Judge blocks parts of Arizona immigration law

They still haven't grasped the concept of "illegal immigrant" vs. guest workers and naturalized citizens. I believe a third grader knows the difference.

It was your comment about taking away all their belongings...you really should think before you post, it will avoid these slips you keep making about your real agenda.

More Ravi bullshit. Out of that entire post of mine, you objected to an asset forfeiture line and your entire "Nazi" hyperbole was meant to refer to that one reference? :eusa_liar:

Stop lying. You sound retarded.

And, oh, by the way, asset forfeiture is often a useful tool in law enforcement. Take the profit motive out of their illegal entry and illegal presence here and maybe they won't be so inclined to illegally enter our country in the first damn place. If you don't like that, too bad. You're wrong. Because, whether you like it or not, we actually are entitled to enforce our own laws.

And that, you liar, is my real agenda. Makes me wonder what your real agenda might be.
I wasn't lying...what are you, a fucking retard?

There is no law saying illegals cannot own things, fuckface. So therefore you cannot strip them of their assets. You can deport them or jail them but you cannot take their property.


You are a liar. In your desire to be a liar, you played the "nazi" card with not even a hint of a valid basis. You hack.

And there's no law saying a drunk driver cannot have purchased a car, either. But guess what, stupid? Vehicle forfeiture laws exist that permit law enforcement to seize the cars driven by drunk drivers.

Similarly, an illegal alien may have earned some money by being here illegally, but the law CAN arrange to take the profit motive out of his illegal presence by seizing such assets. All it takes is that our legislators pass such a law and that it get enforced thereafter.

You, sadly, remain the retard, Ravi.

Your inability to track simple straightforward concepts is a real disadvantage for you. But it is funny to see you flailing around like you do.
More Ravi bullshit. Out of that entire post of mine, you objected to an asset forfeiture line and your entire "Nazi" hyperbole was meant to refer to that one reference? :eusa_liar:

Stop lying. You sound retarded.

And, oh, by the way, asset forfeiture is often a useful tool in law enforcement. Take the profit motive out of their illegal entry and illegal presence here and maybe they won't be so inclined to illegally enter our country in the first damn place. If you don't like that, too bad. You're wrong. Because, whether you like it or not, we actually are entitled to enforce our own laws.

And that, you liar, is my real agenda. Makes me wonder what your real agenda might be.
I wasn't lying...what are you, a fucking retard?

There is no law saying illegals cannot own things, fuckface. So therefore you cannot strip them of their assets. You can deport them or jail them but you cannot take their property.


You are a liar. In your desire to be a liar, you played the "nazi" card with not even a hint of a valid basis. You hack.

And there's no law saying a drunk driver cannot have purchased a car, either. But guess what, stupid? Vehicle forfeiture laws exist that permit law enforcement to seize the cars driven by drunk drivers.

Similarly, an illegal alien may have earned some money by being here illegally, but the law CAN arrange to take the profit motive out of his illegal presence by seizing such assets. All it takes is that our legislators pass such a law and that it get enforced thereafter.

You, sadly, remain the retard, Ravi.

Your inability to track simple straightforward concepts is a real disadvantage for you. But it is funny to see you flailing around like you do.
You want to confiscate their personal possession. You're a nazi. Deal.
I wasn't lying...what are you, a fucking retard?

There is no law saying illegals cannot own things, fuckface. So therefore you cannot strip them of their assets. You can deport them or jail them but you cannot take their property.


You are a liar. In your desire to be a liar, you played the "nazi" card with not even a hint of a valid basis. You hack.

And there's no law saying a drunk driver cannot have purchased a car, either. But guess what, stupid? Vehicle forfeiture laws exist that permit law enforcement to seize the cars driven by drunk drivers.

Similarly, an illegal alien may have earned some money by being here illegally, but the law CAN arrange to take the profit motive out of his illegal presence by seizing such assets. All it takes is that our legislators pass such a law and that it get enforced thereafter.

You, sadly, remain the retard, Ravi.

Your inability to track simple straightforward concepts is a real disadvantage for you. But it is funny to see you flailing around like you do.
You want to confiscate their personal possession. You're a nazi. Deal.

then you of course oppose the government seizing property when used for drugs....:eusa_whistle:
Tthe "attrition through enforcement" experiment seems to be putting the economy of Arizona in the tank. Small businesses are failing, apartment complexes are emptying and the once red-hot housing market is now stone cold and filled by REO's and short sales.

Such is the consequence of emotion based populist politics, where personal ambition leads and critically thinking is absent; where governors and legislators act in their own self-interest and where ideology rules and pragmatic solutions die.
Ya' mean like the emotion based populist politics of sanctuary cities, where personal ambition leads and critically thinking is absent; where mayors and city councils act in their own self-interest and where ideology rules and pragmatic solutions die?

