Josh Duggar Arrested by the Feds in Arkansas

Another one? The Right is imploding.

Josh Duggar Arrested by the Feds in Arkansas

Josh Duggar is in custody in Arkansas ... federal law enforcement sources tell TMZ.

The reality star was arrested Thursday by federal agents in Washington County, and he's being held in a detention center without bail.

We've obtained Duggar's mug shot, showing the former reality star posing with a bizarre smirk.

As we reported ... back in November 2019, Homeland Security agents were crawling around the car dealership where Duggar works in Arkansas, raiding his office in connection to a federal probe.

You stupid mother fucker. Clinton flies to Jeffes island 26 MF times to rape children and this is all you have......LOLOLOL

Why is it that liberal posters here start many threads on pedos. What is it that turns people like you on about fucking kids.

You of all can explain this better than most....Please do

Show us Clinton's arrest and mug shot for this or shut the fuck up.

HAHA.The pedophile lover.Get away from me you sick son of a bitch.
I looked this guy up, he is a used car salesman, so what? I'm not sure if getting a picture with anyone means anything. I had my picture taken with Ken Griffey Jr, Hank Aaron, Mickey Mantle and several other celebs, I have lots of their autographs, doesn't mean they or I espouse the same ideals.

Someone had their picture taken with another big deal.
I thought Joshie was still in prison for kiddy diddling :confused-84:

The show was canceled in 2015 after it was revealed Duggar had molested girls as a teenager — including four of his sisters.​
Two of his sisters that year appeared on Fox News to talk about the allegations, and they chalked up his behavior to Duggar being "a young boy in puberty and a little too curious about girls."​
Later that year, Duggar admitted he had cheated on his wife, Anna, through the notorious dating site Ashley Madison. He described having an addiction to porn and later sought treatment at a faith-based rehabilitation center.​
As a result of the scandals, he resigned from his job as executive director of the Family Research Council’s political arm, FRC Action.​

I thought Joshie was still in prison for kiddy diddling :confused-84:

The show was canceled in 2015 after it was revealed Duggar had molested girls as a teenager — including four of his sisters.​
Two of his sisters that year appeared on Fox News to talk about the allegations, and they chalked up his behavior to Duggar being "a young boy in puberty and a little too curious about girls."​
Later that year, Duggar admitted he had cheated on his wife, Anna, through the notorious dating site Ashley Madison. He described having an addiction to porn and later sought treatment at a faith-based rehabilitation center.​
As a result of the scandals, he resigned from his job as executive director of the Family Research Council’s political arm, FRC Action.​

Republicans and deviancy go together better than peanut butter and jelly.
Another one? The Right is imploding.

Josh Duggar Arrested by the Feds in Arkansas

Josh Duggar is in custody in Arkansas ... federal law enforcement sources tell TMZ.

The reality star was arrested Thursday by federal agents in Washington County, and he's being held in a detention center without bail.

We've obtained Duggar's mug shot, showing the former reality star posing with a bizarre smirk.

As we reported ... back in November 2019, Homeland Security agents were crawling around the car dealership where Duggar works in Arkansas, raiding his office in connection to a federal probe.

You stupid mother fucker. Clinton flies to Jeffes island 26 MF times to rape children and this is all you have......LOLOLOL

Why is it that liberal posters here start many threads on pedos. What is it that turns people like you on about fucking kids.

You of all can explain this better than most....Please do

Show us Clinton's arrest and mug shot for this or shut the fuck up.

LOL.We adore a diaper headed black bitch who fucks her brother. JC that woman is black ghetto trash
I thought Joshie was still in prison for kiddy diddling :confused-84:

The show was canceled in 2015 after it was revealed Duggar had molested girls as a teenager — including four of his sisters.​
Two of his sisters that year appeared on Fox News to talk about the allegations, and they chalked up his behavior to Duggar being "a young boy in puberty and a little too curious about girls."​
Later that year, Duggar admitted he had cheated on his wife, Anna, through the notorious dating site Ashley Madison. He described having an addiction to porn and later sought treatment at a faith-based rehabilitation center.​
As a result of the scandals, he resigned from his job as executive director of the Family Research Council’s political arm, FRC Action.​

How about Bidens daughter saying something happened in the shower..................LOLOl

Personally I hope he ruptured her colon.
You got a pedo in the WH and you come up with this.

Explain what Bidens daughter meant if you are not a coward
Republicans and deviancy go together better than peanut butter and jelly.

Or Carrots and Peas! :)

How about Bidens daughter saying something happened in the shower..................LOLOl

Personally I hope he ruptured her colon.
You got a pedo in the WH and you come up with this.

Explain what Bidens daughter meant if you are not a coward

Stop spreading fake news Sloopster
Read the book. Quit fucking lying to me. Looking at her face she should be lucky daddy gave her a lot of attention.

What respectable man wold fuck that ugly bitch..................lolol
I thought Joshie was still in prison for kiddy diddling :confused-84:

The show was canceled in 2015 after it was revealed Duggar had molested girls as a teenager — including four of his sisters.​
Two of his sisters that year appeared on Fox News to talk about the allegations, and they chalked up his behavior to Duggar being "a young boy in puberty and a little too curious about girls."​
Later that year, Duggar admitted he had cheated on his wife, Anna, through the notorious dating site Ashley Madison. He described having an addiction to porn and later sought treatment at a faith-based rehabilitation center.​
As a result of the scandals, he resigned from his job as executive director of the Family Research Council’s political arm, FRC Action.​

They should never let pedo's out, they should sentence them to death. Be rid of the scum, it is rare that they are ever rehabilitated.
It doesn't say what Josh was arrested for, but it probably has something to do with sex. Weird parents. Weird son. Dad can't keep his pants zipped, Mom can't keep her legs together. However, every time I've seen her on TV, she speaks like she's stoned. She does that strange sing-song thing like Marilyn Monroe signing Happy Birthday to JFK. With parents like them, what can go wrong?

Sounds just like the Bidens
They should never let pedo's out, they should sentence them to death. Be rid of the scum, it is rare that they are ever rehabilitated.
Starting with Matt Gaetz, right? Right!?!??

I have no idea with Gaetz, he hasn't been charged or convicted. If he is convicted, I wouldn't mind a death sentence for him. I don't play stupid political games like you do.
I have no idea with Gaetz, he hasn't been charged or convicted. If he is convicted, I wouldn't mind a death sentence for him. I don't play stupid political games like you do.
Fair enough, let's see what comes of these investigations surrounding Matthew.

If it pans out, I fully expect you to be among the first on here to be vociferous in calling him out as the scumbag he is.

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