Judge Barret Is A Right-wing Ideologue!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
I haven't watched much of the confirmation hearings for Judge Amy Coney Barrett for what's the point if Ms. Barrett has a pulse at the end of the hearings Senate Republicans will confirm her, what is clear is that President Trump is very partisan about filling Supreme Court seats and Senate Republicans are happy to oblige his efforts! I did catch most of the Tuesday questioning of Judge Barrett by Senator Kamala Harris and what I did find very telling about Judge Barrett is her refusal to indicate that she would consider the real world consequences of striking down the Affordable Care Act before she did so if she were to sit for and rule on the case before the U.S. Supreme Court this November. Senator Kamala did an excellent job of specifying the catastrophic consequences for the American people if the Court strikes down this law, the one hundred plus million people with pre-existing conditions who would lose the ACA's protection that their health insurance company has to cover treatment for their pre-existing health problem(s) if they need ongoing treatment and the twenty plus million Americans that get their health insurance directly as a result of the ACA law whether it be from the federal government subsidized health insurance offered on the state exchanges or from Medicaid expansion and numerous other consequences that would be seen from a domino effect of the law falling. What shocked me about this questioning was Judge Barrett's refusal to act like a mainstream Judge, a mainstream Judge would have said the issue of this ACA Supreme Court case is of course whether the individual mandate in the law absent the penalty provision (that being if one doesn't buy health insurance one has to pay a fine of $695) which was repealed by Congress is a constitutional mandate, in a prior Supreme court case it was found to be constitutional by the Taxing power of Congress which was triggered by the penalty no penalty now so it looks like the only consideration is whether the Commerce Clause justifies the mandate and right wing values are against the Federal government under any circumstances having the power to force an individual to buy a private product, the far-right doesn't believe Commerce Clause gives Congress the authority here, so goodbye mandate. The really super critical issue is whether the voiding of the mandate takes down the whole individual insurance market established by the ACA. A mainstream Judge would have responded to Senator Harris's question by saying something like the Court has to consider the intentions, theory, reasoning and the like of Congress with regard to the individual state exchange market established by the ACA and make a determination whether the voiding of the mandate invalidates or destroys the theory or reasoning of Congress in establishing that part of the law and since in effect we would be considering striking down a Congressional law we would be required to consider the practical implications of such striking and sometimes in deciding to leave a law or portions of a law intact we find that considering the totality of the circumstances, especially real live consequences, that if the Congress' intentions behind the law are so subverted by the portion of the law we took away with our finding of unconstitutionality that the integrity of the intentions no longer hold we will let Congress make that determination which they can do vis-a-vis additional legislation on this issue, there is a deference to Congress the Supreme Court should hold in staying within their constitutional role. Judge Barrett's answer was something like we consider the intentions of Congress on whether to strike down the ACA law and in regards to consequences that only comes up in a stare decisis context. In this Supreme court case what stare decisis means that in regards to the several ACA cases ruled on probably in no more than an eight year period we of course found the ACA law constitutional and we should consider now the consequences of reversing ourselves and how it violates the principles of the doctrine of stare decisis which tries to promote the principle of letting prior court decisions stand because people have a reasonable expectation that they can rely on Court's prior decisions and enabling people to do such reliance makes for a good legal system. Bringing up a stare decisis context consideration in this case is largely worthless the ACA law is only ten years old, stare decisis offers protection for like forty and fifty year Supreme Court rulings. Judge Barrett's comments don't bode well for the ACA being found constitutional because anyone who followed the legislative history of the ACA they would recall that the communal pricing of the individual insurance on the state exchanges was a really contentious issue the insurance industry was bucking this idea big-time the only thing that got them to go along and thereby let the legislation be enacted was a commitment by the White House and Congressional leaders to have an individual mandate in the law, if the Court throws out the mandate they are blowing up one of the key deals Congress made in enacting the law, the natural assessment would be that an originalist jurist would find Congress' intent violated here! In that response to Senator Harris, Judge Barrett revealed herself that she is a right-wing ideologue, specifically an originalist, not a fully good responsible Judge that tries to interpret the law with the frame of reference of doing what is optimally good. Judge Barrett revealed herself here not to be a mainstream type of Judge and make no mistake the rulings of a "far-right narrow view of a Judge" type like this if applied across America's laws would cause so much harm it would bring an abundance of good Americans to tears of sadness seeing the outcome! Judge Barrett is a bad candidate to be a Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court!
I actually read all that despite your refusal to break it up into reasonably sized paragraphs.

