Judeo/Christian Morals and Values


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
It is my contention that the U.S. Constitution is based on Judeo/Christian morals and values. They are objective and not pliable by those who believe in relative morality. Those who wish to undermine America will first start chipping away at it's core values. The Democrat party is the party of demolition.
All of it and I am including the Declaration of Independence as well.
It is my contention that the U.S. Constitution is based on Judeo/Christian morals and values. They are objective and not pliable by those who believe in relative morality. Those who wish to undermine America will first start chipping away at it's core values. The Democrat party is the party of demolition.
Name a couple of those core values for us, leo. Is answering subpoenas one of them? Is not lying to Congress or the public one of them? Is not pu**y-grabbing one of them? Is not nullifying Congressional witnesses one of them.

As for based on Judeo/Christian values... do nations not Judeo or Christian not have laws against murder, theft, lying in court? Do non-Judeo or non-Christian nations not have laws regarding property rights? Are you so sure just who is subverting our Constitution, because I think you are looking at the wrong party.
It is my contention that the U.S. Constitution is based on Judeo/Christian morals and values. They are objective and not pliable by those who believe in relative morality. Those who wish to undermine America will first start chipping away at it's core values. The Democrat party is the party of demolition.

You're talking Deconstructionism, a philosophical aspect of postmodernism, wherein any work of art or religion or what have you is criticized based on the opinion of any who view such works/beliefs from the outside by trying to tell the author/painter/philosopher what he or she really meant when creating it. Together, deconstructionists and moral relativists have been attempting to undermine and topple the pillars of Christian belief or faith in the Logos for centuries. And they've been doing a damn good job of it. So good a job a majority of Westerners no longer believe in sin or the Devil. To Hell in a handbasket? You decide.
Name a couple of those core values for us, leo. Is answering subpoenas one of them? Is not lying to Congress or the public one of them? Is not pu**y-grabbing one of them? Is not nullifying Congressional witnesses one of them.

As for based on Judeo/Christian values... do nations not Judeo or Christian not have laws against murder, theft, lying in court? Do non-Judeo or non-Christian nations not have laws regarding property rights? Are you so sure just who is subverting our Constitution, because I think you are looking at the wrong party.

Of course other nations have laws against murder, theft, lying, etc. However, unlike other nations who severely punish offenders (like the cutting off of body parts) America adheres to a more humane system of punishment based on Judeo/Christian morals and values. Just ask yourself....If you were a convicted criminal, would you rather be in a prison in say....Russia or in the U.S.?

Pussy grabbing is not a crime if the pussy wants to be grabbed. You idiot.
It is my contention that the U.S. Constitution is based on Judeo/Christian morals and values. They are objective and not pliable by those who believe in relative morality. Those who wish to undermine America will first start chipping away at it's core values. The Democrat party is the party of demolition.
There is no such animal named the Democrat Party, there is a Democratic Party.
Name a couple of those core values for us, leo. Is answering subpoenas one of them? Is not lying to Congress or the public one of them? Is not pu**y-grabbing one of them? Is not nullifying Congressional witnesses one of them.

As for based on Judeo/Christian values... do nations not Judeo or Christian not have laws against murder, theft, lying in court? Do non-Judeo or non-Christian nations not have laws regarding property rights? Are you so sure just who is subverting our Constitution, because I think you are looking at the wrong party.

Of course other nations have laws against murder, theft, lying, etc. However, unlike other nations who severely punish offenders (like the cutting off of body parts) America adheres to a more humane system of punishment based on Judeo/Christian morals and values. Just ask yourself....If you were a convicted criminal, would you rather be in a prison in say....Russia or in the U.S.?

Pussy grabbing is not a crime if the pussy wants to be grabbed. You idiot.
Where in the Bible does God advocated slave labor in prison?
It is my contention that the U.S. Constitution is based on Judeo/Christian morals and values. They are objective and not pliable by those who believe in relative morality. Those who wish to undermine America will first start chipping away at it's core values. The Democrat party is the party of demolition.
Name a couple of those core values for us, leo. Is answering subpoenas one of them? Is not lying to Congress or the public one of them? Is not pu**y-grabbing one of them? Is not nullifying Congressional witnesses one of them.

As for based on Judeo/Christian values... do nations not Judeo or Christian not have laws against murder, theft, lying in court? Do non-Judeo or non-Christian nations not have laws regarding property rights? Are you so sure just who is subverting our Constitution, because I think you are looking at the wrong party.

Name us one country that has the 1st amendment and 2nd? All based on the Bible. :)

It is my contention that the U.S. Constitution is based on Judeo/Christian morals and values. They are objective and not pliable by those who believe in relative morality. Those who wish to undermine America will first start chipping away at it's core values. The Democrat party is the party of demolition.
There is no such animal named the Democrat Party, there is a Democratic Party.

Yeah, a bad name 'Democratic' is it 'Democratics' that are running for POTUS? LOL!!!
It is my contention that the U.S. Constitution is based on Judeo/Christian morals and values. They are objective and not pliable by those who believe in relative morality. Those who wish to undermine America will first start chipping away at it's core values. The Democrat party is the party of demolition.
There is no such animal named the Democrat Party, there is a Democratic Party.

Yeah, a bad name 'Democratic' is it 'Democratics' that are running for POTUS? LOL!!!
Are they proper nouns or humans?
Pussy grabbing is not a crime if the pussy wants to be grabbed. You idiot.
But if it doesn't?
However, unlike other nations who severely punish offenders (like the cutting off of body parts) America adheres to a more humane system of punishment based on Judeo/Christian morals and values.
You mean like stoning to death for adultery?
Just ask yourself....If you were a convicted criminal, would you rather be in a prison in say....Russia or in the U.S.?
All of it and I am including the Declaration of Independence as well.
Be specific, you know direct and list them...

Read it yourself and get back to me.
Oh yeah that 3/5ths clause..

Democrats wanted 0. Are you seriously trying to bring up a different time and try to attach it to today? :abgg2q.jpg: That's fucking idiotic.
You are the one that said the Constitution was based on Judean/ Christo fascist law..
Name a couple of those core values for us, leo. Is answering subpoenas one of them? Is not lying to Congress or the public one of them? Is not pu**y-grabbing one of them? Is not nullifying Congressional witnesses one of them.

As for based on Judeo/Christian values... do nations not Judeo or Christian not have laws against murder, theft, lying in court? Do non-Judeo or non-Christian nations not have laws regarding property rights? Are you so sure just who is subverting our Constitution, because I think you are looking at the wrong party.

Of course other nations have laws against murder, theft, lying, etc. However, unlike other nations who severely punish offenders (like the cutting off of body parts) America adheres to a more humane system of punishment based on Judeo/Christian morals and values. Just ask yourself....If you were a convicted criminal, would you rather be in a prison in say....Russia or in the U.S.?

Pussy grabbing is not a crime if the pussy wants to be grabbed. You idiot.
Where in the Bible does God advocated slave labor in prison?
Where is that in the US Constitution?

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