Judge Has Had It With Racist Lawyers

The lawyer has to provide a defense but this is why lawyers are held in such contempt. This "unarmed black man" nonsense is destroying the country.
Since the bastards ALWAYS resist arrest ,it is time to bring back NightSticks.
Good post. Its time to post threads about black hate crimes that go unmentioned by the media to address the lies about cops and hate crimes.
not mentioned by the MSM. Here's another one the MSM ignored: BLM ardent anti cop kills white cop: .
We WANT, we NEED facts, not propaganda. (Edit) not mentioned: Jessica Beauvias said:

'Drunk driver', 32, who said 'f**k the police' and downed tequila and wine during podcast just HOURS before she 'killed cop in a hit-and-run' boasted about carrying a knife, being pro capital punishment and now faces 13 charges and 15 years in jail​

  • Jessica Beauvais posted a 1 hour 51 minute livestream on her Facebook page Monday evening
  • She spoke about the trial of ex-cop Derek Chauvin for the murder of George Floyd and slammed the police
  • Beauvais is seen vaping and drinking and, at one point, washes down the contents of a red shot glass with a bottle of Snapple
  • She says cops are 'signing up for potential death' before signing off the footage with: 'F**k the police'
  • In the video, she boasts of liking guns because 'they're pretty' and rants about being pro capital punishment
  • Hours later, she allegedly got behind the wheel of her Volkswagen intoxicated and with a suspended license
  • She is accused of striking and killing NYPD Highway Officer Anastasios Tsakos, 43, around 2am Tuesday
  • Tsakos, a married father of two young childen, was redirecting traffic on the Long Island Expressway following a separate fatal car accident
  • Beauvais allegedly drove off before being arrested, telling cops: 'F**k you. I don't have to listen to you'
No media coverage on THAT, though.
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The lawyer should be sitting in jail too

That was a MILD explosion IMO.

Still, great to hear. Wish there were a lot more like him

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess he isn't a supporter of BLM. :smoke:

If I had been the judge, I would have called the lawyer to the bench, banged his forhead off my desk as I yelled expletives at him denouncing the lunacy of his suggestion, then sentenced him to 30 days in the pokey and doubled the senternces to the others and told them to thank their attorney.
To me, if an arrest can't happen, a disbarring is what should then take place. At the end of the day, a person's skin will never be a shield from anything good or bad no matter what color it is. One thing that I didn't know until I asked an African American friend that I have is that a person of her color can get sun burnt just like a white person can.

God bless you and her always!!!

Good for him for being sane and reasonable but even more so for speaking up.

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