Judge Blocks Biden Administration From Doling Out Grants Based on Race, Gender


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
That this dipshit and his cronies think this is legal speaks loudly about leftist morons.

A federal judge in Texas this week blocked the Biden administration from prioritizing grants in a COVID-19 restaurant relief program by their race or gender.

U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor, a George W. Bush nominee, said he believes plaintiff Philip Greer, a cafe owner, is likely to succeed in his lawsuit against the Small Business Association (SBA) as he granted a request for a temporary restraining order (TRO).

“Based on the record, Greer is ‘able and ready’ to apply; he has prepared an application on behalf of his restaurant and is otherwise eligible to receive an RRF grant, but for the allegedly unconstitutional prioritization scheme preventing his application from being processed,” O’Connor said in his 18-page decision.

If Greer’s lawsuit is ultimately won, then there’s a substantial likelihood that he could receive a portion of the funds from the Restaurant Revitalization Fund, a $28.6 billion pool created by the latest COVID-19 relief package, the judge added.

At issue is the fact the package directs the Biden administration to prioritize restaurants that are owned and controlled by women, veterans, and people deemed “socially and economically disadvantaged,” which includes those owned at least 51 percent by some Indian tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations.

The SBA, which is deciding among applicants, announced that it would accept applications from all eligible applicants but only process those from a “priority group” in the first 21 days.


I'd honestly rather see straight-up reparations legislation that playing these kinds of games. If slaves and their descendents were harmed by slavery (I think it's pretty obvious they were), let's treat it like a class-action lawsuit. Let's thrash it out in court, or at least the court of public opinion, and decide what kind of settlement is suitable - and get it over with.

And when I say "get it over with" I'm not necessarily saying the solution is a one-shot payout. We might decide that the best compensation for the harm of slavery is a program of ongoing support. The point is we need to address it straight on. Actually establishing terms of compensation makes the obligation clear, and finite. And that's good for both blacks and the rest of society.
I'd honestly rather see straight-up reparations legislation that playing these kinds of games. If slaves and their descendents were harmed by slavery (I think it's pretty obvious they were), let's treat it like a class-action lawsuit. Let's thrash it out in court, or at least the court of public opinion, and decide what kind of settlement is suitable - and get it over with.

And when I say "get it over with" I'm not necessarily saying the solution is a one-shot payout. We might decide that the best compensation for the harm of slavery is a program of ongoing support. The point is we need to address it straight on. Actually establishing terms of compensation makes the obligation clear, and finite. And that's good for both blacks and the rest of society.
so the 350,000 white soldiers who died and the one million who were wounded...to free the slaves...their descendants should pay up too...bullshit
That this dipshit and his cronies think this is legal speaks loudly about leftist morons.

A federal judge in Texas this week blocked the Biden administration from prioritizing grants in a COVID-19 restaurant relief program by their race or gender.
U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor, a George W. Bush nominee, said he believes plaintiff Philip Greer, a cafe owner, is likely to succeed in his lawsuit against the Small Business Association (SBA) as he granted a request for a temporary restraining order (TRO).
“Based on the record, Greer is ‘able and ready’ to apply; he has prepared an application on behalf of his restaurant and is otherwise eligible to receive an RRF grant, but for the allegedly unconstitutional prioritization scheme preventing his application from being processed,” O’Connor said in his 18-page decision.
If Greer’s lawsuit is ultimately won, then there’s a substantial likelihood that he could receive a portion of the funds from the Restaurant Revitalization Fund, a $28.6 billion pool created by the latest COVID-19 relief package, the judge added.
At issue is the fact the package directs the Biden administration to prioritize restaurants that are owned and controlled by women, veterans, and people deemed “socially and economically disadvantaged,” which includes those owned at least 51 percent by some Indian tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations.
The SBA, which is deciding among applicants, announced that it would accept applications from all eligible applicants but only process those from a “priority group” in the first 21 days.

