Judge Approves Trump's 'Special Master' Request

They took medical records? ???

That's a total violation of federal law !!!

Take someone's medical records, it's 5 to 20 in the federal slammer. It's called the Paparazzi Law, it started in CA. It's part of HIPAA
They sure did. They should be in jail right now.

In this case, the seized records “include medical documents, correspondence related to taxes, and accounting information,” according to the judge’s order.

This part, I do not get:

The judge said it was too soon to know whether any of the records will be returned to Trump, but “for now, the circumstances surrounding the seizure in this case and the associated need for adequate procedural safeguards are sufficiently compelling to at least get Plaintiff past the courthouse doors.”

She must be trying to appease the left with that one - a nasty habit many GOP-appointed judges pick up. Of course any medical records, or financial and tax documents, should be returned to the Trump family. This raid and the left reaction to it is driven entirely by "we hate Trump, so we can do whatever we want to him."
God only knows what goes on in the fevered mind of Donald Trump. Maybe he played with them all during his 3 am Tweet Truth fests.

You know the IRS has his tax returns, right? The medical records are protected by HIPPA...his passports???? Melania's panties???
You know the IRS has his tax returns, right? The medical records are protected by HIPPA...his passports???? Melania's panties???
He’ll get them all back, if they don’t bear on the case. Why are you panties in a bunch over this? It could all have been avoided by cooperating with requests for documents. He contributed to the situation. When will he take some personal responsibility or is that just for the “other guy”?
He’ll get them all back, if they don’t bear on the case. Why are you panties in a bunch over this? It could all have been avoided by cooperating with requests for documents. He contributed to the situation. When will he take some personal responsibility or is that just for the “other guy”?
The lies just keep coming…
So let me get this straight.Trump is according to Yuz,and yer ill gotten
Ilk,back in his Fleecing mode
I guess that explains why he purposedly gave his Presidential salary
to a named charity each fiscal calendar year.
Donating his salary was a publicity stunt. A prez's salary is $400K. Meanwhile, he has fleeced millions from the unsuspecting sheep.

The House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol is calling it "the Big Rip Off."

It says the Trump campaign took $250 million in donations from supporters that it said would go to an election defense fund to pay for legal fees to overturn the 2020 presidential election results. But the fund was never actually created, Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif., one of the committee members, said Monday in the panel's second public hearing.

Instead, the money went to the Save America political action committee, she said, and the money went from there to several pro-Trump organizations which are headed by former officials close to Donald Trump's inner circle.

"Not only was there the Big Lie," Lofgren said, referring to Trump's false allegations of election fraud, "there was the Big Rip-Off."

Oh, I read it all right! Hysterics like that always amuse me.
How dare you or anyone question his authority about
lying.He nose all about twisting facts into Munich size
beer pretzels.In a sort of extreme bossy Third Reich style.
About as professional a debater as was Ernst *Rohm,Hitlers
storm trooper enforcer.There a new party making the rounds.
Far more devious,sneaky and stealth { using a Deep State }
than 7 years of hounding on a Potus.
This BWK example.Maybe someone needs to figure out fitting
words to match the Initials { BWK }

* Stabschef of the Sturmabteilung

Trump rakes in millions off FBI search at Mar-a-Lago

Former president Donald Trump bombarded his supporters with more than 100 emails asking for money based on the FBI’s search of the Mar-a-Lago Club for classified materials last week. They paid off.
Contributions to Trump’s political action committee topped $1 million on at least two days after the Aug. 8 search of his Palm Beach, Fla., estate, according to two people familiar with the figures. The daily hauls jumped from a level of $200,000 to $300,000 that had been typical in recent months, according to the people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss nonpublic information.

The donations stayed unusually high for several more days and are still above average, both of these people said, though they have leveled off in recent days. There are more contributors than usual, these people said, and the average donation has climbed.

The Following can't write checks to the criminal known as the Orange Menace fast enough for him to outrun the law.
Donating his salary was a publicity stunt. A prez's salary is $400K. Meanwhile, he has fleeced millions from the unsuspecting sheep.

The House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol is calling it "the Big Rip Off."

It says the Trump campaign took $250 million in donations from supporters that it said would go to an election defense fund to pay for legal fees to overturn the 2020 presidential election results. But the fund was never actually created, Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif., one of the committee members, said Monday in the panel's second public hearing.

Instead, the money went to the Save America political action committee, she said, and the money went from there to several pro-Trump organizations which are headed by former officials close to Donald Trump's inner circle.

"Not only was there the Big Lie," Lofgren said, referring to Trump's false allegations of election fraud, "there was the Big Rip-Off."

Because we all knowed how Career Pols like Biden and Obama
made out.By hard work and helping Make America Great ?.
Try again. The Obama's couldn't even bring themselves to
explain how they paid for their College educations.Not until
Obama's 2nd term.
Plus Obama getting $ 65 Million in advance for a book deal that
didn't even offer a manuscript.
Then $ 100 Million for the netflix gig.
Donating his salary was a publicity stunt. A prez's salary is $400K. Meanwhile, he has fleeced millions from the unsuspecting sheep.

The House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol is calling it "the Big Rip Off."

It says the Trump campaign took $250 million in donations from supporters that it said would go to an election defense fund to pay for legal fees to overturn the 2020 presidential election results. But the fund was never actually created, Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif., one of the committee members, said Monday in the panel's second public hearing.

Instead, the money went to the Save America political action committee, she said, and the money went from there to several pro-Trump organizations which are headed by former officials close to Donald Trump's inner circle.

"Not only was there the Big Lie," Lofgren said, referring to Trump's false allegations of election fraud, "there was the Big Rip-Off."

