Josh Duggar And The Message Of Forgiveness

I see those opposed to what the family did for the child not enough, what exactly should have happened that was more than what they did? I see many shooting down what was decided by his family but I see no other suggestions as to what they should have done instead. I think the family did over and above what most families would have done had it been their child

Oh bullshit, they swept it under the rug.
This is what fundie Christian theocracy would look like. 'Christian' child molesters getting a pass.

Don't you usually have to not be a child to be a child molester? Not saying his actions were right, but how is it accurate when you completely ignore.that he was a child himself when he did this?

Why should someone who makes a mistake have no hope? Should someone's past mistakes prevent them from moving on with life? Or should we forever condemn them?

Jesus Christ was born to give us hope. He lived and died so we could have a way to overcome the past mistakes that hold us back. He sacrificed Himself to free us from our addictions, our mistakes, and our corrupt nature.

Not one of us alive is free from mistakes. All of us need to repent and be born again. So why shouldn't we forgive someone who repented of their sins?

Don't you realize the whole point of helping people recognize their sins is to help them obtain forgiveness?

He made a mistake. But he and his family did the right thing and took responsibility for what happened. And they did that years ago.

At what point do we stop letting the past stigmatized his future?

Ever hear of penance? Do you know why prisons are called penitentiaries?
You mean the counseling and treatment he received years ago,that penance?

He did not receive any counseling, he was sent on a remodel project with another fellow pervert and friend of the family.
Really then why are there so many reports that he did,you and everyone els that strats these threads are a bit on the irrational side. The tolerance that is so lacking from people like yourself,is in complete opposition to what you and your kind claim to be.
This is what fundie Christian theocracy would look like. 'Christian' child molesters getting a pass.

Don't you usually have to not be a child to be a child molester? Not saying his actions were right, but how is it accurate when you completely ignore.that he was a child himself when he did this?

Why should someone who makes a mistake have no hope? Should someone's past mistakes prevent them from moving on with life? Or should we forever condemn them?

Jesus Christ was born to give us hope. He lived and died so we could have a way to overcome the past mistakes that hold us back. He sacrificed Himself to free us from our addictions, our mistakes, and our corrupt nature.

Not one of us alive is free from mistakes. All of us need to repent and be born again. So why shouldn't we forgive someone who repented of their sins?

Don't you realize the whole point of helping people recognize their sins is to help them obtain forgiveness?

He made a mistake. But he and his family did the right thing and took responsibility for what happened. And they did that years ago.

At what point do we stop letting the past stigmatized his future?

Ever hear of penance? Do you know why prisons are called penitentiaries?
You mean the counseling and treatment he received years ago,that penance?

He did not receive any counseling, he was sent on a remodel project with another fellow pervert and friend of the family.
Really then why are there so many reports that he did,you and everyone els that strats these threads are a bit on the irrational side. The tolerance that is so lacking from people like yourself,is in complete opposition to what you and your kind claim to be.

The only ones reporting that Josh had proper counseling are religious fundamentalist and apologists, such as yourself, for this child molester. The left has never claimed to be tolerant to child molesters. Michelle Duggar is the one who said he was sent on a remodel job. This information is really not hard to find. The parents didn't even report Josh molesting his sisters. Try reading something other than this forum and Fox News.

What follows is a timeline of the case and some of its context, using the police report as a basis. The Democrat-Gazette has published an exhaustive investigation into the circumstances laid out in the report it obtained. The full document with police redaction was published by In Touch Weekly.

In a separate interview with police, Michelle Duggar later says that the treatment program the person attended was not with a certified counselor but with a “guy they knew in Little Rock who is remodeling a building,” the report says.

A timeline of the molestation allegations against Josh Duggar - The Washington Post
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When Michael Brown of Ferguson stole cigarillos, the Right dubbed him a thug who deserved to die.

Josh Duggar fingers a 4th grade girl and the Right makes him temporary Jesus.

Talk about perversion.

You should really stop lying If you want credibility.

Defending oneself is far different than attacking someone for something done years ago when the actual victims have already forgiven and moved on with their lives.

