out and vote for republicans in 2014.... I am not saying you need to like it....but if you value the freedoms in the Bill of Rights you need to vote...here is one example of allowing a democrat controlled Senate pass through obama's judicial appointees...

Breaking DC Circuit Vacates Obamacare Decision Power Line

Call this the first fruits of the Obama-Reid plan to pack the DC Circuit Court of Appeals. The DC Circuit has just vacated its July 22 decision in Halbig v. Burwell that struck down the federal subsidies for Obamacare in states that did not set up exchanges as the clear language of the statute said. The DC Circuit will now hear the case en banc, which likely favors a reversal since Obama has made a project of packing it with new left-leaning judges. The sagacious Roger Pilon of Cato comments:

they don't care about Precedent, they don't care about tradition, they care about backstopping any attempt to change obamacare...and next will be the gun laws, property laws....and just wait and see what happens if even one conservative justice leaves the Supreme Court...they won't worry about passing anti gun laws....they will let his judges do it....the landmark 2nd amendment cases were,won with one vote majorities, if there are more lefties on the court the next decisions will overturn the earlier ones...

You need to vote,to stop this....the only chance is a republican controlled Senate, and that in't even a guarantee but it is the only hope we have...

You'd get a LOT more mileage with votes if you rewrote this thread about corrupt judges forcing gay marriage on people.

I guarantee you the numbers for gun support are not there like the numbers for those secretly and viscerally opposed to gay marriage.

Just saying. You're barking up the wrong tree for what you're up to.

Think: "Chic Fil A"...."Duck Dynasty".... Even the ladies in the uber-liberal "The View" spoke up for the Chic Fil A owner's position and free speech. There's your vote-goldmine for the GOP. I know Cheney's daughter is snagging that up. But really, you're going to risk the future of an entire party all for one woman and her fossil-king father? The guy is old as dirt. His power is waning..



You said "corrupt judges forcing gay marriage on people". Now, name one judge who has forced a person to marry someone of the same sex? Or been forced to marry someone of the opposite sex for that matter?
They have been forcing businesses to violate their freedom of religion...

Well, I believe if you own a business you can select who you want to serve. I think it's crazy to force a food preparation place to be forced to serve someone anyway. Who knows what the cook/baker does to the food. Even if a steak is under cooked or whatever I never have it sent back to the kitchen. Cook might be having a bad day and spit in your food or worse.
Point of my reply, who cares who marries whom. It 's supposedly a free country and you don't have to go to the wedding if you don't like it. I concentrate my worries more on how an oil company (BP)can pollute an entire ocean and still stay in business. The ceo of that company gets to complain he wants his life back. He should be in prison I think. So much for Obama being anything but a run of the mill politician.
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One of the famous cases where one conservative vote would have saved the day...

Kelo v. City of New London - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Kelo v. City of New London, 545 U.S. 469 (2005)[1] was a case decided by theSupreme Court of the United States involving the use of eminent domain to transfer land from one private owner to another private owner to further economic development. In a 5–4 decision, the Court held that the general benefits a community enjoyed from economic growth qualified private redevelopment plans as a permissible "public use" under the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment.

Majority and concurring[edit]
On June 23, 2005, the Supreme Court, in a 5–4 decision, ruled in favor of the City of New London. Justice Stevens wrote the majority opinion, joined by Justices Anthony Kennedy, David Souter, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer. Justice Kennedy wrote a concurring opinion setting out a more detailed standard for judicial review of economic development takings than that found in Stevens's majority opinion. In so doing, Justice Kennedy contributed to the Court's trend of turning minimum scrutiny—the idea that government policy need only bear a rational relation to a legitimate government purpose—into a fact-based test.

Yes...all power to the state...what I thought was funny was when this happened all the liberals were confused...they wondered why their liberal judges would make a ruling that would allow greedy, corrupt politicians to take property from a private individual...and sell it to an evil corporation...they didn't make the connection that for liberals...the state is over all...and if the state can get more tax money by allowing a corporation to have someone's property...well that is all well and good...

The liberals/progressives/democrats never see the tyranny in their beliefs...
Exactly...but at least our spoils are geared toward limiting government power...

Conservatives have NEVER limited government power

Republicans are mostly using government for "social" issues appealing to the moral Christian Right, and more military spending.

Democrats tend to be on the side of more regulations and control, dictating behaviors through power and influence to tell people what they "should" or "shouldn't" do or "should" carry, using government to curb decisions and choices of the masses
... instead of allowing individuals to make those choices for themselves.

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