You are wrong.

A judge's job is not to figure out what is "optimally good."

A judge's job is to interpret the law and apply it.
That idiot ugly man Klobuchar was most entertaining

This Woman is sharp and smart as could be ....that memory gotta be something else ...no notes...

& The blank note pad THAT was there........ was insta meme

Why do you hate strong smart women?

I haven't watched much of the confirmation hearings for Judge Amy Coney Barrett

You start with this then go on a diatribe about how terrible she is?

Thanks for playing, asshat.

She’s been mopping the floor with those amateurs who call themselves Senators, and all with nothing but a blank notepad in front of her. Your Democrats look like desperate fucking shills, calling a woman with two black kids a racist.
Another damn far rightwing activist judge that wants to legislate via the courts.

Everything the Republicans say they hate is EXACTLY what they engage in.

If Republicans didn't LIE, they'd have NOTHING to say!
I actually read all that despite your refusal to break it up into reasonably sized paragraphs.

You are wrong.

A judge's job is not to figure out what is "optimally good."

A judge's job is to interpret the law and apply it.
That's exactly right. If a law is creating ills for the society, she shouldn't take that into account. Rule on the law and see that it follows the constitution. If it is not what the people want, the job of Congress is to rewrite that law so it follows the constitution.

people have to understand that the Justices rule according to the constitution and remedies can be met by rewriting the law that is a problem.
Another damn far rightwing activist judge that wants to legislate via the courts.

Everything the Republicans say they hate is EXACTLY what they engage in.

If Republicans didn't LIE, they'd have NOTHING to say!
You are so wrong. Don't you understand all of the Democrats were putting up pictures of those who were hurt by the law in question and that is not her concern. If you were listening, she has to rule on the law when and see if it is following the constitution. If she votes a law down, they Congress should rewrite the law so it meets the details in the constitution. You have it exactly backwards.
Another damn far rightwing activist judge that wants to legislate via the courts.

Everything the Republicans say they hate is EXACTLY what they engage in.

If Republicans didn't LIE, they'd have NOTHING to say!
Thats an ignorant claim not based on any facts-----
THE ACA is against the US constitution----our founders never gave our corrupt Pelosi and crew the right to mandate that people BUY insurance that they don't want or need---it was a money grab that made many elites far richer which is why they paid their puppet politicians to cram this down our throats and why they not Pelosi and her crew of crooked pols even bothered to read much less write the law they voted for and crammed down our throats......their Puppet masters lobbyists did that.

So yes the ACA is illegal by our laws----congress had no authority to force people to buy products. Ergo even if Barrett went after ACA it is not legislating from the bench--it is simply following the law as she is supposed to do.

ACA btw forced up the price of medical care and lowered the life expectancy of americans. It does help illegals get free medical care and not be forced to pay into the system that I am forced to pay for via my taxes even though unlike you---I and my husband spent our earlier years making less money with staying in the military so we could EARN our supposed promised free health care----which isn't free btw and limits us to Humana inept doctor system like so much of the Obama health scam also does.

Once upon a time in America before insurance companies got involved and paid off corrupt politicians-----one could afford to pay to go see a doctor when they needed out of pocket. Then insurance companies got involved and this weird rule developed where medical facilities would charge non-insured people more than they would actually charge insurance companies so people were forced to buy insurance in order to not be priced gouged at the medical office making insurers billions $$$

Trump is not as cold hearted as I am though---he isn't seeking to get rid of insurance for those AMERICANs that need it (illegals are getting kicked off is a different story) ......he is seeking to replace it with something better. This includes limiting the price that big pharma that bribes Pelosi and crew can charge for medication without Trump arranging for a generic to be produced in the US and sold or given to those that need it. This alone has been saving americans hundreds---price of insulin for example. As it is now American pay more--far more than the rest of the world for the exact same drug with Pelosi and crew and their previous crooked pols making american forced to pay the inflated prices because we aren't allowed to buy medications from Canada and other places that get the less expensive medication that is exactly the same as our higher price medication.
Another damn far rightwing activist judge that wants to legislate via the courts.

Everything the Republicans say they hate is EXACTLY what they engage in.