It's not hard to understand why you'd defend a child molester, knowing about the sexual repression you suffer from in that cult of yours.
Don't you usually have to not be a child to be a child molester? Not saying his actions were right, but how is it accurate when you completely ignore.that he was a child himself when he did this?

Why should someone who makes a mistake have no hope? Should someone's past mistakes prevent them from moving on with life? Or should we forever condemn them?

Jesus Christ was born to give us hope. He lived and died so we could have a way to overcome the past mistakes that hold us back. He sacrificed Himself to free us from our addictions, our mistakes, and our corrupt nature.

Not one of us alive is free from mistakes. All of us need to repent and be born again. So why shouldn't we forgive someone who repented of their sins?

Don't you realize the whole point of helping people recognize their sins is to help them obtain forgiveness?

He made a mistake. But he and his family did the right thing and took responsibility for what happened. And they did that years ago.

At what point do we stop letting the past stigmatized his future?

Ever hear of penance? Do you know why prisons are called penitentiaries?
You mean the counseling and treatment he received years ago,that penance?

He did not receive any counseling, he was sent on a remodel project with another fellow pervert and friend of the family.
Really then why are there so many reports that he did,you and everyone els that strats these threads are a bit on the irrational side. The tolerance that is so lacking from people like yourself,is in complete opposition to what you and your kind claim to be.

The only ones reporting that Josh had proper counseling are religious fundamentalist and apologists, such as yourself, for this child molester. The left has never claimed to be tolerant to child molesters. Michelle Duggar is the one who said he was sent on a remodel job. This information is really not hard to find. The parents didn't even report it. Try reading something other than this forum and Fox News.

What follows is a timeline of the case and some of its context, using the police report as a basis. The Democrat-Gazette has published an exhaustive investigation into the circumstances laid out in the report it obtained. The full document with police redaction was published by In Touch Weekly.

In a separate interview with police, Michelle Duggar later says that the treatment program the person attended was not with a certified counselor but with a “guy they knew in Little Rock who is remodeling a building,” the report says.

A timeline of the molestation allegations against Josh Duggar - The Washington Post

So the guy in Little Rock was what? A carpenter? Like Jesus?
Ever hear of penance? Do you know why prisons are called penitentiaries?
You mean the counseling and treatment he received years ago,that penance?

He did not receive any counseling, he was sent on a remodel project with another fellow pervert and friend of the family.
Really then why are there so many reports that he did,you and everyone els that strats these threads are a bit on the irrational side. The tolerance that is so lacking from people like yourself,is in complete opposition to what you and your kind claim to be.

The only ones reporting that Josh had proper counseling are religious fundamentalist and apologists, such as yourself, for this child molester. The left has never claimed to be tolerant to child molesters. Michelle Duggar is the one who said he was sent on a remodel job. This information is really not hard to find. The parents didn't even report it. Try reading something other than this forum and Fox News.

What follows is a timeline of the case and some of its context, using the police report as a basis. The Democrat-Gazette has published an exhaustive investigation into the circumstances laid out in the report it obtained. The full document with police redaction was published by In Touch Weekly.

In a separate interview with police, Michelle Duggar later says that the treatment program the person attended was not with a certified counselor but with a “guy they knew in Little Rock who is remodeling a building,” the report says.

A timeline of the molestation allegations against Josh Duggar - The Washington Post

So the guy in Little Rock was what? A carpenter? Like Jesus?

Actually, he was a fellow pervert.

The Democrat-Gazette has this to say about “the old Veteran’s Hospital in Little Rock,” the location given by Jim Bob Duggar as the site of the counseling:

Pulaski County assessor’s records show the nearly 500,000-square-foot former VA hospital building was purchased by Hobby Lobby in 1998.

The craft-store company then donated the building in 2000 to the Institute in Basic Life Principles, an Illinois-based ministry founded by televangelist Bill Gothard.

