Journalist Beheaded By ISIS Terrorists

Foley didn't look like an abused Journalist who's been held captive for so long. He looked much more like a fit strong Soldier. Maybe ISIS and him aren't who or what we've been told they are? Just sayin.
Foley didn't look like an abused Journalist who's been held captive for so long. He looked much more like a fit strong Soldier. Maybe ISIS and him aren't who or what we've been told they are? Just sayin.

we really do not see much of him in the PHOTO----you got a
chance to examine him ? you got "before and after pictures?
Foley didn't look like an abused Journalist who's been held captive for so long. He looked much more like a fit strong Soldier. Maybe ISIS and him aren't who or what we've been told they are? Just sayin.

we really do not see much of him in the PHOTO----you got a
chance to examine him ? you got "before and after pictures?

I've watched the video several times. Something's amiss. Foley looks like a very fit Soldier. He doesn't look like an abused Journalist. My guess is, he was a CIA operative. Most Americans don't realize the CIA has been infiltrating the American MSM for years. In my opinion, the video looked very suspect. Just my feeling anyway.
Foley didn't look like an abused Journalist who's been held captive for so long. He looked much more like a fit strong Soldier. Maybe ISIS and him aren't who or what we've been told they are? Just sayin.

we really do not see much of him in the PHOTO----you got a
chance to examine him ? you got "before and after pictures?

I've watched the video several times. Something's amiss. Foley looks like a very fit Soldier. He doesn't look like an abused Journalist. My guess is, he was a CIA operative. Most Americans don't realize the CIA has been infiltrating the American MSM for years. In my opinion, the video looked very suspect. Just my feeling anyway.

oh----you got feelings. It might be a reasonable idea to google
around and find out if he ever wrote anything for the agency that
claimed him a "JOURNALIST"------depending on "feelings" ---is
that which used to lead ku klux klan men to lynch little black
children for having lascivious thoughts about white women. You
ARE talking about a now dead human being. Of course the
USA homeland security keeps an eye on the MSM----good thing
too. ---but probably NOT ENOUGH
Foley didn't look like an abused Journalist who's been held captive for so long. He looked much more like a fit strong Soldier. Maybe ISIS and him aren't who or what we've been told they are? Just sayin.

in that loose orange shirt you can tell he was not abused or mistreated?
Foley didn't look like an abused Journalist who's been held captive for so long. He looked much more like a fit strong Soldier. Maybe ISIS and him aren't who or what we've been told they are? Just sayin.

we really do not see much of him in the PHOTO----you got a
chance to examine him ? you got "before and after pictures?

I've watched the video several times. Something's amiss. Foley looks like a very fit Soldier. He doesn't look like an abused Journalist. My guess is, he was a CIA operative. Most Americans don't realize the CIA has been infiltrating the American MSM for years. In my opinion, the video looked very suspect. Just my feeling anyway.

oh----you got feelings. It might be a reasonable idea to google
around and find out if he ever wrote anything for the agency that
claimed him a "JOURNALIST"------depending on "feelings" ---is
that which used to lead ku klux klan men to lynch little black
children for having lascivious thoughts about white women. You
ARE talking about a now dead human being. Of course the
USA homeland security keeps an eye on the MSM----good thing
too. ---but probably NOT ENOUGH

Calm down. You're losin it.
Foley didn't look like an abused Journalist who's been held captive for so long. He looked much more like a fit strong Soldier. Maybe ISIS and him aren't who or what we've been told they are? Just sayin.

in that loose orange shirt you can tell he was not abused or mistreated?

Looked like a fit strong Soldier. Probably a CIA operative. The U.S. has many of them posing as Media all over the World, including the U.S.
Foley didn't look like an abused Journalist who's been held captive for so long. He looked much more like a fit strong Soldier. Maybe ISIS and him aren't who or what we've been told they are? Just sayin.

in that loose orange shirt you can tell he was not abused or mistreated?

Looked like a fit strong Soldier. Probably a CIA operative. The U.S. has many of them posing as Media all over the World, including the U.S.

how long have you been hearing those voices inside your head?------do not worry------the voices can be controlled---
there are very good and fairly safe medications now.
Foley didn't look like an abused Journalist who's been held captive for so long. He looked much more like a fit strong Soldier. Maybe ISIS and him aren't who or what we've been told they are? Just sayin.

in that loose orange shirt you can tell he was not abused or mistreated?

Looked like a fit strong Soldier. Probably a CIA operative. The U.S. has many of them posing as Media all over the World, including the U.S.

how long have you been hearing those voices inside your head?------do not worry------the voices can be controlled---
there are very good and fairly safe medications now.

Yups, and i gots a Tinfoil Hat too. Gawd, you Goose Steppers are so unoriginal. Get some new material dipshit.
Foley didn't look like an abused Journalist who's been held captive for so long. He looked much more like a fit strong Soldier. Maybe ISIS and him aren't who or what we've been told they are? Just sayin.

in that loose orange shirt you can tell he was not abused or mistreated?