If Republicans didn't LIE, they'd have NOTHING to say!
In which of her rulings did she allow her personal beliefs to override the law? I've asked this numerous times and no one will answer, they just keep ranting and raving about stuff with nothing to back them up.
I haven't watched much of the confirmation hearings for Judge Amy Coney Barrett for what's the point if Ms. Barrett has a pulse at the end of the hearings Senate Republicans will confirm her, what is clear is that President Trump is very partisan about filling Supreme Court seats and Senate Republicans are happy to oblige his efforts! I did catch most of the Tuesday questioning of Judge Barrett by Senator Kamala Harris and what I did find very telling about Judge Barrett is her refusal to indicate that she would consider the real world consequences of striking down the Affordable Care Act before she did so if she were to sit for and rule on the case before the U.S. Supreme Court this November. Senator Kamala did an excellent job of specifying the catastrophic consequences for the American people if the Court strikes down this law, the one hundred plus million people with pre-existing conditions who would lose the ACA's protection that their health insurance company has to cover treatment for their pre-existing health problem(s) if they need ongoing treatment and the twenty plus million Americans that get their health insurance directly as a result of the ACA law whether it be from the federal government subsidized health insurance offered on the state exchanges or from Medicaid expansion and numerous other consequences that would be seen from a domino effect of the law falling. What shocked me about this questioning was Judge Barrett's refusal to act like a mainstream Judge, a mainstream Judge would have said the issue of this ACA Supreme Court case is of course whether the individual mandate in the law absent the penalty provision (that being if one doesn't buy health insurance one has to pay a fine of $695) which was repealed by Congress is a constitutional mandate, in a prior Supreme court case it was found to be constitutional by the Taxing power of Congress which was triggered by the penalty no penalty now so it looks like the only consideration is whether the Commerce Clause justifies the mandate and right wing values are against the Federal government under any circumstances having the power to force an individual to buy a private product, the far-right doesn't believe Commerce Clause gives Congress the authority here, so goodbye mandate. The really super critical issue is whether the voiding of the mandate takes down the whole individual insurance market established by the ACA. A mainstream Judge would have responded to Senator Harris's question by saying something like the Court has to consider the intentions, theory, reasoning and the like of Congress with regard to the individual state exchange market established by the ACA and make a determination whether the voiding of the mandate invalidates or destroys the theory or reasoning of Congress in establishing that part of the law and since in effect we would be considering striking down a Congressional law we would be required to consider the practical implications of such striking and sometimes in deciding to leave a law or portions of a law intact we find that considering the totality of the circumstances, especially real live consequences, that if the Congress' intentions behind the law are so subverted by the portion of the law we took away with our finding of unconstitutionality that the integrity of the intentions no longer hold we will let Congress make that determination which they can do vis-a-vis additional legislation on this issue, there is a deference to Congress the Supreme Court should hold in staying within their constitutional role. Judge Barrett's answer was something like we consider the intentions of Congress on whether to strike down the ACA law and in regards to consequences that only comes up in a stare decisis context. In this Supreme court case what stare decisis means that in regards to the several ACA cases ruled on probably in no more than an eight year period we of course found the ACA law constitutional and we should consider now the consequences of reversing ourselves and how it violates the principles of the doctrine of stare decisis which tries to promote the principle of letting prior court decisions stand because people have a reasonable expectation that they can rely on Court's prior decisions and enabling people to do such reliance makes for a good legal system. Bringing up a stare decisis context consideration in this case is largely worthless the ACA law is only ten years old, stare decisis offers protection for like forty and fifty year Supreme Court rulings. Judge Barrett's comments don't bode well for the ACA being found constitutional because anyone who followed the legislative history of the ACA they would recall that the communal pricing of the individual insurance on the state exchanges was a really contentious issue the insurance industry was bucking this idea big-time the only thing that got them to go along and thereby let the legislation be enacted was a commitment by the White House and Congressional leaders to have an individual mandate in the law, if the Court throws out the mandate they are blowing up one of the key deals Congress made in enacting the law, the natural assessment would be that an originalist jurist would find Congress' intent violated here! In that response to Senator Harris, Judge Barrett revealed herself that she is a right-wing ideologue, specifically an originalist, not a fully good responsible Judge that tries to interpret the law with the frame of reference of doing what is optimally good. Judge Barrett revealed herself here not to be a mainstream type of Judge and make no mistake the rulings of a "far-right narrow view of a Judge" type like this if applied across America's laws would cause so much harm it would bring an abundance of good Americans to tears of sadness seeing the outcome! Judge Barrett is a bad candidate to be a Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court!

One word, Sport: "Paragraphs".

Barrett's going to be an outstanding Supreme Court Justice...

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