Shortly after the institute acquired the building, Gothard began renovating the space, saying it would be used for the Little Rock Training Center, which would house “court-referred youthful offenders in the organization’s Bible-based rehabilitation program,” according to an April 2000 article in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette.

Bill Gothard’s teachings have been promoted by the Duggar family in the past. In 2014, Gothard resigned from the Institute in Basic Life Principles following allegations of sexual harassment, molestation and failing to report child abuse. A spokesman for the Institute couldn’t confirm or deny to the Democrat-Gazette whether a youth treatment program was in place at the building in 2003.

A timeline of the molestation allegations against Josh Duggar - The Washington Post
These so called "christians" will be glad to know they are sending a very strong message to victims of child sexual predators that they really don't matter. Their pain is inconsequential. All that matters is that Josh and other pedos get a pass.

But, they already knew that because they get that message every single day. Whether is catholic priests, mormon sects, damn politicians and voters or that nice man down the street, the kids don't matter near as much as the monsters who molest them.

Lying doesn't help your cause. Not does pretending to care for victims.

If you cared about the victims you wouldn't be ignoring their wishes on the matter. They've forgiven him

You also wouldn't be using them to attack their faith.

Which is what you really care about. You just want a weapon to attack Christianity. You didn't get this upset when you're heroes like Clinton are involved with underage sex trafficking

The Clinton's were involved with underage sex trafficking? Where did you hear about this, the National Enquirer? I'd like to see a link from a credible source please.

The clock is ticking.
demanding that one person bear the most severe penalty of law but give those we like pretty much a pass, it all becomes quite murky and the lines of justice become very blurred.

I think each of us has to search our own heart for what is appropriate in any given case.

none of our opinions have the power of any law to 'give passes' or 'severe' our heart?

what does it mean to DEMAND when you are merely giving your opinion, you can't demand others agree with you..?

laws exist which seek to protect children like those sisters from any harm as clinically defined within the law.

their personal forgiveness is typical and does not preclude the law yet the law has not demanded penalty.

the reason duggar is being highlighted lately is because the creep did what he did and still has the nerve to politically pontificate over what is supposedly harmful to children...

maybe you could search your heart for understanding why others soundly rebuke his agenda.

Sorry, but I am of the school that a good idea is a good idea, a good concept is a good concept regardless of who thinks it up or who promotes it. I can appreciate that he has been a strong advocate for children while at the same time I have not, will not, cannot excuse or defend what Josh Duggar did. I don't expect anybody else to.

He has been publicly humiliated. He has resigned his professional position because of all the negative publicity and because he would be a detriment to the organization. But I simply refuse to pile on and join personal attacks on a person who has openly confessed and repented of his bad acts as a young teenager and for who there is no indication that he has ever continued in those bad acts.

If the victims of those bad acts now say there was no lasting harm, who say they have forgiven him and love him very much, who are we to continue to demand--"demand" defined as "an insistent and peremptory request, made as if by right:" or the insistence that he must now pay for his crimes--that he continue to be punished?

At what point can any person be allowed to live as the person he/she has become rather than as the person he/she once was?
He didn't resign his position because of negative publicity, he resigned it because he Got caught molesting children.

How can he be caught doing something he confessed to years ago?

Seriously it's one thing if it was hidden and covered.up.but it wasn't. It was confessed to. He went to the authorities as a teenager with his parents when they found out.

You guys are acting like he was caught molesting children in Sunday school two months ago as an adult.

You keep claiming we are hypocrites but you guys just show yourselves as the heartless powermongers you are.

This is progressive compassion? Ill pass. Give me Christians any day.
You keep repeating the same false information.
This is what fundie Christian theocracy would look like. 'Christian' child molesters getting a pass.
And getting congrats for it.

Jesus would actually require Duggars to submit to the law.

They did
Uh, no, they did not.

Yeah they did. They reported it to the authorities when they found out about it.
No, they reported it to a friend who was a cop and a pedophile.
This is what fundie Christian theocracy would look like. 'Christian' child molesters getting a pass.
And getting congrats for it.

Jesus would actually require Duggars to submit to the law.

They did
Uh, no, they did not.

