Jude 1 of The Bible's NT vs Gays: A Tutorial On Baking Cakes & Adoption

According to Romans 13 the laws of Man are the laws of God.
according to the romans of the roman empire the laws of
rome are the laws of ALL OF THE GODS and defiance thereof
is the capital crime, BLASPHEMY
I guess the baker should find another business.
The gay couple should find anther baker. That's what normal people do, but NO, they want to bully people because it makes them feel is acceptance and it has the opposite effect.
The gay couple should find anther baker. That's what normal people do, but NO, they want to bully people because it makes them feel is acceptance and it has the opposite effect.
They went LOOKING for one who would deny them because they're pushing qn agenda
Because this is not a theocracy and if he has his doors open for business he can't discriminate. We can go on but once discrimination is allowed for businesses , there will be no end.

Go to church if you want religion, I am big time in separation of church and state, and you zealot Christians think for some reason Church means Christianity and it does not. I want freedom from religion in public and in business, religion is for home and church.


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Jude 1 "going after strange flesh (see Romans 1 for more intricate details which talk of men laying with men and women laying with women)"...and the sodomites who were destroyed by God.

Check out Romans 1. It'll help you out.
Also in Leviticus.
Jesus, the bald midget who demanded followers become eunuchs in an effort to deal with his Oedipus Complex, hated sex. Because it reminded him of his desires he repressed. That said, why would a qu33r demand a cake from a normal person?
You're an idiot
cake baking is an EXPERT
so where did Jesus affirm this?
cake baking is an EXPERT PROFESSION---an expert professional
should have a right to follow his conscience-----just as a doctor
has a right to refuse to perform abortions. Of course if either is
EMPLOYED -----the employer can fire him if he violates the norms
of the business

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