Exactly. Laws should make sense and be enforced. Emotion, bias, prejudice ought not influence legislators, locally or nationally. Sadly it does.
BTW, many 'sanctuaries' are churches - do you have an opinion on that activity?
[btw, what happended to the Dodgers? Hopefully they can cool SD and by next WE the Giants wil be where they belong, on top in the West].

Render unto Caesar.....
its interesting just how many people say ravi lies....

Yep...I was thinking that myself. Probably an agreement between like minded loons.

And not one of you has pointed out a lie.

yeah thats it....because all those peopel must be wrong, nope, not you, not ever....

i've pointed out your lies and then you run away

the above post is a lie, for others have also pointed out your lies
its interesting just how many people say ravi lies....

Yep...I was thinking that myself. Probably an agreement between like minded loons.

And not one of you has pointed out a lie.

Yes I did, ravioli. And you know it. So there's another lie of yours.

Stop lying.

We all can already see that you are rather dimwitted and unable to engage in honest debate. But your frequent resort to dishonesty is pretty embarrassing for you and you don't seem to even grasp as much.

its interesting just how many people say ravi lies....

Yep...I was thinking that myself. Probably an agreement between like minded loons.

And not one of you has pointed out a lie.

Yes I did, ravioli. And you know it. So there's another lie of yours.

Stop lying.

We all can already see that you are rather dimwitted and unable to engage in honest debate. But your frequent resort to dishonesty is pretty embarrassing for you and you don't seem to even grasp as much.

You didn't point out a lie. You claimed I lied about something...something to do with what part of one of your long winded posts I read. You're an idiot.
Yep...I was thinking that myself. Probably an agreement between like minded loons.

And not one of you has pointed out a lie.

Yes I did, ravioli. And you know it. So there's another lie of yours.

Stop lying.

We all can already see that you are rather dimwitted and unable to engage in honest debate. But your frequent resort to dishonesty is pretty embarrassing for you and you don't seem to even grasp as much.

You didn't point out a lie. You claimed I lied about something...something to do with what part of one of your long winded posts I read. You're an idiot.

Wrong, stupid. It is you who is and remains the idiot.

You did lie and you know it.

Your denial is another lie, you stupid bitch.

Give honesty a chance, schmuck.

My post, by the way, wasn't all that long-winded. You're just a dullard.

And when you, like the fucking simpleton bitch you are, resort to making baseless and totally dishonest Nazi accusations, you couldn't be more totally and deliberately dishonest. You stupid lying bitch. Smarten up.
Yes I did, ravioli. And you know it. So there's another lie of yours.

Stop lying.

We all can already see that you are rather dimwitted and unable to engage in honest debate. But your frequent resort to dishonesty is pretty embarrassing for you and you don't seem to even grasp as much.

You didn't point out a lie. You claimed I lied about something...something to do with what part of one of your long winded posts I read. You're an idiot.

Wrong, stupid. It is you who is and remains the idiot.

You did lie and you know it.

Your denial is another lie, you stupid bitch.

Give honesty a chance, schmuck.

My post, by the way, wasn't all that long-winded. You're just a dullard.

And when you, like the fucking simpleton bitch you are, resort to making baseless and totally dishonest Nazi accusations, you couldn't be more totally and deliberately dishonest. You stupid lying bitch. Smarten up.
Nazi. It must really suck for you being exposed for what you are on an anonymous message board.

You didn't point out a lie. You claimed I lied about something...something to do with what part of one of your long winded posts I read. You're an idiot.

Wrong, stupid. It is you who is and remains the idiot.

You did lie and you know it.

Your denial is another lie, you stupid bitch.

Give honesty a chance, schmuck.

My post, by the way, wasn't all that long-winded. You're just a dullard.

And when you, like the fucking simpleton bitch you are, resort to making baseless and totally dishonest Nazi accusations, you couldn't be more totally and deliberately dishonest. You stupid lying bitch. Smarten up.
Nazi. It must really suck for you being exposed for what you are on an anonymous message board.


More deliberate lies from Ravi the stupid diseased twat.

No thanks, bitch. Use the tissue to clean the drool off your chin, moron.

You compulsive lying liberoidal types really can't help your fundamental dishonesty.

Saying liar over and over again proves nothing beyond showing yourself to be hysterical.

nah, the only hysteria is you not being able to substantiate your false claim i brought up stealing....

you ran away crying like a little child whose ice cream just fell on the ground

you could easily show you're not a liar....but you can't :lol:

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