Thank you JUDGE OCONNER for standing up against breaking the law and against racism.
I'd honestly rather see straight-up reparations legislation that playing these kinds of games. If slaves and their descendents were harmed by slavery (I think it's pretty obvious they were), let's treat it like a class-action lawsuit. Let's thrash it out in court, or at least the court of public opinion, and decide what kind of settlement is suitable - and get it over with.

And when I say "get it over with" I'm not necessarily saying the solution is a one-shot payout. We might decide that the best compensation for the harm of slavery is a program of ongoing support. The point is we need to address it straight on. Actually establishing terms of compensation makes the obligation clear, and finite. And that's good for both blacks and the rest of society.
Oh brother------

Hate to break the bad news to you BUT...........black slaves here wound up in the long run being better off than the blacks free or enslaved in Africa and certainly better off than in south america/caribean etc as slaves well. Their descendants are certainly better off.

Secondly, since when do innocent people (taxpayers of now) get punished for what their forefathers did?
I'd honestly rather see straight-up reparations legislation that playing these kinds of games. If slaves and their descendents were harmed by slavery (I think it's pretty obvious they were), let's treat it like a class-action lawsuit. Let's thrash it out in court, or at least the court of public opinion, and decide what kind of settlement is suitable - and get it over with.

And when I say "get it over with" I'm not necessarily saying the solution is a one-shot payout. We might decide that the best compensation for the harm of slavery is a program of ongoing support. The point is we need to address it straight on. Actually establishing terms of compensation makes the obligation clear, and finite. And that's good for both blacks and the rest of society.
While that is my sentiment as well. . .

I am a realist, and I know how the ruling oligarchy work, and what the purpose of this divisive media propaganda is all about.

I have also spent time in minority communities, and consume the media produced by the global corporations that is targeted toward the various minority communities, so I have a good idea as to the structures of these communities.

I've read some of these papers that the think tanks have produced that hypothesize about how reparations will address equity problems, posted by our minority forum members.

. . . so? When reparations do not live up to expectations. . . . Which, because a lot of the problems are an endemic result of the cultural factors of the values in these communities. . .

What then? What happens when the global corporations and oligarchs STILL use racial tensions to pit the various sectors of society against each other?

IOW. . . the divide and rule paradigm is INFINITE. It is never to be a finite solution to bind the wounds or heal the nation, or even make one nation ever again. It is a war on society and the people.

The masters of the universe have no intention of letting folks live and let live.
I'd honestly rather see straight-up reparations legislation that playing these kinds of games. If slaves and their descendents were harmed by slavery (I think it's pretty obvious they were), let's treat it like a class-action lawsuit. Let's thrash it out in court, or at least the court of public opinion, and decide what kind of settlement is suitable - and get it over with.

And when I say "get it over with" I'm not necessarily saying the solution is a one-shot payout. We might decide that the best compensation for the harm of slavery is a program of ongoing support. The point is we need to address it straight on. Actually establishing terms of compensation makes the obligation clear, and finite. And that's good for both blacks and the rest of society.
so the 350,000 white soldiers who died and the one million who were wounded...to free the slaves...their descendants should pay up too...bullshit
Maybe, maybe not. I'm just saying that we should decide. This perpetual and vague claim of "obligation" is corrosive.
The Democrats STILL do not understand the 14th Amendment.


As far as Reparations are concerned ... There is nothing stopping African Americans from borrowing whatever they want from a Chinese bank.
The Federal Government doesn't have the money ... And the crack whores in the Banana Republic on the Beltway don't mind writing a hot check ... :thup:

That this dipshit and his cronies think this is legal speaks loudly about leftist morons.