Looked like a fit strong Soldier. Probably a CIA operative. The U.S. has many of them posing as Media all over the World, including the U.S.

how long have you been hearing those voices inside your head?------do not worry------the voices can be controlled---
there are very good and fairly safe medications now.

Yups, and i gots a Tinfoil Hat too. Gawd, you Goose Steppers are so unoriginal. Get some new material dipshit.

that's it ? You have absolutely no evidence for your statements other than those INNERVOICES. ----
Interesttingly enough------the place to go to find lots of
people with delusions virtually identical to yours-----is
the lock up ---psych ward-----for the criminally insane.
I have noticed over many years that the delusions which
"comeout" in verbal expression do not arise from thin
air in the afflicted They are based on LONG TIME held
beliefs That phenomenon is true even in the toxic deleriums of tertiary syphilis and HIV infection of the brain.

one of my best cases was an elderly VERY GENTEEL --
Black lady-----clearly of the church going kind----(I said "damnit" by mistake in her presence and she bristled)
She was VERY DELUSIONAL----she "knew" that there
were people dressed up as neighbors who were really
emissaries of satan------around and ----best of all REAL
angels came into her house and just floated around
uninvited. It turned out to be tertiary syphilis. really---
a few shots of Penn. and both the angels and devils
vanished. Her daughter was HORRIFIED at the diagnosis--- but I assured her that it could have been around for decades----just silently setting up shop in her brain----
afterall----she had been a married lady in her youth. Now tell us more about those CIA AGENTS next door.
I thought you were smarter than that.
Are you sure you're Jewish?

Jewish? Me?

Are you fucking nuts? I was raised Baptist and became agnostic as an adult. I have never been Jewish.

Now back to the question, did you convert to Islam in prison?
'Never been Black or in prison.
I, too, find agnosticism adequate.
Foley didn't look like an abused Journalist who's been held captive for so long. He looked much more like a fit strong Soldier. Maybe ISIS and him aren't who or what we've been told they are? Just sayin.

in that loose orange shirt you can tell he was not abused or mistreated?

Looked like a fit strong Soldier. Probably a CIA operative. The U.S. has many of them posing as Media all over the World, including the U.S.
Here's a 6:48 video of Foley by someone who went to Journalism school with him; you can never tell about media and CIA connections, but that thought hadn't occurred to me in this case until you brought it up:

What My Friend Jim Foley Taught Me to Question
Foley didn't look like an abused Journalist who's been held captive for so long. He looked much more like a fit strong Soldier. Maybe ISIS and him aren't who or what we've been told they are? Just sayin.

in that loose orange shirt you can tell he was not abused or mistreated?

Looked like a fit strong Soldier. Probably a CIA operative. The U.S. has many of them posing as Media all over the World, including the U.S.

how long have you been hearing those voices inside your head?------do not worry------the voices can be controlled---
there are very good and fairly safe medications now.

Yups, and i gots a Tinfoil Hat too. Gawd, you Goose Steppers are so unoriginal. Get some new material dipshit.

that's it ? You have absolutely no evidence for your statements other than those INNERVOICES. ----
Interesttingly enough------the place to go to find lots of
people with delusions virtually identical to yours-----is
the lock up ---psych ward-----for the criminally insane.
I have noticed over many years that the delusions which
"comeout" in verbal expression do not arise from thin
air in the afflicted They are based on LONG TIME held
beliefs That phenomenon is true even in the toxic deleriums of tertiary syphilis and HIV infection of the brain.

one of my best cases was an elderly VERY GENTEEL --
Black lady-----clearly of the church going kind----(I said "damnit" by mistake in her presence and she bristled)
She was VERY DELUSIONAL----she "knew" that there
were people dressed up as neighbors who were really
emissaries of satan------around and ----best of all REAL
angels came into her house and just floated around
uninvited. It turned out to be tertiary syphilis. really---
a few shots of Penn. and both the angels and devils
vanished. Her daughter was HORRIFIED at the diagnosis--- but I assured her that it could have been around for decades----just silently setting up shop in her brain----
afterall----she had been a married lady in her youth. Now tell us more about those CIA AGENTS next door.

You're a naive dumbed-down Bootlicker. The CIA is all over the world wreaking havoc. Wake up.
ISIS Targets U.S. Shopping Mall for Suicide Bombers (Video) #Genieo…

There are stories of the beheading being a fake, scary movie as terrorism propaganda

I think a lot of sick people and conspiracy nuts are taking advantage of the beheading.
It is not like this was the first beheading video that was viewed world wide on the internet. It was pulled quite quickly after making the news. Most of the other beheadings were around for years and more graphic in the sawing through the neck and bloody.
I would have thought by now the internet audience would be numb to such gore by now.
Armstrong beheading
is still available. You see him being held down and struggling while they saw through his neck and the blood pooling on the floor under him.
Berg, Hensley, Bigley, the same.

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