Judge sets absurd trial date for Trump case

You're a fool, Skylar! You're so intent on "getting" Donald Trump that you're blind to the dangerous road that the left is in the process of taking us down! When a sitting President can use the DOJ to go after his primary political opponent with dozens of questionable indictments then we're one giant step closer to a banana republic.

How odd... you were ok with Trump siccing a foreign national to go after a political opponent. Guess if you change the (R) to a (D), only then it becomes a "dangerous road" to you.

I guess we're all safe from this supposed "dangerous road" since you're just a hypocrite.
You keep trying to call them fake electors, Billo. They were alternate electors. Which electors are the ones that count are then decided by the courts. It's how our system works and it's how it's worked for a long time.


Yeah, snd George Floyd was just being arrested for being a pack of cigarettes with an alternate $20 bill.

By denying the voters their right to select the candidate of their choice? How is that "honorable"? If you don't like Trump? Defeat him at the ballot box and do it on the up and up. Don't hide information about his opponent from the voters. Don't smear him with made up "dossiers"! THAT is honorable!

Bring Constitutionally ineligible is not denying voters their choice any more than it would have been had actual proof has surfaced that Obama truly was born in Kenya.

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