A federal judge in Texas this week blocked the Biden administration from prioritizing grants in a COVID-19 restaurant relief program by their race or gender.
U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor, a George W. Bush nominee, said he believes plaintiff Philip Greer, a cafe owner, is likely to succeed in his lawsuit against the Small Business Association (SBA) as he granted a request for a temporary restraining order (TRO).
“Based on the record, Greer is ‘able and ready’ to apply; he has prepared an application on behalf of his restaurant and is otherwise eligible to receive an RRF grant, but for the allegedly unconstitutional prioritization scheme preventing his application from being processed,” O’Connor said in his 18-page decision.
If Greer’s lawsuit is ultimately won, then there’s a substantial likelihood that he could receive a portion of the funds from the Restaurant Revitalization Fund, a $28.6 billion pool created by the latest COVID-19 relief package, the judge added.
At issue is the fact the package directs the Biden administration to prioritize restaurants that are owned and controlled by women, veterans, and people deemed “socially and economically disadvantaged,” which includes those owned at least 51 percent by some Indian tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations.
The SBA, which is deciding among applicants, announced that it would accept applications from all eligible applicants but only process those from a “priority group” in the first 21 days.

Economic criteria benefit our economy the most.

Democrats especially Progressive Marxist/DSA Dem Commies may not care anything about the constitution, but they don’t like to be publicly embarrassed by courts telling them that they are violating the equal protection clause.
I think they will be more hesitant about open discrimination in the future.
Meanwhile Mayor Lightfoot reenacts Bull Connor in Chicago letting her racism ooze out like a festering cancerous boil.

Democrats especially Progressive Marxist/DSA Dem Commies may not care anything about the constitution, but they don’t like to be publicly embarrassed by courts telling them that they are violating the equal protection clause.
I think they will be more hesitant about open discrimination in the future.
Meanwhile Mayor Lightfoot reenacts Bull Connor in Chicago letting her racism ooze out like a festering cancerous boil.
The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.
I'd honestly rather see straight-up reparations legislation that playing these kinds of games. If slaves and their descendents were harmed by slavery (I think it's pretty obvious they were), let's treat it like a class-action lawsuit. Let's thrash it out in court, or at least the court of public opinion, and decide what kind of settlement is suitable - and get it over with.

And when I say "get it over with" I'm not necessarily saying the solution is a one-shot payout. We might decide that the best compensation for the harm of slavery is a program of ongoing support. The point is we need to address it straight on. Actually establishing terms of compensation makes the obligation clear, and finite. And that's good for both blacks and the rest of society.

I'm not sure how requiring a bunch of people that didn't own slaves to pay money to a bunch of people who never were slave is relevant. And what about the folks from the north that fought and died to end slavery? Shouldn't their relatives then be free from having to pay reparations and perhaps receive some themselves? The entire concept is a ploy by politicians to buy votes one group.
That this dipshit and his cronies think this is legal speaks loudly about leftist morons.

A federal judge in Texas this week blocked the Biden administration from prioritizing grants in a COVID-19 restaurant relief program by their race or gender.
U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor, a George W. Bush nominee, said he believes plaintiff Philip Greer, a cafe owner, is likely to succeed in his lawsuit against the Small Business Association (SBA) as he granted a request for a temporary restraining order (TRO).
“Based on the record, Greer is ‘able and ready’ to apply; he has prepared an application on behalf of his restaurant and is otherwise eligible to receive an RRF grant, but for the allegedly unconstitutional prioritization scheme preventing his application from being processed,” O’Connor said in his 18-page decision.
If Greer’s lawsuit is ultimately won, then there’s a substantial likelihood that he could receive a portion of the funds from the Restaurant Revitalization Fund, a $28.6 billion pool created by the latest COVID-19 relief package, the judge added.
At issue is the fact the package directs the Biden administration to prioritize restaurants that are owned and controlled by women, veterans, and people deemed “socially and economically disadvantaged,” which includes those owned at least 51 percent by some Indian tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations.
The SBA, which is deciding among applicants, announced that it would accept applications from all eligible applicants but only process those from a “priority group” in the first 21 days.

Didnt he sware to a Constitution that forbids this?

Does IAM2 and Biffy have a direct line to President Moron?
If blacks want to be treated fairly and equally then that's what they should get, is to be treated like everyone else. That includes not getting shit handed to you just because your black. I never got anything free for being white, neither did the millions of broke ass white people in this country.

If you give people advantages based on skin color it's still racist, regardless of their skin color.

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