Yeah they did. They reported it to the authorities when they found out about it.
No, they reported it to a friend who was a cop and a pedophile.

Seems they are surrounded by child molesters.
these clowns on here and the majority of the hard core LEFT are so empty in their souls and hearts. they have no idea what Forgiving is

one can feel their hate spill out of our computers it's so ugly
And getting congrats for it.

Jesus would actually require Duggars to submit to the law.

They did
Uh, no, they did not.

Yeah they did. They reported it to the authorities when they found out about it.
No, they reported it to a friend who was a cop and a pedophile.

Seems they are surrounded by child molesters.

That's what Jim Bob told what's her name - the blonde ditz who did the fake interview on fox.

He said "a lot" of their friends have had the same thing happen and that theirs was "worse".

Disgusting cultists.
these clowns on here and the majority of the hard core LEFT are so empty in their souls and hearts. they have no idea what Forgiving is

one can feel their hate spill out of our computers it's so ugly

That's what all defenders of child molesters say. Could you tell us the story, again, of your friend who has a 16 yr old child molester? Remember, he's the one who was excused due to his drug problem?

they need to hope something like this never falls on their lives . I've seen AND lived this happening with a dear friend of mine. Her son was 16 at the time and doing a lot of drugs. Devastating for everyone involved.
Uh, no, they did not.

Yeah they did. They reported it to the authorities when they found out about it.
No, they reported it to a friend who was a cop and a pedophile.

Seems they are surrounded by child molesters.

That's what Jim Bob told what's her name - the blonde ditz who did the fake interview on fox.

He said "a lot" of their friends have had the same thing happen and that theirs was "worse".

Disgusting cultists.

They need to do more studies on sexual repression.
Don't you usually have to not be a child to be a child molester? Not saying his actions were right, but how is it accurate when you completely ignore.that he was a child himself when he did this?

Why should someone who makes a mistake have no hope? Should someone's past mistakes prevent them from moving on with life? Or should we forever condemn them?

Jesus Christ was born to give us hope. He lived and died so we could have a way to overcome the past mistakes that hold us back. He sacrificed Himself to free us from our addictions, our mistakes, and our corrupt nature.

Not one of us alive is free from mistakes. All of us need to repent and be born again. So why shouldn't we forgive someone who repented of their sins?

Don't you realize the whole point of helping people recognize their sins is to help them obtain forgiveness?

He made a mistake. But he and his family did the right thing and took responsibility for what happened. And they did that years ago.

At what point do we stop letting the past stigmatized his future?

Ever hear of penance? Do you know why prisons are called penitentiaries?
You mean the counseling and treatment he received years ago,that penance?

He did not receive any counseling, he was sent on a remodel project with another fellow pervert and friend of the family.
Really then why are there so many reports that he did,you and everyone els that strats these threads are a bit on the irrational side. The tolerance that is so lacking from people like yourself,is in complete opposition to what you and your kind claim to be.

The only ones reporting that Josh had proper counseling are religious fundamentalist and apologists, such as yourself, for this child molester. The left has never claimed to be tolerant to child molesters. Michelle Duggar is the one who said he was sent on a remodel job. This information is really not hard to find. The parents didn't even report Josh molesting his sisters. Try reading something other than this forum and Fox News.

What follows is a timeline of the case and some of its context, using the police report as a basis. The Democrat-Gazette has published an exhaustive investigation into the circumstances laid out in the report it obtained. The full document with police redaction was published by In Touch Weekly.

In a separate interview with police, Michelle Duggar later says that the treatment program the person attended was not with a certified counselor but with a “guy they knew in Little Rock who is remodeling a building,” the report says.

A timeline of the molestation allegations against Josh Duggar - The Washington Post
underage children,yet your kind thinks its ok that records where released,we have those laws because of people like yourself.
I am not apologizing for anyone,your rabid fascination with these people is pathological,and a safe bet ,that stems from your own childhood playing doctor.

They were children,but then people like yourself ,just see children as something to be disposed of.
And religion has zip zero nadda to do with it.

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