How much is in Biden’s campaign fund?

Trump rakes in millions off FBI search at Mar-a-Lago

Former president Donald Trump bombarded his supporters with more than 100 emails asking for money based on the FBI’s search of the Mar-a-Lago Club for classified materials last week. They paid off.
Contributions to Trump’s political action committee topped $1 million on at least two days after the Aug. 8 search of his Palm Beach, Fla., estate, according to two people familiar with the figures. The daily hauls jumped from a level of $200,000 to $300,000 that had been typical in recent months, according to the people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss nonpublic information.

The donations stayed unusually high for several more days and are still above average, both of these people said, though they have leveled off in recent days. There are more contributors than usual, these people said, and the average donation has climbed.

The Following can't write checks to the criminal known as the Orange Menace fast enough for him to outrun the law.
For context ... How did Biden raise campaign moola in 2020.
By using secret donors { many Millionaires and Billionaires } or
Dark money.Their names not made public.Then guys like
Mark Zuckerberg using $ 417 Million plus to guarantee states
like Wisconsin by doing what - 2000 Mules - { May 2022 } explains
in detail.
Because we all knowed how Career Pols like Biden and Obama
made out.By hard work and helping Make America Great ?.
Try again. The Obama's couldn't even bring themselves to
explain how they paid for their College educations.Not until
Obama's 2nd term.
Plus Obama getting $ 65 Million in advance for a book deal that
didn't even offer a manuscript.
Then $ 100 Million for the netflix gig.
Stop avoiding the subject.

The influx comes at a crucial time for Trump as he considers an early announcement for a 2024 presidential campaign and has seen dwindling returns on his online fundraising solicitations earlier this year. The former president’s PAC brought in $36 million in the first half of the year, dropping below $50 million in a six-month period for the first time since he left office, according to Federal Election Commission data.
The cash bonanza also provides a concrete sign that Trump is reaping some political benefits from the revelation that he is under investigation by the Justice Department for potential violations of laws including the Espionage Act.

No wonder Don said he likes stupid people. The kind that send him their hard earned cash in response to his criminal behavior.
Stop avoiding the subject.

The influx comes at a crucial time for Trump as he considers an early announcement for a 2024 presidential campaign and has seen dwindling returns on his online fundraising solicitations earlier this year. The former president’s PAC brought in $36 million in the first half of the year, dropping below $50 million in a six-month period for the first time since he left office, according to Federal Election Commission data.
The cash bonanza also provides a concrete sign that Trump is reaping some political benefits from the revelation that he is under investigation by the Justice Department for potential violations of laws including the Espionage Act.

No wonder Don said he likes stupid people. The kind that send him their hard earned cash in response to his criminal behavior.
No stupider { is there such a word } an america than we now face
each morning.Due exclusively to the meanest { now official }
and borderline evil Potus in American History.
Inflicting pain on the entire Political landscape in both
Word and Action.Then using Gaslighting or faded Saul Alinsky
tactics like bullying and Projection to make it seem kosher.
The end means is the takeover of the United States as founded.
Using Mass Formation Psychosis.Starting with this Covid crap.
Extending to school shutdowns and loss of careers { especially
small mom & pop business } and then many restaurants.
Buying favor with pandemic handouts to seem helpful.
Which did the opposite.As in what Experts like Dr.Fauci
propagated.The Shutdowns and experts like Fauci and Francis
Collins have been found out.As have the motive behind the
lockdowns.Now comes the repeated attempts to further
Orwellianize We the People.It can't possibly work.
Not in a human world.Maybe in a Pod world where Fetus are
not even considered potential humans.Not even allowed that simple
Birth right of passage.
He’ll get them all back, if they don’t bear on the case. Why are you panties in a bunch over this? It could all have been avoided by cooperating with requests for documents. He contributed to the situation. When will he take some personal responsibility or is that just for the “other guy”?
Spoken like a true fucking, frothing Fascist! We had a government where The People were sovereign. If the government wanted information, they had to follow a strict, limited procedure. That's all that held back Fascist abuses. That ended August 8, 2022. Had Trump done that to Born in Kenya Barack, you guys would all be Constitutional experts, telling us how this shredded our rights
He did. But of course he has been haphazardly throwing out statements, so you missed it by not putting them all together.
1) Trump said he declassified documents the moment he removed them from the oval office to the residence.
2) Trump and others said that Trump would take documents back to the residence, a form of "homework" in preparation for the following day.
3) Trump said he has the best memory, that he doesn't have to be given a PDB that rehashes information from a previous PDB.

From this, the "homework" Trump took to the residence, were documents he hadn't already committed to his excellent memory.
Trump is a LIAR....end of story. I would not doubt that Poootin or the Saudi Crown Prince is now in possession of copies of some of these classified documents.

The Hypocrisy of repubs is amazing. Rubio dismissed trump's crimes as a "filing" issue. Trump needs to be in jail.
Spoken like a true fucking, frothing Fascist! We had a government where The People were sovereign. If the government wanted information, they had to follow a strict, limited procedure. That's all that held back Fascist abuses. That ended August 8, 2022. Had Trump done that to Born in Kenya Barack, you guys would all be Constitutional experts, telling us how this shredded our rights
They had a warrant. That’s what the Constitution demands. Take it up with the SC.
The Judge expressed "concern" on "reputational harm" to Trump.

Just saw that on MSNBC. This so-called Judge sounds batshit crazy! Her reputation is gone!
The Judge expressed "concern" on "reputational harm" to Trump.

Just saw that on MSNBC. This so-called Judge sounds batshit crazy! Her reputation is gone!
the rule of law certainly sounds crazy to demafasict and propagandist at msdnc

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